GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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I have a question for rockit (or anyone else who knew GH): Do you see this as something that just "happened"? By that I mean, do you think he just snapped and killed her and things went downhill (coolers, trip to TX) from there, or do you think he had been thinking about this, planning it to some degree, for any amount of time?

Let me add my welcome and thanks, and if this is a question you'd prefer not to answer I understand. Thanks for telling us about Laura. She sounds like a sweet, lovely person.
Background: GH and LA had been together since 2007. They have had two sons - one in 2008, the other in Aug 2009 while in the Virgin Islands. When LA went stateside for a while in 2009 for medical care for the newborn, GH started an affair with AS/AP. When it became clear GH was moving beyond LA into another relationship, LA never returned to the Virgin islands, instead lived with GH's parents in Kinston (lack of job/income). GH and AS/AP became engaged, won ex-parte custody of the boys from LA in Feb 2010 after moving back stateside. The following month LA launched civil action to regain custody of her boys. She moved out of GH's parents, started her own marketing/graphic design company (or franchise), started attending church regularly, and diligently worked the legal system to get her boys back. In April 2010 GH and AS/AP married. In Sep 2010 AH (formerly AS/AP) became pregnant. In Dec 2010 a judge ordered both parties to pay a total of $10K each in court costs related to a comprehensive psych eval for the boys. LA paid her share and participated for her part, GH and AH dragged their heels - as of Jul 2011 did not pay the Dr. did not schedule visits to record interaction. By March 2011 GH and AH had closed their art supply business and were liquidating stock. Money (or lack thereof) was apparently becoming an issue. LA was looking forward to an August 2011 hearing which would likely award her primary custody of her boys based on the current situation. AH gave birth first week of June to baby girl, AH's mother (lived in NM) passes away June 9 - funeral was in CO.

TUE 7/12:
GH tells a friend during a FB chat that due to the inability to make enough $ in Raleigh performing he intends to give LA full custody of the boys and move with his wife AH and newborn daughter back to the Virgin Islands.

WED 7/13:

(afternoon) *last time anyone aside from the arrested reported to have spoken to LA* LA speaks with her business partner CM on the phone. 3 meetings thus far converted to 3 new clients. LA is excited and happy. She tells CM 2 more client meetings to go that day and then she planned to try to see her boys that evening since she was already in Raleigh.

(evening) LA (presumably) visits with her boys at GH and AH apartment. Afterwards, LA is seen in her 2006 white Ford Focus at 9:30 that night in Raleigh. *the timing of these two events is still not entirely clear, but one source does report she was seen after visiting with her boys* ***This is the day that RPD says LA was murdered***

THU 7/14:

GH and AH put a living room set for sale on craigslist.

FRI 7/15:

(6:30 PM) according to Patsy Hayes (GH's mother), GH called her to complain that LA never showed up at the Sheetz in Wilson to pick up the boys for the weekend as is the norm per the current custody arrangements. PH says he was frustrated and the boys were hot. PH says GH asked her to call LA or go see if she was at her residence/office (both LA and PH live in Kinston). *note that this day 7/15 was actually the coolest day of the month and the coolest day since 30 days prior (86 high). The rest of the week was very, very in hindsight would recall the week as excessively hot but it was not that FRI*

(after 6:30?) CM (business partner) calls Kinston Police to report LA missing - either on her own accord or due to PH trying to find LA.

SUN 7/17:

GH, AH and the three children set off for AH's sister's in Richmond, TX. Prior to departing, they purchase a quantity of coolers, ice, and rent a Uhaul trailer which they attach to their car. This is a 20 hour trip, so its also possible they left Raleigh SAT 7/16 and arrived in Richmond, TX SUN night.

MON 7/18 & TUE 7/19:

GH and AH are visiting with AH's sister in Richmond, TX. Across the street is Oyster Creek. The two are observed with the coolers at some point(s) on the property. One coller would be left by the creek.
(TUE) PH (GH mother) is interviewed by reporters. Gives story about missed Fri pickup, comments that she "would think that" LA loved her boys, and describes the boys as resiliant, doing okay - kids get over those things quicker than adults (*odd comments...note that she probably has not seen them recently as they are still in TX*).

WED 7/20:

(early morning) LA's car found in an apartment parking lot (Summit Manor) half a mile from GH/AH current apartment. The apt lot where the car was found was the old apt where GH and LA used to live. Initial search of car found no evidence of foul play

(3:00 -3:30 PM) A flurry of Police activity at LA's residence/office, witnessed by WS'er say2when, who indicates he saw plainclothes and uniforms, SBI types wearing latex gloves - upwards of 20 LE.

(6:20 PM) GH texts the manager of Mellow Mushroom to cancel his performance for the evening, cites "serious family issues", "mother of my children is missing". GH/AH+kids are presumably on the way back to Raleigh.

(evening) GH and AH apartment neighbors report that RPD is camped out, interviewing neighbors about LA, GH, AH.

THU 7/21 & FRI 7/22:

neighbors report continuous police presence at GH/AH apartments. Police release LA surveillance photos FRI.

SAT 7/23:

RPD detectives arrive in Richmond, TX after discovering GH/AH has visited AH sister there. AH sister's family did not contact LE, according to FBSD "we contacted them" (probably to tell them RPD detective were conming out to have a look).

SUN 7/24:

Property search continues, Ft. Bend Sheriffs Dept assisting, coolers found, Divers scouring Oyster Creek, body parts are being recovered. Machete recovered from an out building.

MON 7/25:

AH and GH arrested at 1:00 AM in Kinston, NC at GH's parents house. Appeared before magistrate, Held without bond. LE continues to search creek for and recover more body parts. FBSD presser: they know AH at least participated in the dumping, they are positive the right suspects were arrested, they do not believe AH's sister's family was aware or involved - though they may have cleaned out some of the coolers.

TUE 7/26:

GH and AH to be formally arraigned by Wake County judge at 2:00 PM. FBSD report 75% of LA remains recovered thus far, DNA testing will conclusively identify the body but they are 99.9% sure its her. RPD detectives still in Texas, more on the way.

(snipped for space)--don't know if I did it correctly, hope so.

Thank you so much JRB for taking the time to type out this timeline. Helps a lot.
Has anybody read or heard about just how LE obtained the info which led them to Texas? This is the only 'missing' part I am unsure of at this moment. Either his parents---or info they received from other sources--- led the investigation to Texas and ultimately LA's dismembered body parts in the creek. If anybody can connect those dots I would appreciate it tremendously.
That was a great post jrb! now i wonder how they killed her and where? There is a few days in between before they left for texas! Do you think they dismembered her in the apt with the kids there? Police seem to know where it happened. Really odd that she was seen after supposedly visiting the children.
Has anybody read or heard about just how LE obtained the info which led them to Texas? This is the only 'missing' part I am unsure of at this moment.


NCEast, I don't think that has been reported yet. We do know AH family did not contact LE (I updated timeline with this). I think RPD probably discovered the purchases (coolers, ice) + Uhaul rental...and perhaps found evidence of dismemberment in NC...put 2 and 2 together...then found out where GH/AH had gone with those coolers and the Uhaul trailer. Just my guess.
I want to be a super sleuther just like JRB1024, when I grow up!! :) Thank you so much for all your efforts!
The 15th was a full moon. I wonder if they dismembered her outside somewhere and put her in the coolers then.
So happy the woman wrote (at the end of the article) to somewhat straighten out the facts. Very interesting insight from somebody who actually knew them.

Well, I guess Laura actually DID help him achieve fame :(
now i wonder how they killed her and where?

That's the big question. RPD reports they have a "strong suspicion".

If she was seen alive at 9:30 PM in Raleigh (as all sources are reporting) and was heading back to Kinston she would have been home at 11:00 PM (90 min trip).

RPD says she was murdered that night. If she was murdered in Kinston at her home, GH or AH (someone has to watch the kids) would have had to drive to Kinston and killed her between 11:00 PM and midnight. Maybe that happened, and the next day (after figuring someone may come looking for her) GH went back to remove the body, dismembering due to rigamortis? This would account for the police activity there the following WED. What throws this theory off is LA's car being found half a mile away from GH apt in would that fit in?

Another thought is that she was killed in Raleigh. GH or AH drove the body back to Kinston and put it in her home (maybe to make it look like a crime there). The next day they decided to remove the body before it was found. Car might have been temporarily relocated with the idea of moving it FAR away, but maybe they decided that as long as the body was never recovered they could leave the car there and pull it off without risking being stopped by the police in LA's car.
I want to say a personal thank you to the wonderful mods who refused to be bullied by the likes of GH. Obviously, he thinks he can manipulate everyone by using his fear tactics.
The fact he was on here trying to run down this site, that is dedicated to being the voice for helpless victims, and trying strong-arm the people who care about the mother of his little ones shows the true character of this man.
I don't think that smirk on his face will last long, WS friends.

Sorry...but I am so angry about this crime. Heartbreaking.....cruel.

I'm glad I missed that visit from him. I would have gotten a TO for sure!
Has anybody read or heard about just how LE obtained the info which led them to Texas? This is the only 'missing' part I am unsure of at this moment.


NCEast, I don't think that has been reported yet. We do know AH family did not contact LE (I updated timeline with this). I think RPD probably discovered the purchases (coolers, ice) + Uhaul rental...and perhaps found evidence of dismemberment in NC...put 2 and 2 together...then found out where GH/AH had gone with those coolers and the Uhaul trailer. Just my guess.

Thank you JRB. I suppose it was a matter of good policing and detective work. Giving props to the RPD for getting into this case quickly and smartly. As nasty as that creek looks in the news reports, and another few days with the heat there in TX, her remains may have never been recovered had they waited.
I'm glad I missed that visit from him. I would have gotten a TO for sure!

Actually, I think he posted that 'threat' on another board and it was carried over to this one by a mod. I'm happy too that the mods here were not intimidated by him.

Grant Hayes had purchased several ice chests to transport Ackerson's dismembered body, then put them in a U-Haul trailer. The couple towed it with a pickup truck more than 1,200 miles to Fort Bend County, where Perry Hayes' sister lives, Brady said.

In the Pecan Grove neighborhood near Richmond, Grant Hayes ventured onto Oyster Creek on a small, 10-foot boat, spreading pieces of Ackerson's body into the water last week before driving back to North Carolina, Brady said. Although Perry Hayes was also charged with murder, Brady did not clarify her involvement in the case.

"I have no information about her actual involvement in the homicide or the dismembering aspect," he said. "But I find it highly unlikely that she didn't know what was going on, because the information is she was at the creek when it was dumped."

this answer what type of U-haul it was.
The news stories coming out this morning are worse. I don't have time to link so I won't go into detail. I'm just frustrated that the media stories present the custody battle as the motive for the murder and seem to present the custody battle as a kind of he said she said. They quote what Haze/Hayes accused Laura of, but very little of what she accused him of. So either she didn't accuse him of much, and she wasn't the one making this battle nasty, or she did, but they're fine with only printing the parts that make her look bad.

In a way, the custody battle could be explained as the motive for murder. But in reality the murder and the custody battle are effects and a narcissistic, entitled, abusive personality is the cause, IMHO. How many cases before the media gets that? The assumption that these are just two people who can't get along and they must both be acting badly is why so few victims get justice - and so many abusers get custody - in family courts in the first place.

It's going to be up to the prosecutor to show the truth at trial. I'm going to start praying for the prosecutor in this case every day, and I would urge anyone of faith to join me.

I want to agree with you that this abuser/murder is narcissistic. The article you posted yesterday is well written and explains much to how the victim is further victimized ( including the children) and the perp twists and manipulates every person he comes into contact with to achieve and justify his needs. This article looks like it was written for GH, when in fact I think it fits many households out there today. If you have ever been in an abusive relationship you will relate to this article. If you have a loved one who is with an abusive partner you will relate to this article.
Fourteen years ago I lost custody of my 5 little children to my abusive husband. I suffered severe post traumatic effects and the helplessness I felt as a mother to protect my children from this man was crippling. I can not even today put into words the terror and fear that lives inside you when the authorities and courts side with the abuser and send the littlest victims right back into their grip. It is the hardest fight of your life and the children suffer severely. My story has a somewhat happy ending. After a three year custody battle, when the divorce was finalized he gave me our 4 daughters. He did keep my son. The girls are teens/young adults now and have very little to do with their dad. He continued to verbally, emotionally and physically abuse them even after the divorce. My son has been living with another family but still has a daily working relationship with his father. We moved over 1,000 miles away and I pay several times a year for trips back and forth for the kids. My ex lost his job, became an alcoholic, lost the house and cars, never payed a dime of child support. All I ever wanted was for my children to have a happy life but the effects of abuse in a family are never quite healed, never quite right, something is always off.

Laura imo was doing the best she could in this fight of her life for her children. The courts turned on her, her family turned their back, her friends didnt understand. She kept her chinup and struggled to stay resilient to the overwhelming challenge that was unfairly placed on her. She was making the steps to prove herself fit and able to provide for her boys. She was strong in resisting further abuse and as she became stronger GH had to push her back down and when he found the only way to control her was to take her life, he did.
This is all just my opinion. Sorry to ramble. I just want justice for Laura, this is so sad and unfair. Those sweet boys, dear God please put them with a healthy family who will get them the help they need to become happy, healthy successful adults. GH and AH how dare you!!!
Thank you for sharing your personal story, WideOpen. Many hugs!

The outcome of Laura's story is beyond horrible, and your analysis resonates with me.

Really sad for those precious children...hopefully they will be cared for by loving people.

Maybe it's just me, but aren't Laura and AH quite similar in appearance? I wonder if GH considered women interchangeable and replaceable...

Some of the lyrics to that tune posted upthread are rather chilling now..."world's worst stole my heart". :( It appears to be a tribute to his new daughter, LLH, but gee...
The news stories coming out this morning are worse. I don't have time to link so I won't go into detail. I'm just frustrated that the media stories present the custody battle as the motive for the murder and seem to present the custody battle as a kind of he said she said. They quote what Haze/Hayes accused Laura of, but very little of what she accused him of. So either she didn't accuse him of much, and she wasn't the one making this battle nasty, or she did, but they're fine with only printing the parts that make her look bad.

In a way, the custody battle could be explained as the motive for murder. But in reality the murder and the custody battle are effects and a narcissistic, entitled, abusive personality is the cause, IMHO. How many cases before the media gets that? The assumption that these are just two people who can't get along and they must both be acting badly is why so few victims get justice - and so many abusers get custody - in family courts in the first place.

It's going to be up to the prosecutor to show the truth at trial. I'm going to start praying for the prosecutor in this case every day, and I would urge anyone of faith to join me.

I'm right there with you!
Afterwards, LA is seen in her 2006 white Ford Focus at 9:30 that night in Raleigh. *the timing of these two events is still not entirely clear, but one source does report she was seen after visiting with her boys* **

jrb, thank you for that timeline! This has been driving me crazy, trying to figure out WHO saw her at 9:30 PM on July 13 in Raleigh. Who is the source, or where is it quoted about this source who saw her after she visited the children at Grant's?

I also think, based on the AH's nephew's FB posting at 9:38AM on July 16, that AH was en route to TX that morning ("aunt amanda is on her way...")

As to the listing the couch for sale on 7/14...that thought creeps me out. How strange is that? Kill someone on 7/13 and list your furniture for sale on Craigslist the next day. Did they need quick cash to take a trip to Texas without leaving a credit card trail?
jrb, thank you for that timeline! This has been driving me crazy, trying to figure out WHO saw her at 9:30 PM on July 13 in Raleigh. Who is the source, or where is it quoted about this source who saw her after she visited the children at Grant's?

I also think, based on the AH's nephew's FB posting at 9:38AM on July 16, that AH was en route to TX that morning ("aunt amanda is on her way...")

As to the listing the couch for sale on 7/14...that thought creeps me out. How strange is that? Kill someone on 7/13 and list your furniture for sale on Craigslist the next day. Did they need quick cash to take a trip to Texas without leaving a credit card trail?

I thought maybe saving for getting to the virgin islands. But i bet ur right about the texas trip. u haul rental and gas.
I'm right there with you!

That is a good article. That was a pretty dumb move dumping her in the creek next to her sisters when they had so many opportunities to stop on the way and find somewhere they werent connected to. Doh.
It's so nuts, the whole thing. IMO they were on drugs while doing all this! Those poor kids... And the newborn one month old and no mommy, geez, shame shame shame on them for being so evil and stupid!
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