GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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Call me cruel, but I'm not ready to let Amanda off of the hook at the moment. Lets just say, I've had an up close and personal experience with my brother who married a complete crazy woman. I don't even know who he is anymore, sadly. She's isolated him quite sufficiently from me, our sister and parents, his kids' mother from a previous marriage (of 10 years). My brother and his newest "wife" have taken everyone to court for this and that.

Everything I am seeing points to Grant trying to be "New York," to and including his iPhone covers, cell phone numbers, etc. Who had the ties to NY? Amanda
I have a question for rockit (or anyone else who knew GH): Do you see this as something that just "happened"? By that I mean, do you think he just snapped and killed her and things went downhill (coolers, trip to TX) from there, or do you think he had been thinking about this, planning it to some degree, for any amount of time?

Let me add my welcome and thanks, and if this is a question you'd prefer not to answer I understand. Thanks for telling us about Laura. She sounds like a sweet, lovely person.

She really was and Grant was actually a fun person when he wasn't around a significant other. He has a beautiful voice and his music and art is absolutely unbelievable. They were a beautiful couple when they first met; when he was living his potential.

On that note, i don't think this was premeditated. I suspected when she went missing had something to do with it. Although I would not peg him as the physical type; I do think that he was at his wits end with Laura and with a new woman in the picture; i think Grant really saw Laura as an object..."It" I think that Laura was ready to fight for her children even though she would never do it for herself. I think there was a planned meeting of some sort and either amanda or grant were suppose to meet her; an argument ensued and either Amanda or Grant shot Laura in the heat of the moment then called the other one and the uhal sawing etc...was the best idea they could come up with on the spur of the moment. Grant is very intelligent some may even call him a hustler...I would say antisocial. If he planned this; I can guarantee you they would never have found her to begin with. In fact; I think if the wife didn't do it; she was leading the cover up because they did the worst job which leads me to believe that emotions were high. I've seen Grant in sticky situations with people and lying...he is the master of being cool when he wants and causing drama when he chooses. I imagine the argument may have been about some piece of information Laura was going to use in the upcoming court case. She hated fighting and I can see her showing her hand as a peace making flag to avoid more courtroom drama. Maybe one of the Hayes felt insulted by the information and threatened somehow by the idea of not having their happy little family or having some dirty laundry aired like...grant's being cheating or is laundering or I have proof that Amanda's been ..... fill in the blank.
This is all guessing though and I do hate to do that about such important things but if some chance a law enforcement officer is looking for possibilities....i think those are the two biggest. The only issue will be finding out what was said or what she was planning on doing in court. The sad thing is that I am guessing Laura was upducted/killed when the kids were picked up /dropped off. It scares me to think they may have been in the general vicinity or possible witnesses to the event.
Regarding Laura's efforts to get back on her feet, there are several pictures of her giving a marketing presentation at the Greenville (NC) Area Property Managers meeting in Oct 2010 at the link below. She looks so composed and professional.

It's hard to imagine what is in someone's head before, during, and after such a sequence of events. While GH sounds like an egotistical jerk, I've not seen anyone say either of them were pre-disposed to violence (although Laura's brother hinted at it). At any rate, somewhere between the smiling photographs and the mug shots, they have produced and witnessed their very own horror show and I'm sure they are still processing it themselves.

Laura was a beautiful woman too. Amanda was earlier in her life--especially in link provided upthread relating to her shop opening. Her mugshot looks evil--her eyebrows look like horns.
GH must have had a ton of charisma to woo the woman as various news articles state.... and obviously he used it well with both Laura and Amanda.
Grant had also posted a CL ad on 7/15 at 2:43 pm trying to sell his Macbook. The CL ad was deleted by author, but the remnants remain in cyberspace, as in the attached screenshots.

These guys were trying to sell everything. I guess those ice chests and U-Haul were really straining their budget. And perhaps, in a rare flash of genious, he thought getting rid of that laptop was a good idea after he, mostly likely, had conducted internet searches on "how to dispose of a corpse".

Note the phone number in these ads is Grants, which he lists on another Facebook site:

You forget he was pre-med at ECU. He didn't need to look it up....had he planned it from the beginning he would have done a better job I'm sure. I doubt seriously they were trying to get rid of stuff b/c of a uhal expense. She was an actress in Hollywood and although I'm sure Grant went through her money quickly, she was successful in NY. People don't always sell things because of debt...sometimes they sell things so they can travel light. I think the rush of selling happens as a result of doing something you hadn't anticipated and believing you can get out of dodge. The only problem with this line of thinking though is that it is so obvious. These are two very smart individuals. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Laura was a beautiful woman too. Amanda was earlier in her life--especially in link provided upthread relating to her shop opening. Her mugshot looks evil--her eyebrows look like horns.
GH must have had a ton of charisma to woo the woman as various news articles state.... and obviously he used it well with both Laura and Amanda.

I would agree that there should have been some evidence over the years of domestic violence and trust me...I looked and watched but never any signs other than...and that's a big other than his objectification of her, his constant cheating that would put tiger woods to shame, and his desire to publicly humiliate her behind her back and make her look stupid to everyone. I know they had arguments but I never heard her yell. From what I've seen of their relationship; whenever it was time to really work on something either they worked on it or Grant walked out and called up one of his other girls. He had a few in Raliegh who would be friends to Laura's face and then screw her man behind her back.
Also, they took a TRUCK to pull the Uhaul. Why? The kids would have seen the coolers one way or another. Amanda's mom had just passed away. Presumably Amanda did not attend the funeral having just given birth, which is understandable. From the history I have seen about Amanda, she was not particularly close with her family.

The Uhaul, to me, says that she went to her sister's house to pick up valuables and things/money that were willed to her - and an equal opportunity to dispose of the remains so that the plan to go back to USVI or NY or whatever could go seamlessly.

Yes, it will be interesting to see how this all turns out.
Call me cruel, but I'm not ready to let Amanda off of the hook at the moment. Lets just say, I've had an up close and personal experience with my brother who married a complete crazy woman. I don't even know who he is anymore, sadly. She's isolated him quite sufficiently from me, our sister and parents, his kids' mother from a previous marriage (of 10 years). My brother and his newest "wife" have taken everyone to court for this and that.

Everything I am seeing points to Grant trying to be "New York," to and including his iPhone covers, cell phone numbers, etc. Who had the ties to NY? Amanda

For all we know, she could be the instigator. We just don't know who did what. I will wait to hear more of the story before I conclude who's more evil.

The news tonight did say she had a clean criminal record, which is something I had wondered about. She had apparently moved around a bit, married several times, or at the least had multiple last names (a previous husband died at age 41, don't know any details though).

The news tonight said several interesting things. One, that the children are with "family". CPS won't say who exactly, but Jason Ackerson said his family does not have the children, so that leaves Grant's family.

Also, apparently it is known that an alligator lives in that section of Oyster Creek. The reporter speculated that could have been the reason the Hayes' hauled Laura's body to this place for disposal.
For all we know, she could be the instigator. We just don't know who did what. I will wait to hear more of the story before I conclude who's more evil.

The news tonight did say she had a clean criminal record, which is something I had wondered about. She had apparently moved around a bit, married several times, or at the least had multiple last names (a previous husband died at age 41, don't know any details though).

The news tonight said several interesting things. One, that the children are with "family". CPS won't say who exactly, but Jason Ackerson said his family does not have the children, so that leaves Grant's family.

Also, apparently it is known that an alligator lives in that section of Oyster Creek. The reporter speculated that could have been the reason the Hayes' hauled Laura's body to this place for disposal.

I think they are both equally evil. They are both adults with, presumably, the knowledge about right and wrong. I'm just still on the fence about Amanda being a victim of Grant's influence/abuse. I'm not seeing that at the moment, but as more details come out that might change.
Oh my gosh, this is all so sad and sickening. People really astound me when they do something evil because they think life will be easier without that person. Some do go in life without being caught but they will face their judgement one day. The others that do get caught, is life in jail better than what you lived through on a day-to-day basis? I highly doubt it.

RIP Laura.
Call me cruel, but I'm not ready to let Amanda off of the hook at the moment. Lets just say, I've had an up close and personal experience with my brother who married a complete crazy woman. I don't even know who he is anymore, sadly. She's isolated him quite sufficiently from me, our sister and parents, his kids' mother from a previous marriage (of 10 years). My brother and his newest "wife" have taken everyone to court for this and that.

Everything I am seeing points to Grant trying to be "New York," to and including his iPhone covers, cell phone numbers, etc. Who had the ties to NY? Amanda

Of course you're not cruel! :) Sadly your brother's situation is all too common, and can be controlled by either gender.

Personally, I go back and forth between 2 scenarios: AH as a similar "type" to LA... perhaps easily manipulated, stuck on the dream of an artist dating a musician, suddenly finding herself in a situation where she cannot provide for herself or her child (dependent on GH), etc. Hearing over and over that LA is crazy, and the cause of their problems, and not having seen the evil side of GH yet, believing this to be the case. I mean, seriously, how could you watch someone treat human life as if it were expendable, and not think you could easily end up in the same place?

OR... Perhaps things are a bit more sinister. AH has been married multiple times and appears to change her image/place in life often. A sleuther yesterday found 4 different names she's used publicly. Perhaps GH just crossed paths with an opportunist of the worst kind.

Either way, I do think the evidence shows that GH has been manipulative and abusive in the past. So I think there is one of two things going on here. Either AH is also the victim of manipulation and/or abuse (STILL CULPABLE with murder involved - I don't want to sound like implying this gets her off the hook!), OR we have yet another sad situation where two evil people somehow found each other in this world, and fed off one another's worst qualities.

You forget he was pre-med at ECU. He didn't need to look it up....had he planned it from the beginning he would have done a better job I'm sure. I doubt seriously they were trying to get rid of stuff b/c of a uhal expense. She was an actress in Hollywood and although I'm sure Grant went through her money quickly, she was successful in NY. People don't always sell things because of debt...sometimes they sell things so they can travel light. I think the rush of selling happens as a result of doing something you hadn't anticipated and believing you can get out of dodge. The only problem with this line of thinking though is that it is so obvious. These are two very smart individuals. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

rockit, I don't know how well you know them, but being "pre-med at ECU" does not make him an anatomy expert. Any college student can be "pre-med," and that usually means taking undergrad courses in sciences. He wasn't in college for more than a year, was he?

And do you know that Amanda had assets? I see no property or vehicle ownership for either of them, unless they were listed under other names, and they did not own a home to my knowledge - they rented. How affluent could they have been? Playing gigs at the Mellow Mushroom and Oliver Twist aren't going to support a family. What business did Amanda run? What was her success in NY? Did she own a gallery?

I just wonder if they weren't both grifters.

One thing I gleaned from his FB and website is he sure does think highly of himself. His favorite quote (written in incorrect grammar) is his own!
rockit, I don't know how well you know them, but being "pre-med at ECU" does not make him an anatomy expert. Any college student can be "pre-med," and that usually means taking undergrad courses in sciences. He wasn't in college for more than a year, was he?

And do you know that Amanda had assets? I see no property or vehicle ownership for either of them, unless they were listed under other names, and they did not own a home to my knowledge - they rented. How affluent could they have been? Playing gigs at the Mellow Mushroom and Oliver Twist aren't going to support a family. What business did Amanda run? What was her success in NY? Did she own a gallery?

One thing I gleaned from his FB and website is he sure does think highly of himself. His favorite quote (written in incorrect grammar) is his own!
for the longest time grant decided not to play for money however he began buying jewelry watches and other expensive hobbies.........................
I understand your statement about pre-med but when we are talking about Grant we are talking about someone who does dedicates a lot of time to something and then walks away so if he was pre-med...he was really pre-med unless of course that was another lie he told everyone lol You just never know with him. I think they blew a lot of money. She had quite a bit when she got here...liquidated not invested in property etc. She had said in passing that she invested well. They both talked about her hollywood career but as far as i know she was only in the stepford wives....ironically.
She owned some type of business in NY and her daughter was in school there. They didn't want to move down here until it was right time for the daughter. I'm not sure what type of school she was in but i think when the issues with custody began, it became necessary.
I'm stuck on the mugshots.

If you were arrested for murder, and you were innocent, wouldn't you look terrified? If you were arrested for murder, and you were guilty, wouldn't you look terrified?

In what scenario do you look smug?

eta: well unless you are SP, ICA, JVS, etc...
I would agree that there should have been some evidence over the years of domestic violence and trust me...I looked and watched but never any signs other than...and that's a big other than his objectification of her, his constant cheating that would put tiger woods to shame, and his desire to publicly humiliate her behind her back and make her look stupid to everyone. I know they had arguments but I never heard her yell. From what I've seen of their relationship; whenever it was time to really work on something either they worked on it or Grant walked out and called up one of his other girls. He had a few in Raliegh who would be friends to Laura's face and then screw her man behind her back.

I just don't understand how women can become so dependent on a man emotionally as it seems was the case with both Laura and Amanda. I absolutely do not understand their lifestyle with him.....maybe I have more
self esteem, or because I'm older-- I don't know. However it is so sad that Laura was finally getting herself emotionally, physically, and financially strong enough to fight him and get her boys back.......and look at the outcome.
I can't get this case off my mind. I think it's one of the worst yet--the dismemberment part has affected me horribly.
I do not think this was about custody or money. I think it was about control and continued abuse. When these abusers fool everyone around them and manipulate the system and courts it just makes them feel that much more omnipotent. These evil fools thought they could just dispose of Laura and get away with it. Their vanity and winning at all costs is what this appears to be to me. Unbelievable!
A sad, sad end for Laura and her poor babies. Rest in peace dear mother, may your sons grow up happy, healthy, and always knowing how much you loved them.

I agree, WideOpen - it's control, control, control, as perceived by the narcissist and alpha dog. When he (let's assume) sees that he is losing control of the marriage (mate is gonna leave) or that he may lose some control over the children, he must fight it any way he can. And we know that the ultimate control is over someone's very life, and that is what happened here. We've seen it before on WS -- and before, and before, and before.
JMHO, but it's so...
I just don't understand how women can become so dependent on a man emotionally as it seems was the case with both Laura and Amanda. I absolutely do not understand their lifestyle with him.....maybe I have more
self esteem, or because I'm older-- I don't know. However it is so sad that Laura was finally getting herself emotionally, physically, and financially strong enough to fight him and get her boys back.......and look at the outcome.
I can't get this case off my mind. I think it's one of the worst yet--the dismemberment part has affected me horribly.

I can totally see it - esp in a young woman. From what I've read (and seen on you tube), he is a smooth talker, good looking, and probably had the ladies swooning because he was a "music artist" (although it appears he just played bars and coffee houses - a wannabe trying to make it in the world). He probably said all the right things and the "girls" were lucky to be with him (so they thought, because they had no self respect or esteem). You can tell his ego is bigger than NC.

My theory is it was not pre-meditated - it started out as an argument between GH and LA and got out of hand. He panicked and had AH help him (she was probably freaking out and he smooth talked her - we'll go to your sister's, nobody will find her body, etc.). Now, I still think AH should be held 100% responsible, but I can't imagine her going along with a plan beforehand.
I can totally see it - esp in a young woman. From what I've read (and seen on you tube), he is a smooth talker, good looking, and probably had the ladies swooning because he was a "music artist" (although it appears he just played bars and coffee houses - a wannabe trying to make it in the world). He probably said all the right things and the "girls" were lucky to be with him (so they thought, because they had no self respect or esteem). You can tell his ego is bigger than NC.

My theory is it was not pre-meditated - it started out as an argument between GH and LA and got out of hand. He panicked and had AH help him (she was probably freaking out and he smooth talked her - we'll go to your sister's, nobody will find her body, etc.). Now, I still think AH should be held 100% responsible, but I can't imagine her going along with a plan beforehand.

I think you're right about how it played out. I don't think it was premeditated either. Something probably small grew, got out of hand, and turned into murder.
I can see his charisma, and his abundant self-love. Too bad, too sad, that Amanda and Laura couldn't see what their futures with him held.
Good to see you here BR!!
is the arrest warrant available on line? information is sure at a premium in this case or so it seems to me. i live very close to where this poor woman was murdered. also very near to my residence is the house where david green was murdered, dismembered, and placed in a freezer for months before being found.
i don't even think that crime is on websleuths if it is i have not found it.
is the arrest warrant available on line? information is sure at a premium in this case or so it seems to me. i live very close to where this poor woman was murdered. also very near to my residence is the house where david green was murdered, dismembered, and placed in a freezer for months before being found.
i don't even think that crime is on websleuths if it is i have not found it.

There was something in the news last week about the David Green murder. I just can't remember what it was. Somebody else may be able to remember. has been very, very good about obtaining all legal documents pertaining to high profile murder cases in this area for the past several years. I have not seen a copy of the arrest warrant or any other paperwork in the Hayes/Haze case. I feel certain WRAL is working on getting copies of everything and as soon as they become available the links will be posted on here.
I live out in the middle of nowhere with the cows, pigs and deer. Sometimes I feel like I'm still living in the 1800s--but then I am also happy that I don't live in areas that have serious crime. I used to work with LE and had my fill of it then.
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