GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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I agree Boodles, this is really troublesome. The FBI witness seemed to know her stuff but it still doesn't sit right. I proposed a theory earlier that GH lured LA with the promise of a solution to their custody dispute where he convinced her that they were moving to Kinston & if she dropped her litigation, he would give her unlimited access to kids plus $25000. He could have convinced her that it would save them both attorney fees. She had no idea he couldn't come up w/ $25000. Basically, an informal agreement between them that wouldn't require going to court. He may have told her that he was planning to go back to VI for some gigs but would leave kids with her. Think she added the last paragraph as a parachute to protect herself. For GH, once she signed this, it appeared she was "selling" her rights to the kids and he could show this and provide a possible reason for her to need some time away. It's the only explanation I can come up with for her signing the agreement. It has been testified to " just how convincing and charming" he could be when it served him. Just my opinion.
AnonymousD or others here, so what do you think about her testimony? The witness said it's Laura's handwriting at the bottom.

Then there is evidence of writing of some of the same words from the top half (GH's part/writing) on a separate sheet on paper which was on top of the doc in evidence (aka "the indented words"). This implies, to me, someone "practicing" or creating another version of the same content.

For awhile, I have thought they traced (they = one of the H's) Laura's words from prior documents and/or forged the part on the lower half of the paper. The "less the monetary compensation" sentence isn't a proper sentence and makes no sense (to me, at least). And Laura's attorney's name is misspelled.

And does anyone else perceive the spacing between words and phrases in Laura's part of this writing as unnatural-looking? Who writes words with big gaps between them like that?

I feel like they traced Laura's words to create this agreement. But if that is true, the FBI witness wouldn't have said it was Laura's writing, would she?

This "agreement" is driving me nuts. I hope we get an answer.

What caught me was the part where it says "I understand I will see my kids at their father's discretion" or something along those lines. At their father's discretion. Why would Laura agree to give up custody, and yet STILL agree to the part that even her visitation would be basically up to the father? That makes no sense. Especially when she was obviously trying to be MORE a part of their lives. That part inserted right there makes me sure that that paragraph was composed by GH and he just made her write it in her own handwriting. That is obvious to me, that sentence, that that is GH trying to control everything, including her visitation.
And even. WTH would the purpose of a document like this be? It shows you bribed the mother of your children. So, IMO, it looks just as bad on you GH for bribing her with $25K as it looks on Laura for taking the $25K.

Are you going to roll back up in court & say, "Look, I had her sign this, she didn't keep up her end of my bribe!" ? Really.

Also, the sentence, "But I do consent to leaving them in the safe custody of their father for now." For now? How long is that? A week, a month, a year? Why wouldn't GH write "until they turn 18"? I mean, if you're going to bribe her, bribe her for real GH! Put some time restrictions on her.

No, GH wrote "for now" because he knew Laura wouldn't be around "for long". :(
What caught me was the part where it says "I understand I will see my kids at their father's discretion" or something along those lines. At their father's discretion. Why would Laura agree to give up custody, and yet STILL agree to the part that even her visitation would be basically up to the father? That makes no sense. Especially when she was obviously trying to be MORE a part of their lives. That part inserted right there makes me sure that that paragraph was composed by GH and he just made her write it in her own handwriting. That is obvious to me, that sentence, that that is GH trying to control everything, including her visitation.

YES. Absolutely, aa!
What caught me was the part where it says "I understand I will see my kids at their father's discretion" or something along those lines. At their father's discretion. Why would Laura agree to give up custody, and yet STILL agree to the part that even her visitation would be basically up to the father? That makes no sense. Especially when she was obviously trying to be MORE a part of their lives. That part inserted right there makes me sure that that paragraph was composed by GH and he just made her write it in her own handwriting. That is obvious to me, that sentence, that that is GH trying to control everything, including her visitation.

Agree, "see my kids when I want to at their father's discretion" is an oxymoronic phrase!
We will probably be wrondering about this "agreement" forever and never get any answers.
Regarding the death penalty not being applied, I am pretty sure that this case does not meet the "aggravating circumstances" criteria required when seeking the DP. They're listed here:

And while one criterion states:
(9) The capital felony was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel this case there is an undetermined cause of death other than homicidal violence, IIRC. The dismemberment was after the murder.

I'm not an attorney, though, so JMO.
FBI says Laura physically wrote the last sentence, yes?
“By notifying counsel John Sargeant of this arrangement,
less the monetary compensation,
I understand that I will be able to see my kids when I want to,
at the discretion of their father

Presumably Grant was the one with the $25,000 idea and inserting it in the first part of the agreement. Ditto re notifying counsel phrase.

Was it his idea or her idea to add “less the monetary compensation”?

What does this phrase ‘less the monetary compensation’ mean?

Did it mean -
1. From Laura’s viewpoint, I’ll tell counsel I want to drop custody case,
but I won’t tell him I’m accepting money for dropping the case?
2. Or was Laura trying to say, she agrees to accept $25,000 from Grant and the legal fees due to Sargeant will come from that?
3. Or did Laura mean something else?
4. Or did Grant tell Laura to insert this? If so, what did he mean by it?

Maybe trying to over-analyze the doc, but that phrase puzzles me.
I agree that we'll never know about the agreement. It hit me last night about GH's phone message or text to LA while he was standing outside Wilson Sheetz on July 15th. Of course he already knew she was dead and his standing out there and calling her was part of his coverup. But, IIRC, in the message or a text he was saying there were only 2 business hours left in the day for her to call John (Seargant) and he was f'd if she didn't call before close of business. It hit me that this was also part of his laying the ground work for explaining her disappearance ( he thought the body would never be found) in that he could produce the document she signed, say he gave her the $$ on the night of the 13th and that she ran off with the money without calling her attorney. Then, once again poor GH would look like the victim of LA who, in his words, only really wanted money all along. He could say she got what she wanted (money) and ran off w/out holding up her end of their bargain, proving she was unfit. Then he would be left with kids and nobody could prove LA didn't just run off. When she never returned, even after the tearful media pleas he had planned, he thought LE would eventually give up looking for her.
FBI says Laura physically wrote the last sentence, yes?
“By notifying counsel John Sargeant of this arrangement,
less the monetary compensation,
I understand that I will be able to see my kids when I want to,
at the discretion of their father

Presumably Grant was the one with the $25,000 idea and inserting it in the first part of the agreement. Ditto re notifying counsel phrase.

Was it his idea or her idea to add “less the monetary compensation”?

What does this phrase ‘less the monetary compensation’ mean?

Did it mean -
1. From Laura’s viewpoint, I’ll tell counsel I want to drop custody case,
but I won’t tell him I’m accepting money for dropping the case?
2. Or was Laura trying to say, she agrees to accept $25,000 from Grant and the legal fees due to Sargeant will come from that?
3. Or did Laura mean something else?
4. Or did Grant tell Laura to insert this? If so, what did he mean by it?

Maybe trying to over-analyze the doc, but that phrase puzzles me.

I too, wondered about the 'less monetary compesation'.

My initial thought was your #1, al66pine. She'll drop the case w/o telling her lawyer that she's dropping it for $25K from GH.

I don't see the commas in the note, but I assume there were commas around the portion 'less monetary compensation'.

Which one do you lean towards?
OH yeah, here goes the Defense. They are starting hard on his record.

He escaped after a conviction in 1996 for possession w/ intention to sell cocaine.
Armed robbery in NY. Using an alias name.
Selling heroin, iirc, in MD.
Then his charge for the over 5 kilos of cocaine that is the one when he talked w/ GH.
This is the first time I've heard Mr. 2nd chair with any type of fire in his voice.

Very telling. They know this is the only witness they could possibly have the upper hand on.
I say the convict witness is truthful and I believe GH told him exactly what he testified to. GH runs his mouth...we know that.
Up now is:
Dr. Deborah Raddish
Chief Medical Examiner
I think both GH and AH ambushed Laura when she went over to their place. I imagine they dictated what Laura was to write with a gun to her head or a knife to her throat, a strip of duct tape over her mouth and the promise that they would let her go after she wrote and signed it.

That is plenty of hell/duress for me to think warrants the death penalty.

I wonder if the partners in crime actually pulled $25,000 out of the bank? NOT to give to the soon to be killed Laura but to show LE that they had paid Laura the $25,000 and she probably met up with someone who killed her for that money.
FBI says Laura physically wrote the last sentence, yes?
“By notifying counsel John Sargeant of this arrangement,
less the monetary compensation,
I understand that I will be able to see my kids when I want to,
at the discretion of their father

Presumably Grant was the one with the $25,000 idea and inserting it in the first part of the agreement. Ditto re notifying counsel phrase.

Was it his idea or her idea to add “less the monetary compensation”?

What does this phrase ‘less the monetary compensation’ mean?

Did it mean -
1. From Laura’s viewpoint, I’ll tell counsel I want to drop custody case,
but I won’t tell him I’m accepting money for dropping the case?
2. Or was Laura trying to say, she agrees to accept $25,000 from Grant and the legal fees due to Sargeant will come from that?
3. Or did Laura mean something else?
4. Or did Grant tell Laura to insert this? If so, what did he mean by it?

Maybe trying to over-analyze the doc, but that phrase puzzles me.

Hi me, it means she was gonna notify her lawyer that she was gonna drop her case to get full custody of the boys. By notifyling Sargeant, less the monetary compensation, to me means notifying Sargeant and getting this into writing, minus the monetary compensation part, meaning the monetary exchange wouldn't be in formal writing and in court record's.

It sounds like this monetary exchange (whether true or not) was gonna be an agreement b/w Grant and Laura, without the courts involved in it. The only thing that was gonna be on record was that Laura is taking off her bid for full custody, and the rest of the agreement regarding the kids.

I agree that we'll never know about the agreement. It hit me last night about GH's phone message or text to LA while he was standing outside Wilson Sheetz on July 15th. Of course he already knew she was dead and his standing out there and calling her was part of his coverup. But, IIRC, in the message or a text he was saying there were only 2 business hours left in the day for her to call John (Seargant) and he was f'd if she didn't call before close of business. It hit me that this was also part of his laying the ground work for explaining her disappearance ( he thought the body would never be found) in that he could produce the document she signed, say he gave her the $$ on the night of the 13th and that she ran off with the money without calling her attorney. Then, once again poor GH would look like the victim of LA who, in his words, only really wanted money all along. He could say she got what she wanted (money) and ran off w/out holding up her end of their bargain, proving she was unfit. Then he would be left with kids and nobody could prove LA didn't just run off. When she never returned, even after the tearful media pleas he had planned, he thought LE would eventually give up looking for her.


Good point Marilou!

B/c Grant knew Laura was out of the picture, and if Laura was out of the picture, then the Grant would have automatically gotten full custody of the then what was the point of the written agreement? He would not have had to have anything in writing after Laura was gone anyway.

I think you're very right!
This is the first time I've heard Mr. 2nd chair with any type of fire in his voice.

Very telling. They know this is the only witness they could possibly have the upper hand on.

LOL!! Yeah, the convict...they had some confidence with that one!
Why is there so much confusion between the NC & TX Medical Examiner's autopsies?

Did the TX Medical Examiner not include his report with Laura's remains when they were sent to NC? Why were some of the organs not sent to NC when they were examined in TX?

I haven't watched the TX Medical Examiner's testimony, so I'm unable to compare. TIA!
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