GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #6

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I think the only bright spot in this trial would be if the State brings in GH to testify. Wouldn't he make a terrific rebuttal witness as he is the only other living person who knows what happened and the extent of what AH is lying about. It may be a stretch but I would love, LOVE, for him to be called. After watching the interview he did last month with WRAL's A. Lamb he said a lot stuff that is in total contradiction with what AH is now saying. He surely doesn't have anything to lose.

I don't think he will testify because he has an appeal in the mix. Also, I wonder how much the jury would believe him, considering they will be able to view his "crazy" interview.

Thank you! I just woke from a nap. Pain meds do that to me but I didn't expect that I would sleep when I left here earlier.
I don't know if you have watched the links that TigerBalm sent yet and I'm behind with the posts so somebody else may have already given you an overview. But Jason Young is a slimy snake of the same caliber as AH. Maybe worse if that's possible. He supposedly left his home, toddler, and pregnant wife in Raleigh and drove to Hillsville, VA for work. There is a lot of evidence that proves he drove back to Raleigh in the middle of the night and murdered his wife, cleaned up the toddler, and drove back to Hillsville just as though he never left. The following morning he left the motel in Hillsville to see a business contact and then left there and drove to his mom's home in the mountains of NC. That's where he fell to his knees sobbing when the news came that Michelle's sister had found Michelle dead, based on a phone call Jason had made to the sister to get some papers out of his home printer....thus getting the sister over there to 'find' the body and take care of the child the following day. His mom and step dad drove with him back to Raleigh that night, he says he talked to an attorney who advised him not to talk to anybody about the case. So he didn't....for something like 7 years. Not a soul in the police department had talked with him, nobody from the DA's office--he refused to talk with anybody and everybody so that left every person involved in the investigation blind-sided. He was finally arrested so much time later and only when he testified on his own behalf in court did LE, Becky Holt, us, and everybody else in the world hear what he had to say for the first time. Of course he denied it and everything was so proper with yes ma'am, thank you, etc. The direct was non-eventful but at least we/the world got to hear his story. Then Becky began the cross and it was flat. She was slow, she didn't ask the proper questions, the entire cross was was almost a waste of time and she blew the heck out of it. It's so seldom that a defendant takes the stand we were all surprised and I understand it caught her off guard but she did just horribly and then ended her cross. None of us could believe it. The jury was hung so a mistrial was declared. He was tried the second time and Becky was still on the second trial but another ADA was helping her, I can't remember his name right now--he drives me crazy too. He's has the most seniority in the Wake Co. DA's office and is good but is slow and annoying too. Anyhow, Jason Young didn't take the stand the second time but the prosecution played his videoed testimony from the first trial and that's how they were able to trip him up on several things that Becky didn't think quickly enough to do the first time when she had a chance. The second jury found him guilty. If you get a chance to watch her cross of Jason Young in the first trial do so as it will make you want to cry, it's just so horrible. This cross with AH was much better, still lacking a lot though in my opinion. BH doesn't fire back quickly enough and can't think on the run so to speak. She is a smart woman and does a good job in apparently every area except crossing a defendant. I hope there isn't another high profile case that she's involved in with the cross examination. I shudder to think.....

I could be wrong but I call it thinking on your feet. While Ms Holt may be an extremely intelligent woman she doesn't have it. If you are going to try to shake up a sociopath like AH, the person better be able to anticipate different answers from the defendant and have strategies/questions ready for each. And for crying out loud do NOT give the sociopath time to think because she are busy trying to out maneuver you. You also have to be aggressive. Maybe Ms Holt is too nice? She had to really push to get AH to admit she knew what was going on in the boat that night and that was something everyone that has followed this case already knew. It was a big so what except it showed how darned evasive,manipulative and bullheaded the defendant is. And bullheadedness is not a trait I would associate with a Stepford wive.
I believe GH said he had to drink half a bottle of vodka before he began cutting.
That's right. And when it comes right down to it, what's the difference than if we had been in the courtroom and had seen her and/or heard him mention her name? Nothing really.

It is a bit different in that it increases the possibility of a nutter being in the numbers.
I apologize if this has been discussed, but I have one thing that is bothering me. What was Amanda's story regarding buying all that bleach at Target? Shae testified that it gave them migraines, so why would 1 gallon be purchased, much less several.

I assume "GH told her to buy it" but why bleach and not another product?

I know the real answer, just wondering what her story was.
I could be wrong but I call it thinking on your feet. While Ms Holt may be an extremely intelligent woman she doesn't have it. If you are going to try to shake up a sociopath like AH, the person better be able to anticipate different answers from the defendant and have strategies/questions ready for each. And for crying out loud do NOT give the sociopath time to think because she are busy trying to out maneuver you. You also have to be aggressive. Maybe Ms Holt is too nice? She had to really push to get AH to admit she knew what was going on in the boat that night and that was something everyone that has followed this case already knew. It was a big so what except it showed how darned evasive,manipulative and bullheaded the defendant is. And bullheadedness is not a trait I would associate with a Stepford wive.

We now know that the defendant is a pathological liar. It must be difficult trying to catch someone off guard when they lie with such ease, but that is what the cross-examiner is supposed to do.

But, regardless of her style, Becky said some things that are now in the jurors' faces. Hopefully, the jury now recognizes AH as the cold-hearted pathological liar that she is. If so, they won't believe her bevy of ridiculous explanations.

Plus, if I was in the situation which AH claims, my tone would probably be more pleading, as in "please believe me, I didn't know!" AH takes a tone of self righteous indignation and is challenging the prosecutor to catch her, because she has an answer for everything. There's no sense of horror, remorse that Laura's dead, or plea to the jury to please believe her.

Am I rationalizing? :)
We now know that the defendant is a pathological liar. It must be difficult trying to catch someone off guard when they lie with such ease, but that is what the cross-examiner is supposed to do.

But, regardless of her style, Becky said some things that are now in the jurors' faces. Hopefully, the jury now recognizes AH as the cold-hearted pathological liar that she is. If so, they won't believe her bevy of ridiculous explanations.

Plus, if I was in the situation which AH claims, my tone would probably be more pleading, as in "please believe me, I didn't know!" AH takes a tone of self righteous indignation and is challenging the prosecutor to catch her, because she has an answer for everything. There's no sense of horror, remorse that Laura's dead, or plea to the jury to please believe her.

Am I rationalizing? :)

BBM: I don't think you are rationalizing. This is a horrific and brutal murder. Yet, AH has yet to shed a tear. Hell, even Casey cried when Caylee's remains were being shown and at other various times during testimony. AH is stone cold with, like you said, an explanation and answer for everything in her babyish voice (gag).
Pretty much half the state is closed, from the looks of it.
I was checking the "closings" page of WRAL.
Someone from NC would have to give us a firsthand account of just how bad it is though.

Yesterday was awful. Traffic in and around Raleigh was gridlocked due to the ice, people were abandoning their cars and walking. It's a somewhat hilly city and the hills and entrance/exit ramps were creating huge problems due to the ice. I'm a bit east of Raleigh and woke this morning to higher temps which was a wonderful surprise. All of yesterday was low 20s, right now it's 35 here and some of our ice is melting. It will all refreeze tonight and we'll have to start all over again in the morning. We are still supposed to get snow today, with accumulation. This is a very rare event for most of us in eastern NC. Charlotte, NC is right now getting 4" of snow an hour. I sure hope it gives out before it reaches us. Born is in Raleigh and I hope she has electricity. She can give us a more inclusive report when she checks in. The Raleigh tv station has been broadcasting non stop since noon yesterday and the large malls in the Raleigh and Triangle area are closed today so that is pretty big.
Any bets on how long deliberation will last? I personally do not think it will be as quick as Grant's as her role and story is more complicated. I'm thinking a day or 2.
I wonder what the weather is like there today since the jury was allowed to leave early yesterday...

The news this morning is saying that only 3 weather related deaths have occurred which is terrific. But I am thinking the judge may have waited a little bit too long to release the jurors yesterday as the traffic snarls/gridlocks began around noon and they left a little before 1pm and probably got caught in it. The storm came fast and hard. I sure hope each of the jurors and court officials had safe trips home although the news is saying some people were stuck in non-moving traffic for hours. We are ill-prepared for weather like this and it gives me a great appreciation for those of you who live in northern states that get winter weather like this often.
I don't think he will testify because he has an appeal in the mix. Also, I wonder how much the jury would believe him, considering they will be able to view his "crazy" interview.


He sure said a lot in the interview last week with A. Lamb from WRAL that could have an impact on his appeal. I don't think he's the type of person who listens very well to his attorney's advice. He was throwing it all on AH during the interview, every bit of it from the murder to the plan to take the body parts to TX. He even said that both he and little G were in the room when AH did whatever she did to LA. That struck me hard if it's the truth.
Sha testified that GH recorded this in the NYC apartment. The lyrics are allegedly about Laura, with words like "my baby mama....gonna kill ya"..."can't take any more from you"...etc.

Thank you! In the context of the question from aa9511 about whether the plan started in NYC, this rap song suggests that the idea could have been in play when they lived there.

Sha deserves a lot of credit for doing the right thing for Laura. So often we see family members (mother of Casey Anthony) doing everything they can to hide evidence.
I think the only bright spot in this trial would be if the State brings in GH to testify. Wouldn't he make a terrific rebuttal witness as he is the only other living person who knows what happened and the extent of what AH is lying about. It may be a stretch but I would love, LOVE, for him to be called. After watching the interview he did last month with WRAL's A. Lamb he said a lot stuff that is in total contradiction with what AH is now saying. He surely doesn't have anything to lose.

He would be an excellent rebuttal witness, especially given that the defense is going to present video interview excerpts that make him look insane. If he can present himself as relatively normal, the defense will crumble.
I am trying to catch up, does anyone remember the day that Amanda's sister was on the stand??
The news this morning is saying that only 3 weather related deaths have occurred which is terrific. But I am thinking the judge may have waited a little bit too long to release the jurors yesterday as the traffic snarls/gridlocks began around noon and they left a little before 1pm and probably got caught in it. The storm came fast and hard. I sure hope each of the jurors and court officials had safe trips home although the news is saying some people were stuck in non-moving traffic for hours. We are ill-prepared for weather like this and it gives me a great appreciation for those of you who live in northern states that get winter weather like this often.

Whenever a big storm blows in, and we've had more than usual this year, there are about 300 minor accidents on the first day of the storm. The problem is that new drivers, or people new to the area, don't really understand driving on ice, so they discover what it is when they slam into someone. People that are used to driving in snow and ice are usually more cautious about crazy drivers than anything else. I'm of the opinion that new drivers get their first taste of driving through video games, and they do drive like video game drivers on icey roads.

Stay warm and safe!
On their day off from the trial WRAL's Amanda Lamb (reporter) and Chad Flowers (cameraman) are driving around Johnston and Wake counties sending back live weather/road reports.
I could be wrong but I call it thinking on your feet.

Maybe 'thinking on the run' is a local phrase here. Based in basketball probably. Anyhow, it doesn't matter.
I agree that BH is a nice person and I'm sure, based on various interviews I have seen her do, that she is a compassionate and caring person who wants justice for her victims. I just think perhaps her weakness is the cross examination of a defendant. As Born said yesterday, I wish Boz had handled the cross but I felt that BH would be the one because Boz becomes hostile at times, which is evident, and he doesn't want to alienate the jury.
What I think the jurors are going to wonder hard about it - if Laura only 'tripped on the rug' - why were Grant and she struggling? No one is intimating that Laura was attempting to hurt AH, rip Lily from her arms or cause any commotion at all, apparently (according to her tale) Laura was sitting at the table signing a custody agreement and asked to hold Lily, so if she only accidentally tripped on the rug, what would cause Grant to get up and 'pull her back' from AH and struggle with her to the point of both of them falling over a chair? That part makes zero sense and if I were a juror, I'd have to question every other part of her story.

First she had no knowledge of what Grant was doing in the boat, then later she admits to brainstorming with him and her sister about how to dispose of LA's remains and then fully admits to knowing what Grant was doing in the boat and what she heard, buying scads of bleach to clean up a 'poopy' mess in the bathroom when any bleach causes her migraines, dumping acid when they're short on cash and could have returned it, along with her chain smoking when she only thinks Laura bumped her head and Grant was calling an ambulance. And why did no one ask her if she saw Laura laying on the floor unconscious after this supposed head bump? Or how Grant got her into the bathroom?

Nothing makes any sense if you believe that AH had no knowledge that Laura was dead before they left for Texas.
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