GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #6

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But in this case , Laura was the unfortunate victim, & AH is on trial for her murder- whether or not she was manipulated by GH, she surely played a major role in Laura's murder, & she should have to face the consequences of her actions.

Re-reading these posts on this snowy day....

Your good post here, thistle, reminded me of the phrase, "I was only following orders." Well that didn't go to well for some folks (and I'm NOT comparing the magnitude of the crimes/deed, please know) in 1945-46, and it won't win any fans here, either.

Like so many have already said here, even if she didn't know of the murder and the subsequent obscenities that were done in that bathroom not more than 50 ft away from her (and we all know that her words on that are pure B.S.) -- the one that she scrubbed and made look like new -- she still was a willing participant to keep the kids away from GH while the killing was being done, and to help him by taking the kids out of the apt, to contact her sister about visiting, by financing the whole thing, etc., etc. I'm just hoping the closing remark will explain that if they feel that she was not complicit in everything (which she was), being complicit in some of them make her a partner in the acts, thus Acting in Concert -- not merely after-the-fact help.

And those various acts occurred before, during and after the planned luring-over and murder and body desecration. She could have thrown herself on the mercy of the good folks at Chik-fil-a and asked them to call LE -- she had the kids so there was no excuse; instead, she ordered her scheming, murdering husband a meal and a beverage.

Don't try to cry Amanda -- we know why there are no tears.

rant over... :rant:
I could be wrong but I call it thinking on your feet.

Maybe 'thinking on the run' is a local phrase here. Based in basketball probably. Anyhow, it doesn't matter.
I agree that BH is a nice person and I'm sure, based on various interviews I have seen her do, that she is a compassionate and caring person who wants justice for her victims. I just think perhaps her weakness is the cross examination of a defendant. As Born said yesterday, I wish Boz had handled the cross but I felt that BH would be the one because Boz becomes hostile at times, which is evident, and he doesn't want to alienate the jury.

I agree about Boz. He might have a quicker, more cut throat mind, but because Amanda is playing the role of a child woman, Becky is better with this type of witness. I think she did well. The only point that I didn't like was when Amanda cut off her questions to give the answer that she wanted to give. At times, I anticipated that Becky's questions had more information embedded in them, and that seemed lost.
Hi friends, been thinking about you in a horribly busy week, and thanking the Goddesses for tawnidilly and her videos so i could catch up. SUPER annoyed at AH's voice pitch --- and act. Witch, please.... no one on this board believes you. Problem is, we ain't the jury. I haz fearzzzzz
But in this case , Laura was the unfortunate victim, & AH is on trial for her murder- whether or not she was manipulated by GH, she surely played a major role in Laura's murder, & she should have to face the consequences of her actions.

Re-reading these posts on this snowy day....

Your good post here, thistle, reminded me of the phrase, "I was only following orders." Well that didn't go to well for some folks (and I'm NOT comparing the magnitude of the crimes/deed, please know) in 1945-46, and it won't win any fans here, either.

Like so many have already said here, even if she didn't know of the murder and the subsequent obscenities that were done in that bathroom not more than 50 ft away from her (and we all know that her words on that are pure B.S.) -- the one that she scrubbed and made look like new -- she still was a willing participant to keep the kids away from GH while the killing was being done, and to help him by taking the kids out of the apt, to contact her sister about visiting, by financing the whole thing, etc., etc. I'm just hoping the closing remark will explain that if they feel that she was not complicit in everything (which she was), being complicit in some of them make her a partner in the acts, thus Acting in Concert -- not merely after-the-fact help. She not only aided and abetted these crimes, she encouraged, urged and enabled them.

And those various acts occurred before, during and after the planned luring-over and murder and body desecration. She could have thrown herself on the mercy of the good folks at Chik-fil-a and asked them to call LE -- she had the kids so there was no excuse; instead, she ordered her scheming, murdering husband a meal and a beverage.

Don't try to cry Amanda -- we know why there are no tears.

rant over... :rant:
I agree about Boz. He might have a quicker, more cut throat mind, but because Amanda is playing the role of a child woman, Becky is better with this type of witness. I think she did well. The only point that I didn't like was when Amanda cut off her questions to give the answer that she wanted to give. At times, I anticipated that Becky's questions had more information embedded in them, and that seemed lost.

True. Woman child my behind! This one is a selfish creature. I am delighted she will never see her child again ---- because Laura can't see her children either. Pffft.
The Raleigh weather is on the news here - complete with footage. Looks like snowman building weather.
What I think the jurors are going to wonder hard about it - if Laura only 'tripped on the rug' - why were Grant and she struggling? No one is intimating that Laura was attempting to hurt AH, rip Lily from her arms or cause any commotion at all, apparently (according to her tale) Laura was sitting at the table signing a custody agreement and asked to hold Lily, so if she only accidentally tripped on the rug, what would cause Grant to get up and 'pull her back' from AH and struggle with her to the point of both of them falling over a chair? That part makes zero sense and if I were a juror, I'd have to question every other part of her story.

First she had no knowledge of what Grant was doing in the boat, then later she admits to brainstorming with him and her sister about how to dispose of LA's remains and then fully admits to knowing what Grant was doing in the boat and what she heard, buying scads of bleach to clean up a 'poopy' mess in the bathroom when any bleach causes her migraines, dumping acid when they're short on cash and could have returned it, along with her chain smoking when she only thinks Laura bumped her head and Grant was calling an ambulance. And why did no one ask her if she saw Laura laying on the floor unconscious after this supposed head bump? Or how Grant got her into the bathroom?

Nothing makes any sense if you believe that AH had no knowledge that Laura was dead before they left for Texas.

Good thoughts here. There are so many unconnected pieces and parts of AH's lies. I hope the jury is able to ask themselves the same questions.
And the question of the stab wound in the 4th cervical vertebra is still floating around out there too.
I think it was premeditated and it is possible that the plan was conceived before they moved to NC. It could be that they tossed the idea around, and when then realized that the custody assessment was not in their favor, they acted on the idea.


What made me think this too, was when Amanda was talking about when they moved to Kingston (?), and she said, Grant insisted we get this apartment... *advertiser censored* Broadway or whatver the address was. Amanda said, Grant really wanted this apartment. I was like, what? Just the way she said it was strange and set off alarm bells for me. What's the big deal about that apartment? It wasn't some luxury place. But the way she said it was very odd. And then she said, and I bought all the furniture, and I bought a car - Saab SUV - b/c we didn't have a car.

So were they moving there temporarily or were they moving there permanently?

Everything about that move sounded strange to me, when Amanda was testifying about it (her first day of testimony).

I got these alarm bells ringing off that, the whole reason they moved there was to be close to Laura in case they needed to do this. Get everything ready, in other words.

Just like you said, Otto, in case they needed to. You are so right.

I have a question about the "Broomstick Rider" rap song compose by Grant. Was that made in NY and did anyone understand the lyrics or why the rap was relevant? Sha gave it to police because she thought it was relevant. Did Grant and Amanda refer to Laura as "broomstick rider"?

I think he mentions ex-wife, etc., in it. Along with explicitly violent lyrics going along with ex-wife.
I think the only bright spot in this trial would be if the State brings in GH to testify. Wouldn't he make a terrific rebuttal witness as he is the only other living person who knows what happened and the extent of what AH is lying about. It may be a stretch but I would love, LOVE, for him to be called. After watching the interview he did last month with WRAL's A. Lamb he said a lot stuff that is in total contradiction with what AH is now saying. He surely doesn't have anything to lose.

He idd an interview with WRAL? I thought he is in max. security prison, can they do interviews while in max. security?
He idd an interview with WRAL? I thought he is in max. security prison, can they do interviews while in max. security?

He did a rather long interview with A. Lamb from WRAL last month. (I think I said last week earlier--it was just prior to this trial beginning) I'll see if I can google it and I'll post the link. Very interesting man, very sicko, but interesting.
He idd an interview with WRAL? I thought he is in max. security prison, can they do interviews while in max. security?

I heard about the interview but have not seen it. NC, borndemnovich, is it in WRAL's archive?
Any bets on how long deliberation will last? I personally do not think it will be as quick as Grant's as her role and story is more complicated. I'm thinking a day or 2.

I don't know, I think it will about 4 hours.

I am glad there are more women than men on this jury, I didn't know what the jury make-up was till yesterday.

I think the women will see right through her.

I'm worried about the 3 men - if even 1 of them fall for her crap, it's gonna be trouble.

I'm worried that the men will be swayed by her baby voice and charms.

I'm also worried that there could possibly be a race factor involved in this (Black man pressuring White woman), with the male jurors. I don't know. I don't want to go there, but I think we have to consider this possibility.

Good thoughts here. There are so many unconnected pieces and parts of AH's lies. I hope the jury is able to ask themselves the same questions.
And the question of the stab wound in the 4th cervical vertebra is still floating around out there too.

A brief google search of 4th cervical vertebra injury and parallysis has many articles about total parallysis - quadraplegic. After that injury, I think Laura was completely helpless.

Amanda's version requires the belief that Laura tripped and the chair fell over. It's also possible that Laura was stabbed and she fell off her chair. The chair might have tipped over at the same time. However, the large bleach stain near the entrance suggests that perhaps Laura saw the knife, was threatened, attempted to run, and Grant or Laura stabbed her. Since she bled in that location, Grant and Laura were probably busy getting the children into a different room while Laura was on the ground. What a horrific situation for Laura. I don't want to think about what happened next, as it's possible that she was dragged into the bathtub and left there to bleed out, or perhaps drowned. She would have been so helpless, but completely aware of what was happening.

The jury has to understand that the injury happened in the beginning and not during the dismemberment. That should lead to a conviction.
I heard about the interview but have not seen it. NC, borndemnovich, is it in WRAL's archive?

CoffeeGirl, I have missed you during this trial!! Well, for this week of this trial. I just got here myself but you are sorely missed!
Thank you! In the context of the question from aa9511 about whether the plan started in NYC, this rap song suggests that the idea could have been in play when they lived there.

Sha deserves a lot of credit for doing the right thing for Laura. So often we see family members (mother of Casey Anthony) doing everything they can to hide evidence.

Yes, I agree.

I also got hints of Amanda's jealousy of Laura when I watched Day 1 of her testimony yesterday. You could really just hear it dripping from voice. She couldn't hide it.

For example, she would say things like, Grant had been talking back and forth with Laura the whole day (re: kids, etc..). And you could still hear the jealousy in her voice.

And the part where she said even Sha got close to Laura, or, was getting close to Laura is the way she put it, I think.
A brief google search of 4th cervical vertebra injury and parallysis has many articles about total parallysis - quadraplegic. After that injury, I think Laura was completely helpless.

Laura's version requires the belief that Laura tripped and the chair fell over. It's also possible that Laura was stabbed and she fell off her chair. The chair might have tipped over at the same time. However, the large bleach stain near the entrance suggests that perhaps Laura saw the knife, was threatened, attempted to run, and Grant or Laura stabbed her. Since she bled in that location, Grant and Laura were probably busy getting the children into a different room while Laura was on the ground. What a horrific situation for Laura. I don't want to think about what happened next, as it's possible that she was dragged into the bathtub and left there to bleed out, or perhaps drowned. She would have been so helpless, but completely aware of what was happening.

The jury has to understand that the injury happened in the beginning and not during the dismemberment. That should lead to a conviction.

Good stuff Otto! Please send your thoughts on this to Boz and BH so they can create a comprehensive narrative for the jury to follow in their closing.
I don't know, I think it will about 4 hours.

I am glad there are more women than men on this jury, I didn't know what the jury make-up was till yesterday.

I think the women will see right through her.

I'm worried about the 3 men - if even 1 of them fall for her crap, it's gonna be trouble.

I'm worried that the men will be swayed by her baby voice and charms.

I'm also worried that there could possibly be a race factor involved in this (Black man pressuring White woman), with the male jurors. I don't know. I don't want to go there, but I think we have to consider this possibility.


I'm a woman and it boils my blood that she involved her very OWN daughter and SISTER in this. Manipulation/fear or not, that was crossing the "sisterhood" line in my book.
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