NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #9

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She had no prior offenses. There were no (other) aggravating factors.

I'm not upset at the M2 conviction, I am upset at the low # of years punishment for said sentence. If she got 20 yrs minimum in prison, I'd feel much better. But it is what it is.

She's a convicted felon. I'd rather have that than have her out in 3 yrs.

ETA: and TX can go after her for the illegal dumping of the muriatic acid after she gets out! Let's not forget that.
That is what it sounded like to me when the Judge was admonishing for such an omission and aluede to his sentence being hamstrung because of it. :banghead:

If I was the State I would not call today a day for celebrating.

I don't understand why the state did not do this, unless they thought they had such a air-tight case.
To say that today's verdict is better than nothing, I am not sure I agree with that either.
Anything less than M1 in this case is a travesty of justice. JMO

See ya all on the next case, maybe Raven's or BC's retrial and JY if he gets one.
Personally I was absolutely UNIMPRESSED with her statement. She seemed much more EMBARASSED that folks had to endure this trial than deal with the fact that a young mother was savagely killed and monsterously dismembered. HER FEET have not been found!

She didn't seem to care that two little boys have lost their mom.

NOPE - her statement to the court just seemed to go in line with her regret she got caught!
Tex. Water Code Chapter 7
Subchapter E: Criminal Penalty
Tex. Water Code § 7.145 Intentional or knowing unauthorized discharge
3d Degree Felony
Individual: fine of $1,000 to $100,000 and 5 years confinement
Corporation: fine of $1,000 to $250,000
1. A person,
2. Acting, intentionally or knowingly with respect to the person's conduct,
3. Discharges or allows the discharge
4. Of a waste or pollutant [see TWC § 26.001(6) and (13)]
5. Into or adjacent to water in the state
6. That causes or threatens to cause water pollution, and
7. The waste or pollutant was not discharged in strict compliance with all required
permits or with an order issued or a rule adopted by the appropriate agency.
1. A person,
2. Acting, intentionally or knowingly with respect to the person's conduct,
3. Discharges or allows the discharge
4. Of a waste or pollutant [see TWC § 26.001(6) and (13)]
5. From a point source [see TWC § 26.001(21)]
6. In violation of chapter 26 or of a rule, permit, or order of the appropriate regulatory

Each count could carry 5 years and how many jugs of the muriatic acid did she have. Four or five times 5 years equals at least 20 to 25 years. More time than murder2. I am reaching and I know it but I am disgusted with the sentence for what Amanda did to Laura Ackerson.
She had no prior offenses. There were no (other) aggravating factors.

I'm not upset at the M2 conviction, I am upset at the low # of years punishment for said sentence. If she got 20 yrs minimum in prison, I'd feel much better. But it is what it is.

She's a convicted felon. I'd rather have that than have her out in 3 yrs.

Madeleine74 -

I suggest you watch her dept of correction stay. You may just see her out not that from the 3 yr mark you mentioned.

I live in NC. Unfortunately this sort of thing passes for justice here. Why we put up with it is something I will never understand!
Before we all scatter to parts unknown, lets make a definite plan about the next trial. Abaroa here in NC? I am definitely going to be there.
North Carolina doesn't have parole any more. They went to standardized sentencing quite some time ago. Folks serve their sentence and the state opens the doors and lets them out. Judge Stevens had a predetermined range he could impose. He couldn't deviate from that schedule.

Justice has died in NC imo. The fear of prison is not what it once was because the courts have standardized things to the point where it is a game.

The defense played its part well. make sure the charges include the lowest possible charge - check. Then try to fit the evidence into that definition of the least charge. In this case, they were able to get the worst possible charge to vanish.

We won't know what Grant and Amanda did to Laura that day but GOD does.

In NC, that is the only solace many of us have. Judge Stevens had it right - Amanda was there. She could have helped Laura. She didn't.
Sadly, I believe you are right. Just reading the WRAL website each morning, and it's full of murders. It's an everyday occurrence, doesn't matter the city, state or town.

She'll still have life ahead of her once she's out of prison, still alive, still love her little Grant, still breathing. A second chance.

But at least her fortune is gone, and I hope she thinks about that while serving this sentence. May God be with those poor children, and all the families and friends that have been effected by this gruesome crime. May Laura RIP.
The judge would have thrown the maximum at her he could. In fact, he did the best he could do based on the charges and the conviction.

I would never want to trade places with someone who "only" got 13 to 16 yrs in prison. Would any of you? Every year is precious. It's not like she's walking free with no punishment.
She never should have said 'in any form, fashion' and whatever, that was not going to move the judge to give her less time when he already believes she helped and could have saved Laura had she wanted to.

I'm not disappointed at the M2, maybe it was a compromise between M1 and accessory, with as long as it took the jurors, that seems possible. The sentence seems rather short, less than 20 years, hopefully she'll never qualify for parole and have to stay the max time allowed.

You have gotten justice sweet Laura, those who did this are going to pay for it with many years of their lives, and your children won't be raised by people who could ever fathom to do such to a lovely lady as you always will be. Rest in peace and grace, gentle lady.
I agree it seemed a compromise verdict. Somebody could not sentence her to life, which is what she deserved.

But about her children be raised by people who could ever never fathom this crime: They are being raised by the same group that raised Grant. :scared:
I'm offended by her attempt to show some form of remorse for sentencing. She still feels no remorse for LA today, it was very evident. I instantly recalled her demeanor at Chick-fil-ay just hours after LA's murder. How can someone be so calm & cold after what had happened.That is the real AH.
From what I've read, credits and good time earned in prison may reduce a sentence, but not lower than the least possible sentence for that crime. So, my question is are they talking about the least possible sentence she received, (I read her minimum was 157 months,) or the least amount anyone could receive, which is 144 months. I'm probably not making any sense here.
She actually received a sentence in the mitigating range which is 144-192 months. So my question is with good time and credits earned in prison, can she get her sentence down to 144 months? Here's a link with the chart.

Referring to a B1 Felony on the chart. Sorry, just realized this chart is for cases after 2013. I can't locate the chart for when this murder occurred. Presumably the months vary slightly.
Okay everyone we all hung in there for justice for Laura and her two boys. I am glad that the monster was found culpable but disappointed in the length of sentence. I don't want her out and able to pick up where she left off beguiling some other guy.

I'm off to take my mind off of this mess and concentrate on another problem facing the universe. MST3K's episode called 'Pod People'. It's a doozy.
I do like that they sentence right away in NC. :)
LIFE in NC is not as valuable as in some other states. Amanda was convicted of 2nd degree murder. Her sentence will only be 13 - 16 years with time served immediately lobbed off. There are other factors that will determine how much less time she will actually get lobbed off her sentence.

The average time a murderer in NC is less than 8 years.

I immediately thought of Shae and Lilly. Amanda will be free most likely before or just as Lilly is a teen.

I think the JURY got it wrong.
I forgot about the time served, oh no! Less than 8 years? I'm thinking of people who served longer for marijuana offenses! :scared: Maybe Patsy will put a restraining order on Amanda if she gets out that early, I know I would!
The judge would have thrown the maximum at her he could. In fact, he did the best he could do based on the charges and the conviction.

I would never want to trade places with someone who "only" got 13 to 16 yrs in prison. Would any of you? Every year is precious. It's not like she's walking free with no punishment.

And no matter where she is, she will for the rest of her life be a convicted murderer.
Another day to be ashamed to be a NORTH CAROLINIAN! I am going to say BYE for now.

The positive side of the equation for me where this case goes was the MISSING PERSON INVESTIGATION. LE is getting better and better in NC. news agencies are getting really good at jumping on these cases early so we can solve them. We can be proud of our LE. As for our courts, there is work to do!

When are we going to understand the value of public safety in NC?

:)seeya:a part of me wishes they HAD watched SHAE's testimony now!):seeya:
Each count could carry 5 years and how many jugs of the muriatic acid did she have. Four or five times 5 years equals at least 20 to 25 years. More time than murder2. I am reaching and I know it but I am disgusted with the sentence for what Amanda did to Laura Ackerson.

4 boxes each containing 2 jugs, however 1 jug out of 8 was missing, and jug 7 was partially used.
Before we all scatter to parts unknown, lets make a definite plan about the next trial. Abaroa here in NC? I am definitely going to be there.

I know this is a crazy request, but will one of you PM me if you don't see me for Abaroa?

I find myself in the Missing/Located/Missing but not forgotten portion of WS & sometimes forget to come down this far.


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