NC - Lauren Hugelmaier, 29, stabbed to death, Raleigh, 1 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

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:wagon: to Websleuths, ewohgirl !! Glad you're here!!

Yes, he says he was raised by his Grandparents until he was 13. That can be a real sense of abandonment, not being cared for regularly by your own mother and really mess up kids for the rest of their lives.

I find this very odd, and perhaps someone knows the reason. Both his parents appear to be very successful in the medical field. I suppose it's a possible scenario that her parents looked after him while his mother worked or attended school to advance her career. Perhaps the doctor she is married to now is not Matthew's father, but his stepfather. Lots of questions.
Looking at his origional and now the second (darker) IG accounts for MP, it appears that he became very dark around the May timeframe which is consistent with statements made earlier about him in the last couple of months. What really saddens me is that he has friends/contacts commenting on his posts with "Nice". Several posts are very straight forward that he has suicidal ideations. one post contains a pic of Jack Skellington And Sally hanging from a tree and the comment "waiting for my death wish to come true". That said, i believe it is plausible that he took the meds to committ suicide after he attacked Lauren. kind of makes sense that the blood on him is dry (meds didnt work) and explains the apparent grogginess in his voice on the 911 call (as many of you with experience stated, these meds are more likely to make you groggy than violent). my only reservation on this hypothesis is that a suicide attempt or OD would have most likely resulted in being admitted to Psych, which at first glance it appears he went straight to jail. Look closely at his mug shot, hes not in a orange or white shirt/jumpsuit as we saw on the court appearance video. he appears to be in a blue "suicide smock". He could technically still be under psych eval/care and they simply hd him change for court since he was escorted. Also indicative of this being the case is the fact that he still has blood on his face. If he were under watch, it is not likely that he would have been given a lot of access to clean up before the pic. Given that we have noted that he has abandonment issues from other women and his erratic behavior over a couple months before, I truly believe this is a case of "If I cant have her no one can". Im guessing Lauren had already made a move to leave him. its her house and shes s the bread-winner, how embarassing for him. Its sad, i think she really loved him, but you really dont see that affection back on social media. im guessing she didnt see the 2nd IG page, shame on whatever friends laughed off his posts if they never reported his suicidal (and possibly homicidal) ideations.

Good point about the smock -- you have a good eye! Yes, he is not in the usual orange & white of the Wake Co. Jail male prisoner clothing -- and it does appear to be a suicide smock. And I agree that a Coricidin o.d. might have been a suicide attempt -- it may have been the only thing in the house that he thought might do the trick. Cheshire might just pull off an insanity defense if the evaluations are strong enuff. Grrrr, He is pretty screwed up, IMO. No pity here for him, however. He didn't have to kill her in order to off himself. :gaah: Yes, this is an interesting one.
:welcome6:to Websleuths, CCTinsley and disgreenigirl!! We're happy to have you here!!

You mention the word 'zombie-like' in your post, and I was coming here to comment on his voice when he made his 911 call.
He sounded so different than what I had expected, not that I know what his voice sounds like....but he sounded drugged, maybe the residual effects from the OTC meds he had taken. Did anyone else notice this?

eta* just saw post #285

I did notice, but the audio was altered to change the voices. It doesn't depict his authentic voice tones. I'd love to hear the unredacted, unaltered version.
I sort of doubt he is in the closet. Once I heard about this case I didn't believe his cough medicine story and started thinking of angles to consider. Maybe she was pregnant and he had wanted to wait? They were so young I don't think life insurance plays into the picture. Could he have a new female? Could he have found out she was seeing a new man? Was she being maybe a little overly persuasive in guiding him to a more lucrative career that could support a family? Did wifey go snooping and find that her hubby was in living in the closet wanting to come out? Whatever the reason, to me a knife equates to hate/anger/vengeance. If he wanted his wife dead I think he could have asked her to take a hike and she slipped while taking in the view from the scenic overlook. For me, if he had been in closet wanting to come out (or maybe not wanting to come out), I just don't think a violent stabbing would have been the route taken. But I am often wrong in my guesses

No doubt knife equates rage and anger. unfortunately, LH married a ticking time bomb. She did nothing wrong but because he was "burned" in the past by former significant others, any perceived infraction against him sent him into a tailspin. And LH became a surrogate for all the women he felt had wronged him. JMO
I did notice, but the audio was altered to change the voices. It doesn't depict his authentic voice tones. I'd love to hear the unredacted, unaltered version.

How do you know it was altered?
I did notice, but the audio was altered to change the voices. It doesn't depict his authentic voice tones. I'd love to hear the unredacted, unaltered version.

Ok..I wondered if it was something like that, too.
Thanks for the welcome. sorry for the bad spelling, im broke my arm and can only type left handed on my phone!

I am more apt to believe that the cough syrup may be used as a defense, but I am leaning more towards an insanity defense. His demeanor had recently made a dramatic change. And this happened in the middle of the night- it fits the story he creates about using the meds to help sleep, but it also lends to the plausible idea that he wasnt supposed to be there. Not sure about sweet Lauren, but if my husband started posting scary stuff, smoking (only pics in the last 4 mo show him with any cigarette, not that I think smoking makes you dangerous, but I am sorry, the pics with him with cigarettes have him almost flaunting it. Ill occaisionally smoke with a beer or some such, but I wont pose for a pic with one and post it for my mom to see.) something set this guy off, I just hope the defense dosent resort to victim blaming (i.e. he snapped because Lauren was a naggin and condecending wife- from what I have read about his lawyers, they arent above that low). we know his IG and other SM will be used, prob by both sides. defense will use it to show a recent serious change in mental health.
Matt's FB page is getting cleaned up. Friend list is gone, photos going away and comments no longer visible.

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Thanks for the welcome. sorry for the bad spelling, im broke my arm and can only type left handed on my phone!

I am more apt to believe that the cough syrup may be used as a defense, but I am leaning more towards an insanity defense. His demeanor had recently made a dramatic change. And this happened in the middle of the night- it fits the story he creates about using the meds to help sleep, but it also lends to the plausible idea that he wasnt supposed to be there. Not sure about sweet Lauren, but if my husband started posting scary stuff, smoking (only pics in the last 4 mo show him with any cigarette, not that I think smoking makes you dangerous, but I am sorry, the pics with him with cigarettes have him almost flaunting it. Ill occaisionally smoke with a beer or some such, but I wont pose for a pic with one and post it for my mom to see.) something set this guy off, I just hope the defense dosent resort to victim blaming (i.e. he snapped because Lauren was a naggin and condecending wife- from what I have read about his lawyers, they arent above that low). we know his IG and other SM will be used, prob by both sides. defense will use it to show a recent serious change in mental health.

Jumping off your post... I get the feeling MP was becoming more and more self destructive. *advertiser censored** everyone, I don't care for nothing anymore etc. Maybe this was meant to be a murder/suicide, only he couldn't go through with the suicide.
i think he went through with it, but screwed it up. I may be wrong, but I think it would take a heck of a lot to kill you. Also, the house was a townhome, looks like they were duplexes, plus Laurens dog running around. highly probable he was likely to be discovered or he was worried about neighbors calling due to noise. his plan only worked if he made the 911 call.
Hi guys, I just came to this case today, so I'm getting caught up.
Both of his IG accounts are now private. Did anyone, by chance, screenshot the marty_radical one?
I'm curious to see it. I'm getting a Scott Peterson feel from him, as far as motive goes.

Lauren looks like an absolute doll of a person, so sweet and fun loving!
Thanks for the welcome. sorry for the bad spelling, im broke my arm and can only type left handed on my phone!

I am more apt to believe that the cough syrup may be used as a defense, but I am leaning more towards an insanity defense. His demeanor had recently made a dramatic change. And this happened in the middle of the night- it fits the story he creates about using the meds to help sleep, but it also lends to the plausible idea that he wasnt supposed to be there. Not sure about sweet Lauren, but if my husband started posting scary stuff, smoking (only pics in the last 4 mo show him with any cigarette, not that I think smoking makes you dangerous, but I am sorry, the pics with him with cigarettes have him almost flaunting it. Ill occaisionally smoke with a beer or some such, but I wont pose for a pic with one and post it for my mom to see.) something set this guy off, I just hope the defense dosent resort to victim blaming (i.e. he snapped because Lauren was a naggin and condecending wife- from what I have read about his lawyers, they arent above that low). we know his IG and other SM will be used, prob by both sides. defense will use it to show a recent serious change in mental health.

If they do suggest an insanity plea for MP, I wonder what MP and his family will think? Some murder suspects refuse to go along with an insanity defense. We'll see...

This case is just all over the place, IMO. So much, so much. SMH.
His defense attorney will have fodder to work with, what with the big amount of cough syrup ingested, the dark & twisty thoughts as expressed in his social media over a period of time and probably other things they'll unearth.

Ultimately though a jury will need to decide if this guy really could have been so stoned that he stabbed his wife "in his sleep," not knowing what he was doing.

It will come down to the jurors selected during voir dire, and the experts lined up, and how well each side argues. I could see this guy getting 2nd degree, unless the state finds evidence he was pre-planning it.

I'm curious which ADA will get the case and if it will be of the ones we've seen in action before.
If they do suggest an insanity plea for MP, I wonder what MP and his family will think? Some murder suspects refuse to go along with an insanity defense. We'll see...

This case is just all over the place, IMO. So much, so much. SMH.

It seems like ANY defense would have to involve insanity one way or another -- whether "organic" or substance-induced, unless the defense would like to try for an "intruder" scenario.

This is one of those cases that has me hoping Phelps, his family and his attorneys have the human decency to just enter a guilty plea for some consideration or other and spare Lauren's family and friends the ordeal of a trial.

( I know .. I know, I mentioned "his attorneys" in the same sentence as "human decency." I'm an optimist. )
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Hi guys, I just came to this case today, so I'm getting caught up.
Both of his IG accounts are now private. Did anyone, by chance, screenshot the marty_radical one?
I'm curious to see it. I'm getting a Scott Peterson feel from him, as far as motive goes.

Lauren looks like an absolute doll of a person, so sweet and fun loving!

I screenshotted the heck out of it, am I allowed to post it??
In addition to some other cases mentioned previously in this thread, I get a bit of a Ross Harris vibe from this guy. IMO Phelps has a hidden, unsavory past way beyond that second dark instagram.

There're way too many holes in the story so far. Like, how the heck in his supposed drug-induced state did he manage to stab her and no one in the townhome complex heard anything?

I call bs on this guy. I'm just hoping LE did too, when they started investigating and gathering evidence.

Rest in peace, Lauren. Justice is coming.
In addition to some other cases mentioned previously in this thread, I get a bit of a Ross Harris vibe from this guy. IMO Phelps has a hidden, unsavory past way beyond that second dark instagram.

There're way too many holes in the story so far. Like, how the heck in his supposed drug-induced state did he manage to stab her and no one in the townhome complex heard anything?

I call bs on this guy. I'm just hoping LE did too, when they started investigating and gathering evidence.

Rest in peace, Lauren. Justice is coming.

If all of us here picked up on so many red flags in his 911 call alone, you can bet LE did too, and probably then some.

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