Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Let's just see. If say a couple of drawers were used as a makeshift coffin, and anything was put in with her like her favourite toy or dress, then it could speak to who had a hand in it.

The dressers as opposed to these being tables or chairs for example, make me think there was some kind of requirement.
Hey all!

So sad - just reading this morning about little Mariah's body being found....

I believe this is wrong. He was arrested, I believe at 2am Saturday, her body was found at 5:30pm that same day.

absolutely correct Niner. Give the player a cardboard cookie. LOL good job his arrest was reported just a little after 2am and She was not reported found until about 6 this evening

[QUOTE[FONT=&quot].[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Onslow County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI arrested 32-year-old Earl Kimrey late Friday and charged him with concealing a death, obstruction of justice, second-degree burglary, larceny and possession of stolen property. He was being help in the Onslow County Detention Center on a $1 million bond.[/FONT][/QUOTE]BBM

[FONT=&quot]Sheriff Hans Miller said investigators recovered a body around 5:30 p.m. Saturday in Shelter Creek along Shaw Highway in Pender County.[/FONT]
Do you have a link to the statements made by neighbors seeing him leaving with 'something limp at 3AM'? The dressers were stolen between 11:00 and 3:00 ( LE will often say person X is not a suspect (at this time). I have lived in a trailer and believe me you can hear everything - you can hear a motor start up outside for sure. You can hear doors open and close. You can hear (and feel) people walking around. Who puts a 3yo to bed at 11:00? It appeared she stood by his story of Mariah getting up at midnight and him telling her to go back to bed. IMO she did know something bad had happened. I know several women who put the man before their child in every circumstance.

Mariah’s bio Dad, Alex Woods, stated on a Nancy Grace podcast that he was told a grandmother named Hannah, who helped watch the kids from time to time, saw someone carrying a bundle out of the back door of the home around 3-4am. Woods hasn’t gotten this information second hand.
Grace told listeners that it may seem odd for someone to be up at that hour peering out the window, but Grace says she herself wakes up every morning around 3 and she doesn’t know why.
Mariah’s bio Dad, Alex Woods, stated on a Nancy Grace podcast that he was told a grandmother named Hannah, who helped watch the kids from time to time, saw someone carrying a bundle out of the back door of the home around 3-4am. Woods hasn’t gotten this information second hand.
Grace told listeners that it may seem odd for someone to be up at that hour peering out the window, but Grace says she herself wakes up every morning around 3 and she doesn’t know why.
When I wake up during the night to go to the bathroom, on my way back to bed I often have a look out of the window to see what the weather is like or just to be nosy and see if anything is happening.

Older people often wake more during the night so if this person is older, I can believe she was up at that time.

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My youngest is 21 yrs old. I don't know what parenting is being taught in schools now but I remember her bringing home a doll that she had to take care of, feed, change it's diaper, etc for a I think a week. Then it was hooked to a computer and told the teacher how it was cared for. If the baby was shaken, you failed that part of class. But honestly, I don't even remember what class she was in, or if all students did the same.

There's so many life skills that people need to be taught, but is it really up to the govt to teach them? I don't have an answer.

Dang, they are going high tech now. When I was a senior in high school (1991) we had a class where part of it involved a two week stint as a parent (you were either a single dad, single mom or a couple). I got chosen to be a single dad. I had to take care of a sack of flour, had to bring it with me everywhere. The teachers knew our hangouts so they would troll where the kids went and if you were without your sack of flour you lost points on the project.
Is there a valid link to Mariah being found? I've found one on Yahoo, which had nothing about it, just the arrest.

Quite a few on page 1 of the thread.
Unless drugs and/or alcohol were heavily consumed, I think Mom heard what occured. (I'm completely deaf in one ear. I've always slept with my good ear in the pillow to block out noises. I was so scared when my daughter was born that I wouldn't hear her. She's 6 now and I wake up when she is talking in her sleep. I've never slept through her waking up, despite my hearing loss.) I think once EK was arrested, others began talking. I wonder how much the boys saw/heard. I hope they're getting the care they need to process this tragedy.


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I'm not suggesting they won't be able to find a cause of death in Mariah's case, but -

[FONT=&quot]Indeed there may well be occasions when it proves difficult to establish whether or not the deceased was alive when they entered the water; this is because that even if an individual is deceased when they enter the water, providing the body remains submerged for a period of time, then the lungs will fill up anyway.[/FONT]
These times make no sense at all. What I am reading is that the mother put Mariah to bed at 11 pm. The boyfriend said Mariah got out of bed at Midnight, and he told her to get back in bed. Yet. from 11pm - 3 am, the boyfriend was stealing dressers from some old abandoned house.

The first stories said the mother put Mariah to bed around 9pm, then checked on her around 11pm. The bf was alleged to have seen Mariah around midnight in her panties and told her to go back to bed.

I think the police allege the bf was out stealing dressers sometime between 11pm on the Sunday and 3.30 am on the Monday morning? It was only around the corner from their home, so I don't think it took him 4 hours. I think it's very usual for LE to use 'sometime between the hours of...' and it might just mean ten minutes or an hour between those two times.

So the bf would have plenty of time between those hours to drive to Shaw Hwy and steal the dressers. Even if he didn't go out until midnight he could still have time for one or both of those things.

What I surmise is that it has something to do with the statement analysis. The mom never said that her bf put Mariah back to bed, she never said her bf went back to bed himself and the mom and bf fell asleep and heard nothing all night, then they both woke up at 6 am and discovered Mariah missing.

This might not hold in all cases, the person making the plea might be trying to condense things. But the things that were missing from her interviews with the TV crews can also be taken as places to probe for what actually *did* happen in that missing place.

So, her not saying that the bf put Mariah to bed, and then everyone fell asleep and slept all night until 6am, might actually be because that didn't happen. And we now 'know' from the police charges that the bf didn't go back to bed, he was probably out dumping Mariah's body...that is what was probably happening in those 'missing' parts in the mom's interviews. It could have been something else she wanted to cover in that 'missing' part, but now we have evidence that it was this that she was attempting to cover in her speech.

I don't even recall if the mom said she got up at a particular time, or if she just said that it was between 6 and 6.45 that she 'noticed' Mariah was missing. So she might have been asleep and heard him shouting at the child and then him leave. Or she might have been up all night and when he got back maybe they talked about what would happen next and one of them or both of them decided to call the police and report Mariah missing. But in one news report it says the mom called the sheriff's office, and in the dad's interview with Nancy Grace he says he finds it odd that the mom called a number other than 911. All this is 'suggestive' she was awake during those hours and that subconsciously she knew this was not a life/death phone call.

The bf might have been threatening the mom that he'd kill her boys as well if she told on him (if he killed Mariah). I think the mom was upset in those interviews, others had the sense that the first especially she was pretty much eulogizing Mariah with her words, but she may also have been trying to keep control of her emotions to not show she was actually in total grief rather than fear for a missing child, and she may have been trying to keep her remaining children safe from anything she might have been perceived to say 'wrong' to the TV. Other people noted that she apparently sent the boys to school on the Monday and asked why? Maybe she was trying to protect them from a threat in the home rather than from outside it?

Just my thoughts...
This case is difficult for statement analysis because the full story given to LE hasn't been released to the public. I've even seen a time of 6pm for Mariah going to bed.

KH saying she fed Mariah strikes me as odd. Fed her what, a bottle? A 3 year old might still take a bottle but doesn't usually require feeding, especially the independent ones, unless not well.
This statement struck me as odd, also, when I first read it. However, once I thought about the context when spoken, it made sense. I can imagine saying, "I fed my son at 6:00." and he is 16 years old.

This is such a hard case for me... I lost my 3 year old daughter to unexpected, but natural causes several years ago. I can not imagine anyone taking that precious child's life. So incredibly heartbreaking...
I thought the dressers were an unrelated incident they could arrest him and keep him... I didn't realize they claim he was stealing the dressers that same night. And why would you steal cheap dressers? Maybe he did have some stupid idea to use them to conceal her body, and then realized it wouldn't work.
Also, this may be unpopular and I don't want to offend, but I don't think we should be canonizing the bio father. The only info we have on their marriage and break up is from him, and honestly, I've seen this enough to know that usually, both parties are at fault. I understand he is a victim of this too, and I will try to keep this fair. But he was married to her, and "birds of a feather..." and all that. What about legal aid? I don't think it's impossible to get a divorce if you're poor. I did it. In that same city, too. Get the divorce, get the custody in order, see your children.
This statement struck me as odd, also, when I first read it. However, once I thought about the context when spoken, it made sense. I can imagine saying, "I fed my son at 6:00." and he is 16 years old.

This is such a hard case for me... I lost my 3 year old daughter to unexpected, but natural causes several years ago. I can not imagine anyone taking that precious child's life. So incredibly heartbreaking...

I'm so sorry.
First time posting... (nervous). I’ve followed several cases on WS. This case has shaken me to the core. In the beginning it was mentioned the BF and Mom were using Meth. I’ve witnessed first hand what Meth does to a person. I’ve tried to save several addicts in my lifetime. Meth is by far the most evil of all, IMO. Ten years ago my niece,16 months old, was abused by her mother’s BF. Her mother dropped her off at my house shortly after the incident. After an hour of trying to calm her and give her a bath, i found her back side bruised from her shoulder blades to her bottom. Her mother told the detective she left my niece with her BF while she went to purchase meth and she “slipped down the steps” while she was gone. That was the most challenging part of my life. To this day I do not have children of my own. I’ve devoted my life to my niece and nephew and thank God everyday for both of them. If only I could’ve saved sweet Mariah. RIP baby girl knowing you’re loved by many.

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Thank you for sharing this, your story touches me deeply. The casualties of the current drug epidemic is not just the user but many times the true victims are neglected and abused innocent children.
IIRC, KH was saying her last interaction with Mariah was that she fed her and put her to bed, told her she loved her and Mariah told her she loved her, too. Something just seems off to me. Not sure if it's the word "fed" rather than she had a snack? Wouldn't think she would've gone to bed right after supper, but maybe wanting a snack before bed. Just seems to concise, maybe rehearsed even (MOO), but then I'm a talker and probably would've included what my child wanted to eat, what time it was, etc.?

This case is difficult for statement analysis because the full story given to LE hasn't been released to the public. I've even seen a time of 6pm for Mariah going to bed.

KH saying she fed Mariah strikes me as odd. Fed her what, a bottle? A 3 year old might still take a bottle but doesn't usually require feeding, especially the independent ones, unless not well.
Those pics look like she has been told to smile, except for the very young one.
Tbf I have loads of pics of my almost 3 year old where as soon as she's seen the camera she's produced an obvious fake smile. I'm not saying that's the case here, but could very well be. I tried taking one last night of my arm around her in front of the Christmas tree and she moved just as the camera snapped the picture and the result looked like I was throttling her. That's the trouble with phptographs, they literally capture a split second in time. All we can do is hope that many of her days were filled with joy and laughter, and that beautiful child like delight that kids her age take from the most seemingly mundane things (mine is currently rolling a stray Christmas bauble for the cat and squealing with hilarity)

I'm on the fence with religion etc but I hold on to the hope there's somewhere, at least for the little ones, magical and warm and fun. I hope that the truth comes out and justice is swift and I pray her brothers are ok through all of this.

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