Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #7 *Arrest*

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Took me a while to get that. I think you are absolutely right. So KW's family thinks KW is with EK's family, and EK's family thinks she is with KW's. No one misses her & Mariah. Have I got that right?

What makes me think KW wasn't with EK is that he was holding his bio child and his ex was also there. KW strikes me as the type to want to be centre-stage in photos, as opposed to behind the lens. I need to see that photo again to try to gauge the boys body language. It seemed to me the little one was hugging up to his brother for moral support.

Editing out comments about the photo until there's an msm link for it.

We're restricted on what we can say about the Thanksgiving visit. I don't know that it's productive to try to guess why KW wasn't there when she might well have been there and we don't have any evidence to say she wasn't?
where did you find that photo?
It was on a thread feels like last year but an earlier thread. I wouldn't know where to start looking. Did you post it? Someone did, anyway, the faces were all whited out.
Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if an older sibling reported the SA of a 3yr old sibling - say to a teacher? Does duty to report have the teacher contacting the police or child services (or both?). And then what happens? If physical evidence of that abuse isn’t present? I’ve always understood the burden of proof to be with the prosecution - but what about cases like this?

CPS cases have different standards of proof when they get to the court level. But they do have to prove the abuse occurred.

I feel, in an entire year, he couldn't go to CPS or Court to plea for the right to see his children? He wouldn't need and attorney for that. What would be the cost in that?

The CPS case was closed. His recourse wasn't through them anymore. Calling them would have done nothing for him. He needed to go back to court. There is a huge cost in that. Many people cannot navigate the court system without an attorney. And it takes days and days off work to go back and forth to court. It's not one hearing when it comes to custody. It's several.

I see what he went through repeatedly. It can be impossible and an insane, Kafkaesque nightmare.

I don't blame him for not knowing what to do nor having the resources to get help.
I didn't see the CPS report. Is there proof those allegations occurred or are they just allegations?

I don't see anything suspicious on the table in that one photo. Reminds me of the kittens during Casey Anthony.

All this criticism and judgement towards the dad seems presumptuous and premature and like perhaps people think the system is easier and cheaper to navigate than reality.

I love ws and am very interested in this case but geez it kinda seems like there is a lot of assuming and judging going on in these threads. It's getting kinda disturbing... Like the photo...I don't see anything weird not even anything I could definitively say is powder, let alone drugs.

Idk... Maybe I'm just overly sensitive today... But it's not so simple and easy to get through the court system like people seem to think dad could have and should have done... I've dealt with CPS from the perspectives of parent, teacher, stepmom, and it's not as cut and dried as some seem to think. In many states it's very much considered in the best interest of the child to be with Mom even if she's less equipped and able than dad, simply because she's the Mom and the system is sexist.

The boys' body language in that photo was terrible. The little one was cuddling into the older one as if for protection. It could have just been because he was a bit shy with people he didn't know well, but... And the older one looked like he wished he wasn't there tbh, but again that could just be because of being with people they didn't know very well? It's easy to read into things and imagine the reasons when you know what we do now.

We're restricted on what we can say about the Thanksgiving visit. I don't know that it's productive to try to guess why KW wasn't there when she might well have been there and we don't have any evidence to say she wasn't?
I see it that we don't have evidence she was. So either are up for discussion/theory.
We can sleuth KW but that doesn't mean we should victim blame women in general, or abuse victims in general. We do not know that KW was abused, but we know that EK is an abuser of the worst kind. Abuse begets abuse in general. Genetics and a whole host of other aspects of development can also turn someone into an abuser. EK appears to be a complete and total sociopath, possibly psychopath. KW also appears to have some personality dysfunction and is by no means innocent, IMO. Your post can be directed at KW, but please not at all women who have been victims of abuse, whether they perpetuated or allowed abuse or not. Women who have engaged in criminal acts against their children can surely be blamed, even if they were victims of abuse themselves. But not all women who have been victims of abuse who were not able to protect their children. Trauma among the major causes of violence and abuse, particularly among women. Borderline PD is now seen as a trauma and stress related disorder, and they can be violent and abusive. Ending the cycle of abuse is one of the ways to stop these crimes. Your post belies a lack of understanding of the nature of abuse and its effects, and also belies great privilege. Women (and their children) are more likely to be killed when they leave a relationship than at any other time.

Oh I will blame any woman or man who exposes their kids to abuse when they have alternatives. Who is talking about that woman needing to leave? Her kids needed to leave. And they had a dad who was willing and able to take them. A simple phone call to him to come get them was all that was needed.

I represent a lot of victims in court. I understand the issue. A true parent doesn't allow their child to be abused. Period.
if she would do the latter, she would do the former.

I meant back when CPS was first involved. For the alleged abuse and SA.
After the kids were returned to the mother, if there were checks done, did she have the boys lie about EK not being around any more. But, in fact he was. JMO

Was the photo from Sunday or actually on Thanksgiving?
If Sunday, then a lot was going on:
EK allegedly hit one of Mariah’s brothers in the face - causing his nose to bleed.
EK stole 2 dressers from nearby vacant home.
Mariah goes “missing”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know the CPS report says that EK hit the boy, has there been any verification of that, like via a documented injury? That just occurred to me, if the kid was hit hard enough to make his nose bleed then he would still have an injury to his face.
This is just a guess, but I think these floor plans may be misleading because they are for newer homes. I have been in several single wide trailers, in conjunction with rescuing animals, and I have not yet been in one with 2 bathrooms. I've also never been in one that has bedrooms at either end like many of these floor plans. I think they used to be all pretty much the same, entry into living room area with kitchen to the right, and all bedrooms and the bathroom down the hall to the left. Often the bathroom is the first room off the living room, so that anyone at the very end of the hallway would pass the rest of the bedrooms on the way to the bathroom.

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Yes, these look to be older style trailers (The trailer park itself looks to be a very tidy, and well-maintained, one). Having lived in a couple, and visited friends who lived in them, back in the day, I think you're probably pretty close on the floor plan. I have been in an older one, or two, that had a bedroom on each end, but they were the exception, rather than the rule.
New details on how she was found...
How the police found her...what she was wearing..
I didn't see the CPS report. Is there proof those allegations occurred or are they just allegations?

I don't see anything suspicious on the table in that one photo. Reminds me of the kittens during Casey Anthony.

All this criticism and judgement towards the dad seems presumptuous and premature and like perhaps people think the system is easier and cheaper to navigate than reality.

I love ws and am very interested in this case but geez it kinda seems like there is a lot of assuming and judging going on in these threads. It's getting kinda disturbing... Like the photo...I don't see anything weird not even anything I could definitively say is powder, let alone drugs.

Idk... Maybe I'm just overly sensitive today... But it's not so simple and easy to get through the court system like people seem to think dad could have and should have done... I've dealt with CPS from the perspectives of parent, teacher, stepmom, and it's not as cut and dried as some seem to think. In many states it's very much considered in the best interest of the child to be with Mom even if she's less equipped and able than dad, simply because she's the Mom and the system is sexist.


Statements the two boys gave to cps interviewer
baby chase :*(

Wasn't it a meme rather than a post she had typed? I'm not sure how well they correlate to how 'we' see them in retrospect of something like this and how the person saw the meme when they posted it.

I know there are a lot of memes out there, but I tend to post things that my friends have shared, not go looking for something (and manage to find) something that fits so perfectly.

But...if her FB is now open for discussion. I've been sitting on this since last Monday!

One of the first things I did was to look through her pictures. There was a picture of Mariah, so I looked at the date on the day it was posted and *assumed* it was a fresh picture. Then I clicked the 'next' button a number of times, and the same pic appeared over and over, being posted each day, so I was obviously wrong in the assumption that the date I saw on it the first time was the first time it was posted.

I *think* the last time it was posted was about Thanksgiving, and I think the first time (in this series of posting it each day) was the 20th November.

But it was actually that picture of Mariah in the garden in the blue print dress. It must surely have been taken earlier in the year because it would be too cold at this time of year for her to be dressed just in that thin summer dress.

There were pics from Halloween, and there were pics from Mariah's birthday that were posted I think on the tenth (but I believe her birthday is actually either the 7th or 8th November?).

If it wasn't for that family visit for Thanksgiving I would have suspected something major happened to Mariah around the 20th. I don't know for certain, we don't have any official source for it, but I believe KW and Mariah were at that family visit.

It just gave me the sense that there was some reason it wasn't a fresh picture posted each day, and Mariah must have been on KW's mind to repost the same pic each day for about a week? And, even though for days I was saying on here that maybe KW is a battered wife, on that first day I found this thing with the pictures suspicious that something had happened to Mariah about the 20th November and that she wasn't available for fresh photos afte that date...

I guess I'm wrong on this, I just found it weird and suspicious in a missing child case, so close to the time that the child is reported missing. I think it comes from another case that happened a year or two back of a month or so old baby in Florida and the mom was posting pics as if he was still alive but he had been deceased for weeks. I didn't go looking for that, but seeing the same pic over and over made me think that something like that might be the reason for this thing that struck me as 'unusual'.

And from what the bio dad and his fiancee have been saying on NG, it sounded like they were saying that Mariah was alive when the family left the Thanksgiving do with EK's family, so I must be wrong about Mariah being dead, but I still wonder what caused that behaviour.

So sorry for the long rambling post, but I've been holding this in so hard!
it serves a dual purpose.... keep ex from findng out anything and also avoid fights w the bf who may not want dad around. dealt w that too.

This wasn't appropriate previously but I think I can safely post it now. And this was before we got further info that points to worse than negligence:

I don't blame this woman for the actions of her boyfriend. I blame her for her own. CPS actually took her children due to abuse allegations. They were placed temporarily with her ex, their father, where he claims they thrived. The neighbors report Mariah's mom and the boyfriend engaged in repeated, loud fights. He displayed such an intense temper that he destroyed their car.

Yet instead of letting her ex keep the kids or calling him to come get them, she kept the kids and refused to even let the father have them for his court ordered time, during which he might have been able to detect if something was wrong.

She exposed her children to a violent, angry, combative man knowing he was so and despite having a way out.

That was a clear choice. And it was a grossly negligent one.

Mariah is dead because of negligence and murder. And I hope there is accountability for both.
According to rumors they don't get along at all. Tha'ts why she was not in the picture and maybe not even there that day. But again is just sm comments from people that know them.

And she didn't get along with AW's girlfriend and assaulted her. She sounds like she has her own serious anger management issues. If that's the case KW could very well be the abuser rather than the victim and she hooked up with a fellow abuser.

I tried to read these hand-written documents and am having trouble. It appears to say that AW was the father to the two younger children and that the oldest had been a victim of sexual assault. And wasn't supposed to be around the younger children and that's why the two youngest were temporarily removed from KW's care and given to their dad. If that is true, then why on earth would CPS put them back with her? Why wasn't the perp arrested and charged. If that is what has happened in this case, CPS does have some explaining to do.
From Banfield tonight...not much we don't already know except that Mariah was clothed when found.
I agree with you. I think they would have had a parenting plan under their divorce decree. Both parents are supposed to abide by it.

That's nice and all but she wasn't abiding by it. And in the majority of cases when parents contact the police the police hand them a violation report and then refer them to court saying it is a civil matter.

In my state, the next steps would either be a complex motion for contempt, a complex motion for monestary sanctions under an obscure code section that even many attorney don't know about or a reques to change custody which involves multiple court dates and time off work. This dude was living paycheck to paycheck from what I can infer. Probably paying court ordered child support too. I doubt he could afford the time off. I doubt he knew where to start. I doubt he felt he had a chance anyhow. After all, he probably though the custody was a slam dunk due to the abuse allegations. But they reunified with mom.

I can see clearly what happened here by reading between the lines. Just like I immediately read between the lines in the Maddie Jones/baby William case. Many insisted dad was creepy, did something to mom or made her flee to protect the child. But I was certain that wasn't the case because the facts seemed very familiar to me. I see this stuff in my practice. They do here too.
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