Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #7 *Arrest*

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I think the issue will be whether she was found in the same underwear described in the 911 call. iirc, a very specific description/color was given which surprised me. I would not remember that small detail at a time I was highly stressed. I was also surprised Mariah was said to be wearing underwear rather than pull-ups. Last year, when my granddaughter was three yrs., she wore pull-ups at night.

Wow. You just keep me thinking. Very aware of the link and white underwear...Nancy G will not let that leave anyone's mind for more than two minutes. And as sick as it makes me to think it, I wonder if remembering that specific detail could in any way be correlated with the alleged sexual abuse in the CPS reports. A paraphilia of sorts, if you will. This may be going too far on a tangent, but my psych and human behavior background sends me down the path to thinking PERHAPS (just a theory) EK could be a sex offender but hasn't been caught before since there are no previous charges for that in his record I don't think. I mean like you said, that's such a detailed memory... psychologically speaking, details like that wouldn't be at the forefront if they aren't something of significance. An obsession or desire as in a paraphilia could possibly do this. Then there's the question of who remembered and reported that detail? EK or KW?

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There are levels of neglect charges that can result in more jail time than manslaughter charges. I'd have to look up NC law, but in the Sherin Mathews case, the father was charged with neglect that specifically said it was likely would lead to death or extreme physical or emotional harm. So it's possible for people to be charged with something other than murder and still do a ton of time.

There's also a case in Illinois with an adult victim where there is no body and the perp is not charged with murder BUT is charged with kidnapping, torture, and having killed her. While it's not an actual murder charge, he may actually face the death penalty (because the feds are involved, even though Illinois no longer has the DP).

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I bet O EARL ( in my sarcastic tone) will never see the light of day, at least I hope and pray this is the case.
Does anyone happen to know if there is a place where all the facts as we currently know them are laid out?
I’m quite surprised that no one has yet been charged with Mariah’s homicide. I thought the autopsy would immediately result in charges. But the fact that they continue to test evidence from the autopsy, scene, etc., tells me that it isn’t obvious what happened, or who did what.

That said, I’m really glad LE is being so thorough and tight lipped. As much as I’d like to hear the 911 call and know what they've determined so far, I really want their case, whatever it turns out to be, to be airtight and spot on.

Yet again, I’m really surprised that neither EK nor KW have been charged related to the actual death. I thought that would have happened by Monday.

I will be surprised at this point if additional arrests are made before the final autopsy results are in and a true bill comes from a grand jury.
Bumping my PSA from the last thread: use your ignore lists, even temporarily. If someone’s posts rub you the wrong way or you find yourself wanting to argue with them, you can hit the ignore button and scroll on by. Don’t stress yourself out, save yourself the urge to reply quote and risk a time out. The posts are hidden from your page until you remove them from your ignore list.

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I will be surprised at this point if additional arrests are made before the final autopsy results are in and a true bill comes from a grand jury.
Would that signify the trial is off to a shaky start, having to vote on probable cause? It gives me that flavour.
Re: "visitation" it's definitely the cultural norm in the south! Not one I'm particularly fond of in its classic presentation where the body is on display in the casket and people line up to walk by and pay their respects. I will never forget when my grandmother passed away going to the funeral and seeing her body laying there. It was awful. Despite knowing what to expect, I still fainted. I was a sophomore in college by that time and was shocked how profoundly it affected me. Haven't viewed a body since. [emoji31][emoji52] just can't.

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I am from Georgia and there is always visitation before the funeral. Sometimes it is right before the funeral but most of the time its the night before held between 6-8 pm where I live. It really is as it says 'visitation' with family.

Its not about viewing the person in the casket and much more to do with being there to support the grieving family members. No one has to go up to the casket to view them if they don't want to do that.

Visitation is primarily held for those who may be working the day of the funeral and cant attend but wants the family to know they came to support them in their sad time of grief. Although, depending on how close the deceased person is many come both to visitation and to the funeral itself.

Viewing someone in a casket has never bothered me unless it is a child and that has happened and I did not view them in their tiny casket. It was just too hard to do for me but many others who attended did view them. These small children where I had attended their funerals hadn't been murdered though, and most who saw them in their tiny caskets said they looked like beautiful sleeping angels.

Here in Georgia anyone that wants to view the deceased loved one can do so right before the casket is closed for good right after the funeral services have ended. Many family members and close friends will select to see them one last time. It is just a matter of choice with each individual making their own decision.

I am sorry for your loss of your grandmother.:(
Bumping my PSA from the last thread: use your ignore lists, even temporarily. If someone’s posts rub you the wrong way or you find yourself wanting to argue with them, you can hit the ignore button and scroll on by. Don’t stress yourself out, save yourself the urge to reply quote and risk a time out. The posts are hidden from your page until you remove them from your ignore list.

I use this feature more to control my own temper and posts than anything else. WS provides tools to be a better poster!

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Where is the "ignore" button? TIA
I am confused. Who is CW?

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I'm not sure but I find the incident rather odd, in this already, very strange, case. I mean, with all that he'd been doing, let's go start crap at someone's place down in Snead's Ferry.
I'm not sure but I find the incident rather odd, in this already, very strange, case. I mean, with all that he'd been doing, let's go start crap at someone's place down in Snead's Ferry.
It's pretty Faulkneresque.

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I'm not sure but I find the incident rather odd, in this already, very strange, case. I mean, with all that he'd been doing, let's go start crap at someone's place down in Snead's Ferry.
I think it's his ex-gf's place or somewhere he lived before. Review full list of sheriff call-outs from today's link, it also showed up several years ago. Hmmm....
I bet O EARL ( in my sarcastic tone) will never see the light of day, at least I hope and pray this is the case.

please also take into consideration that NC uses structured sentencing so you won’t find anything like the injury to a child in Texas that has a penalty range of 2 - 99 years. Sentences are based on the points from any previous convictions and the classification of the crime being convicted of together.

With the charges he currently has and the normal length of time it takes to come to trial it is doubtful he would see much prison time if any. When you calculate the points for all of his former convictions which were 2. Class 1 misdemeanors, 1 class 1A misdemeanor and 1 class 3 misdemeanor. That gives him 4 conviction points. That gives him class II sentencing for he next conviction. So the disposal and obstructing charges are a class II felony and a class I felony. The larceny related charges are: a class I felony a class II felony and a Class III misdemeanor(doesn’t get points). If they are all included in the same trial as they should be sentences must be concurrent so you end up with an actual sentence of less than 2 years and it will most likely be the amount of time served awaiting trial. Due to the fact that all of the current charges ara non-violent. So basically unless there are charges related to the causing of the death (violent charge) or sexual assault he will not serve much time at all. Sorry you are welcome to check my calculations below area the warrants with the charge classifications in the upper left corner, the offfenders page from the DOC showing the classification of his prior convictions on the right side of each charge and the Structured Sentencing training manual for instructions on how to make the calculations and the chart to arrive at the final potential sentence for the current charges. There is also a link at the bottom for those who want to see the manual without downloading it.


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I looked at the picture. It looks like white powder to me, that could have been pushed to the side of the table. But it could also be milk, or some other type of stain. What stands out to me the most is the disorganization of the household, run by careless adults.

Not that it matters, but I settled on powdered infant formula and disregarded it. If someone is sloppy the powder rests in lines around the container and the bottle as you measure out the bottle. As I shared before, my friend and I have complained of our husbands' house keeping skills. We've lamented how terrible it looked to have lines/piles of white powder on the counter. What would someone think if they were to peep in our windows?

I didn't realize the date of the photo and assumed the sippy cup was Mariah's (as I didn't know the ages of her older brothers). But then I remembered EK had a daughter younger than Mariah, so my theory still worked in my head. Now I don't even need mental acrobatics...Mariah would've been a baby in Feb '15.

Moving on from the photo. I think it is interesting that the quote about EKs "adult temper" was attributed to a new party. The original person (initials KK perhaps?) was a woman identified as living 3 doors down. You all speculated the quote may have been removed for her safety. The quote is now attributed to a man with a different last name and no mention of where he lives, save for the fact EK used to skateboard there to "bum cigarettes". My thought is this is a couple who live together and are both familiar with EK and the day in question. Maybe they both witnessed it, but the man is trying to protect the woman by having his name quoted in lieu of hers. Or maybe the man actually witnessed the vandalism, but his gf/wife/roommate talked to the reporter originally and didn't have the good sense to be fearful of retaliation from EK because they were friendly enough to give EK free cigarettes.

Probably not particularly important, but something to chew on while awaiting COD or more arrests.
Higher than a Georgia pine - lol, I'm saving that.

If I still lived near you, I think we'd become fast friends.

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I have thought the same. lol
I looked at the picture. It looks like white powder to me, that could have been pushed to the side of the table. But it could also be milk, or some other type of stain. What stands out to me the most is the disorganization of the household, run by careless adults.

the table is shiney. You can see the wood from the cabinet reflecting on it. I think the stuff that looks like white powder is a reflection of something.
please also take into consideration that NC uses structured sentencing so you won’t find anything like the injury to a child in Texas that has a penalty range of 2 - 99 years. Sentences are based on the points from any previous convictions and the classification of the crime being convicted of together.

View attachment 127356
Would this system help explain why they bothered to charge him with the theft of two cheap dressers? Some here have been confused by that, and have used it as a basis for thinking that the dressers themselves were somehow part of the crime, while others of us have believed they very well could be unrelated and just part of stacking the charges.

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