Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #7 *Arrest*

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Not that it matters, but I settled on powdered infant formula and disregarded it. If someone is sloppy the powder rests in lines around the container and the bottle as you measure out the bottle. As I shared before, my friend and I have complained of our husbands' house keeping skills. We've lamented how terrible it looked to have lines/piles of white powder on the counter. What would someone think if they were to peep in our windows?

I didn't realize the date of the photo and assumed the sippy cup was Mariah's (as I didn't know the ages of her older brothers). But then I remembered EK had a daughter younger than Mariah, so my theory still worked in my head. Now I don't even need mental acrobatics...Mariah would've been a baby in Feb '15.

Moving on from the photo. I think it is interesting that the quote about EKs "adult temper" was attributed to a new party. The original person (initials KK perhaps?) was a woman identified as living 3 doors down. You all speculated the quote may have been removed for her safety. The quote is now attributed to a man with a different last name and no mention of where he lives, save for the fact EK used to skateboard there to "bum cigarettes". My thought is this is a couple who live together and are both familiar with EK and the day in question. Maybe they both witnessed it, but the man is trying to protect the woman by having his name quoted in lieu of hers. Or maybe the man actually witnessed the vandalism, but his gf/wife/roommate talked to the reporter originally and didn't have the good sense to be fearful of retaliation from EK because they were friendly enough to give EK free cigarettes.

Probably not particularly important, but something to chew on while awaiting COD or more arrests.

Another child??
Does anyone happen to have a family tree for these people?!!!
Wow. You just keep me thinking. Very aware of the link and white underwear...Nancy G will not let that leave anyone's mind for more than two minutes. And as sick as it makes me to think it, I wonder if remembering that specific detail could in any way be correlated with the alleged sexual abuse in the CPS reports. A paraphilia of sorts, if you will. This may be going too far on a tangent, but my psych and human behavior background sends me down the path to thinking PERHAPS (just a theory) EK could be a sex offender but hasn't been caught before since there are no previous charges for that in his record I don't think. I mean like you said, that's such a detailed memory... psychologically speaking, details like that wouldn't be at the forefront if they aren't something of significance. An obsession or desire as in a paraphilia could possibly do this. Then there's the question of who remembered and reported that detail? EK or KW?

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In the photos I've seen of Mariah, she is wearing dresses and bows in her carefully combed hair. Very girly. Her mother cares very much what other people think, imo. KW made the 911 call.
In the photos I've seen of Mariah, she is wearing dresses and bows in her carefully combed hair. Very girly. Her mother cares very much what other people think, imo. KW made the 911 call.
There's also a pic floating about of KW with a large pink bow in her own hair. Competing?
Where is the "ignore" button? TIA

I came here in Jan. 2004 and I have never used the ignore button or even know where it is. There have been times I had to sit on my hands but I just read and then scroll and roll and move on.

I wholeheartedly admit I have had to scroll and roll several times after reading some posts, both in this case and Sherin Matthews' when the posts were more about making both the mothers of these dead children into victims of the men involved even without one shred of evidence to support them.

We need to take the facts and not rely on assumptions or excuses. imo. What we need to worry about the most is 70% of all maltreated or mistreated children in 2015 was done by a MOTHER. More often than anyone else it was a mother who was involved in the victimization of abused children. That includes all types of abuses from gross neglect even leading to starvation, physical, emotional, mental, sexual abuse, and murder. That is what we need to worry about as a society who wants to protect all children from the horrific things they have to endure.

Grouchymom has been kind enough to link the facts for us both in this case and Sharon's. It makes me wonder if anyone really reads who is actually involved most often when little children are maltreated and abused. A boyfriend or live in is in the 13% of those who maltreats children. The media seems to care much more about the 13% than the 70% category. I have never understood why they shy away from who are actually involved most often when it comes to the cruelty being done to defenseless little children.

We see so called 'mothers' being given sweetheart deals and we have seen these 'mothers' get less time for murdering their child/children or no time at all. These women aren't victims..........they are victimizers. The double standards leaves many abused children without true justice based on who their offenders are and gender. That is so morally wrong. All children must be treated equal for we all lose if not.

Until society is willing to face the cruel facts that countless mothers every year can be and are the worst enemy their own children face...........the children they grossly neglect/abuse or murder will never have be validated in the court system overall as having the same worth as they do when they are abused by a male.

I want justice for ALL children no matter who their abusers or perpetrators happen to be.
Not that it matters, but I settled on powdered infant formula and disregarded it. If someone is sloppy the powder rests in lines around the container and the bottle as you measure out the bottle. As I shared before, my friend and I have complained of our husbands' house keeping skills. We've lamented how terrible it looked to have lines/piles of white powder on the counter. What would someone think if they were to peep in our windows?

I didn't realize the date of the photo and assumed the sippy cup was Mariah's (as I didn't know the ages of her older brothers). But then I remembered EK had a daughter younger than Mariah, so my theory still worked in my head. Now I don't even need mental acrobatics...Mariah would've been a baby in Feb '15.

Moving on from the photo. I think it is interesting that the quote about EKs "adult temper" was attributed to a new party. The original person (initials KK perhaps?) was a woman identified as living 3 doors down. You all speculated the quote may have been removed for her safety. The quote is now attributed to a man with a different last name and no mention of where he lives, save for the fact EK used to skateboard there to "bum cigarettes". My thought is this is a couple who live together and are both familiar with EK and the day in question. Maybe they both witnessed it, but the man is trying to protect the woman by having his name quoted in lieu of hers. Or maybe the man actually witnessed the vandalism, but his gf/wife/roommate talked to the reporter originally and didn't have the good sense to be fearful of retaliation from EK because they were friendly enough to give EK free cigarettes.

Probably not particularly important, but something to chew on while awaiting COD or more arrests.

Maybe the name mix-up was done in error? The last name was the same in both of the articles I read. The first name was nearly the same. First article I read was the female form, next article had it in the male form.

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You click a posters name and then on their page “add to ignore list.” You can remove that way too.

Most amazing group I've every belonged to (I think). Thank you so much!!! :loveyou:

You can still see that persons posts when you have added them to your ignore list though, right?
Can the person you added still see your posts?

(I can't find these answers in the rules section)
Just an FYI even if you have someone on ignore, you can still pull up their post without removing them from ignore. You will see they have posted something and have the option to view post. I would think they could still see your posts.
No, it's a term we've used my entire life in the upper Midwest as well. And I am catholic. We still refer to this event as a visitation. We would never confuse that with the capitalized Visitation.

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I think they called it a "wake", and/or "sittin' with the dead", when my grandfather passed. They brought him back, to the family home, and someone sat with the body during that time. Relatives and friends would bring food to the home and visit with the family. He passed just before I was born so I have no memory but my older cousin remembers. I lived in the home for several years and my cousin enjoyed freaking my ex out by telling about how the ex's favorite chair was in the same spot that the coffin was located, and going on to describe what they remembered.
For the last several days I have been following along quietly. Bouncing from heartache to headache. These Children have endured so much. Little Mariah paid the ultimate price for her Mothers poor life choices. "If" evidence of Mariah's death is inside that home Mom has no way out of this one. IMO
I came here in Jan. 2004 and I have never used the ignore button or even know where it is. There have been times I had to sit on my hands but I just read and then scroll and roll and move on.

I wholeheartedly admit I have had to scroll and roll several times after reading some posts, both in this case and Sherin Matthews' when the posts were more about making both the mothers of these dead children into victims of the men involved even without one shred of evidence to support them.

We need to take the facts and not rely on assumptions or excuses. imo. What we need to worry about the most is 70% of all maltreated or mistreated children in 2015 was done by a MOTHER. More often than anyone else it was a mother who was involved in the victimization of abused children. That includes all types of abuses from gross neglect even leading to starvation, physical, emotional, mental, sexual abuse, and murder. That is what we need to worry about as a society who wants to protect all children from the horrific things they have to endure.

Grouchymom has been kind enough to link the facts for us both in this case and Sharon's. It makes me wonder if anyone really reads who is actually involved most often when little children are maltreated and abused. A boyfriend or live in is in the 13% of those who maltreats children. The media seems to care much more about the 13% than the 70% category. I have never understood why they shy away from who are actually involved most often when it comes to the cruelty being done to defenseless little children.

We see so called 'mothers' being given sweetheart deals and we have seen these 'mothers' get less time for murdering their child/children or no time at all. These women aren't victims..........they are victimizers. The double standards leaves many abused children without true justice based on who their offenders are and gender. That is so morally wrong. All children must be treated equal for we all lose if not.

Until society is willing to face the cruel facts that countless mothers every year can be and are the worst enemy their own children face...........the children they grossly neglect/abuse or murder will never have be validated in the court system overall as having the same worth as they do when they are abused by a male.

I want justice for ALL children no matter who their abusers or perpetrators happen to be.

Excellent post, and I agree wholeheartedly! I have had to scroll and roll for the very same reason. I didn't know there was an "ignore" button, and I thank each and every one who was kind enough to give instructions on using it. I will, in the future. :happydance:
OT - You may not have that reaction every time. I had been viewing bodies since I was a very little kid with no problem, and then my senior year of high school I had a terrible reaction I did not expect. I froze up, could not move forward, and thought I may pass out. I never had that reaction again. I still don't understand why it happened. I was not myself and someone else's mother had to force me to move up to the casket and a friend had to guide me back out again.

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Yea. I imagine I could handle it. A lot of it in that instance was because my grandmother and I were extremely close. She died suddenly and unexpectedly. So there was the emotional blow of actually seeing her laying there dead. And she didn't look like herself at all. Now it's more of a conscious choice to not view dead bodies, preferring instead to remember them alive. Fortunately most of my family members that remain desire cremation over burial so that works in my favor. :)

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Just an FYI even if you have someone on ignore, you can still pull up their post without removing them from ignore. You will see they have posted something and have the option to view post. I would think they could still see your posts.

I just scroll and roll. I am way too nosy to put someone on ignore and miss something :blushing:
I am not sure LE will be able to prove who actually killed Mariah. I can see finger-pointing ahead but wondering how LE will know for sure. Hoping both adults are charged equally.

Also there was a show on ID channel last night (Village of the Damned series, I think) where a 3-yr old girl was reported missing by her mother (back in the 80's I think.) Eventually it came out that Mom was to blame when she was seen mailing a package to police of one of the child glove's as "proof of abduction". She was allowed to attend the funeral in handcuffs. She had claimed the child suffocated by accident and so she buried her in the woods. I think she served about 15 years.

I am wondering why no one has been charged with murder. It seems odd that the charges stated he concealed a death that he knew was "unnatural". That term could cover a lot of ground from intentional harm to an accidental fall.

In view of the fact that some MSM has reported that EK was a heroin user, is it possible that little Mariah may have gotten hold of his drugs? If she got into his drugs she may have eaten them and overdosed on them. If so KW and EK may have panicked knowing they would be going to jail for having drugs around the kids.
Excellent post, and I agree wholeheartedly! I have had to scroll and roll for the very same reason. I didn't know there was an "ignore" button, and I thank each and every one who was kind enough to give instructions on using it. I will, in the future. :happydance:

haha I love that little bouncy dude at the end of your comment.

NEW: District Attorney Ernie Lee says the autopsy results for Mariah Woods are "still pending" -- There is no timeline for when the results will be available.

(They have a press release from the DA)
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