Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #9 *Arrest*

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nothing beyond what aw supplied to the media. The woman drove her car and tried to hit gf in front of children. The children said their mother is mean. emotional trauma doesn't leave bruises and it can be as harmful as a belt.

The documents indicate AW girlfriend attacked KW - then HC went to magistrate after the fact and filed charges claiming the opposite. I have no clue what really happened. I just don't see anything that indicates that KW was the one abusing the children while EK just followed orders.

Heck if you ask my children two days ago I am the meaniest mom in the world because I wouldn't let them go to an event that EVERYONE elses mom was letting their kids go to and mine are the only two in the whole wide world who can't go. So I don't put alot of stock into a small child saying mom is mean to me.

If my mom tried to run over someone, with us in the car, when I was a child? I'd think she was pretty darn mean. Heck, if she tried to run down someone with me in the car right now, I'd tell folks to stay clear, that woman is mean.
That's a misdemeanor "assault" against a cop. More than likely EK said something that hurt the cops feelings and the cop decided to hit him with "assault." Cops do this sort of thing all the time, struggle while getting arrested? Ooops...sorry, now you've got resisting arrest. WHoa mouthed off to me? NOW, you're getting hit with disorderly conduct. Spitting in a drunken rage in the general direction of a cop will result in an assault against a cop charge. Add to that it's only a misdemeanor assault, if it was an actual violent assault it would have been charged as a felony. I just don't buy that as evidence of his violent streak.

Saw it happen just the other day. Kid got drunk, got in an altercation, cops tried to break it up, and the kid spit on the cop. The kid is currently housed in the detention center with assaulting an officer, and d&d. With the communicable diseases, being what they are today, spit is taken more seriously these days. They also hold a dim view of those who throw feces, but that's usually a mentally ill issue, or totally out of it on drugs. However, LE can drag you out of your car, turn the cams off and beat the Holy crap out of you, after pulling you over for a busted tail light. That's a-okay.
I have worked for Head Start for almost 20 years. In the
Middle of those years I worked for a different organization. I saw more neglect in a very high “intellectual “ organization, than I ever saw with Head Start. Because you are poor, does not equal need. Not excusing what happened, just saying you can live in a gated community, homeless shelter or a trailer park, does not matter. You either are a good parent or you are not. Give me Head Start parents any Day!

My apologies, I wasn't very clear. I was questioning why you thought KW may have been listed as the victim in the van incident report. I really don't know but wondered if the call was placed by her or a neighbor. She obviously didn't show any injuries and nothing more was made of it. Really trying to get the mindset of whether she called and perceived herself as the victim. IMO, it was a very turbulent household and I suspect they contributed equally to the arguments and possibly even drug use.

She would be the victim if it was her van. She had a vehicle vandalized. You don’t have to suffer physically to be a victim but only to have a crime committed against you. The crime would be the willful damages to the vehicle, KW was out monetarily now.

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I would not be surprised if either of these two scenarios played out. It's a very long story and I'm not going to tell it, but, I have my reasons for believing Dad, when he said that they were supposed to closely watch the eldest around other children. I took that to mean siblings, as well. I don't think that mom, or EK, were watching them, at all, and were likely making matters worse in a home, filled with EK and mom fighting, and the like. I'm not hating on a child, I'm just looking at it from stark reality. I will say, that a family I know, after years of therapy, had to place their child, a little younger than the one in this case, into another family member's home for awhile (no small children). All we know about the child's background, is what Dad has told us, and if we are to believe what he's told us, it's not good, even if the child had nothing to do with this particular incident, there is a reason they were told to watch him around other kids. It's there. Dad told us why. If I read it right.

I think it very possible both KW and EK left the children alone for long periods of time. And that makes the adults totally responsible for whatever happened when they weren't around. The adults created the toxic home environment and they alone are totally responsible. I believe AW when he told Nancy Grace that KW was blaming the oldest son. It is a huge red-flag because KW should be blaming herself for creating the toxicity rather than demonstrating an appalling lack of empathy for her own children.
My apologies, I wasn't very clear. I was questioning why you thought KW may have been listed as the victim in the van incident report. I really don't know but wondered if the call was placed by her or a neighbor. She obviously didn't show any injuries and nothing more was made of it. Really trying to get the mindset of whether she called and perceived herself as the victim. IMO, it was a very turbulent household and I suspect they contributed equally to the arguments and possibly even drug use.

Oh, no, sorry, I just figured they were fighting and someone called LE on the pair. I was probably unclear. I get a little carried away sometimes.
Saw it happen just the other day. Kid got drunk, got in an altercation, cops tried to break it up, and the kid spit on the cop. The kid is currently housed in the detention center with assaulting an officer, and d&d. With the communicable diseases, being what they are today, spit is taken more seriously these days. They also hold a dim view of those who throw feces, but that's usually a mentally ill issue, or totally out of it on drugs. However, LE can drag you out of your car, turn the cams off and beat the Holy crap out of you, after pulling you over for a busted tail light. That's a-okay.

EK may very well have a mental health issue. Or a drug issue. Or perhaps both and he self-medicates. Has his juvenile record been released?
EK may very well have a mental health issue. Or a drug issue. Or perhaps both and he self-medicates. Has his juvenile record been released?

Can they release his juvenile record? Ever? I thought they were sealed for life.
Good I'm not the only one. (I was skewered by someone somewhere else for saying it so I just keep my mouth shut. People just sooo much want to see someone pay for this that I don't think they necessarily care about getting the 100% truth. They just want their worst suspicions confirmed and then a lynching.) Before I was 70/30 that EK did it vs the eldest boy. But now I'm about split down the middle.

Here's what gets me: children don't lie about SA. BUT seriously abused and traumatized children sometimes lie about certain things when they think they are going to get in trouble. I do believe EK was abusive. I think heavy handed discipline always went too far. He was known to have rage issues. I think the boy was immersed in that. I think if its accurate that he was SA that that also played a huge factor. What I took from the first leaked CPS documents was that he was SA in the past and had started acting out toward other children. This is actually something that's seen in child victims of sex abuse. Violence is also common. Its also very common that they do it to children their own age and younger. Even infants. (I promise I'll find links later. My phone has been acting weird and I'm scared to navigate away and lose all of what I've written. Its just finally good to get this out because its been gnawing at me and it gnaws even more because I can't discuss with anyone because its the unpopular opinion.). I also think that's why he got his nose busted that day. IF the documents AW leaked are accurate, KW tended to just ignore the problem. I'm thinking maybe the pair thought physical discipline was an appropriate corrective measure. I also think its possible the boy tried to deflect and blame EK for an act he himself did. (EK was volatile and possibly physically abusive. The boy had every reason to want to make him get in trouble. Its not unheard of in abused children to lie about abuse from their caregiver if they think it will keep them out of trouble. Because trouble for them has usually meant something different than a time out.).

I think EK and KW both knew and tried to cover it up. I do not think they were trying to protect the child. I think they were trying to hide possibly drug use and definitely their own negligence. Especially if they were aware the boy needed help and failed to do so.

I do not know if EK perpetrated any SA in the house. I tend to lean towards no but I'm not sure and wouldn't be surprised if the answer was that he did. I do know that the father did not allege that he did in the first report. Only that something had previously happened to the boy. What I took from the CPS papers was that he was caught with a child (friend of KWs child) doing inappropriate things and that he was therefore not supposed to be unsupervised around kids.

I also still think it's entirely possible that EK raged during a bender and went too far with a beating and they blamed the boy because he has a history with it and had "caused problems" for them before.

I think it happened before the night that they said it did. I think KW stayed home to both grieve and clean the house. I think they possibly had drugs or paraphernalia and since I genuinely think they were covering their own asses and not the child's that they wanted to make it appear that they weren't as negligent as they probably are- knowing that there would be police coming through for a missing persons investigation soon.

I think that's why we aren't seeing charges yet. I think it's because the police are still trying to determine which one did it.

These are all only my opinions, but I really do think one of these two scenarios to be the most likely.

I respectfully disagree with part of your premise. Children don’t usually lie about SA but it does happen. Several years ago in a sleepy little town I was living in a SA allegation became public that rocked the town. Two young boys had accused the most highly sought Pediatrician in the area of molesting them. the man was married with 4 children of his own still at home and a wonderful wife. He was instantly conviceted in the court of public opinion and parents pulled their children from his care. He had to shut down his practice. His wife grieved herself to death.

Just as the trial was beginning the boys recanted. It seemed they had gone somewhere they were not supposed to be and missed curfew. The decided before heading home they would tell their parents this work of fiction so they wouldn’t get in trouble. They also said they thought it would be funny as well. The charges were dismissed. The damage was done. He was able to get his medical license returned but the practice was gone and many parents still didn’t trust him. His wife has passed away while being shamed and ridiculed by the community. His children had been ostracized and his savings devestated. He opened a small practice which never did a lot of business.

And the boys had lied.

Yeah, the problem with continually giving EK the benefit of the doubt means that everyone else is lying - LE, the neighbors, the boys, and AW.

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I don't think folks believe that everyone is lying on EK, but mom is no winner either, and with the conditions in the household, I'm not sure who laid their hands on M and caused her to stop breathing. Leading up to that point, I think there's plenty of blame to go around, but someone is responsible for killing her, and I'm just not sure it was EK, but, I'm not sure it wasn't EK, either.
I respectfully disagree with part of your premise. Children don’t usually lie about SA but it does happen. Several years ago in a sleepy little town I was living in a SA allegation became public that rocked the town. Two young boys had accused the most highly sought Pediatrician in the area of molesting them. the man was married with 4 children of his own still at home and a wonderful wife. He was instantly conviceted in the court of public opinion and parents pulled their children from his care. He had to shut down his practice. His wife grieved herself to death.

Just as the trial was beginning the boys recanted. It seemed they had gone somewhere they were not supposed to be and missed curfew. The decided before heading home they would tell their parents this work of fiction so they wouldn’t get in trouble. They also said they thought it would be funny as well. The charges were dismissed. The damage was done. He was able to get his medical license returned but the practice was gone and many parents still didn’t trust him. His wife has passed away while being shamed and ridiculed by the community. His children had been ostracized and his savings devestated. He opened a small practice which never did a lot of business.

And the boys had lied.


Eh? I don't believe that children come up with a sexual abuse excuse for being late home, unless they have been abused sexually or been exposed to sexual material. While that doctor may have not been abusing them, someone was.
Who and why would someone tell someone other than who was a participant or witness? If I were trying to cover up a crime I wouldn't tell anyone! Unless I trusted them completely and needed their help. So, how and why did KW's father know?

I've been wondering about that. Maybe her father overheard them talking, on the phone, to each other. Maybe she went to stay with her family, taking the boys, and called EK to check up on their stories, and thought everyone was sleeping, and had put him on speakerphone. They may not have been welcoming to EK so he may have stayed elsewhere.
Lots of really good theories/ideas/observations being presented. Not sure which one I lean more towards. I seem to teeter back and forth between a few.

I don't believe it was an accident. As others have pointed out previously, most adults would call an ambulance in the event of some sort of accident. But also, not really feeling the claim that it was a cover-up due to the oldest son having done something.

One reason being that most people do not find a family member who is deceased and immediately know & accept that the person is actually dead. In my experience, it's exactly the opposite. Parents/family members call for 911 hoping to save them, when in reality, there is absolutely no chance because they passed away too long before being found. Shock & denial are strong emotions in regards to death and loss. So an accident just doesn't fit in. Same with it being someone other than the mother or the live-in. I find it hard to believe that the two of them found Mariah dead by the hands of someone else and immediately realized AND ACCEPTED that she was dead which then led them to cover it up and call her in as a missing child later. It's not impossible, but I just have a hard time believing that one.

The boyfriend also doesn't strike me as the type to be willing to take the blame for something anyone else did, not for a girlfriend and definitely not for the son of a girlfriend.

I'm leaning towards it being either the both of them or just the boyfriend, either with the mother's knowledge or help or without. Still undecided on if she knew exactly what happened, just had suspicions, or was dumb enough to really believe Mariah had been taken, at least initially. (Her 2 televised pleas for Mariah's safe return make me lean towards her either taking part in it or at least knowing what happened)
good question.....but if you can't tell mommy or daddy then who can you tell

There is no way in Hades that I'd tell my parents something as heinous as that. My parents know little to nothing, about any of my personal life, that could cause them pain. They could not bear that kind of trauma.
Someone needs to take some cattle prods to these 2 in order to find out what happened to this baby. Someone in that house killed her and both adults know all the answers. They make me sick.
Eh? I don't believe that children come up with a sexual abuse excuse for being late home, unless they have been abused sexually or been exposed to sexual material. While that doctor may have not been abusing them, someone was.

Jennifer, I understand your reticence to want to believe that children don't lie about SA but it does happen. Here are a couple of citations for you:

"Findings of multiple studies performed between 1987 and 1995 suggested that the rate of false allegations ranged from a low of 6% to a high of 35% of reported child sexual abuse cases.[8] Experts have argued that the reason for the wide range of differences in the rates resulted from different criteria used in various studies. In particular, a lower rate was found in studies that considered false allegations to be based on intentional lying, whereas the higher rates were reported in studies that also added unintentional false allegations resulting from suggestive questioning.[8] A 1992 meta-analysis suggests that false allegations (of SA) represent between two and ten percent of all allegations [6].

Italics are my own to make the sentence clearer.

[6] Mikkelsen EJ, Gutheil TG, Emens M (October 1992). "False sexual-abuse allegations by children and adolescents: contextual factors and clinical subtypes". Am J Psychother. 46 (4): 556–70. PMID 1443285

[8] Irving B. Weiner; Donald K. Freedheim (2003). Handbook of Psychology. John Wiley and Sons. p. 438
snipped for space

I find it hard to believe that the two of them found Mariah dead by the hands of someone else and immediately realized AND ACCEPTED that she was dead which then led them to cover it up and call her in as a missing child later. It's not impossible, but I just have a hard time believing that one.

Just a thought. Maybe Mariah was hurt by someone else, perhaps a sibling played too rough with her and she got really hurt. KW and EK, thinking it wasn't anything serious put the child down for a nap and she died. When they go to wake her they realize she is dead, they panic thinking EK, KW or both will be blamed so they concoct the story, EK dumps the body and they call the cops in the morning.

Just for the record, I do not think it went down like this BUT it is a possible scenario. Particularly the rough play that leads to serious injury. I cannot recall the boys name now but there was that case down in Florida where the boy killed the little girl his mother was babysitting by playing out a professional wrestling move on the girl. He caused her severe internal injuries that led to her death.
I don't know either but IMO it's certain he was involved in her death. I can see a scenario where both abused the kids or in which mom allowed it to happen which is the same thing in my book.

This is the kind of thing we see over and over and over again. Everything is normal until the new partner comes on the scene. Then both join in on a gradually escalating abuse scenario. That's my gut here.

But no way would that dude dispose of the body if he wasn't involved.

She'd have to have one H*ll of a hold on him, over something, if he wasn't involved. I'm trying to put myself in that position, in my mind, and I just can't see through it, in any way, shape, or form. Maybe he loved AW enough to risk it? I just cannot see my spouse doing something like that though, and he seems fairly fond of me. I fully believe he'd call 911, on me, right away.
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