Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #9 *Arrest*

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His vehicle, which gets him to and from work, may not even be worth that much money. And I doubt he has anything in his home that's worth even 1K, so it's not like he could start selling stuff to raise the money.

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Does dad have a job? He does strike me as a loving father, but is he responsible?
Does dad have a job? He does strike me as a loving father, but is he responsible?

IIRC, dad does have a job. He was at work when he got the Amber alert on his phone...
Does dad have a job? He does strike me as a loving father, but is he responsible?
Yes. He was at work when he heard about the amber alert. He also couldn't pick his kids up himself on Fridays previously because of work. He does appear to have held a job at the same business for awhile.

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Yes. He was at work when he heard about the amber alert. He also couldn't pick his kids up himself on Fridays previously because of work. He does appear to have held a job at the same business for awhile.

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I like hearing this! We have a responsible loving parent for these boys! Can't wait for reunification!
jumping off danthrplgts's post a few pages back...this is a poor, drug-ridden area. jacksonville ranks 12th in the nation for opioid abuse. as i stated in an earlier post, social services will be hard-pressed to find anyone responsible (IMO and by MO defenition) whether within the family or in an outside family placement. doesn't shock me that a cps employee isn't related to or friendly with a member of this family. heck in sleuthing, there are more intertwined last names you can't even create a family tree whose branches don't grow together. ugh.,_North_Carolina#Demographics

The median income for a household in the county was $33,756, and the median income for a family was $36,692.

When discussing the numbers, speakers pointed out that Sneads Ferry is located directly between the No. 1 and No. 12 city in America with the highest rate of opioid abuse.
This is not directed at any one person, but last night I tried to catch up on the thread on the car ride between family events and I was shocked at how much at least the last half of the previous thread and all of this thread were almost entirely focused on the father, AW, who is
the one person who clearly had zero to do with Mariah's death,
has not been accused of any abuse against his children that I am aware of,

who doesn't even appear to have had any physical altercations with EK or KW during the custody issues in the past,
who has expressed a desire to ease a custody transition of the boys back to him,
who tried to get custody of his kids previously,
Instead of on those who were directly involved with Mariah's death or who were still involved with the children to an extent that they should have known some wasn't right (like grandparents who took them to church every Sunday).

Again, I don't claim that he is father of the year material, but he is currently more under a microscope here in this thread than the other adults and has received more criticism in the last few days than them.

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because he's the only one we see or hear from vmmking. at this point he's the only one to sleuth.

we know what EK is doing. solitary protective custody is my guess. not much to say about that. where is KW??? if anyone can point towards her whereabouts and doings the rabbit would be ALL over that...;)
because he's the only one we see or hear from vmmking. at this point he's the only one to sleuth.

we know what EK is doing. solitary protective custody is my guess. not much to say about that. where is KW??? if anyone can point towards her whereabouts and doings the rabbit would be ALL over that...;)
We're not allowed to sleuth him, though. We can discuss what he has said, but the explanation that he's the only one to sleuth makes no sense.

I'm just making an observation, because I think that to a degree we are losing some focus.

ETA And the thing is, we should be sleuthing EK. I'm certain we haven't dug up everything about him yet.
I can can see all of that being the law, however, this man was in shock, traumatized and grieving.

I have no doubt AW was terrorized by KW and EK, just look at what they’ve done to his children!

You jumpstarted by brain this AM with your words of grieve, traumatize, and shock. How many people here have made comments like"if this were happening to my kids...I would....". When a child or any loved one is in danger or at risk+you feel no one is listening+conventional help has failed in the past then add your daughter is now dead+2 brothers still at risk, the result is desperation. Knowing convention methods have failed desperation can make you do things that are very unconventional. It didn't work before yet you are supposed to continue to follow the rules. I don't know if anyone here has desperately tried to save someone who will die without help, but I have. I can tell you when all the conventional methods don't work, a parent will fight like a bear protecting her cub. Every support org that was supposed to help wouldn't listen. I begged, made phone calls, wrote letters, searched and search for help. I know what desperation will cause one to do. My situation was different but the thoughts, feeling and emotion of both situations are so similar. My son was a combat vet who returned with TBI and PTSD, He needed help or was going to die. I fought for a year, I bedded & pleaded and was blown off. Desperate & frustrated I went outside the box of convention and exposed those that were supposed to be helping. Unfortunately it was to late and I lost him #22. But I continued to expose them and I pushed for the sake of others. The story went not only nationwide but global. Many good things happened and changes were made. Never underestimate the good that can come from bucking a system that has failed. Unless someone has been through something of this magnitude I don't think they can understand. I am saying all this because I can understand how the culmination of everything AW has been through may have caused him do what he did. "IF" the system failed I can only pray some good comes from it. Wow, you really did jumpstart my brain this morning. :tyou:
i understand your point...just saying there's not much to go on until LE releases more information.

keep in mind there's a LOT of sleuthing to do in this case...posting it is another matter...;););)
because he's the only one we see or hear from vmmking. at this point he's the only one to sleuth.

we know what EK is doing. solitary protective custody is my guess. not much to say about that. where is KW??? if anyone can point towards her whereabouts and doings the rabbit would be ALL over that...;)
Why would you sleuth AW? I am confused. I thought he was a victim. Has he been charged with a crime?
i understand your point...just saying there's not much to go on until LE releases more information.

keep in mind there's a LOT of sleuthing to do in this case...posting it is another matter...;););)
Not to pick on you, but could you use the reply with quote option? This reply happens to fall close enough to my response for people to figure it out, but that's not always the case, and then it's hard to follow the thread.

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I understand what you're saying, but why should a child victim of SA be ashamed to talk about it and make it known to everyone who the abusers are in their life? It's a subject every child should feel okay to discuss and report with adults because the child did nothing wrong. Child abuse should never be hushed, and all the perpetrators of it need to be outed IMO. It's when society tries to hide it behind closed doors that is the problem.

And what if, even though there may be a price to be paid, it saves the boy lives? What if KW (if not charged) would get the boys back and eventually put them in the same situation again. So many what ifs that we really can't answer.
because he's the only one we see or hear from vmmking. at this point he's the only one to sleuth.

we know what EK is doing. solitary protective custody is my guess. not much to say about that. where is KW??? if anyone can point towards her whereabouts and doings the rabbit would be ALL over that...;)

There are comments (rumors) posted on a page that cannot be linked here about where KM may be. IF there is any truth to it, there are laws preventing any disclosures.
Thank you. It's bothered me. I'm going to try and stick with your theory. Had a harder time with this one. I try not to follow these, yet, here I am.

I think that theory is very valid. The water would have been cold and very cold at night (per weather reports) and from what I've heard she was deep in the water which was even colder.
Not that anyone cares, but I'm going to stay away from this thread until there is an arrest of KW or anyone else that caused the demise of this beautiful child. IMO, all the CPS talk and personal experiences aren't getting us anywhere. I understand talk strays when threads go cold, but I won't sift through pages of posts that have no relevance to this case.

I am not defending the mother or her boy toy. I am not trying to crucify the father but I have very serious concerns about the release of the sexual assault info. I do not care if it was dad, mom, a social worker or the pope that released it, that act was irresponsible and cruel. The possible ramfications far out weigh any possible benefit gained and regardless of emotional distress or anger or any other emotion it was simply a poor choice. NG or AB or any other media should have had the scruples not to put the info in the public eye but parenting is about making the right choices to protect your child even in or maybe especially in times of emotional distress and grief. We know the mom made poor choices and it cost a child her life but before it is over I am relatively sure that she will pay a heavy price for it. Heavy enough to satisfy everyone probably not. I also think in the end there will be more than enough blame to go around that we don’t have to chose either/or neither will we have to choose 1 from column A and two from column B.

All it would have taken was to use a black magic marker and redact the most sensitive parts. Who will be to blame if this child ends up a suicide statistic because of the information being released. I could care less what the adults do to one another as they can take care of themselves but it is the surviving children I am concerned about. Stop and think how you would feel if someone put this kind of information, correct or not about your child out there for the entire world in perpetuity.

If you dont think you would be outraged you are not being honest with yourself. I would move heaven and earth to protect my children and I would do everything in my power to keep something like that from following them the rest of their lives. When he learns that the info is there when he googles his family’s names he will be forever changed and will always look at other people differently wondering who knows, are they treating me different because of it. His friends will see it and their parents also, there will be nowhere to hide from it. So not only will he have the survivors guilt over his sister’s death and what ever damage from what he saw, experienced or heard in his lifetime now this too. This poor child can just not catch a break.


Good point on redacting!
It isn't up to you to decide if it is a conflict of interest. You must disclose the conflict and the court will decide. If it is true that KW had a personal relationship with the CPS worker, that should have been disclosed to AW and to the court. This is pretty basic.

Thats an ethical violation. Most agencies, CPS, probation, and many others make you sign a paper disclosing you know the person. In our department we signed if we had the a 10 minute social interaction just from passing int the street to protect ourselves. When push comes to shove and the client isn't happy they will destroy you in a second if it helps them.
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