GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

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No worries at all, sadly, Fayetteville has seen its share of bodies found. I believe right before Kelli went missing, a body was found downtown. Not sure if they ever discovered who it was. There is a large homeless population. But also, plenty of very nice areas in town, too. The area from where Kelli went missing is right near a golf course, and there are many very nice, upscale housing developments there.
I don't think her phone dying is a "stretch." It could have happened. We don't really know. It depends on the last time she charged it and used it. I can't say I remember if she charged it at the bar or not. The DJ and the Bartenders often charged phones for people. Remember she was texting that night. I have a droid so I don't know what the battery life is like on an IPhone either.

If she had had her phone on all day, and not charged it after work, it is very possible that the battery did die. But, the majority of cell users who are avid texters, would do a mid day charge, if they knew they were going to need the phone that evening. She may have not planned on going out after work, who knows.
hey voh!

great to see you! Do you still see any local movement on Kelli's case? I think about her almost every day.

Hi Nurse! Even if I don't post, I check in here often.

There really isn't much. There are a few people who I still discuss it with at least on a weekly basis and we trade information... some of it we know to discredit but other information (like Mike leaving for CA) we consider from a reliable source. However, there really isn't much of anything else that is new. It's sad. I go into stores around here and the fliers are faded but still in the windows. I won't say the community has forgotten but perhaps the majority has lost hope.
If she had had her phone on all day, and not charged it after work, it is very possible that the battery did die. But, the majority of cell users who are avid texters, would do a mid day charge, if they knew they were going to need the phone that evening. She may have not planned on going out after work, who knows.

Avid texter and data user here who often forgets or doesn't have time to charge the phone. I'm use to my battery color being yellow or red! ha. But we don't really know the situation so it's a possibility it died or something happened to it. I'd say at this point it's 50-50. However, it certainly is a relative piece of information we'd all like to know about for sure.
Seems like the prevailing opinion is that she was taken by someone she knew...
What mentioned about April 13th being the same day Holly was taken a year earlier, does have me wondering if a serial killer is out there.... Extreme long shot, I know, and more likely than that, would someone who had been watching Kellie....
Seems like the prevailing opinion is that she was taken by someone she knew...
What mentioned about April 13th being the same day Holly was taken a year earlier, does have me wondering if a serial killer is out there.... Extreme long shot, I know, and more likely than that, would someone who had been watching Kellie....

Bill Warner, a private investigator, thinks like you. he is convinced there is a serial killer (which mimics the deeds of ted bundy) who kidnaps young women blonde, skinny and tall about 5 '

in the case of the disappearance of Holly Bobo, the kidnapper tried to mislead the investigation abandoning her lunchbox several miles away from the place of abduction. if the abductor is a stranger to the community where holly lived, why do all this?
if we try to get into the mind of this son of a b****, we realize that it makes no sense to waste precious time (to escape) to throw off the investigation that in no way lead to him. because nobody know him. and the police will put too much time to organize research. he will already be in nebraska, at the minimum...
the same applies to kelli. if the kidnapper didn't know her, why send two sms? why? the i-295 is located a few minutes away from the crime scene... few minutes! why waste time? it was night. the police have started to look for her the next morning (at best)

I am convinced that the kidnapper knew her. someone who worked with her... someone who saw her on the street, or at the bar, or on facebook... her husband...
I do not know.
I don't think her phone dying is a "stretch." It could have happened. We don't really know. It depends on the last time she charged it and used it. I can't say I remember if she charged it at the bar or not. The DJ and the Bartenders often charged phones for people. Remember she was texting that night. I have a droid so I don't know what the battery life is like on an IPhone either.
Makes me think it is at least possible the activation they are talking about is actually a text message sent from her phone that LE does not believe she herself sent.
So where did LE get their 12:46 starting point for their time frame?This has to be from a text message that they believe she actually sent.You do not get a odd to the min. time from witness statements.The only text message LE has talked about that they believe she sent was the one about who she was with and how she felt about what was happening and just as importantly they have said this text message was sent after leaving the bar.So this text had to be sent at or before 12:46 and they had already left the bar before 12:46.
It's sad to hear the community is kind of "moving on". I don't know if those are the best words, but after following the Mickey Shunick case, I'm a firm believer that an involved community demanding answers, keeping pressure on LE to do their jobs, is always a good thing.
Makes me think it is at least possible the activation they are talking about is actually a text message sent from her phone that LE does not believe she herself sent.
So where did LE get their 12:46 starting point for their time frame?This has to be from a text message that they believe she actually sent.You do not get a odd to the min. time from witness statements.The only text message LE has talked about that they believe she sent was the one about who she was with and how she felt about what was happening and just as importantly they have said this text message was sent after leaving the bar.So this text had to be sent at or before 12:46 and they had already left the bar before 12:46.

BBM You said this once before about the text about "how she felt about what was happening". I don't remember a text about how she felt. Can you refresh my memory? Thanks!
If you listen to the interviews, especially the most recent one with Kelli's sister, brother and uncle, they have all but made up their mind that NH knows SOMETHING. Whether or not he directly is to blame, they really think he has extremely important details about what occurred that night. If he does know something, we can only hope that he brags about it or lets it slip to another inmate who passes it onto LE. Unfortunately, I am worried that might be the only break they get in the case :(

They didn't seem to hold any resentment against her husband. They either know something we don't, or their gut is telling them its NH...
Their assumptions are based on what Detective Locklear has told them because he has the same assumptions.

If you listen to the interviews, especially the most recent one with Kelli's sister, brother and uncle, they have all but made up their mind that NH knows SOMETHING. Whether or not he directly is to blame, they really think he has extremely important details about what occurred that night. If he does know something, we can only hope that he brags about it or lets it slip to another inmate who passes it onto LE. Unfortunately, I am worried that might be the only break they get in the case :(

They didn't seem to hold any resentment against her husband. They either know something we don't, or their gut is telling them its NH...
Their assumptions are based on what Detective Locklear has told them because he has the same assumptions.

Locklear may have more than just assumptions; he knows more than the public does about the case, and there may be a good reason for his beliefs.
A few years ago, there was a case in our town where a local prostitute was murdered. I knew her and her whole family because they were all frequent flyers in the ER where I worked. She got mixed up in drugs and turned to prostitution to support her habit. I'd see her walking along the street by the bar/club my DH and I would go to. Like Froggy Bottoms, it had it's regulars. One guy there was nice, quiet, friendly, played guitar and sang, talked to all the women and men. (In my head reminds me of how I invision NH although he wasn't a RSO as far as I know). He knew the girl from high school and prior to her current profession. She would often stop in the bar to ask him for a ride home, and he would buy her cigarettes or something to eat. He wouldn't give her money because he didn't want her to buy drugs, but he made sure she got food. The night before she was murdered, he had given her a ride home. Everyone in the bar was aware of it. He became police suspect number 1. They hounded him, followed him, went to his work and waited outside. Questioned him numerous times. Just didn't let up on him. He quit coming around. Everyone was speculating whether or not he did it. I had a hard time believing he was guilty but that was just because he "seemed so nice".

Eventually, they found her bloody clothes along side of the road about 30 miles away and with the clothes was an arm cover from a couch. They matched it up to another "friend" she cleaned for. It was just a coincidence that the clothes were found. She had been found nude but they had a description of her clothing she was last seen wearing. He was arrested and charged with (and convicted of) her murder. The original suspect from the bar was totally innocent of anything but giving her a ride home the night before she was murdered and trying to be a friend to her. I always felt really sorry for him after because he just kind of faded away after all the looks and doubts and speculation there was about him. I don't go to the bar anymore but DH does. I asked him if he ever came back around and he said no, he doesn't know what happened to him. I'm not bashing LE either for their "surveillance" of him. DH was and is still in LE, and I know he has had to go after people pretty hard when they were the last seen with a victim. (some guilty and some not)

I guess my reason for this post is just that things aren't always as they seem. Sorry for the OT.
Bill Warner, a private investigator, thinks like you. he is convinced there is a serial killer (which mimics the deeds of ted bundy) who kidnaps young women blonde, skinny and tall about 5 '

in the case of the disappearance of Holly Bobo, the kidnapper tried to mislead the investigation abandoning her lunchbox several miles away from the place of abduction. if the abductor is a stranger to the community where holly lived, why do all this?
if we try to get into the mind of this son of a b****, we realize that it makes no sense to waste precious time (to escape) to throw off the investigation that in no way lead to him. because nobody know him. and the police will put too much time to organize research. he will already be in nebraska, at the minimum...
the same applies to kelli. if the kidnapper didn't know her, why send two sms? why? the i-295 is located a few minutes away from the crime scene... few minutes! why waste time? it was night. the police have started to look for her the next morning (at best)

I am convinced that the kidnapper knew her. someone who worked with her... someone who saw her on the street, or at the bar, or on facebook... her husband...
I do not know.

One reason would be to confuse investigators. Like, a random* serial killer who is doing this to women for sport who decides to throw a wrench in the scenario to make it look as if they're personal to the victim or the last one to be with the victim.

Who knows? There's not a right way of abducting a person whose body can't be found. There is no reason a sophisticated criminal couldn't twist evidence around to throw off profilers.

*not random random but the kind that would be seeking out their next victim via a social media site or a stalker. Then they sit back and watch as LE tries to figure it out and delight in the fact that they have managed to throw the investigation off course.
Hey guys! I randomly figured out how to go back to previous conversations in Yahoo Messenger so here is a copy of the questions I asked my friend about the case, it has info about the texts, security cams, and we discussed the remains found on Cumberland St.

Me:did you guys ever state she sent 2 text messages saying "Driving" and "home safe" or was that not verified by LE?
friend:That was released by the paper and is true
me:did they release the times of the texts? I think I read one was shortly before 1am and another like 30 min later or so?
friend:They released that yes
me:I also read about a 3rd one saying something like "omg guess what happened". Sounds sketchy though?
friend: I've never heard of that one...

me:Why the hell is it taking so long to ID the remains found on Cumberland St? Was it not a full skeleton?
me:I would think they at least could say it wasnt Kelli since the military has all her records?
friend:If there is nothing to compare the samples to how are people supposed to confirm ID?
friend:A skeleton that just about matches a description isn't enough
me:Well I figured they could compare dental for whatever is on file for Kelli, at least rule her out, not necessarily ID it otherwise
friend:If a skeleton was found after a certain amount of time you would have to assume that animals and other factors have gotten to it. If you have every teeth and a recent dental record you might be able to
friend:But bodies tend to separate and pieces get damaged or dragged off

me:How long is the DNA backlog?
friend: It could take a year or more
me:I would hope a high profile missing persons investigation would take priority
friend:Because of the media? That doesn't exactly seem fair
me:No not that exactly, just the potential for her to still be alive?
friend:Occasionally a rush can be made but if your department doesn't have the funds then that won't happen
friend:At this point that's highly unlikely
me:If the remains were found outside a medical building, I would think they would have been noticed sooner? Is there evidence they were recently dumped?Or dragged there by animals?
friend:That information has not been released

me:There was no potential for any security cameras on a gas station or any other business to see the car drive by?
friend:All security footage has been reviewed by investigators

Red bm ~ Please provide the MSN link for the 'driving' text.

Also the texts have never been associated with a specific time by LAW ENFORCEMENT.
Only time ranges have been put out to the public but not as being linked to specific texts.

If you and your friend know of specific MSN info that has not been posted on WS, please provide the links. ty.

This is getting old ~ direct links are required on WS when making a factual claim. "My friend says" is not good enough. :maddening:
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