GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Hello, I wouldn't normally do this but I feel awful about people desperately searching past threads. This is only information that was released to the public, I just don't like bugging them about cases. I was going to copy and paste the actual conversation but the Yahoo Messenger isn't letting me go that far back. Here are the gist of things-

-LE did release info regarding TWO text messages, one saying "driving" and the other saying "got home safe" (or similar, sorry typing this off the top of my head)
-My "person" was not aware of any other texts that had been released
-The unidentified body remains such due to the huge backlog of cases- Fayetteville unfortunately has a has crime rate
-If there is no tissue on the remains, bone marrow comparison is necessary- this can take up to a year depending on other cases
-Dental records can be used to ID a body, but only if you have RECENT dental records to compare it to.
-Dental records can only be used if there is a full set, and its not good enough to be "pretty similar". It HAS to be 100% conclusive.
-They have not released anything regarding the state of the remains found on Cumberland, including whether or not they were a recent drop off, been there a while, got dragged there by animals, etc
-Unidentified remains cannot be released to anybody- I asked if maybe the family could pay for a private lab to do expedited bone marrow testing.

Basically what it comes down to is they need 100% certainty in identifying the remains. If there are any teeth missing or if they do not have recent/reliable dental records they cannot make a positive ID. Also, dental records are more useful as the uniqueness/variations increase. Somebody with missing teeth, caps, crooked teeth, etc have more points of comparison. Somebody with great dental hygiene doesn't have a lot that stands out.

In terms of DNA, they cant just push this case to the top of the line because the media has jumped on it. There are times when this is done for a good reason. If they don't have something that is leading them to believe she is still alive somewhere, maybe being held captive, they aren't going to be able to make the process any faster. I don't know the area too well, but I have a feeling there may be wild animal activity that has complicated things. Maybe there was some scattering of bones so they don't have a full dental record to compare. It is also possible that there was some type of correlation seen but they need to wait for confirmation from the bone marrow- they definitely wouldn't expedite the process if they have a feeling its already too late.

Thank you for your concern in regards to my overworking myself - ha! ~ Welcome to Websleuths.
After reading your post, I'm more concerned about the volunteers who continue to go out on the weekly searches who risk being bitten by snakes and ticks and may suffer heat stroke and who knows what else. Such a diligent and loving group of people should be relieved of their generous efforts to help find Kelli if there's any chance the body found is believed to be hers. Due to those people alone, I would hope authorities would push to expedite identification of that specific skeleton.

It's my understanding when one enlists in the Army, one undergoes a complete physical exam along with a thorough dental exam that includes a full set of mouth x-rays. That will be the soldier's initial file and every time s/he PCS (changes stations), the soldier checks their records out and brings the complete files with them and then turns the files into their next duty station until they move again. Each soldier gets to visit the dentist every year and if you have any problems in the meantime, you can see a dentist anytime. So, Kelli's file should be up-to-date and contain recent records.

Furthermore, if a skull was found, there may be hair attached to it. The length of the leg bone would help to indicate a person's height and the pelvis would indicate their sex. So there are definite preliminary findings that would lead a Coroner to narrow down the chances of the remains belonging to Kelli or not. Obviously, if the skeleton belongs to a man, it's not Kelli.

Imo, if the Coroner thinks there is a good chance it is Kelli's remains that were found, they'd expedite the identifiction process for the sake of her family as her's is a rather high profile case. Also, the police have gotten to know the family so Kelli is not a Jane Doe. That, along with the fact that Kelli is a Soldier who is stationed at Fort Bragg. The Army has coroners too. If the odds are high that it is Kelli, they may be able to turn the remains over to the Army system and relieve the community Coroner. I don't know but that possibility seems logical to me. I read those specific remains are in Chapel Hill.

I'll post this much now and then see if I have more to say.
army officer wife of 20 years here: yes they have full dental done.. they are not deployable if they are not a go on dental (trust me.. this has been the bane of mister nurse's existence in several different commands in the army)

She would for sure have dental done.. (and available for comparison to any remains that are found if connected to the case)
The thing that bugs me, and that my friend was not able to elaborate on, is how a body has been sitting around Since April without anybody noticing?? If it is out in the woods I understand, but weren't they behind an active medical building? You would think the smell or insect activity at the least would raise some flags. And if it was recently dropped off, why would they chose a public area when they could have gone into the woods? The other option I see, like I mentioned before, is animal activity. I'm just not so sure about some animal dragging a corpse towards human activity, but that would explain the difficulty in the ID.

No actually they were found behind a vacant medical building but also, I believe behind a treeline that was behind the buidling (or maybe within the treeline). Therefore, you'd have to actually walk back within or beyond the trees.
The state M.E. is located in Chapel Hill. That office is not part of the military. It's a busy department, handling cases from a wide area. I guess it will take as long as it takes, depending on a variety of factors. I'm sure answers can't come too soon for Kelli's family. Although, as I recall, the initial news reports said LE does not believe the remains are those of KB.
army officer wife of 20 years here: yes they have full dental done.. they are not deployable if they are not a go on dental (trust me.. this has been the bane of mister nurse's existence in several different commands in the army)

She would for sure have dental done.. (and available for comparison to any remains that are found if connected to the case)

just double checked with mister nurse...

the army only cares about cavities, abcessed teeth, etc.. they do NOT necessarily do a full dental xray as a requirement. (however, she could have one in her past)

the army now uses DNA swabs and one is taken upon enlistment or commissioning.

just double checked with mister nurse...

the army only cares about cavities, abcessed teeth, etc.. they do NOT necessarily do a full dental xray as a requirement. (however, she could have one in her past)

the army now uses DNA swabs and one is taken upon enlistment or commissioning.


So, they've cut back? Figures.
WARNING- this is huge!! It took me a while, so bare with me!

Andalso, before I respond to your question I would like to list the various details I took into consideration before making my conclusion. One thing that stood out to me in the article is that they were referred to as "remains" and not "a body". To me, that is distancing them from the human form, either due to complete skeletonization or an incomplete set. Or I am just reading way too far into things!! I know this is very long, but I have put much thought into this and feel like I need to explain my reasoning. Anyways, here is my list-

-Time of death-Going with the assumption these "remains" are skeletal, I would expect an exposed body in this environment to be fully skeletonized within 3 months. Factors that increase the rate are humidity, temperature and predation, all of which seem to be pertinent in this case. Even if the body were in a shallow grave, predators could have dug it up and insects would have had access. I should also add that if any tissue did remain, Kelli had several tattoos that could have been used for a positive ID (very unlikely in this environment).
-Cause of Death- we don't have any information on this, but I have a feeling we are beyond the stage of being able to make a solid determination. If it happened to be a gunshot wound or a head injury that caused a fracture the bones could show supporting evidence. But I don’t recall any reports of gunshots, or mention of a gun whatsoever, or any other potential weapon for that matter (doesn’t mean it didn’t happen). The majority of sexual homicides (assuming it was sexually motivated) are a form of strangulation. Absence of evidence to the contrary doesn't mean it was strangulation, but that also fits the psych profile of someone I would consider a top suspect. Predator activity would definitely complicate things.
-Age of the deceased- 23 is approaching the range in which age determination gets trickier, 25 is normally considered the cutoff. I assume that she had her wisdom teeth removed in boot camp, so they would be of no use for age. They could examine some of the growth plates in the bones, as long as they haven’t been damaged by predation. Overall, I suspect they have a decent idea about what age range the corpse is within.
-Race of deceased- There are some pretty prevalent features that help in race identification, especially when ruling out some of the higher mortality groups of the area. As long as the skull is intact it shouldn’t be too difficult to make a determination.
-Gender- Same as with race, the pelvis would be most beneficial but the skull/mandible can also be used.

Overall, it really depends on how intact the remains are. I haven’t heard reports of them searching the area for bones carried off by predators, so in a way I feel like there was decent preservation. Maybe some of those involved in search efforts could provide insight into that. That being said, given Kelli’s age, race and body structure (she was only 5’1”) I would expect LE to at the least be able to rule her out. Her dental records might be too “normal” for comparison purposes, but once again, I would think they could at least rule her out based on them (assuming they still exist). I haven’t checked out the local missing persons report, but skimming that might give you an idea of what the “typical” victim statistically is and how that compares to Kelli. Since they haven’t ruled her out, I unfortunately suspect they are awaiting positive confirmation by the bone marrow.
Onto what I assume will be the more controversial analysis- the assailant and COD. Kelli is a cute girl and I do not doubt for one second that she attracted plenty of attention from men. Combine that with the last person we know of that saw her alive and things get disturbing. When I first heard about NH’s sexual offense at such a young age, I assumed it wasn’t a huge deal. I say this because I have a friend who got in a HUGE amount of trouble after mooning the stands at a football game. He ended up having to register as a sex offender for what he considered a youthful prank. You may or may not agree with that, but let’s get back to the case at hand. In reality, I believe the crime NH committed was disturbing and indicative of his psychological state. If it was with someone his own age, I can begin to rationalize his intent. I think he was old enough to know what he was doing and his actions support psychological instability. I think this point is important because it would support a COD scenario of strangulation. The rate of strangulation with sexual homicide is quite high, as is evidence of psychological instability of the assailant. From what we know, she only knew him for a week or so, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t aware of her. He could have been watching her for a few weeks, heard about her husband being gone which provided him the time to insert himself into her life (when he asked to play pool). From what I read, they planned her transportation out ahead of time- he would pick her up AND drop her off. He knew he would have to get back to the bar for an alibi so he may have kept her in his car and waited a couple hours before disposing of her. Or the reports of him returning 10 minutes later are inaccurate.
A complete stranger could have attacked her as well, but most victims know their assailant and things seem to add up that way now. Those cell phone texts are also interesting. Assuming she never made it home, it is likely the assailant sent at least one of the messages. If NH had been keeping tabs on her, he may have caught onto her behaviors and known that she would have checked in with somebody. I do admit it seems odd that he would act out on an urge so long after his first offense, assuming there aren’t others we can attribute him to. Maybe it was opportunistic, maybe she turned him down and that set him off- who knows! On the outside he appears to be a good looking and typical guy, Kelli might not have known him long enough to think otherwise. Or maybe she did have suspicions, which is why she was updating somebody via text.
This is my opinion based on the facts made public pertaining to the remains that were found in addition to a couple assumptions. Even without the psychological aspects of NH, it does seem like they would have ruled her ID out by now.
Due to those people alone, I would hope authorities would push to expedite identification of that specific skeleton.

Imo, if the Coroner thinks there is a good chance it is Kelli's remains that were found, they'd expedite the identifiction process for the sake of her family as her's is a rather high profile case.

Unfortunately, I disagree with you for those exact reasons. You have to take emotions out of the equation- if they suspect they have recovered her remains, there is no need to expedite her DNA when there are other cases that could actually save a life. Nobody likes it, but that is just how things go :(
Mucho thanks for all this time-consuming research! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought MB said he last spoke with her at 3:00 Friday afternoon.

Yes, I believe that's what he told someone. Not sure if he spoke to her, texted her or what. She was still at work at 3PM so did they speak via her work number? I have no clue.

Still, when you're investigating a case (listen to me), you have to check to see if what people tell you is the truth - not just take their word for it. Especially if they have something to hide. Not saying MB does but my post was hypothesizing as to how the unnamed Army personnel may have known someone received a 'got home safely' text.

How would he know that if it was some unrelated friend of Kelli's? I mean unrelated to his communications in trying to locate her.
Unfortunately, I disagree with you for those exact reasons. You have to take emotions out of the equation- if they suspect they have recovered her remains, there is no need to expedite her DNA when there are other cases that could actually save a life. Nobody likes it, but that is just how things go :(

Do coroners have alive patients?
Well Shoot that would have been nice to know before I wrote an essay on the darn bones! :/

In my opinion, I don't think either of those articles disputes anything that you wrote!!!
Your efforts are greatly appreciated and thank you for your well thought out response to my question.
I'm not sure we know for sure and that's why I'm going through the threads to gather every piece of info on text messages. When I hear additional information days or weeks apart, I can't always see the whole picture as to how the information developed. I'm trying to do that now. So far, through thread 3, there has been no official reports regarding the text messages. Just CNN said, VOH said, It's been said, etc. ~ not that there's no truth to what's been said by those sources - the info came from somewhere but, I'm trying to get to when LE discloses the verified times and other details about the text messages. I want to see how and when the info evolved.

Thanks for checking into this!
The "home safely" text bugs me - it's the kind of thing one would send to a spouse, or a very close friend...

I would think there would be a reply, especially if to a husband.

If someone had her phone and sent it as a ruse, more likely no reply... Also if she didn't do this as a routine - big red flag....

Right now, I'm feeling the message was a ruse.. she doesn't seem like she would send that sort of message...
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