GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

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Are there searches still going on?

From what I know the last search I could find any information on was held on Saturday September 1st 2012. But it doesn't appear there have been any since that date. I also know that Kelli's family is actively trying to get media coverage for Kelli's case.
I've said it before, if not here, then in other threads, but at some point doesn't holding back evidence for the sake of maintaining the integrity of an investigation give way to solving the case at all? I mean, if the case is never solved, what good does it do to keep things close to the vest. At some point, that approach has to give way to solving the case and maybe releasing more info will re-vitalize the public, may lead to more tips etc...This case and so many others just seem to wither away, the whole time things are kept close to the vest. I don't know the magical time, but at some point, what does it hurt to clue the public in and ask for their help?

I know this is an older post but I just wanted to say that this is a very good observation. As to the comment, "what does it hurt to clue the public in and ask for their help?" I know that Kelli just became searchable to the general public in the NamUs database(National Missing and Unidentified Persons System) yesterday, so I feel that this is beginning to happen which is great news!
Perhaps the plan/hope is that NH will confide in a fellow inmate about what he did with Kelli.
He did not do it!

Logically, as the last person who was with her, and giving her a ride at night, and not watching she got into her apt (IIRC) - he would be most likely the one.

Then again, the crime seems too well executed for someone clever enough to do it, but not clever enough to report his address as a RSO and getting jailed for it....
How about this guy!

Fort Bragg Soldier Charged with 2nd Degree Forcible Rape

Sanford man takes advantage of incapacitated woman at a local nightclub

That's an awful story. People at the bar may have actually watched it happen, and others may have participated in the rape. It's not something that specifically seems to apply to Kelli's circumstance, since it hasn't been reported as her being very intoxicated (this woman believes she was drugged).

There is obviously at least one rapist who has struck before near where Kelli was living. One thing I do know about many of these cases is that once you start looking in any area, you see a lot of heinous criminal activity, most of which is not connected with the missing person. There was even an incident a few years ago in Kelli's apartment complex where a guy broke into an apartment and killed a woman. He went to prison, so he wasn't involved in Kelli's disappearance but it just shows unfortunately how much bad stuff is out there.

Logically, as the last person who was with her, and giving her a ride at night, and not watching she got into her apt (IIRC) - he would be most likely the one.

Then again, the crime seems too well executed for someone clever enough to do it, but not clever enough to report his address as a RSO and getting jailed for it....

He was between a rock and a hard place with his address - if he didn't report it he was obviously in violation, but he couldn't report it because he was living too close to a facility that cares for minors (daycare at the church next to FBs?), which is a violation too.
So my understanding of the 1:24 am being the last time the phone was "activated" leads me to believe that at 1:24 am either the phone was turned off, the battery removed or died, or the sim card was removed. Therefore, yes, something happened to her before 1:24 am, unless the battery just died, but that's probably a stretch. So, what happened to her? Timeline definitely tighter as to when she left the bar.

Not sure if this makes any difference or not, but just in case I'm putting it out there. Per NamUS under the circumstances of Kelli's disappearance it states:

"Kelli Bordeaux, a 23-year-old Army medic, went missing after leaving a karaoke bar in Fayetteville, N.C. early on Saturday, April 14.

Law enforcement can track what she was doing and with whom for much of the night through phone records and text messages until she went missing immediately after departing from the "Froggy Bottoms" bar sometime between 12:57 and 1:20 AM."
That's an awful story. People at the bar may have actually watched it happen, and others may have participated in the rape. It's not something that specifically seems to apply to Kelli's circumstance, since it hasn't been reported as her being very intoxicated (this woman believes she was drugged).

There is obviously at least one rapist who has struck before near where Kelli was living. One thing I do know about many of these cases is that once you start looking in any area, you see a lot of heinous criminal activity, most of which is not connected with the missing person. There was even an incident a few years ago in Kelli's apartment complex where a guy broke into an apartment and killed a woman. He went to prison, so he wasn't involved in Kelli's disappearance but it just shows unfortunately how much bad stuff is out there.

He was between a rock and a hard place with his address - if he didn't report it he was obviously in violation, but he couldn't report it because he was living too close to a facility that cares for minors (daycare at the church next to FBs?), which is a violation too.

I think I get what you're saying but it is hardly a rock and a hard place. The simple answer is that he could have established a residence where acceptable (not close to a facility caring for minors) and report it accordingly. Not very difficult.
In all honesty I have a bigger problem with her loving hubby never bothering to call her all weekend long.
If your in a good marriage you dont NOT call for 2 days esp when you know your wife is home alone.

that is one BIG RED FLAG to me!
Still checking in daily hoping for some good news.

Good news?

Poor Kelli is likely deceased and her remains discarded. Finding her remains would be news, and would allow her family the ability to lay her to rest, but there won't be anything 'good' to come in this sad situation. A young woman with a promising life, gone.
In all honesty I have a bigger problem with her loving hubby never bothering to call her all weekend long.
If your in a good marriage you dont NOT call for 2 days esp when you know your wife is home alone.

that is one BIG RED FLAG to me!

Yes, that sure is!
In all honesty I have a bigger problem with her loving hubby never bothering to call her all weekend long.
If your in a good marriage you dont NOT call for 2 days esp when you know your wife is home alone.

that is one BIG RED FLAG to me!

BBM: I have seen this mentioned as a fact time and time again on this thread (not just you, Eileen)...but can someone please link where MSM has stated that Mike did not call her for 2 days? I think it's an assumption, not a fact, and that makes a difference IMO.
My recollection, without going back, is that they were obviously not in touch for those 2, as she was not able to be reached by anyone, but is it a FACT that he did not call her or text her at all? I am not convinced we know that to be true.
If it is true...yes, red flag...or, did he try to reach her and wasn't able to get in touch? Certainly, if he tried to reach her numerous time and was not able to and then didn't do anything about it...that would be a red flag too...but I really would like to know where the info is coming from that he never tried to call her or text her for 2 days. TIA
BBM: I have seen this mentioned as a fact time and time again on this thread (not just you, Eileen)...but can someone please link where MSM has stated that Mike did not call her for 2 days? I think it's an assumption, not a fact, and that makes a difference IMO.
My recollection, without going back, is that they were obviously not in touch for those 2, as she was not able to be reached by anyone, but is it a FACT that he did not call her or text her at all? I am not convinced we know that to be true.
If it is true...yes, red flag...or, did he try to reach her and wasn't able to get in touch? Certainly, if he tried to reach her numerous time and was not able to and then didn't do anything about it...that would be a red flag too...but I really would like to know where the info is coming from that he never tried to call her or text her for 2 days. TIA

From first interview with Jane Velez Mitchell :

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, I`m saying, in other words, from the time she disappeared to the time she was reported missing it`s more than 48 hours. That gives anybody who took her tremendous leeway to get away.

So given that this is the guy who was last seen, Nicholas Holbert, has anybody heard either Mike or Matt from law enforcement as to what he was doing after he claims he dropped her off for the next couple of days?

BORDEAUX: No. I mean, we haven`t heard anything. I mean, supposedly he was the last one to see her, you know? The last time I even talked to her was Friday afternoon and you know, we were just talking and texting and everything was fine, and I just let her go for the rest of the day because, you know. She has friends and she does things and I was in Florida visiting my parents so I didn`t think anything of it.

Link :

I also noticed in the interview he starts by saying "I was ACTUALLY in Kissimmee, Florida" when asked where he was when he got the call and later when asked about his theory he starts off with "to be honest with you". Two wording choices that show deceite according to the statement analysis "experts". Not regarding HIS statements but other POI's statements who uses the same word choices. I don't know how much I buy into the "experts" opinions because I say "actually", "honestly" and "to tell you the truth" all the time when I'm not being deceitful. I guess it's who you want to believe depending on WHO they are talking about.
Re-reading some of the original articles, I found this statement interesting:

"According to NBC, Mike would not say where he was Friday or over the weekend, but told police he and Kelli have a “happy” marriage and that the two are not estranged."

How many times have you heard it said by the spouse of a missing person that their marriage was happy, when in fact it wasn't.
Don't know why a spouse can't simply say, "things weren't going well"!
Honesty is the best policy and would certainly help NOT create red flags and NOT raise hinky meters.
Good news?

Poor Kelli is likely deceased and her remains discarded. Finding her remains would be news, and would allow her family the ability to lay her to rest, but there won't be anything 'good' to come in this sad situation. A young woman with a promising life, gone.

You are probably right, but I still hope. I didn't say it was likely.
Honesty is the best policy and would certainly help NOT create red flags and NOT raise hinky meters.

What he says or doesn't say to the media certainly affect how the public views him. I'm more interested in what he says to LE, which we obviously don't know.
From first interview with Jane Velez Mitchell :

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, I`m saying, in other words, from the time she disappeared to the time she was reported missing it`s more than 48 hours. That gives anybody who took her tremendous leeway to get away.

So given that this is the guy who was last seen, Nicholas Holbert, has anybody heard either Mike or Matt from law enforcement as to what he was doing after he claims he dropped her off for the next couple of days?

BORDEAUX: No. I mean, we haven`t heard anything. I mean, supposedly he was the last one to see her, you know? The last time I even talked to her was Friday afternoon and you know, we were just talking and texting and everything was fine, and I just let her go for the rest of the day because, you know. She has friends and she does things and I was in Florida visiting my parents so I didn`t think anything of it.

Link :

I also noticed in the interview he starts by saying "I was ACTUALLY in Kissimmee, Florida" when asked where he was when he got the call and later when asked about his theory he starts off with "to be honest with you". Two wording choices that show deceite according to the statement analysis "experts". Not regarding HIS statements but other POI's statements who uses the same word choices. I don't know how much I buy into the "experts" opinions because I say "actually", "honestly" and "to tell you the truth" all the time when I'm not being deceitful. I guess it's who you want to believe depending on WHO they are talking about.

I agree, we have no idea if he tried calling/texting her that weekend or not. There he only says that was the last time he talked to her. Even if not though, while it might be worth checking out it certainly isn't enough to make an arrest. I have little doubt LE has looked into it.
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