GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #2

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I guess at this point, I really can't see a random killer coming across Kelli as she walked that short distance from the entrance to the apartment. I mean, things like that do happen, but it just doesn't feel right to me at this point.

(Being Devil's Advocate here) What if the rapist in the area (or someone else, for that matter) has seen Kelli in the past and wanted to stalk her? What if this person was even at the bar that night? Why wouldn't it be possible that they would go to an area and wait until she came home. It might have been just a fluke that she got dropped off far from her apartment.

Another theory - IF she was "spooked" by something, perhaps it was her seeing this "male pool playing friend" and didn't want him to see her with NH. Maybe HE was in a jealous rage because she was with Nick?

Lastly, it seems unlikely that she would be "spooked" by something outside of the vehicle and THEN get out. To me, saying she was spooked means that it was something in that car.

Just a little food for thought...
I wonder if Kelli lived in a gated complex? My granddaughter in Fayetteville does and she has a code she has to punch in for herself and even for her guests. Is there any way for the complex management or the company that monitors or installed the gate to check and see who came in and out that evening and the next day? What codes were used and when? Was there a camera near the gate?

Just wondering.

*I cannot ask my granddaughter because she left Methodist University this afternoon on a chartered bus with her Political Science class enroute to Washington, D.C. Grrrrrr....her phone goes directly to voice mail!
Does Kelli's apartment complex have a website? I would love to look at it!
discussing on JVM now

I am praying this one gets solved and doesn't go cold!
Mom on JVM is saying that husband, Mike WAS in Florida. Also says that she doesn't think that Kelli made the text that she was home safely.
Wow, the tone of this thread has certainly changed in the last 3 hours. So N is no longer a POI?
Nothing was found in the pond?

Some are re evaluating the husbands where abouts?

Anything else?
I believe Kelli's mom. I don't think she would lie about her son in law.
I know he seems like a good candidate (can't look past his RSO title)but imo it seems like the guy has nothing to lose and they have interviewed multiple times I think they would have him locked up if they thought he disappeared Kelli. ok as i type that out I realize that LE does things in their own way and have had perps stay out of jail to gather info but I'm not sure yet.
Yeah these things obviously happen in steps and a big step will be when forensic lab tests are done. And it appears that LE took a lot of evidence from Nick's campsite and likely from whatever vehicle he was driving. That could definitely tell a tale of his involvement.
Nothing was found in the pond and LE is basically back to square one, I suppose.

NH is still very much on my radar, Coldpizza. He goes to great lenghts to place himself 1/2 block from Kelli's apartment. I just do not believe him!

Yeah these things obviously happen in steps and a big step will be when forensic lab tests are done. And it appears that LE took a lot of evidence from Nick's campsite and likely from whatever vehicle he was driving. That could definitely tell a tale of his involvement.

I agree, Chili. Obviously LE cannot make an arrest without evidence and we know how long forensic labs take.

Kelli's prints would be expected to be on a cardoor and inside NH's vehicle because he picked her up to take her to the bar and also took her home from the bar.

NH is my number one POI, and Kelli's husband is my number two. Just my thoughts!

The sad part about her apartment and searching it is, if they find his DNA there, he can say he was there previously and there is no one to argue if he was or wasn't. What if she actually did invite him in and something went wrong in the apartment? I guess we would know that by now as I'm sure LE searched the apartment right away. We only have HIS word that he dropped her off at all.
I still keep going back to the fact that NH had short sleeves in the interview and had no scratches, bite marks, etc. I have no doubt just from being the mother of 5 daughters (one of them Kelli's age) that although she was small, that she would have put up quite a fight and I don't see him coming out of a fight like that with no marks whatsoever.
Well sometimes LE will make that sort of announcement in hopes that the POI will relax and slip up. I don't think it's uncommon that a perp will show up in certain places just to check on activity as we all know.
First of all, when was Mike last at Kelli's apartment, because I thought I just heard Nick say that Mike had been there days before and then left.

Second, it seems that we here at WS know much more than JVM.
Something that is really bothering me is why didn't the police chief say the husband was in Florida at the time? I feel that should be fairly easy to prove, IMO.

Just a hypothetical: if MB spoke to her at 3pm and knew she was off at 5 for the weekend, and let's say they were having marital difficulty, maybe he decided to drive up and surprise her for the weekend and show how much he cared, and instead found an empty apartment. Perhaps he then waited for her to come home...likely stewing with anger (IMO) that she was not home, and then saw her walking in at 1:30 - 2am-ish: then what? I hate to think. Again....just hypothetical...there are actually many versions of this type of scenario that could have happened. Like some have said, maybe he was there and text her. Or, maybe he drove up from Orlando with a plan to make her disappear.
I don't know...just thinking as I type...but without the police ruling him out (and ruling NH in) I am totally on the fence as to what happened.

I heard LE say that is what they are being told.... that he was in Florida. I did read an article where the local LE was contacted in Florida where the husband's dad lives.

Maybe they are the ones who are checking out his alibi and that is why the NC LE is saying that is what they have been told?

The sad part about her apartment and searching it is, if they find his DNA there, he can say he was there previously and there is no one to argue if he was or wasn't. What if she actually did invite him in and something went wrong in the apartment? I guess we would know that by now as I'm sure LE searched the apartment right away. We only have HIS word that he dropped her off at all.

I am sure there would be evidence left behind in her apartment if that happened.

Has LE mentioned if there is any evidence she even entered her apartment that night?

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