GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #7

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VOH, why would Nick pay KB's Bar Tab that night??? That's what you usually do if you are on a date... Which they were not, so they say...
Also, was bar tab payed before they left, or when he came back???
What time did they leave FB's??

Maybe he purse was stolen arround 12? Just a guess .
But...The owner or so called owner had a taxi service or a car service
did Kelly call that bar for a ride?
And did they send NICK?

Hi I'm new to this thread but I've managed to catch up. I was thinking maybe kelli rang the DJ and told her she was on her way, because I red they had become friends. And DJ as asked Nick if he could go pick her up knowing he doesn't drink. And Kelli agreed and she said could he pick me up at the entrance to the complex. Just a thought of mine..

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You cannot be sentenced to a "halfway house" aka community corrections just for being homeless. However if being released from prison and have no where to go...then it can be determined the person can Parole to a halfway house. Halfway houses are Community Corrections...this just would not happen.

However, if he had advised them during his Registration he was homeless he more than likely would have had to check in with the Sheriff Dept monthy as long as his makeshift residence remained the same. Otherwise weekly, or even daily if his residence changed that often. IMHO

Parole or probation in NC can get a court ordered halfway house, even if you have never been to prison but are under dept of probation! He had avenues other than not having a residence! He might not be in jail today, if he had been honest!
Parole or probation in NC can get a court ordered halfway house, even if you have never been to prison but are under dept of probation! He had avenues other than not having a residence! He might not be in jail today, if he had been honest!

Same here in Colorado, however NH was off paper. I don't know about N.C. but in Colorado our Probation/Parole is so overloaded with their actual cases they certainly would not take the time to follow around an offender that is not on their caseload. In Colorado that would be deemed harassment actually. IMHO

here is a small example of a case in N.C. for your reading pleasure...
Maybe MB rode back to Florida with the guy (Justin?) that was visiting a couple of weeks ago therefore Kelli still had her car.
I wonder if she drove her car there and left it. She knew she had too much to drink and drive home and maybe planned to go back and get it the next day.
But I don't know why they would not share that info.[ If it is correct/ ]

VOH said Nick picked her up.
Well NH isnt a biker nor looks like one.
I do think she was to meet someone there>

Maybe LE is looking for a guy on bike On Ramsey st around midnight...

The way she was dressed tells me she was going to meet someone!
And it wasnt NH....
Sorry jmo

I would think if she wanted to meet someone at the bar other than Nick, she would ask the other person to pick her up instead of Nick. I wouldn't see someone asking someone else to come pick them up and then take them home in order for them to meet someone else. Kind of rude and odd if you ask me. Besides, VOH said Kelli and Nick were hanging out together all night. They went together probably just as friends. People do have platonic relationships. She's in the army. I'm sure she has plenty of platonic relationships. It doesn't mean it was a date (to her).
VOH, why would Nick pay KB's Bar Tab that night??? That's what you usually do if you are on a date... Which they were not, so they say...
Also, was bar tab payed before they left, or when he came back???
What time did they leave FB's??

What was Nick's income? Did he receive a weekly paycheck from Froggy's?
VOH, why would Nick pay KB's Bar Tab that night??? That's what you usually do if you are on a date... Which they were not, so they say...
Also, was bar tab payed before they left, or when he came back???
What time did they leave FB's??

Patriot, I'm not VOH but thought I would help you out here. It has been stated several times that the bar tab was left unpaid. The tab was for both of them but it wasn't paid.
I am still coming back to this Bar Tab...
Nick to me, does not seem to be a man with money to "throw around"...
He lives in a tent in the back of a bar.
Nick didn't have much, if any of a job, yet he is paying Kelli's bar tab??
I (and probably 99% of all men), just don't go paying girls bar tabs unless we think there is something in it for us... We'd be broke!!!
Now saying that, I believe in Nick's mind, Nick thought there was more going on with he and Kelli. When they left FB's, something went horribly wrong...
I don't believe Nick dropped her off at Meadowbrook.
Last cell ping came from cell tower by FB's, NOTthe tower by Kelli's apartment...
Patriot, I'm not VOH but thought I would help you out here. It has been stated several times that the bar tab was left unpaid. The tab was for both of them but it wasn't paid.

I may be wrong, but I thought I read that the tab was paid...
And it was ALL Kelli's, 8 drinks total. Nick had nothing. Maybe someone can clear this up...
I am still coming back to this Bar Tab...
Nick to me, does not seem to be a man with money to "throw around"...
He lives in a tent in the back of a bar.
Nick didn't have much, if any of a job, yet he is paying Kelli's bar tab??
I (and probably 99% of all men), just don't go paying girls bar tabs unless we think there is something in it for us... We'd be broke!!!
Now saying that, I believe in Nick's mind, Nick thought there was more going on with he and Kelli. When they left FB's, something went horribly wrong...
I don't believe Nick dropped her off at Meadowbrook.
Last cell ping came from cell tower by FB's, NOTthe tower by Kelli's apartment...

I asked VOH this previously. He said Nick did have a job and money but he could not comment on what it was.
I may be wrong, but I thought I read that the tab was paid...
And it was ALL Kelli's, 8 drinks total. Nick had nothing. Maybe someone can clear this up...

VOH said that they don't keep track of paid tabs. He said they only keep unpaid tabs around because it's a cash only bar.
Morning folks.

Just wanted to say there have been some great comments and questions since I was here yesterday evening. (left to watch NASCAR. Avid sports fan here). I really like the comment (I don't know how to quote) about the other female patrons at FB which has me thinking again. I also wonder about KB's draw to FB and who was the guy with KB when NH met her. So MB left for his trip 4/3 (Tuesday) had KB been to FB prior to that date?

~ Earlier we heard that the DJ from Froggy's, Billi (female), had either accepted or requested a friend request on Kelli's FB page - that happened on Saturday.
~ Justin, Kelli's friend from FL was the guy she played pool with in Froggy's when NH met them. VOH and NH have both stated that K & J came in several weeks before K's disappearance. That makes sense because some time would be needed to go by inbetween Kelli's first visit to Froggy's and her subsequent visits leading up to her becoming a regular. VOH said she had become a 'frequenter'. So I'm pretty sure KB had been to Froggy's prior to April 3.

Yesterday I said I was leaning toward LE had their man. However today I have crawled back on the fence thinking the person responsible for her disappearance could possibly be someone else in the area. Just goes to show they don't want me on any jury I'd be flip flopping with every statement until they show me that one piece of evidence that shows "beyond a reasonable doubt".

~ There may be some other guy we know nothing about?

You guys have a great day. Keep those great comments and theories coming. I enjoy the reading.

Thanks. I've been thinking too that maybe MB doesn't drink. He has some arrests in his background that involved drugs. If he's in NA, he may be sober. Therefore, even when he and Kelli go out for wings, they don't order alcohol. If this is the case, and Kelli likes to imbibe, that can be hard on a young couple - to balance that. NA issues are serious and those peeps need all the support they can get. That may be why Kelli went to Froggy's for the first time with Justin even if Mike was back home at the apartment (we don't know if Mike was in Fay when Justin visited). Mike may need to stay away from bars altogether. Just speculating.

p.s. to quote, see the 'quote' button on the bottom right of your screen? Press that and a window will come up. Be sure you're at the bottom of the other person's quote you're commenting on and type away.
I believe if I am recalling correctly, VOH could not verify if Nick had a job, he could not answer that. However it is evident that Nick had some kind of income, he had a cell phone and money for gas, bars ...etc. I think if Nick had a job he had a limited income, hence why he lived in his car or tent, but he was still able to party and have gas for his car. If his income was not limited he would have carried insurance on his car ...IMHO
I may be wrong, but I thought I read that the tab was paid...
And it was ALL Kelli's, 8 drinks total. Nick had nothing. Maybe someone can clear this up...

Not saying you are wrong though Patriot. They may have clarified later that it was paid and I could have missed the post.
I keep mulling over the fact that Nick lived in Spring Lake in that trailer until recently, he said his mom had thrown him out. Perhaps, just perhaps he had lived with his mother in that trailer, the mother may have gotten into a relationship and moved, hence leaving Nick homeless and to fend for himself. He may still be welcome at his moms to shower occasionally and to have supper....just thinking outloud here....IMHO
Mike may be totally innocent of all accounts, he may have gone to Florida to pick up a vehicle being sold to him cheap by a friend or family. It is very hard when a couple only has one car. Could also be if he was separated he needed his own vehicle. Could also be that Kelli's car was unreliable, we don't know...he may have been trying to get a more reliable vehicle. IMHO
I would think if she wanted to meet someone at the bar other than Nick, she would ask the other person to pick her up instead of Nick. I wouldn't see someone asking someone else to come pick them up and then take them home in order for them to meet someone else. Kind of rude and odd if you ask me. Besides, VOH said Kelli and Nick were hanging out together all night. They went together probably just as friends. People do have platonic relationships. She's in the army. I'm sure she has plenty of platonic relationships. It doesn't mean it was a date (to her).

Good Sunday spoiledmom, BBM; Just a thought on your comment, one possibility of the scenario could be that KB had met someone at work or online. She was OK with meeting f-2-f at the bar, but did not want that person to know where she lived yet. Just an idea.
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