NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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Hi, on tumblr it is possible for you to schedule posts for a date, day, time - a long time in advance. Why she would schedule that particular post i don't know.
I had totally forgot about that feature. That likely explains the post. She may have meant to put it in the queue earlier in the year and just clicked the wrong month.

Thanks for pointing that out!

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Wasn't the last time seen given by the step mom, if so you can forget about the 15 minute time frame. It's up for grabs how much time there was..

I can see a possible scenario where stepmom gets in trouble with her employer due to some inside info leaked via Sarah onto the grapevine. Couple that with any marital unrest in the home and a touch of psychopathy.. it's easy to imagine a possible strong motive for disappearing Sarah rooted in resentment and vengeance.
Wow. Not even a mention of male or female?

Thanks for the update.

I've been wondering about the degree of decomposition of the body. Sara has been missing for a long time -- if there is no way to tell if the body found is male/female, young/old, etc., then it will probably take an M.E. to determine those type things. If the body is relatively "fresh," then that info is being withheld possibly until the family can be notified. Dunno.

The distance from Fairmont, NC, to Dillon county in SC is about 15 -- 20 miles -- a short trip. That may or may not even be relevant. Another dunno.

The tourist trap, South of the Border, is in Dillon County -- it's just across the state line. Could that be relevant? Dunno.

Just thinking...
Hi, on tumblr it is possible for you to schedule posts for a date, day, time - a long time in advance. Why she would schedule that particular post i don't know.

My bf who uses tumblr quite a bit says you can only queue about a week(maybe a week and a half i can't remember his exact words) at the MOST.
Since they repeatedly refer to "body" rather that "remains," that might hint at something more recent.

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My bf who uses tumblr quite a bit says you can only queue about a week(maybe a week and a half i can't remember his exact words) at the MOST.
I just hopped on my tumblr account, and you can set the queue far into the future. Here is an example I set for 10am on 12/31/2016:



You just need to choose schedule instead of add to queue.

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I don't know for sure about tumblr, but with several other social media sites you can also set automatic actions. For instance i have my WordPress blog set to send a tweet on Twitter whenever I post to the blog. I can also set Twitter to post my tweets to my Facebook, or have things from Facebook automatically pinned in Pinterest. I would be astonished if Tumblr doesn't have similar capabilities. That would mean that if she were to follow a certain blog, she might have been able to set it so that posts to that blog were automatically reblogged on her account.
I agree that it happened very quickly. People just don't believe how fast someone can be abducted. (I saw a staged demo once where a police officer snatched a volunteer off the sidewalk--he pulled her in through the passenger window so fast she didn't even have time to scream. And she was expecting it!)

I have no evidence to support this view, but I think somebody was hiding in her van when she got in. I've noticed over the years that no matter how careful a woman is about checking her car in the parking lot after work, nobody (myself included) even gives it a second glance when they get in the car in their driveway in the morning.

I can think of a couple of other possibilities too. Somebody following her signalling her to pull over because there's something wrong with her vehicle. Somebody she thought was a friend flagging her down beside their car as if they were the one with car trouble. An arranged meeting with somebody who turned out not to be a friend, so she got in the friend's car and left hers so they could drive together.
This BBM part has always been a plausible theory in my mind as well. But why was there no evidence in the van? If there was, why say the van was "clean"? Also, was it wiped clean, as in no fingerprints!

We know she was fine the night before, at least until bed time, because she spoke with her girlfriend over the phone. Anytime after that until 6:45 am the next morning is the question mark timeframe. That's a lot of time to remove and bury a body, and clean up after.

So far, it has never been disclosed WHO saw her supposedly drive off. Where was her dad at 6:30 am? It's never been revealed. If he was not in the home...... Deep in my gut I feel like there was a situation between step-mommy and Sara. And I have a hunch the van was there BEFORE 6:30 am. No proof, no evidence, just a gut feeling.
This makes sense if the person leaving the vehicle there were using the cover of the woods to walk (back) to where they started.
In the very beginning of the search, it was noted that the wooded areas did not appear to have been walked in.

“We have witness accounts that around that time period 6:30, folks that typically drive that route did not see the van there, it apparently was visible from going by the road there and did not see it and folks who passed just 15 minutes later did see it so we know there’s kinda that time period where it wasn’t there then it was,” said Shelley Lynch, Charlotte Division of the FBI.
It is possible that at the time of passing the area at 6:30, whoever reported not seeing it had looked away to their radio or whatever, or simply just weren't paying attention. It might have been there already and they just didn't notice it.

Before I came to WS, I know I was never "looking for evidence" and I didn't really notice things like that. Now, however, I see everything.
This BBM part has always been a plausible theory in my mind as well. But why was there no evidence in the van? If there was, why say the van was "clean"? Also, was it wiped clean, as in no fingerprints!

We know she was fine the night before, at least until bed time, because she spoke with her girlfriend over the phone. Anytime after that until 6:45 am the next morning is the question mark timeframe. That's a lot of time to remove and bury a body, and clean up after.

So far, it has never been disclosed WHO saw her supposedly drive off. Where was her dad at 6:30 am? It's never been revealed. If he was not in the home...... Deep in my gut I feel like there was a situation between step-mommy and Sara. And I have a hunch the van was there BEFORE 6:30 am. No proof, no evidence, just a gut feeling.

Well, one explanation would be that it was somebody who was expected to have left traces in the van.

I don't think we ever got clarification as to whether "clean" meant that it had no evidence of crime etc. or that it had been wiped completely clean.
This makes sense if the person leaving the vehicle there were using the cover of the woods to walk (back) to where they started.

Do we have map of these woods. which is fastest angle to take and which s longest and safest way to walk to the next road. What's the name of these woods. If we can google/yahoo map it we can create the best walking routes and see things that are of advantage time and other wise.
Well, one explanation would be that it was somebody who was expected to have left traces in the van.

I don't think we ever got clarification as to whether "clean" meant that it had no evidence of crime etc. or that it had been wiped completely clean.
Good catch, it would be helpful to have clarification of that!
If the van was left in the window between 6:30 and 6:45 I don't think there would be time to do much cleaning.
There's no proof that she was in the van that morning. As someone else asked, who saw Sara last? Do we trust this person? Did she stop for gas or anything on her way to work? How do we know for sure she was in the van that day??
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