NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, 11/10/09 TRIAL THREAD

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Hey guys - remember we are victim friendly here. Let's be merciful to the family. :tyou:
We have not seen it. But that doesn't mean LE doesn't have it.


If there is one of him leaving (which there should be one ) if she was not killed in the hotel, she should be alive in it , I have never come to the conclusion Where she was killed, I'm just surprised why no one is saying anything about an exit video?
I have always wondered why we never saw it. Unless it was because in the footage he is carrying a bag or somehow obviously dead child. But since he's admitted to the fact that he left the hotel with her, LE must have something or this [unusual person] would never have admitted to having left the hotel with her. MOO
If there is one of him leaving (which there should be one ) if she was not killed in the hotel, she should be alive in it , I have never come to the conclusion Where she was killed, I'm just surprised why no one is saying anything about an exit video?

Yeah I agree.
Or it may be hard to tell. Like if she's sleeping or passed out.

Who knows.

I'm sure it will come out at trial.
Breaking News: Mario Andretti McNeill maintained his innocence Tuesday and rejected a plea deal in the capital murder case of a 5-year-old Fayetteville girl. Prosecutors say McNeill raped, kidnapped and murdered Shaniya Davis in 2009. He could face the death penalty if convicted.

Thanks, glee -- I just signed-on here, been runnin', runnin' & runnin', so, ignoring the risk of repetition, I'll post a link of WRAL's version from a morning report.

Man rejects plea, maintains innocence in Fayetteville girl's death
A man accused of raping and killing a 5-year-old Fayetteville girl in 2009 rejected a plea deal Tuesday and said he wants to proceed with a trial, which could send him to death row if convicted.

Makes me hope even more that this is swift and that the DP is a slam-dunk.

The only reservation I have on the DP is that executions for DP'ers have become almost a non-entity in NC. There are 159 inmates on death row -- 3 are women. The last DP execution in NC was in 2006.

So, if MAM lands on death row, he will be in a private cell, essentially in solitary. DP inmates do not mix with any other inmates, not even those on death row. That's the part of DP that is irksome to me -- I want him in gen pop, for "his own good." (heh-heh)

If, OTOH, MAM gets LWOP, he would be in general population, where he would be mixing with other inmates. And that's such a pity
. He possibly could be put in some type of isolation, but inmates normally are not unless they've gotten themselves in trouble, or unless they're found to be in danger from other inmates. I want him to hate every day he is there & be afraid to walk out of he cell at all times. Grrrrrrrrr.
Channel 11 early news reports still no jurors seated. They are being questioned in groups about their personal views on DP and their previous exposure to this case, publicity, etc.
Not to mention he is on tape leaving the hotel with her and has admitted he left with her.

Ever the hustler, MM could have "rented her out" to someone else & maybe he went somewhere to have a beer, etc., to give privacy to the current taker. (Oh, this is too horrible to contemplate...). Maybe when he returned she was dead (too much Benadryl, bleeding/shock/death, who knoze?) Maybe that person is long gone... But why didn't he, as everyone has asked, tell that when he admitted other things? This scenario is possible, but not, IMO, probable. What's the big deal with saying that she died, but he didn't mean to kill her, despite the finding of asphyxiation? He'd be no worse off, IMO. Maybe he's just stoopid. It can't be because he has a grain of conscience. Grrrrrrrrrr. He's one of the worst who deserves the worst, IMO.
I would agree but for the fact that if that were what had happened, and the Defendant had simply "returned" to find her dead

a) we would see video of him leaving the hotel without Shaniya


b) his defense counsel would have produced video of the mystery murderer entering and leaving the hotel during his absence

I'm not aware of any footage of him leaving the motel? But we know he had to have left, with or without Shaniya. Somehow she was removed from the motel. As for who the mystery person could have been, the only reason we knew who McNeill was, was because Shaniya was spotted on the hotel/motel camera being carried by McNeill.

The man accused in one of the most notorious murders in the state has declined an 11th hour plea deal.

To trial we go.

Thanks, tlcya, for the link. And it's good to see that you're in this thing with the rest of us. :seeya:

I read the article & watched his smirk, the one that we all, IMO, want to slap off his face. Oh, he's a [bad word, bad word].

One thing that made my jaw drop in the article was this: "Now, potential jurors will continue to be questioned about their beliefs on the death penalty. Eighty-seven potential jurors were interviewed Monday. None of them were chosen."

Did they really interview & excuse 87 potential jurors or was that part of the article poorly written? It just sounds like a lot of folks in one day.... They're gonna need a bigger bus. Just wonderin'....

I'm not aware of any footage of him leaving the motel? But we know he had to have left, with or without Shaniya. Somehow she was removed from the motel. As for who the mystery person could have been, the only reason we knew who McNeill was, was because Shaniya was spotted on the hotel/motel camera being carried by McNeill.

So the big secret is where is the video of him leaving........that would answer just about everything!
Thanks, tlcya, for the link. And it's good to see that you're in this thing with the rest of us. :seeya:

I read the article & watched his smirk, the one that we all, IMO, want to slap off his face. Oh, he's a [bad word, bad word].

One thing that made my jaw drop in the article was this: "Now, potential jurors will continue to be questioned about their beliefs on the death penalty. Eighty-seven potential jurors were interviewed Monday. None of them were chosen."

Did they really interview & excuse 87 potential jurors or was that part of the article poorly written? It just sounds like a lot of folks in one day.... They're gonna need a bigger bus. Just wonderin'....

It doesn't surprise me they are going through that many jurors. I would find it very hard to be a juror in a case like this I couldn't cope with hearing and seeing the evidence about what happened to little Shaniya. I am sure they will get the jurors required in the end we just need to be patient and keep praying for the right outcome.
I'm in Johnson County, not too far from Sanford too Rob. I think both McNeil and the mother should fry. I remember when those shots of him carrying her into the motel surfaced on the news. But I just can't figure out why he took her to a hotel/motel in Sanford? Why not Fayetteville? And why take her into a motel to begin with? It seems there is more to this story that we still don't know? Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out why he'd take the chance on being caught on video with her. And who paid mom's bail? If that was reported, I've forgotten? Anybody know how mom got bail to begin with?

I don't think she is out on bail, glee -- (and maybe I misunderstood your post, or maybe I'm mistaken) but it still looks like she is in the Cumberland Co jail to me.
McNeill, who was seen with the girl on a Sanford hotel security camera hours after her disappearance, later surrendered to police after investigators contacted his family, according to the station.

McNeill reportedly said Monday that he wouldn't dispute that he left the Sleepy Hollow Mobile Home Park with Shaniya and that he took her to the hotel in Sanford and later left with her. He denied killing her.
I would never miss seeing this case trhough to the end. I can still remember vividly all those days we all spend, haunting, nay, living on her thread, checking for updates. And then to have her found, six days later and learn what those monsters put her through.

I just want them held accountable for their sick twisted disgusting acts. Both of em.
I think Gracie is talking about when she was bailed out before.
She was.
We never found out who paid it IIRC.

Oh, thanks, Kimberlyd. Duh. Yes, I do remember that, and we were all mystified. Still are. IMWTK. Yes, who?

Glee, please excuse my dummity (my word for super dumbness) here -- but your question is still a good one. Yeah, we wanna know. Who paid the bail? Oooohh, that's one bet I sure wouldn't have taken.
Mario McNeill rejects plea, risks facing death in Shaniya Davis murder case
Mario McNeill this morning rejected an offer to plead guilty to the murder and rape of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis, opting instead to risk the chance a jury could convict him and sentence him to death.
"He maintains his innocence and respectfully declines the plea offer," said Harold "Butch" Pope, one of McNeill's lawyers, in a Cumberland County courtroom.
Mario McNeill weighs guilty plea in Shaniya Davis murder; guilty plea would bring sentence of life without parole
Mario McNeill has until Tuesday morning to decide whether to plead guilty in Cumberland County Superior Court to the rape and murder of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis in 2009.
If he were to plead guilty, McNeill would avoid a trial and the risk that a jury would sentence him to death. Instead, he would be sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Jim Ammons this afternoon denied a request from McNeill's lawyers to make the case non-capital.
McNeill this morning admitted that he took Shaniya from a trailer park off Murchison Road and brought her to a Lee County hotel, though he denies killing her.
Shaniya Davis Case: Mario Andretti McNeill, N.C. man accused in murder of 5-year-old, maintains innocence, rejects plea
Mario Andretti McNeill, a man accused of raping and killing a 5-year-old Fayetteville, N.C., girl in 2009, rejected a plea deal Tuesday and said he wants to proceed with a trial, which could send him to death row if convicted, CBS affiliate WRAL reports.
Man rejects plea, maintains innocence in Fayetteville girl's death
A man accused of raping and killing a 5-year-old Fayetteville girl in 2009 rejected a plea deal Tuesday and said he wants to proceed with a trial, which could send him to death row if convicted.
Prosecutors said Monday that they wouldn't seek the death penalty against Mario Andretti McNeill, 32, if he pleaded guilty to kidnapping, raping and murdering Shaniya Davis.
I'm in Johnson County, not too far from Sanford too Rob. I think both McNeil and the mother should fry. I remember when those shots of him carrying her into the motel surfaced on the news. But I just can't figure out why he took her to a hotel/motel in Sanford? Why not Fayetteville? And why take her into a motel to begin with? It seems there is more to this story that we still don't know? Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out why he'd take the chance on being caught on video with her. And who paid mom's bail? If that was reported, I've forgotten? Anybody know how mom got bail to begin with?

I wonder if there was equipment for filming *advertiser censored* videos there or something? I am sure there are cheap motels in Fayetteville -- any town near an armed services base will have them, of course. And I have driven by some pretty seamy areas there, just like in any town anywhere. Seems to me, something -- or someone -- would have to be there for him to go to Sanford unless he had other business in that area and was near there anyway. Or maybe he knew a way to get there on backroads, etc.

Yes, glee, why there??
McNeill, who was seen with the girl on a Sanford hotel security camera hours after her disappearance, later surrendered to police after investigators contacted his family, according to the station.

McNeill reportedly said Monday that he wouldn't dispute that he left the Sleepy Hollow Mobile Home Park with Shaniya and that he took her to the hotel in Sanford and later left with her. He denied killing her.

So he is admitting to four facts in the case, which are undeniable: either a witness exists or video which nails him down. What do you all think his defense will be and how will his Attorney's prove those points?

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