NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #12

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Honest question though- if you have the birth certificate and there are no records that say otherwise (like previous enrollment) what custody papers do parents that have not had a custody battle in court have?

My issue isn't with the creature taking her out of school. It's with how the father ever got her in without custody papers.
Here, the mother gets automatic custody if the parents aren't married. The father, if he's on the birth certificate, gets the affidavit of parentage. Serves as proof of custody. My fiance, who is listed on all three of our kids birth certificates, cannot do anything with our children without it. No doctors, hospitals, school enrollments or removals. He can also use the birth certificate since he is on it. But as father, he has to prove that he has custody.

I know different states have different laws, I just didn't realize the differences were that big.
If his wife was killed in 1998 that is 11 years ago.
If he has a 7 year old it was not with his wife. but I did not find anything on a 7 year old...

MOMSTER has a seven year old son NOT Dad!
If his wife was killed in 1998 that is 11 years ago.
If he has a 7 year old it was not with his wife. but I did not find anything on a 7 year old...

The 7 year old is Antoinette's, I have never seen him listed as BL's child. So, I'm thinking he's Shaniya's half brother.
I'm not watching Nancy.Can you guys fill me in on anything we are not aware of?

might I also add in this same post that I am not a subscriber to any guilt on the part of the father's side. I feel they were duped... just like the Grandparents of Caylee Anthony (although they have yet to come to terms with it)

Thank you, thank you for finding that info. I thought I read it, but I couldn't be sure anymore. Phew!!!!!!!!!!
Any possibility that MAM stopped at the hotel just to clean up or simply use the restroom? 30-45 minutes seems long for a pit stop, but I'm just trying to think of scenarios where the hotel stop was not to meet a john or to stop by in a checked-in room.

That's my theory. Whatever happened took place at the trailer around 3:00 a.m. MAM took Shaniya to hotel to clean her up of DNA or any other evidence (they were there 1 hour and 20 minutes). He couldn't clean her up at the trailer because of the sewer backup problem. He obviously couldn't take her home where his gf and child were and couldn't take her to a friend or relative's house either.

He cleaned up the evidence on her body, took her out of there alive, strangled her in the car, and left her body in the field on his way back to Fayetteville.
So up to three months ago, you were in legal limbo also. And in a position to have been taken ( financial) advantage off. Bet you sleep good at nite now.

Her biological parents have had no contact with her since she came to live with us, I have 2 judges (one retired) and a lawyer in my family and was assured a judge would have never sided with them after going that long without contact and absolutely no financial support.

from this part two of the news conference... thank you PattyG..

my GOSH!!!!!!

This family is in pain and had no clue this could happen.. I PRAY for this family!!!! They are in a pain most of us will never know! And I don't think at all that they were negligent in the cause of this pain! Rather they were duped by a psychopath...

While Cindy and George Anthony are not yet ready to admit it... THEY WERE TOO. Duped by someone they trusted.

The only difference.. is that this family is willing to admit it... no covering of the asses here... at all.

I don't think the Aunt was duped. Dad and Aunt are telling two different stories. Dad says mom just wanted to be a mom, it's cool, I had no idea. Aunt says mom was a bad person, took Shaniya from them and made threats. They both say mom and Shaniya saw each other on weekends. Coe says he never saw the kid before 3 weeks ago. Which one is it?
I am NOW not sure IF she was alive. I think when I heard she was with him when leaving my mind said "alive". My heart though feels she was alive when they left.

There's a link around here somewhere where the media confirms she was alive when they left the hotel.
How do we know Coe has HIV? I hadn't heard this before.

Coe not only is HIV Positive, he's actually borderline AIDS. How nice of him to impregnate somebody with his infected sperm & blood. I can only wonder, now, if Antoinette carries the virus. I'm sorry but making a baby if you knowingly have HIV or full blown AIDS should constitute child abuse. That's bull****! I'm so sickened by this case that's it's not even funny. I can't even smile...haven't for the past few days. This has cut me to the core. What sick animals they are!
If his wife was killed in 1998 that is 11 years ago.
If he has a 7 year old it was not with his wife. but I did not find anything on a 7 year old...
This question is irrelevant to Shaniyah's murder, but I'm curious. If the woman was his wife, why does his son (NG's guest at the moment) have his mother's maiden name?
Same here!
From my own experience as a single Mom and working for a school district in Illinois for 14 years I know that when you enroll your child, they ask on the enrollment form who is the legal guardian, who is authorized to pick up child in your abcence and if there are any court orders or restrictions for the non-custodial parent. NO ONE can pick up or do anything with the child once enrolled without a signature. In my case my ex died suddenly when my children were very young, (we shared custody) and I had to prove that with the death certificate to prove I was thier only parent/guardian.
If his wife was killed in 1998 that is 11 years ago.
If he has a 7 year old it was not with his wife. but I did not find anything on a 7 year old...

The 7 year old may be half brother..................momster's other son

Shaniya's oldest brother about 20, looks bi racial also.
Must be son with Mrs. Lockhart's before marriage to Bradley.
Bryan Coeman had nothing much to do with Momster.
He says no drugs used that he knew off at Momster's.
Father took very good care of his children.
Dad is hugging son right now, kissing his son's head.
Sounds like a very nice young man.
Thank you everyone for your posts, I am many pages behind Me tooand I know there are many links yet to read but am catching up...

Also watching NG and wondering how, a week later, ME could possibly pinpoint w such precision the TOD as to eliminate all possibility of Shaniya having been handed over by McNeill to someone else (?) IMO this could've even occurred before he left the hotel.I am always suspicious with real quick eliminations, I do not know that they are not jumping to conclusions
In the absence of many breaking developments I trust those additional arrests will be coming tomorrow!

I think the developments are unfolding in a a fair speed but I am just not pleased with them jumping to any conclusions yet....
I still do not know how they eliminated Coe so fast??? that still bothers me.
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