NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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I totally agree with this. My husband and I have 6 kids. While he is an excellent provider, he requires a DETAILED list if left in charge of our children.
1. Take the meal I prepared out of the oven and feed them at 5:00.
2. Clean up the kitchen.
3. Bathe the 3 and 5 year olds. Dress them in the pjs I laid out.
You get the idea.

Without the list, the kids are still up at 10:00pm, dirty, have eaten chips, pickles, cookies- whatever they can find on their own.

There are VERY few times when I leave the 3 and 5 year olds at home. In reality my 12 year old son is more responsible with his sisters than their Dad is.
He is NOT a bad parent, he is an irresponsible parent.

I hear you on this, on the very rare occasions that I've left my 3 kids with Daddy - I come home to the exact same thing. I don't do lists at this point, I just never leave them with him for any longer than a short trip to the grocery store. It would be great if he could be better at being responsible for their needs, but I've learned he is just not capable of that - but he is an excellent provider for our family.

There is a BIG difference between caring for your children and caring about your children. Many people are capable of caring for children, they provide food/shelter, keep them clean, brush their hair and dress them in nice clothes, take them to the Dr. and make sure they attend school. My husband has a glitch in this area I guess, but I pick up the slack and am the sole care giver, however he most definitely cares ABOUT our children 100% as do I.

Sure this precious baby girl had someone to brush her hair and dress her in costumes and take pictures. She may have even had a beautiful home to live in, family members to feed her or take her to Chucky Cheese - That's all fine and dandy, but she also needed someone to CARE ABOUT her enough to check on her welfare and follow up. Sadly there was nobody there to CARE ABOUT her enough to do that, in the absence of that, all the THINGS in the world were really meaningless.

I believe perhaps her daddy cared about her but not for her. And didn't care about her enough to check on her welfare for those few short weeks she was with her biological mother. Obviously, the "Mother" neither cared for her or about her.

With that said, I will not say anything negative about the Dad nor his side of the "Family", He didn't abuse her, sell her, or kill her.

A search of court records turned up no previous criminal charges against Davis, but she lived at a home on Wall Street in July that police raided. Officers found "narcotics manufacturing materials" in the house, but no one was charged, according to an incident report.

Neighbors on Wall Street recall seeing Shaynia in July (roaming around alone) so she was there staying with momster during this time. Nice huh?
Unless you are in his position and know how he feels dont speculate about his actions or how you see this and that. We all grieve differently. I want to just point out that we are not CERTAIN about anything. AD told BL she had two jobs and her own place; what IF she passed off another place as her residence? What if BL and the aunt never visited this trailer there are so many possibilities in this case that I dont want to speculate anymore.

I don't see anyone bashing. And isn't speculation a very important part of sleuthing?

I think what some people are missing is that the reason WHY Shaniya ended up at AD's could be incredibly important, and the statements and offered timelines are showing inconsistencies. Not looking at that might be seen by some as respectful, but to me it seems so odd to ignore an element of the case because it's not a pretty road to go down.

My heart breaks for the rest of Shaniya's family, but this "How dare they?" attitude is not helpful to any kind of real sleuthing, IMO. I don't understand why you can't have sympathy for someone while not turning a blind eye to actions that actually might have some bearing on the case. Imagine if Darlie Routier had been untouchable because her children were murdered and we had to respect her grief?

And no, I'm not comparing Brad with Darlie. It's just for weeks in the Somer thread you couldn't bring up DT's relationships without having 30 people pounce on the posters who actually dared wonder if it could have been someone she knew.
Thanks for this post. I got that feeling too. The thing is (and I know nothing about trafficking) if you are going to prostitute / traffic your child, surely this is not something you just decide one day and put out and advert. My guess is you need to know the correct people, how it works, have it planned well in advance.etc I would imagine that this all started by her mother prostituting her for money for drugs which meant coming into contact with different people and I think it went from there. Probably starting before the time she asked the Father is she could have Shaniya live with her. Because you can be as sure as hell that these 2 dumbas*es are not capable of doing this on their own. (The woman is that stupid she is pregnant with a baby from a guy that is HIV positive) How on earth would you know how to contact the type of people that could arrange this? If this is even indeed what has happened?

Just ranting out loud again,to questions we can't answer.

I would imagine that if this is a sex ring thing, that sick world would have a pecking order and these "2 dumbas*es" are at the bottom.

Antoinette Davis faces charges that include child abuse involving prostitution. Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, is charged with first-degree kidnapping. Police say he was seen carrying Shaniya in a Sanford hotel after she went missing.

Lockhart said Tuesday he was "appalled and disgusted" at the nature of the charges. But he dismissed reports he allowed Shaniya to stay with her mother while knowing it was an unsafe environment.

"I choose not to talk about that," he said. "Most of it's speculation, though."
LOL!!!!!!!! No it's not. The U.S. Virgin Islands; St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix.

Laugh out loud all you want, but [ame][/ame].

With all the talk about "foreign" I just suggested, but it's probably not. 5 good years is enough and then whatever whatever?

I don't think anyone is "bashing">> just asking why oh why would you take this little girl to a trailer where I would not leave a pet?

as for them not knowing what the trailer was like...WHY not?

maybe future tragedies could be prevented....5 "good" years is not enough IMHO

I never said 5 years is enough-but can you all seriously say that if BL knew the outcome of this or that his child would be harmed he would have sent her to visit? I think not, I think like the rest of us we expect our Mom to protect us not harm...BL thought AD could finally be a Mom and he took that chance.
We dont know his reasons, now that all the filth is coming to light we are pointing the fingers but IMO if BL knew his daughter was in danger he wouldnt have sent her away.
I echo your sentiments 100%-I'm actually pretty disgusted by some of the post I'm seeing now in regards to BL. I know we all want justice and somone to blame but he is NOT the monster.Unless you are in his position and know how he feels dont speculate about his actions or how you see this and that. We all grieve differently. I want to just point out that we are not CERTAIN about anything. AD told BL she had two jobs and her own place; what IF she passed off another place as her residence? What if BL and the aunt never visited this trailer there are so many possibilities in this case that I dont want to speculate anymore. What I am certain about is that Shaniya lived 5 happy healthy years-her pictures....they just beam with joy. She was loved and cared for. How many Fathers do any of you know who raise kids from a one night stand?? I know I don't. Of course we all want to sit here and say he shouldn't have allowed her to go, he should have known-well forgive him for not having a crystal ball like the rest of us do right?

Except for the small fact that he wasn't raising her or any of his kids. Other friends and family were doing it for him.
I never said 5 years is enough-but can you all seriously say that if BL knew the outcome of this or that his child would be harmed he would have sent her to visit? I think not, I think like the rest of us we expect our Mom to protect us not harm...BL thought AD could finally be a Mom and he took that chance.
We dont know his reasons, now that all the filth is coming to light we are pointing the fingers but IMO if BL knew his daughter was in danger he wouldnt have sent her away.

NO one is saying he KNEW what would happen... and NO one is suggesting he wanted or wanted to allow this to happen

the road to h//ll is paved with "good intentions"

but this might be a good example of being cautious...

one look at that trailer and the people in it and I would have turned around and driven away

The half sister and brother seem to think so also...and other people

If he "knew"...well he didn't take enough time to check out and "know" IMHO

this is a horrible tragedy and unlike many others it could be prevented
I am NOT saying "charges" should be filed...but I do feel facts need to be put out there..

maybe some other custodial parent will think before giving a deadbeat a "chance"

maybe other family members will step up and get help when they see a train wreck about to happen
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Just got this in my Email Alerts:

Amber Alert Issued For Missing Girl

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Tallahassee has issued an Amber Alert for a missing girl last seen in Port St. Lucie.


MY APOLOGIES! Now that I've gone back to read previous pages here, I see this has already been brought up.
That's what I get for jumping into the forum with barely a sip of my first cuppa of the morning with what I thought was 'new' news. *smile*

This is WS.....always on top of the news and that's a great thing!

The Colemans and Brad Lockhart have been on opposing sides in several lawsuits in recent years, most of which were dismissed. A case filed in 1998 resulted in the Colemans being granted custody of their grandchildren and child support in 2007, according to court files.
Before Shaniya's death, Lockhart was paying child support on three children, including Shaniya and two of the children from his marriage.

"I would have kept Shaniya, but he never asked me," Phyllis Coleman said. "After all, I kept his (other) three children.''

Ummmm...who was BL paying child support to for Shaniya if he was taking care of her for 5 years? :waitasec:
If I knew, I'd tell you.

We hit brick walls with the State of MI, the State of MO....LE, even custody lawyers.

That's odd - my daughter's husband got custody of his child because the bio-mom smacked her up once. They probably would have gotten bio-mom's left arm if the girl had been sexually assaulted.

What are they telling you about NOT being able to get custody, if you don't mind my asking?
Ummmm...who was BL paying child support to for Shaniya if he was taking care of her for 5 years? :waitasec:

It seems he was paying support for his children that were being raised by his ex-in-laws? The children whose mother was murdered in a home invasion.

Disregard, I see they mention he was paying support for Shaniya. Weird, could this be a misunderstanding with the reporter?
I never said 5 years is enough-but can you all seriously say that if BL knew the outcome of this or that his child would be harmed he would have sent her to visit? I think not, I think like the rest of us we expect our Mom to protect us not harm...BL thought AD could finally be a Mom and he took that chance.
We dont know his reasons, now that all the filth is coming to light we are pointing the fingers but IMO if BL knew his daughter was in danger he wouldnt have sent her away.

Bottom line. It's STUPID and IRRESPONSIBLE to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone when it involves your children's safety and well being. As another poster pointed out...I wouldn't have left my dog there.

IMO Her aunt, the one that raised her, was her only true "parent." That woman loved that child like a real mother. She knew it was a bad decision to allow that child to go to her mother's...even for two days. Her father should have known as well. Could what happened ever have been predicted? No. BUT ANY good parent would/should have feared something bad happening.
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