NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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If I knew, I'd tell you.

We hit brick walls with the State of MI, the State of MO....LE, even custody lawyers.

not my kids,
Have you ever called in your local news station or wrote to your local newspaper?
I may be totally wrong here, but in some of the situations I have dealt with over the years, calling up the people who can expose this in wide spread area seemed to have worked..
I wish someone like Nancy Grace would get ahold of your situation and address the problem, naming this mother and naming the agencies who are failing your step daughter.. something must get the attention of people who can stop this!
I will offer to you my undivided attention on anything that would help your stepdaughter...
From one stepmother to another..
I'll be praying for her...
Who is Dustrus?

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #12[/ame] <--Enter last name McNeill and you'll see all three

I was thinking if all three are linked...maybe LE arrested Mario and Dustrus at the same time. Can someone pull the arrest record for Dustrus? Mario was uncooperative with LE but Dustrus started talking and telling everything thus leading to the location of our angel and the arrest of Samuel who may have been the perp they were looking for. :waitasec:

At the PC the LE could have meant


That's foreign.
My lovely stepdaughter was the product of a one night stand. Actually the words used to describe that situation is a shortened version of the phrase merciful fornication. That comes from her mother and her father. Neither paid for services, they were just meeting physical needs.
I don't think the father paid the creature for her services. She more than likely was promiscuous at the time that Shaniya was conceived and later, felt bad for giving away what she could have gotten paid for. So she started selling it instead of giving it away.
Seems almost like what she did to Shaniya.
When I listen to the nc I get a feeling he is talking about something bigger going on than we know at this time, that this crime is going to lead to something bigger, that once things come out the city will be a safer place to live. Wonder if they are going after more fish to fry than the ones they already have in jail? Underground Child Sex Ring?

Exactly what I think!

Was it not stated that the police re-scheduled YESTERDAY'S news conference to this morning because of the new information received and the completion of the ME's formal ID and examination??? Then, they "gather the masses" to go live with that cr@p? Excuse me, but they knew when Shaniya was FOUND that this involved 2 jurisdictions, and other agencies. So, if they decided they weren't going to report on what the charges would be upgraded too etc...why not just put out a statement instead, saying why they need to resolve the J issue b4 they can hold a REAL presser???

I am not seeking explanations. I know you guys are as frustrated as I am. I and just venting...
not my kids,
Have you ever called in your local news station or wrote to your local newspaper?
I may be totally wrong here, but in some of the situations I have dealt with over the years, calling up the people who can expose this in wide spread area seemed to have worked..
I wish someone like Nancy Grace would get ahold of your situation and address the problem, naming this mother and naming the agencies who are failing your step daughter.. something must get the attention of people who can stop this!
I will offer to you my undivided attention on anything that would help your stepdaughter...
From one stepmother to another..
I'll be praying for her...
Yup, her mother was smart enough to move MO, no local news will touch it. Neither will the MO media.
When I listen to the nc I get a feeling he is talking about something bigger going on than we know at this time, that this crime is going to lead to something bigger, that once things come out the city will be a safer place to live. Wonder if they are going after more fish to fry than the ones they already have in jail? Underground Child Sex Ring?

That's exactly what I got from the interview,although I was so disappointed not to hear the new charges.I know there will be,though.It's worth waiting if they're being quiet,because they're finding people involved in human trafficking,that's the root of many of the missing people cases.
If I knew, I'd tell you.

We hit brick walls with the State of MI, the State of MO....LE, even custody lawyers.

The way the laws are in most states and in Canada, it is extremely difficult to remove a child from its birth mother or father (especially a birth mother with custody). And once removed, the birth mother or father can get the child back fairly easily. IMO, a child is basically a possession of the parent in the eyes of the law until the child is 18. The child has very little legal right on his or her own until the teens. Books I have read about parents with Borderline Personality Disorder actually say that there is not much you can do for a child of such a parent (especially a mother) who has custody of a child until the child is 18 and can leave on its own and go into therapy for the next 20 years!

At the PC the LE could have meant


That's foreign.

We need some stickies or some "info" thread

the Virgin Islands connection is that some officers from there were training in the use of police dogs and apparently helped in the search/recovery efforts
Yes I was crying for this man too...He had 2 tragedies and my heart broke for him...
Now I as I open my eyes more widely...The only hurt I feel is for the baby and her aunt who genuinely loved her like a mom.
THIS DAD NEED TO BE LOOKED AT MORE CLOSELY and I think we may find that while he can provide, he like many man is not reliable, accountable, responsible, etc.... To see a cigarette burn on your child and to let her go back to where she got it is just unconscious and not caring.
He makes all these kids and sends them off??? Isn't he the sperm Donner?
I want to give him a chance to explain...I just do not know how on earth he can explain the cigarette burns, and his allowing shaniya to go back there? I do not think he can ever explain that.:snooty:

I totally agree with this. My husband and I have 6 kids. While he is an excellent provider, he requires a DETAILED list if left in charge of our children.
1. Take the meal I prepared out of the oven and feed them at 5:00.
2. Clean up the kitchen.
3. Bathe the 3 and 5 year olds. Dress them in the pjs I laid out.
You get the idea.

Without the list, the kids are still up at 10:00pm, dirty, have eaten chips, pickles, cookies- whatever they can find on their own.

There are VERY few times when I leave the 3 and 5 year olds at home. In reality my 12 year old son is more responsible with his sisters than their Dad is.
He is NOT a bad parent, he is an irresponsible parent.
to little to late.
the concept of "I should mind my own business" with regard to children is making me sick :sick:

I had seen a neighbors daughter with a man who was so obviously stoned on something bad that I ran to her mom and told her that this is very scary and she needs to brake that up.
It took time Mom got rid of the guy now the girl is with a new boyfriend. the Mom loves me for it. I am glad I did not mind my own business.

I would be greatful too. You never know what exactly kids are doing when they are not with us. I would be greatful if someone stepped up and told me what they seen my child doing when I was not around.
There is a difference between irresponsibility and blatant disregard for safety. MOO.
I said this in the very beginning and got slammed for it- but it's just plain negligent to send your child somewhere without checking it out. No one had the best interests of this child at heart, except maybe her aunt. The father never even visited the mother's house to see where his daughter would be living?? Even ignoring the abuse red flags we're hearing about now... you wouldn't buy a car without seeing it, you wouldn't buy a house without seeing it- how on earth can you justify sending your baby to a place you've never seen?? I am very sorry this happened, but if anyone gave this child as much thought as a piece of property this would NOT have happened.

I also said originally its a shame this baby was sent from what seemed like a beautiful home with nice things to a drug-infested house with felons. I didn't mean to say the "nicer house" is always the better home- as some pointed out, there are awful people who live in mansions and children can be better off with the less-well-off parent. I didn't mean to generalize. This isn't the case of a hard-working, loving mother struggling with finances and a rich but evil dad. I just meant we all always want the best for our children, and I don't understand how anyone could have though Shaniya could have possibly been better off living in filth when her life with dad seemed okay.

I mean, he might end up being a jerk, but he kept her alive and well for 5 years.

Was it not stated that the police re-scheduled YESTERDAY'S news conference to this morning because of the new information received and the completion of the ME's formal ID and examination??? Then, they "gather the masses" to go live with that cr@p? Excuse me, but they knew when Shaniya was FOUND that this involved 2 jurisdictions, and other agencies. So, if they decided they weren't going to report on what the charges would be upgraded too etc...why not just put out a statement instead, saying why they need to resolve the J issue b4 they can hold a REAL presser???

I am not seeking explanations. I know you guys are as frustrated as I am. I and just venting...

It is frustrating. Maybe they held the PC to thank all of the agencies involved to let the public know that this is investigation goes way beyond AD and MAM? I didn't know the FBI was involved either.
He has another child from someone in Florida?


Reporter from (?) had court papers in her hand & said 6 kids/3 moms but no child support/custody issues with ad..iow..there is with some of the others.
Isn't that what I said in the post you quoted me on????
That's what I'm saying. I can say I choose to wait. What's wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with that...I choose not to wait

I have seen other posts by you talking about "bashing" and "respect" and after any post of information or questions regarding how the h//l this beautiful little girl went from her happy home to a horror trailer

again, I am NOT making up stuff, I am not "bashing"......I am commenting on things in the media and also asking LOGICAL questions

Too bad more people in Shaynia's life didn't ask those sort of questions when she was alive

Let me put it real have a sweet little want to "board" it while you go on a vacation you find a nice pet hotel , vet office??
do you check it out??

or do you take it over to a reeking trailer where felons live with a pit ring outside and a kennel of fighting dogs??

and after the yorkie is used as "tease" dog, gobbled up do you say "well I wanted to give them a chance"

I have used more "due dilligence" on boarding a cat than was used here

NO stranger came and snatched Shaynia...her bags were packed, her favorite blankie was included and she was driven into the pit ring JMO

JMO of course
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #12 <--Enter last name McNeill and you'll see all three

I was thinking if all three are linked...maybe LE arrested Mario and Dustrus at the same time. Can someone pull the arrest record for Dustrus? Mario was uncooperative with LE but Dustrus started talking and telling everything thus leading to the location of our angel and the arrest of Samuel who may have been the perp they were looking for. :waitasec:

If you search this thread for Dustrus, you'll see that I did a lot of research on him and Samuel McNeill and their histories. Pretty bad stuff.
Are the creature and her helpers as dumb as they look or do they have enough jailhouse lawyers advising them that they knew they could cause jurisdictional issues...would that have been the reason for the tape at the hotel...we have been assuming that McNiel didn't know the cameras were there. Maybe he did...maybe that was the point.
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