NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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I said this in the very beginning and got slammed for it- but it's just plain negligent to send your child somewhere without checking it out. No one had the best interests of this child at heart, except maybe her aunt. The father never even visited the mother's house to see where his daughter would be living?? Even ignoring the abuse red flags we're hearing about now... you wouldn't buy a car without seeing it, you wouldn't buy a house without seeing it- how on earth can you justify sending your baby to a place you've never seen?? I am very sorry this happened, but if anyone gave this child as much thought as a piece of property this would NOT have happened.

I also said originally its a shame this baby was sent from what seemed like a beautiful home with nice things to a drug-infested house with felons. I didn't mean to say the "nicer house" is always the better home- as some pointed out, there are awful people who live in mansions and children can be better off with the less-well-off parent. I didn't mean to generalize. This isn't the case of a hard-working, loving mother struggling with finances and a rich but evil dad. I just meant we all always want the best for our children, and I don't understand how anyone could have though Shaniya could have possibly been better off living in filth when her life with dad seemed okay.

I mean, he might end up being a jerk, but he kept her alive and well for 5 years.
It is frustrating. Maybe they held the PC to thank all of the agencies involved to let the public know that this is investigation goes way beyond AD and MAM? I didn't know the FBI was involved either.

THe FBI and Marshals have been involved since the evening of the day she disappeared.
I am a fountain of useless trivia today.
Couldn't they just turn this case over to the FBI, and be done with the trying to figure out who is going to do the charging?

To me it is obvious. The hotel and dump site are in Lee county right? So Lee county should file murder charges.
IMO, the aunt said A LOT in her speech.

She talked about her relationship with Shaniya not being like that of a mother/child or father/child (because her parents never really cared for her?). She talked about protecting your children when you know they are in danger. And at first, I couldn't figure out what she meant. It sounded as if she was "kinda" blaming her brother for letting Shaniya go with her mother. After reading the article about "dad" never really taking care of Shaniya, I'm convinced that is exactly what she was saying.

If all these people offered to give Shaniya a place to live, WHY did dad send her to her mother? How on earth did he think she had cleaned up her act when no one else thought so? How much did he really know about what was going on in that trailer?
MAM and creature are laughing at LE right now.

What happens if they never find the primary crime scene?
Jurisdiction question delays charges in girl's death
Posted: Today at 7:35 a.m.
Updated: 7 minutes ago
Fayetteville Police Chief Tom Bergamine said Wednesday that no new charges will be filed in the death of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis until authorities figure out where she was killed.

"This is a very complex case, unfortunately, that reaches out over the city of Fayetteville, counties (and) federal jurisdictions," Bergamine said. "Several details regarding this investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case."

Video: Police: No new charges in girl's slaying 4:07

Audio: &#8226;911 call in Shaniya Davis disappearance

&#8226;Antoinette Nicole Davis arrest warrant

&#8226;Mario Andrette McNeill arrest warrant

Video: &#8226;Slain girl's father: Don't let it happen again

Video: &#8226;911 call in girl's disappearance released

Video: &#8226;Questions arise over custody of slain girl

Video: &#8226;Lockhart's friend expressed concerns

Video: &#8226;Shaniya's father talks to crowd at vigil

Video: &#8226;Web only: Mother appears in court

Video: &#8226;CBS exclusive: Father of missing girl talks


Couldn't they just turn this case over to the FBI, and be done with the trying to figure out who is going to do the charging?

To me it is obvious. The hotel and dump site are in Lee county right? So Lee county should file murder charges.

Has a COD been determined as of yet? I think more than jurisdiction, COD will need to be determined (if possible) before murder charges are added.
If you search this thread for Dustrus, you'll see that I did a lot of research on him and Samuel McNeill and their histories. Pretty bad stuff.

I saw it and even thanked you. :) I couldn't sleep last night thinking about this little angel and was happy to see it might not just be ironic but there may be something there.

Do you know how to pull the arrest record (i.e. the time of arrest)? I'm curious to see if they were arrested at the same time.
Shaniya's story reveals widespread sex trafficking in black community

The U.S. Department of Justice reported that as of September 30, 2008 there were 1,229 alleged incidents of human trafficking. Of human trafficking suspects for whom a race designation was available, blacks represented the largest category (36 percent). Furthermore, blacks accounted for the largest percentage of over all sex trafficking suspects at 44 percent and the largest percentage of child sex trafficking suspects at 52 percent. The US DOJ also reported that blacks also accounted for 21 percent of alleged human trafficking victims. That is a scary number considering that blacks made up of only 13 percent of the population in the year 2000.

more at the link
Can her father be held responsible in some way for allowing Shaniya to go to her mother's home, when she was obviously not fit to parent?? This has probably been asked before but I haven't read every single post as there are about 18,000,000 of them in this case. :)

The only way I think the father could be held responsible is if there were a court order that stated the child was not to live with the mother.
Father could be hit for failure to protect a dependent...if there were a really intrepid prosecutor....which there won't be for a misdemeanor charge like that.
When I listen to the nc I get a feeling he is talking about something bigger going on than we know at this time, that this crime is going to lead to something bigger, that once things come out the city will be a safer place to live. Wonder if they are going after more fish to fry than the ones they already have in jail? Underground Child Sex Ring?

Thanks for this post. I got that feeling too. The thing is (and I know nothing about trafficking) if you are going to prostitute / traffic your child, surely this is not something you just decide one day and put out and advert. My guess is you need to know the correct people, how it works, have it planned well in advance.etc I would imagine that this all started by her mother prostituting her for money for drugs which meant coming into contact with different people and I think it went from there. Probably starting before the time she asked the Father is she could have Shaniya live with her. Because you can be as sure as hell that these 2 dumbas*es are not capable of doing this on their own. (The woman is that stupid she is pregnant with a baby from a guy that is HIV positive) How on earth would you know how to contact the type of people that could arrange this? If this is even indeed what has happened?

Just ranting out loud again,to questions we can't answer.
I hoped I don't get bashed - but...

As sickening as this case is, it really turns my stomach to hear all of the controversary being talked about the father. And although he even admits to making the wrong mistake by letting Shaniya go to her mom's we MUST not forget all of the LOVE and GUIDANCE this father provided to her (when her biological mother was out getting stoned and doing whatever...) Is he father of the year - probably not, nor I believe are many of us... we have all made mistakes and some we may look back on and still kick ourselves for. But we must at least find it in our hearts to NOT forget that he was there for this little girl when others (especially the ONE you'd think would be) wasn't.

Again, please don't bash, I just really don't like to see all of the negative comments on here regarding this heartbroken man. And some of you that even believe this man is acting, I remind all of you: did we EVER see the mother pleas to the public for her child? What was her reaction while staniding in court (only hours after hearing her daughter's body was found)? Please do not lose sight of the big picture and that was little Shaniya's life was taken by some really EVIL people. (Not if the dad is acting or not). He provided the only loving home this girl EVER knew.

I echo your sentiments 100%-I'm actually pretty disgusted by some of the post I'm seeing now in regards to BL. I know we all want justice and somone to blame but he is NOT the monster.Unless you are in his position and know how he feels dont speculate about his actions or how you see this and that. We all grieve differently. I want to just point out that we are not CERTAIN about anything. AD told BL she had two jobs and her own place; what IF she passed off another place as her residence? What if BL and the aunt never visited this trailer there are so many possibilities in this case that I dont want to speculate anymore. What I am certain about is that Shaniya lived 5 happy healthy years-her pictures....they just beam with joy. She was loved and cared for. How many Fathers do any of you know who raise kids from a one night stand?? I know I don't. Of course we all want to sit here and say he shouldn't have allowed her to go, he should have known-well forgive him for not having a crystal ball like the rest of us do right?
Jurisdiction question delays charges in girl's death
Posted: Today at 7:35 a.m.
Updated: 7 minutes ago
Fayetteville Police Chief Tom Bergamine said Wednesday that no new charges will be filed in the death of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis until authorities figure out where she was killed.

"This is a very complex case, unfortunately, that reaches out over the city of Fayetteville, counties (and) federal jurisdictions," Bergamine said. "Several details regarding this investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case."

Video: Police: No new charges in girl's slaying 4:07

Audio: •911 call in Shaniya Davis disappearance

•Antoinette Nicole Davis arrest warrant

•Mario Andrette McNeill arrest warrant

Video: •Slain girl's father: Don't let it happen again

Video: •911 call in girl's disappearance released

Video: •Questions arise over custody of slain girl

Video: •Lockhart's friend expressed concerns

Video: •Shaniya's father talks to crowd at vigil

Video: •Web only: Mother appears in court

Video: •CBS exclusive: Father of missing girl talks



I think they need to find a way to "undelay" the charges now that there is a death. GMAB
I echo your sentiments 100%-I'm actually pretty disgusted by some of the post I'm seeing now in regards to BL. I know we all want justice and somone to blame but he is NOT the monster.Unless you are in his position and know how he feels dont speculate about his actions or how you see this and that. We all grieve differently. I want to just point out that we are not CERTAIN about anything. AD told BL she had two jobs and her own place; what IF she passed off another place as her residence? What if BL and the aunt never visited this trailer there are so many possibilities in this case that I dont want to speculate anymore. What I am certain about is that Shaniya lived 5 happy healthy years-her pictures....they just beam with joy. She was loved and cared for. How many Fathers do any of you know who raise kids from a one night stand?? I know I don't. Of course we all want to sit here and say he shouldn't have allowed her to go, he should have known-well forgive him for not having a crystal ball like the rest of us do right?
:furious: 5 good years is enough and then whatever whatever?

I don't think anyone is "bashing">> just asking why oh why would you take this little girl to a trailer where I would not leave a pet?

as for them not knowing what the trailer was like...WHY not?

maybe future tragedies could be prevented....5 "good" years is not enough IMHO
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