NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #27

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These flowers, and shrine to Shaniya are a testament by the public - a great statement that Shaniya is in the minds of the people who want to see justice for this senseless violent murder.

I hope that as long as the people keep watching this, public opinion will matter, hopefully there will be justice.
MAM had an accessory, IMO
This case is frustrating I looked some videos and it is insane different impressions and contradictions - and secrets.
hmmmmm secrets and they are coming from both sides.

At first it was the Brad Show and his family were front and center news - there were secrets and contradictions
from the start, then Antonetta gets sung out of jail in a hush, and they don't want to tell who put up the collateral
to spring her out...
Too many secrets going on - on both sides... WHO is Brad?

Shaniya deserves justice - Thank God she now rests in peace.


Regarding the BBM Part: This is interesting. Are you speaking of someone other than AD? Like as in someone was with MAM after Shaniya was handed off to him?
I never thought that. Just curious as to what you think about it.

Regarding the BBM Part: This is interesting. Are you speaking of someone other than AD? Like as in someone was with MAM after Shaniya was handed off to him?
I never thought that. Just curious as to what you think about it.

Personally I think that's exactly what happened. :(

As for the flowers, we planted them in a circle around the sign, so when locals are driving by in a few weeks...look to see the circle of life that Shaniya created for all of us. I'm going to trim the weeds from around them as soon as I get back (we are heading out again tomorrow, but should have computer access.

Peace, Shaniya- the terrible things that were done to you have not been erased from this earth, but I pray they have been forever banished from your soul.

Personally I think that's exactly what happened. :(

As for the flowers, we planted them in a circle around the sign, so when locals are driving by in a few weeks...look to see the circle of life that Shaniya created for all of us. I'm going to trim the weeds from around them as soon as I get back (we are heading out again tomorrow, but should have computer access.

Peace, Shaniya- the terrible things that were done to you have not been erased from this earth, but I pray they have been forever banished from your soul.



Oriah, can you go into more detail about how or why you think there was another involved after she was handed off to MAM that morning.

I have followed the case very closely and I have never heard or thought about that. I'm just very interested in this theory.

Who might the 2nd person be? Any thoughts?

Oriah, can you go into more detail about how or why you think there was another involved after she was handed off to MAM that morning.

I have followed the case very closely and I have never heard or thought about that. I'm just very interested in this theory.

Who might the 2nd person be? Any thoughts?

kimberlyd, this has absolutely nothing to do with you at all, but I'm not comfortable with that information on this forum because I am local to the case. I'll contact you privately with the info- I understand your desire to know more. It might be later on today though because we are leaving for the Aja case in a few minutes.

Thanks for understanding,
I guess people just want to forget. :( From the article quoted above:

"It's still hard for some of the people living nearby to see the reminders, said one woman, who did not want to be identified.

A lot of the residents took part in the two-day search for Shaniya along Walker Road.

"It still breaks your heart," the woman said. "I admire the people who put them up, and it's touched a lot of people."

But maybe it's time to take them down, she said.

"Every time I go by there, I can't help but visualize her face.""​

I go out of my way to visualize her face, everyday.
I don't judge the lady making the statement too harshly. Some folks have a need to go forth with their lives and are not as used to seeing and dealing daily with such reminders. We here at WS even struggle with keeping thoughts and reminders of the horrors we read about from interfering with our functioning in our daily lives.

We walk a fine line here. We are the voices of victims, their outrage. A lot of WS members see it as their mission - to remember. Sadly, it is hard at times even for us to fulfill the mission while not letting it consume us or get in the way of doing what needs done in the workaday world of raising our families and seeing to our own obligations.

Sometimes the horror is just too disturbing. So, how can it be otherwise for Jane Doe on the street?
I know people grieve differently but why would you not want to visualize her face? I don't think the lady meant any harm but that really hurt when I read that...We have to stand together and not forget what happened to Shaniya.. Hopefully we can stop this from happening to another child.
btw This is OT but not too far off. Did ya'll catch the news last night about a grandmother arrested for pimping her 10 year old granddaughter for drugs? And apparently not just on one occassion, but it was ongoing? It breaks my heart. When the Shaniya case first broke with the trafficking angle, my hear sunk. As awful and unthinkable as it was to contemplate a family member doing that, I knew immediately it was the first of many. Many of us were blissfully unaware of how big this problem is, all the while right under our noses in the good old land of the free.

I pray that Shaniya's case and others like it will finally open our eyes as a nation to the rape and murder of our country's most defensless victims at the hands of supposed "loved ones". We need a call to arms.
btw This is OT but not too far off. Did ya'll catch the news last night about a grandmother arrested for pimping her 10 year old granddaughter for drugs? And apparently not just on one occassion, but it was ongoing? It breaks my heart. When the Shaniya case first broke with the trafficking angle, my hear sunk. As awful and unthinkable as it was to contemplate a family member doing that, I knew immediately it was the first of many. Many of us were blissfully unaware of how big this problem is, all the while right under our noses in the good old land of the free.

I pray that Shaniya's case and others like it will finally open our eyes as a nation to the rape and murder of our country's most defensless victims at the hands of supposed "loved ones". We need a call to arms.

I did see it, and I was perturbed at NG's reaction. I was glad she covered it but dismayed to hear her react as though she's never heard of such a thing before:

LAMM: Kids are 70 times more likely to be emotionally, sexually or physically abused in the home of an active alcoholic or addict. That`s just -- those are the cold, hard facts.

GRACE: Brad, have you seen anything like this before?

LAMM: You know, I`ve seen lots of sexual abuse in the homes of people that are addicted. I`ve never seen it where it`s this blatant or ripped from the headlines like this, Nancy, but I have seen things that would just -- you know, would make you sick and cry yourself to sleep. That`s what addiction does to families.​

We have all seen it before, Nancy. We've seen it with an even more tragic outcome. Have you forgotten??
I did see it, and I was perturbed at NG's reaction. I was glad she covered it but dismayed to hear her react as though she's never heard of such a thing before
We have all seen it before, Nancy. We've seen it with an even more tragic outcome. Have you forgotten??

respectfully snipped and BBM

I saw that too. Just par for the course for NG. I am sure this post will be moved to the complaints about her thread but that is ok by me. She is so busy courting the ratings and working so hard to be shocking and titillating, camping it up, that she forgets these are real victims, not just fodor for her celebrity. I sometimes wonder if she actually absorbs what she reports or it is all about the performance.

As you can see I am not exactly her biggest fan. As another member's husband so aptly described it - she is in the business not of news, but crimetainment.
I went to the cemetery to locate Shaniya's grave and never found it. I know I could ask at the office but....I thought it would be so loaded with memorials that it would stick out, but the cemetery has a 'one flower arrangement rule'. So, I'd like to take a little rabbit or something for Easter, cant find pics or location online either, guess I have to ask.
I don't know. This case is so high profile. IMO they are not gonna want to be known as people who let a mother who sold her child for drugs get off with a slap on the wrist.

I too am very ticked off that she got out on bail, but she will have to face her charges.

I am still hopeful AD will spend a long time in jail. If not, it will be an outrage.

I just don't see it as hush hush. As far as I see it, we are just waiting for her court date. I get upset often about not hearing anything about this case, but really, what is there to hear right now. Nothing going on really. I'm sure the state is working on the case.

I'm sure when the trials start, there will be plenty of coverage.

What I'd really like to know right now is what kind of measures they are taking to protect the unborn child that is depending on this "mom" for everything.

I'm sure she is staying put in that house, away from camera lenses and media. Not much for the media to report now.


Hello WS. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around since Shaniya was reported missing. FYI, this has been the most informative site for me, and I've been to many. You guys are great <3

To the quoted: As much as I want to believe that there is nothing to report, I can't help but be reminded [incessantly] of Casey Anthony. While we are awaiting her trial, she is STILL very much in the public eye, almost daily. When she was bonded out, the media/reporters were there- and so were we. I dont mean to down-play what happened to baby Caylee at all.. I just wish we knew a fraction about the Davis family as we do the Anthonys, or Croslins.
Hello WS. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around since Shaniya was reported missing. FYI, this has been the most informative site for me, and I've been to many. You guys are great <3

To the quoted: As much as I want to believe that there is nothing to report, I can't help but be reminded [incessantly] of Casey Anthony. While we are awaiting her trial, she is STILL very much in the public eye, almost daily. When she was bonded out, the media/reporters were there- and so were we. I dont mean to down-play what happened to baby Caylee at all.. I just wish we knew a fraction about the Davis family as we do the Anthonys, or Croslins.

:Welcome-12-june: jetaime

I too am really frustrated with the lack of news, sleuthable facts, etc. It disgusts me that this has all but fallen off the radar on the natinal news circuit. As much as I am not a fan of Nancy Grace and her "news" coverage, at least when she runs with a story it keeps it out there in the public eye.

How can an entire nation express revulsion and outrage and then mere months later there be nothing?

Happy to have you join the debate/conversation :soldier:
:Welcome-12-june: jetaime

I too am really frustrated with the lack of news, sleuthable facts, etc. It disgusts me that this has all but fallen off the radar on the natinal news circuit. As much as I am not a fan of Nancy Grace and her "news" coverage, at least when she runs with a story it keeps it out there in the public eye.

How can an entire nation express revulsion and outrage and then mere months later there be nothing?

Happy to have you join the debate/conversation :soldier:

Thanks for the welcome :)

As far as Nancy: You took the words right out of my mouth. I may not always agree with her- but she gets the job done. While many outlets cover a watered down version of a case, NG dissects the facts and keeps the focus on them. For that alone, she is an asset to our missing and exploited...
Hello WS. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around since Shaniya was reported missing. FYI, this has been the most informative site for me, and I've been to many. You guys are great <3

To the quoted: As much as I want to believe that there is nothing to report, I can't help but be reminded [incessantly] of Casey Anthony. While we are awaiting her trial, she is STILL very much in the public eye, almost daily. When she was bonded out, the media/reporters were there- and so were we. I dont mean to down-play what happened to baby Caylee at all.. I just wish we knew a fraction about the Davis family as we do the Anthonys, or Croslins.

Hi Jetaime! WELCOME!

I understand what you are saying but to compare this case to CA's to me is like apples to oranges. Caylee's face was everywhere for months. One of the things that caught the attention of the nation in CA's case was the fact that she was not reported for a whole month. Then, people started following the case and protesting.

A lot of people in our country have never even heard of Shaniya.
Or, they heard about a little girl in NC that was sold for drugs by her mom, they watched a little, then there interest was elsewhere. I don't know why that is. There is not a day that goes by when I don't think of Shaniya.

This is very sad to say but I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it out is a fact that cute little white kids get lots more coverage than others. Sad fact. But true.

As a matter of fact, I had to e-mail a news station that is local to Shaniya's story asking them to please put her picture back on their homepage in November. I was outraged they took it down. Her picture had been replaced by some sort of pet contest the station was running. :waitasec: The local coverage on this case has been hit or miss since day one.

As to why no one is standing in front of her aunt's house protesting??? I haven't a clue. You would think the locals would know where she is...the info has been supplied in the media.

As far as some sort of hush hush or coverup, I just don't see it. I just think not much is happening right now.

I will continue to pray for justice and think about Shaniya all the time.
If AD gets off with a slap of the wrist, we should all protest in NC. I'm willing to make the drive. For now, I will hope and pray that they do the right thing.
Hi Jetaime! WELCOME!

A lot of people in our country have never even heard of Shaniya.
Or, they heard about a little girl in NC that was sold for drugs by her mom, they watched a little, then there interest was elsewhere. I don't know why that is. There is not a day that goes by when I don't think of Shaniya.

This is very sad to say but I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it out is a fact that cute little white kids get lots more coverage than others. Sad fact. But true.

As a matter of fact, I had to e-mail a news station that is local to Shaniya's story asking them to please put her picture back on their homepage in November. I was outraged they took it down. Her picture had been replaced by some sort of pet contest the station was running. :waitasec: The local coverage on this case has been hit or miss since day one.

TY for putting words to what is an ugly truth all too often in this country. I cannot help but feel that poor Shaniya has been forgotten by many because she was a little black girl whose mom and dad weren't married and she was staying in a trailer in abad area of town. This tends to let far too many people disconnect from this story because it is easy to think "that has nothing to do with me. She was just some crack ho's illegitimate kid". Sad fact of life in society we occupy.
Hello WS. This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around since Shaniya was reported missing. FYI, this has been the most informative site for me, and I've been to many. You guys are great <3

To the quoted: As much as I want to believe that there is nothing to report, I can't help but be reminded [incessantly] of Casey Anthony. While we are awaiting her trial, she is STILL very much in the public eye, almost daily. When she was bonded out, the media/reporters were there- and so were we. I dont mean to down-play what happened to baby Caylee at all.. I just wish we knew a fraction about the Davis family as we do the Anthonys, or Croslins.

Welcome Jetaime.

There is just so much more media fodder with Florida's sunshine law. Without it, they quickly run out of things to report/discuss/sensationalize. That's the biggest boon to coverage of Caylee and Haleigh. (IMO)
Welcome Jetaime.

There is just so much more media fodder with Florida's sunshine law. Without it, they quickly run out of things to report/discuss/sensationalize. That's the biggest boon to coverage of Caylee and Haleigh. (IMO)

I agree that the sunshine law makes a huge difference.

Every time you look up, there is a document dump in the CA case. We see jailhouse video of conversations with the players in Cayliee and Haleigh's cases. Ton of information. I try to keep up but miss a lot.

Not so in NC. We did get a little bit of info a few weeks ago, and what I learned shocked me and disgusted me so bad I had to step away for a bit.
IMO that's just the tip of the iceberg here.

This case is vile. A beautiful little girl paid the price.
well shayna's a cute kid i dont care what race she is.

and i dont care what race her mom is, she shouldnt be walking the streets after what she did.......ever
I agree that the sunshine law makes a huge difference.

Every time you look up, there is a document dump in the CA case. We see jailhouse video of conversations with the players in Cayliee and Haleigh's cases. Ton of information. I try to keep up but miss a lot.

Not so in NC. We did get a little bit of info a few weeks ago, and what I learned shocked me and disgusted me so bad I had to step away for a bit.
IMO that's just the tip of the iceberg here.

This case is vile. A beautiful little girl paid the price.

I much! This little girl affected me more than anything, ever. I dont know why, but she did. Maybe its because we watched it play out and saw that awful picture of the hotel elevator, I will never look at them the same way again. Maybe its the fact that every adult in her life failed her, and there again...this happens all the time.Maybe it was the night and day images of her little life. Why is she different? I think she is meant to be. I think she will make a difference. I know it seems bleak right now, but I have faith that her life and death will not be in vain.
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