NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #6

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It appears that MM did the handoff. He is probably the one that made the initial contacts for AD. So, MM is the biggest lead here. He spent some time in the pen, iirc. It is time to trace this down.

Also, I believe Not_my_kids posted last night about following the money. I think it is very important to follow that money. Do we have any good money sleuths on this thread? I'm not so good at that, myself.

I had the same thought but that may have also been a complete fear response, or a drug response. She seemed sedate and relaxed in the elevator pictures, which made me think she had been sedated. She is more than old enough to walk her into the building. It would have drawn a lot less attention. moo

Rectal assault could produce the same results I mentioned and potentially perforate the colon. Again, arterial bleeding could occur but more likely venous bleeding. My guess is involuntary incontinence as a result of fright, etc. or blanket could have been used for wiping after BM. This was not an ideal living environment and mother obviously did not bond with this child and she very likely was not being cared for. We have not seen a actual amount of stool that was present on blanket. Could have been grossly dirty or small amount....who knows. OR if child has had frequent, chronic rectal violation, she may be incontinent of feces due to lack of sphincter tone. Everything is speculative at this point.

The one thought I had when I read she was in the hotel room about an hour and dogs hit on towel was that she was taken there and cleaned up (incontinent of stool). This may not have even been a transfer point but an attempt to prepare a dirty child for transfer somewhere else. In my mind, an hour to get room, get to room, secure child, rape child, clean up self and child and get out just seems short period of time. Not saying it doesn't or couldn't happen, but I think it would be close and risky. Rapid more violent attack by adult mule on child would render child in undesirable state to a buyer awaiting "product". JMO
This may not seem terribly relevant. But I just thought I would recount a brief incident that happened years ago. I was a young (14? 15?) adventurous teen who traveled alone from MI to FL on a spring break or something on limited finances.

I had to return by bus and tho not sheltered by any means nor easily intimidated I can still vividly recall--over 30 years later--a Greyhound bus depot in Charlotte NC. (This isn't meant to offend should anyone be from this area.) I was making connections or delayed for some reason, so forced to spend some time in this particular bus depot. In retrospect perhaps the assumption by some was that I appeared to be a runaway, but I will only say that the aggressive manner in which I was solicited during that time--by men who clearly haunted this location for the express purpose of finding runaways or young girls who were traveling unaccompanied, stranded, w/out resources, or who just looked naive or vulnerable--was such a terrifying experience at the time that I can recall to this day heaving a tremendous sigh of relief upon my bus finally departing... and that my only thought while looking out the window as it pulled out of the terminal was, "This God-forsaken place should be wiped off the face of the earth." When I made it home to my destination, I learned a hurricane had set dead aim on Charlotte NC (no really it was wild). I have never ever forgotten the creepy feeling that bus depot gave me--and this was over 30 years ago! Sorry kinda OT, I know it's different w Shaniya obviously but I just wanted to say that I agree that in addition to international rings, there has long been an insidious problem right here w/in this country and that you don't have to go far to find it

Yes, thank goodness for the hotel employee!

and thankful the room hadn't been cleaned yet!
Lots of clues, I bet!!!!
DNA, hair, finger prints, what he did and didn't do etc. tying him with Shaniya in the room.
Morning Kim:D Shaniya has captured my heart, as well. I'm ill at the thought of what she is going through. I know in cases of human trafficking it's probably unusual to find these victims, but I can't let go of the hope that she will be found alive soon.

Mommya, that is an excellent question. Hopefully LE is onto that inconsistency and is grilling the principals on that.
I'm keeping my eye out as I research this for how much money is involved. This is *not* in the U.S., but in India, but it is for very young children, and it is specifically for sexual trafficking where children are sold to pedophiles.

Normal asking price for an Indian child is about $75,000 Pages...ntently-Scrape-TV-The-World-on-your-side.html

I also found this film, which is specifically about trafficking in North America , rather than other countries, for sex with children. There is a little bit about young children like Shaniya.

There's about 5 minutes of clips from the film. The film is called Playground, by Libby Spears.

Be warned - there is very upsetting information and pictures in the clips.
With all due respect to all posters, I don't trust any of the players of this horrific event at this time. I don't know any of them and never will. Some could be devils, some could be angels. Some could be just by-standers. I don't know. But until it's over (if ever) they are all suspect to me. How conveniently was Coe the first perp? If he did know of improprieties with Shaniya earlier on, why didn't he do anything about it? How could the father parachute his child into such a horrific life? None of it makes sense to me and no one is off the hook in my book until proven otherwise.

Child prostitution is a fact of life and it won't change until people care about it and child *advertiser censored*. It doesn't matter if the child is from a seedy mobile home park. It happens everywhere. The more money people have, the more their children may be protected or the more they may be silenced. It also doesn't matter the race of the child or the perpetrators. It's an across the board injustice.

I watch the Dateline series about catching guys come to a house with the intent of having sex with teenagers. These guys are all over the board in age, race, country of origin, socioeconomic status. It doesn't matter. What matters is that they want the young female sexual experience and nothing else matters. Some of them have even been policemen, men of the cloth, and more.

It has always been strange to me that women have been degraded for years and held back in so many countries. Treated like they are trash and like their genetalia are the nastiest things ever. Yet they kill over and over just to have sex with a virgin girl (or boy!) or pay money to make love to a baby. Why is this so? And women actually help them pull it off and turn evil into money.

We must open our eyes and bring this to the forefront. It takes a lot of people to change things in the world but it can be done. Civil rights in the USA is one example, so is child labor. It seems to me that freedom from sexual perversion is a right and that human trafficking is child labor at its worst.

I am so upset right now that if I knew how I'd put a hex on these people. A pox - on all their houses. Their houses!!
I don't know the laws about that thejoker, but IMO he should be.

If you see a child being abused or even suspect it, IMO you should be required by law to report it.

LIke I said, I don't know the law on it so I can't say. I'm going on opinion only.
Thank you. We can only hope he's charged if he knows anything. I can't get his comments out of my head.:banghead:
Quote from Coe

"Every day I was there the little girl was never in the living room," Coe said. "Every night when I slept there the little girl was never in the living room, so all I can say is educated people figure it out."
Still playing catch up, sorry if this has been posted:

"Police have not charged anyone with molesting Shaniya, but said the investigation is ongoing."

"Coe said he and Shaniya's mother, Antoinette Davis, were in a relationship and that Davis is pregnant with his child. He said Shaniya, though not his biological daughter, called him "daddy" and was wearing his other daughter's clothes when she was kidnapped."
The search for missing 5-year-old Shaniya Nicole Davis continued Sunday after her mother was arrested on charges involving human trafficking and prostitution.
Fayetteville Police spokeswoman Theresa Chance said that investigators were following up on leads, and officers were conducting a ground search between Fayetteville and Sanford for Shaniya, who hasn't been seen since Tuesday.

ground search btwn the hotel and fayetteville... hmmmm
I found several FB sites devoted to finding Shaniya. One site founder in particular mentioned that she (Shaniya?) was the sister of her coworker...?

Shaniya Davis, a 5 year old little girl, is missing in Fayetteville. She is the sister of one of my coworkers, B**** C******.


(I'm assuming it's ok to post the FB link b/c it's a site about finding Shaniya, not a personal site).
Grandmother KNOWS McNeill............."He's a drug dealer"
from video link above
One of the guests on NG's show who noticed Shaniya's legs were locked at the knees when she was being carried into the hotel room suspected she was a victim of sexual abuse.
I have a theory.

What if the abuse-prostitution happened earlier? Say McNeill came by for an appointment around midnight or so. The 3 a.m. flurry of activity at the trailer and the disposal of the blanket came after he assaulted her? What if she was badly injured at that point already by McNeill? Mom freaks out, they sedate Shaniya, clean her up. Mom tells McNeill to get Shaniya out of there and take her someplace and hide her. They concoct a story that implicates Coe. Mom gives McNeill time to get to a hotel then calls 911 and sends police on a wild goosechase after the wrong man.

It's stupid, I admit, but it might be the best they could have come up with after McNeill went too far.
Rectal assault could produce the same results I mentioned and potentially perforate the colon. Again, arterial bleeding could occur but more likely venous bleeding. My guess is involuntary incontinence as a result of fright, etc. or blanket could have been used for wiping after BM. This was not an ideal living environment and mother obviously did not bond with this child and she very likely was not being cared for. We have not seen a actual amount of stool that was present on blanket. Could have been grossly dirty or small amount....who knows. OR if child has had frequent, chronic rectal violation, she may be incontinent of feces due to lack of sphincter tone. Everything is speculative at this point.

The one thought I had when I read she was in the hotel room about an hour and dogs hit on towel was that she was taken there and cleaned up (incontinent of stool). This may not have even been a transfer point but an attempt to prepare a dirty child for transfer somewhere else. In my mind, an hour to get room, get to room, secure child, rape child, clean up self and child and get out just seems short period of time. Not saying it doesn't or couldn't happen, but I think it would be close and risky. Rapid more violent attack by adult mule on child would render child in undesirable state to a buyer awaiting "product". JMO

My interpretation of the hour at the motel is to prove to the buyer that he has the girl and to make the payoff. I can't see renting a room for the purpose of clean up but I can't imagine a child buying rapist would be put of by much. We need surveilance from the drop off point.

We know he is in the hotel at 6:11, she is reported missing thirty minutes later, he leaves the hotel with her shortly after 7am. When does he resurface at the "missing child crime scene", what are the phone records, gas receipts, where is the money?

The amount of coverage this has really concerns me for her safety. You can't just be walking around or traveling with this girl.
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