OKay, I have tried, but can't sit on my hands anymore.. my self imposed time out isn't working at all!
I am furious over the thought that this so called mother could do this to her child..just flat furious..:furious:
My question now is the convictions of those who do..how much time do they get for selling their children to this industry? One would think that this would be a charge of attempted murder no matter if the child is harmed or not..
Seriously, if someone gets into a car and intends to run someone over, they are charged with attempted murder, so if a parent can sell their children to such an industry knowing the dangers, why are they not charged with attempted murder?
What really fries what is left of the kindness I have for parents these days is the simple fact that now this child will more than likely be killed and well hidden just because some screwed up woman had to call the police and report this child missing. Now, the industry has to be saved and in order to do so, they have to rid of the evidence..
I just don't understand how so many people in this world cannot be blessed with the love of a child, and how so many people choose to just sell off, murder, and trash their children like no one cares..
I am so mad about this..I know many of you are here too, and it feels like right now all I can do is scream inside because no one listens anymore..our judicial system is too busy getting those who are into the fraud cases on wall street, bailing out all these stupid banks, and every minute a child is snatched, killed, sold for drugs and sex.... What is our world coming to?
I know many will not agree with what I am about to say, and tomorrow I may not even agree with it myself but right now, I would love for everyone who does any harm to a child be punished in the same way they chose to inflict .:banghead: