NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #6

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I don't think he ever saw the person. Just prepared her, collected his cash and left her there.

I hadn't thought of MC never seeing the person....perhaps they have surveillance footage of someone leaving with a big suitcase...or of some of the cars in the parking wouldn't be much...but in the very's something.
Is there child-trafficking in Colorado?

Good lord, it is everywhere ... there is no place in North America that are exempt from the child-trafficking trade - none - the only place I can think of that might be would be St. Pierre Michelon island in the middle of the Atlantic off the East Coast and then it belongs to France and it wouldn't even qualify.
If the motel surveillance camera captured McNeill & Shaniya wouldn't it also have images of everyone else on that floor and records of who rented rooms? I'll agree with your scenario though as possible. MOO

Oh I so hope camera's captured everyone on that floor. But really, if the transporter (usually called mules) was in a adjoining room who would be the wiser? I mean if a lady or a couple had checked into the room next door to the one Shaniya was left in, say the day prior, who would really notice that person or persons if they left with luggage on a luggage cart and checked out? I know we usually don't even go to the front desk when we check out of a hotel. We simply leave the key on the desk and leave. We know we have no extra charges so it's no big deal.
But I really hope that surveillance cameras captured every individual on that floor and that the FBI is hunting every single one of them down.
This is one of the worst things for me, that image will forever haunt me. Just like the video of Sandra skipping through the MH park and Caylee singing on GGP's lap.
That's who I thought of (Sandra) her last image will never leave me, I just hope that wasn't Shaniya's last image.

I think the Monster Mom conned the Dad into getting her for this purpose, but I am upset with him for just handing her over to someone he didn't know.:furious:
Now we know where McNeil gets his money? Now did he spend it on his lawyer or was the lawyer a gift from someone else to try to make him think he'd get off, so he'd stay quiet?

I think following the money is a very good idea.
Don't know that I will sleep tonight wondering where Shaniya is lying her head...
I'm almost certain McNeill has no information. He was just a middle man and would have never even seen the face or known the name of the person transporting Shaniya from the hotel room. He simply dropped her in an empty room, collected his cash from the dresser drawer and left.
The person transporting her was probably a woman. The woman entered the room where Shaniya was (probably from an adjoining room or from across the hall) collected her and left. McNeill had already prepared her whether by drugging her or changing her appearance. All the transporter had to do was collect her and go.
I feel that the transporter drove or had a driver and went directly to the landing strip where Shaniya was carried aboard a waiting jet and whisked away to who knows where.

I think this your post is so on target. I never thought of the adjoining room
Oh I so hope camera's captured everyone on that floor. But really, if the transporter (usually called mules) was in a adjoining room who would be the wiser? I mean if a lady or a couple had checked into the room next door to the one Shaniya was left in, say the day prior, who would really notice that person or persons if they left with luggage on a luggage cart and checked out? I know we usually don't even go to the front desk when we check out of a hotel. We simply leave the key on the desk and leave. We know we have no extra charges so it's no big deal.
But I really hope that surveillance cameras captured every individual on that floor and that the FBI is hunting every single one of them down.

Thoughts on the fact that the "mule" could have very well been a hotel employee? They have keys to everything...and they could have easily taken her out in a laundry for thought.
I wonder if Mario has been the delivery boy on other occasions too during the last three weeks. This sicko mom could have been renting her out by the hour but with Biodad coming back to town, the kidnapping was staged.
This would make sense in light of Coe's remark , that Shaniya was never in the living room on the couch.
Both sisters have to be involved. I also hope that the 7 year old boy was not prostituted either.
What a horrible , horrible world we live in.
Thoughts on the fact that the "mule" could have very well been a hotel employee? They have keys to everything...and they could have easily taken her out in a laundry for thought.

That felt like someone dropped a brick on my head, which I think is my version of the light bulb coming on.
Do you think they would keep her local?

Hi md--I really don't know. I work for for Save The Children Foundation and have worked in the field of human trafficking for commercial purposes for more than 25 years.(outside of North America). Some of you may know this already from other boards/posts.
Just saying I guess, that we all do not want to believe it can happen in our own neighborhoods--but it can, it does. Sickening as it is.
It never gets easier. The USA has lots of problems, as every country has.

Just to let you know where I am coming from............a dark hole that I store away in a compartment of my mind, for what little sanity I have left.
And to let you know I appreciate all your posts and good sleuthing.
I'm sure all employees have been checked. IMO
I'm wondering if this is what happened to Adji.......not sold , but taken for slavery

One of the player in Haleigh's case kept bringing up the trafficing issues in Flordia.
He the big guy that carry guns.
Like many of you, I am filled with rage and heartbreak. I hope LE are on the coat tails of all that are involved. It breaks my heart even more that Shaniya has nothing to comfort her. She doesn't seem to have a stuffed animal or even her favorite blanket anymore. She has nothing familiar to bring her comfort in what is the scariest time in her life.

Stay strong baby girl, we are all praying your your safe return to loving arms. Continued prayers for wisdom and steadfastness for LE. Please find Shaniya and bring her home.
LE may be closer than we think.
The Marshals got involved on Tuesday night, I bet they knew or suspected when they called them in.
Like many of you, I am filled with rage and heartbreak. I hope LE are on the coat tails of all that are involved. It breaks my heart even more that Shaniya has nothing to comfort her. She doesn't seem to have a stuffed animal or even her favorite blanket anymore. She has nothing familiar to bring her comfort in what is the scariest time in her life.

Stay strong baby girl, we are all praying your your safe return to loving arms. Continued prayers for wisdom and steadfastness for LE. Please find Shaniya and bring her home.

Oh God, you had to bring her blanket I'm crying............I was trying to avoid that by being angry...............
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