NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #6

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Is there child-trafficking in Colorado?

Unfortunatley Patty yes:
UN Calls for World Efforts to Combat $32 Billion Human Trafficking Industry (VIDEO)

This one will take you by surprise again. Why? Because it is about the serious Human Trafficking problems in Colorado. Colorado: land of the Rocky Mountains, most Americans have no idea. Why and how there are as young as 12-year-old sex slaves in Colorado?

In 2007, there are more slaves in the world than 200 years ago. Modern slavery is known as human trafficking and it is the fastest growing global crime.

Produced by three University of Colorado students (Spring 2007), "Rocky Mountain Slavery: The Story of Human Trafficking in Colorado" gives the picture of sex trade in the Centennial State.

An undercover investigator, an elected official and other community members share information about this heinous crime that most Coloradoans are not aware of. An ordinary citizen in downtown Denver thinks human trafficking means "lots of people walking on the street." Students find out that there are, indeed, "lost of people" in trafficking, but they are not walking on the street at all. They are isolated, beaten, raped and dehumanized in the most unimaginable ways
The surv video could very well go both ways here so I have no idea what to think of it.

-LE could have kept it private b.c they didn't want to lose track of the little girl.


-LE might not have footage of her leaving the place.

I mean it really could go both ways. You would think they'd release footage of the person taking her out if they had it but at the same time you can understand why they wouldn't want do that. It is hard telling IMO!
LE may be closer than we think.
The Marshals got involved on Tuesday night, I bet they knew or suspected when they called them in.

ITA - I didn't realize it was Tues night. That makes me feel better.
If so, the coe arrest could have been a ploy to make these monsters think their plan to frame him had worked, so they would get more comfortable and think no pressure, somebody else is taking the heat.
All the while LE was tracing steps of all the traffickers. I hope that's right.
God please bring her home.
OMG, I just came back a little bit ago and see where this poor baby has more than likely been sold, that woman who gave birth to her is no mother and did not care a bit for this child, all she saw was a way to make money, It will be a miracle if she she is found , if even alive, they use them and then dispose of them period Im am so scared for Shaniya
god bless her.
LE may be closer than we think.
The Marshals got involved on Tuesday night, I bet they knew or suspected when they called them in.

I was wondering when they first came. Tues is a good sign that they were moving in the right direction.
LE may be closer than we think.
The Marshals got involved on Tuesday night, I bet they knew or suspected when they called them in.

You know NMK, I think you are absolutely correct - LE say they don't know where she is but betcha they have a good line on where she is and the Marshalls are just waiting for the right moment. If they weren't on the tails and really RIGHT on their tails, I don't think they would have broke this news on this night.

Your thoughts are right on target .... or else we are both in left field.
I just heard about this case. I am trying to catch up. Someone said there is video of the little girl at the hotel can someone post it please?


they wouldn't have told him a thing after he passed her off....imhoo

his or bio-mom's connection to ring? & how do these 2 losers even know who to contact?

if it is, in fact, this sophisticated child-trafficking operation as described.

i'm sure this sounds pretty naive to many..sorry!
Every case we read about gets more twisted and bizzar then the one before. It is heartbreaking.
I hope there is more footage of the girl then they have released I know in the DC sniper case , The Fbi collected everyones security tapes near the gas station shooting at exit 126. They tried tracking the movements as far out as they could in the tapes. Hopefully they have done that here.
Was McNeill seen leaving the hotel without Shaniya? Who rented the room?

Are there no videos showing Shaniya leaving the hotel? McNeill took an elevator, those who bought her couldn't just toss themselves out of the window to leave the hotel.

Who decided that she was sold? Who said this?

And as far as Coe goes, no, I can't quite take any logical steps from his announcement that he never saw Shaniya in the living room. Is he saying that he was there at 5:30am, in the living room, and never saw her that morning?

If you ask me, the child looks to be in shock.

How does LE know that she sold the child into prostitution? Who told them this?

How did this beautiful baby, who is apparently loved very much by her father, with whom she lived, end up in this situation?

I can not stand this. Is she alive? Will LE find her and rescue her? When?

Someone needs to torture these people until they spill all the beans.

Adults who have sex with babies should be shot in the head; twice for good measure.
I'm sure all employees have been checked. IMO

Without a doubt all employee's have been checked. But a room/s had to be "secured" by a credit card, albeit a stolen credit card in this instance...but that means someone had to check in and have contact with the hotel desk employee. when checking in. An employee doesn't need to check in...and has access to the whole darn hotel. Also, thoughts on why MC waited an entire hour before he left. Do you suppose he was asked by the "mule" to wait an hour before he left?
LE may be closer than we think.
The Marshals got involved on Tuesday night, I bet they knew or suspected when they called them in.

I am sure hoping this is correct. ITA (I totally agree with you)
it is my best guess she made it out of that hotel..within the HOUR that they are saying that MAM left (which one hour later from the photo would put him at 0711)

she is LONG GONE. WHERE???????

Why on earth would the person's, who sold a child into prostitution, bond be half the amount of the person who delivered her to the person who bought her? See what I mean about Children being considered disposable by the courts?
I think it definitely constitutes PUBLIC OUTRAGE. KWIM?:furious:
OMG..I just got home from work...Did they find her?
I believe they need to rearrest Coe and get him talking. I think they better get the sister talking,get someone talking soon or she will be another missing child and another "great mother" can get a book deal.
MOO is that Shaniya if still alive is still within the U.S. I am blinded by rage right now - shame, shame, shame on all of them.

I must be jaded but I can think of much more that shame I would wish on them........
Some hotels you can reserve your room online and pay online...easy to do with a stolen credit card, you put it all in the system and they deduct it before you get there. Don't know if this hotel offers that service, but it makes it easier to get in, become untraceable after you leave, and by the time the charges come up on a bill for someone, the actual perp is long gone.
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