NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #9

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Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but I havent had time to catch up on all the threads.

My heart is breaking for Shaniya, but I'm curious to know if its been mentioned just how much her 'mom' got for selling her beautiful daughter into the sex trade.:furious::furious::furious:

How much is a childs innocence and life worth to a breeder (cause she sure aint a MOM). A couple of rocks of crack maybe?

We do everything in our power to protect our children from SO's and here is this just handing her daughter over to them, knowing what they wanted to do to her.

Acccck....better stop. Too effing angry right now.:furious::furious::furious:

Nobody can ever hurt you again Shanyia. Rest with the angels. You didn't deserve this, sweetheart.
I think these "people" aren't savvy or tight knit at all. Just your typical low life scum bag crack heads willing to do anything to be able to wrap their lips around that crack pipe again and again. IMO got it :)

There is no international link, no huge conspiracy
No Russians, underground child selling ring

just as McNeil is not a drug dealer with connections to cartels in Mexico or Columbia

everything about these single wide s**t smelling trailer jerks is small, petty and low life...low scummy crack heads....petty small time felons, would be pimp and crack ho's

Shanyia was so above these losers....did they sell her pretty little dresses? toys??

These are disgusting low life scum..."momster" saw a way to get more drugs...sell her beautiful daughter

I think when she came out of her daze and realized that the dad was ready to take her back Antoinette realized she had a "problem"....intelligent articulate little angel Shaniya would tell of the horrors of the 3 week stay

so Momster sold her off to drug provider McNeil (who ? found a buyer among his drug/felon contacts?)....threw her HIV (AIDS) infected lover and dad to be of her unborn child under the proverbial bus...and now her own breeder says she is a "good up" mom...yeah right

these people are the lowest trash....I hope all their kids are removed at once
charges brought against all of them
why is the aunt out walking around??
In a single wide trailer it would be hard to NOT realize what was going down
(reminds me of the monster Coey and little angel Jessica in Florida..his crackho sister and neice and their dealer all shared a singlewide while he raped Jessica for days...and got off thru bad police work)

Nothing about these people is redeemable IMHO

and for the social workers who visited this filthy trailer...I hope they are all fired

the ONLY solution I can possibly see to stem these horrible stories that seem to keep coming all too quickly is for states to step in and take kids out of dangerous homes
the "keep the family together" is not working when you have monsters out there like these trash people
I also have a very low opinion of the grandmother. She says nothing to plead for her grandaughter, but will surely speak up when it comes to her child.

Well, at least she is defending her daughter, something AD did not do.
I do have a devilish pleasure in anticipating treatment AD will get from prison female inmates in future.
Patty G. least two other threads have been started on this topic since the body was in Crimes in the News and another one here in Missing....could they be merged ? TIA

I am a retired Mod, so you have to contact one of the Mods here.
Id like to say one thing about bashing the father then I'm done with it...very early on in the Somer case, we got a very stern warning that bashing Somers mother would get you a timeout.

I really wish that rule would apply to this sweet baby's case. He was her father and she loved him. He has not committed a crime and is going through a tremendous amount of pain right now. His baby's body was found less than 3 hours ago. Can't the sleuthing of him wait a little while out of respect????
Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but I havent had time to catch up on all the threads.

My heart is breaking for Shaniya, but I'm curious to know if its been mentioned just how much her 'mom' got for selling her beautiful daughter into the sex trade.:furious::furious::furious:

How much is a childs innocence and life worth to a breeder (cause she sure aint a MOM). A couple of rocks of crack maybe?

We do everything in our power to protect our children from SO's and here is this just handing her daughter over to them, knowing what they wanted to do to her.

Acccck....better stop. Too effing angry right now.:furious::furious::furious:

Nobody can ever hurt you again Shanyia. Rest with the angels. You didn't deserve this, sweetheart.

Ten years ago in Philadelphia the going rate was two $20. bags of crack.
I'm lost...who is (NAME EDITED OUT)? How does tie in with Shaniya?

I edited out the name because I'm not sure that we're allowed to name people who are not named by LE or the press. I'm not sure you've got the name right, but that's allegedly McNeill's girlfriend. I believe some mention was made of her being in court when he had his appearance. I don't know whether any of that is true.
Good am :blowkiss: It is bad enough friend, we need not torment ourselves w thoughts of her pain or misery prolonged... unless LE has said otherwise, I sincerely do not believe she was alive beyond Tuesday.:hug: :prayer:

Mornin', darlin' kiki. :blowkiss: And ITA.

I'm resting my heart today in the belief that she wasn't handed off to the fate she could have been, had that hotel worker not spotted her and alerted the police. :bow: The alternative would have been unbearable to live with.

As it is, it's still possible that she experienced no horror, and only thought she was being awoken to be taken to her daddy. I pray, for her sake and the sake of her daddy, that the ME will find nothing to indicate she was tormented in any way. :prayer:
should mine be removed? It was a link from here at WS.
I am a retired Mod, so you have to contact one of the Mods here.

LOL....sorry....I still think of you as all powerful.....will try to get the word out to one of them! :crazy:
I'm starting a new thread guys! Will be back with a link in a moment.

For everyone who has copy/pasted, quoted or typed out the name with the initials AA, please go back and edit your posts so as not to show this person's full name. She has not been mentioned via media reports, and therefore, at this point, is considered an innocent person.

I do not wish for anyone to get put on Time Out for posting the name of an innocent person.

Yeah, she has been mentioned in media reports.

McNeil's girlfriend, April Autry, appeared at the hearing but declined comment.

Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, was arrested after police released surveillance photos of him carrying Davis inside a Sanford hotel shortly after she was reported missing.
"I find it hard to believe he did it," said McNeill's girlfriend April Autry. "He never had no history of kidnapping or nothing like's really hard for me to believe."

Autry also said that she is friends with Shaniya's aunt.

But police say McNeill's role in Shaniya's disappearance is evident.
LOL....sorry....I still think of you as all powerful.....will try to get the word out to one of them! :crazy:

Can you ask for a new thread while you're at it?
We're drowning here and I don't want to overload the mods with requests. got it :)

There is no international link, no huge conspiracy
No Russians, underground child selling ring

just as McNeil is not a drug dealer with connections to cartels in Mexico or Columbia

everything about these single wide s**t smelling trailer jerks is small, petty and low life...low scummy crack heads....petty small time felons, would be pimp and crack ho's

Shanyia was so above these losers....did they sell her pretty little dresses? toys??

These are disgusting low life scum..."momster" saw a way to get more drugs...sell her beautiful daughter

I think when she came out of her daze and realized that the dad was ready to take her back Antoinette realized she had a "problem"....intelligent articulate little angel Shaniya would tell of the horrors of the 3 week stay

so Momster sold her off to drug provider McNeil (who ? found a buyer among his drug/felon contacts?)....threw her HIV (AIDS) infected lover and dad to be of her unborn child under the proverbial bus...and now her own breeder says she is a "good up" mom...yeah right

these people are the lowest trash....I hope all their kids are removed at once
charges brought against all of them
why is the aunt out walking around??
In a single wide trailer it would be hard to NOT realize what was going down
(reminds me of the monster Coey and little angel Jessica in Florida..his crackho sister and neice and their dealer all shared a singlewide while he raped Jessica for days...and got off thru bad police work)

Nothing about these people is redeemable IMHO

and for the social workers who visited this filthy trailer...I hope they are all fired

the ONLY solution I can possibly see to stem these horrible stories that seem to keep coming all too quickly is for states to step in and take kids out of dangerous homes
the "keep the family together" is not working when you have monsters out there like these trash people

I totally agree with your post.

The problem I was constantly running into when I worked for a child protection agency. There was nowhere to place them if they were removed. child had to be in immenite danger. Filth, bad neighborhood, and drug addicted parents simply wasn't enough to remove a child.

They aren't ennough good foster homes. Honestly, you should see some of the foster homes....scary!
I am sitting here and can not stop crying thinking about what this poor baby Shaniya went through. If a child can not trust their mother who can they trust???? Mom needs to be dead!!!
As you all know I am involved in the search for Lindsey Baum and as I am sitting here I find myself getting angrier and angrier about Lindsey. Where are the 300 people we need to help us find this baby? I know you all must be aware of the weather up in Washington and how it is changing day to day for the worst. We have to find Lindsey there is going to come a time when we can not go out and search even though there is still so many areas that we the searchers have not been able to get to. I am begging for people in the entire state of Washington to come to the center in McCleary Washington to sign up and help us find Lindsey. We need to bring her home!! What I want to say is Shame on you the citizens of Washington and most of the town of McCleary for not helping us search for Lindsey. Also I want to say shame on you Washington media for not putting Lindsey out there more and our plea for searchers. Searching for Lindsey is not about her mother, her brother or how you may or may not feel about the family this is about a little girl named Lindsey Baum who at the very least deserves to be searched for, found and brought home to her family. Please once again I am begging for help in searching for Lindsey. I plan on being up in Washington the rest of this week pounding the areas that need our attention before it is covered with snow. Rain or shine some of us will be out searching all week!! I will be up there Tuesday and for how ever long it takes.

On A Mission

milli hangs her head in shame. :iamashamed0005: No excuses are good enough! God Bless you for all you are doing to find Lindsey. My thoughts and prayers are with Lindsey and her family every day. Short of being there for searches, I will try to do what I can to help people be aware that she still needs to be found.
Please continue here: [ame=""]Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I'll have a mod lock this thread.

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