New Member
Did we get BL's contractor job figured out? FWIW, Contracting can apply to any field, computers, medical, military. The difference is a company hires a contractor, a company employes an employee.
IMO, if BL was in Utah and former military, he's probably a Department of Defense contractor of some sort. I have alot of them living in my town that work at the Depot or Proving grounds. In fact on my street there are some really nice new homes the builder leases to DOD employees.
B is a Gulf War verteran so it is quite possible that he is working for the DOD involving the oil industry.
My brother just retired from the Navy after almost 30 years of service in communications in which he had top secret clearance. He did 6 tours for both Gulf Wars and is now working for the DOD in communications. Alot of these Vets have these jobs lined up before their obligation to their branch of service is completed because the are desirable to the angencies. They are highly trained individuals, disiplined and knowledgeable in their fields.
My brother is set up in SanDiego much like B is, living comfortably in a beautiful home, and travels quite often all over the country.
When I heard B was a Gulf war vet and worked for a contractor, my first thought was he had to be set up with one of these types of jobs.