NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #18

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MAM doesn't even answer the judge, only nods to all his questions (until he's asked about counsel). I'm surprised judge doesn't insist on a verbal affirmation that MAM understands his rights as explained by the judge.


Was waiting for the judge to insist on verbal response as well! Taken aback that judge let him get with it.
I don't think the home is all that large, just looks that way, but it's very well maintained by someone and doubt it's Bradley.


If I could afford a digital camera, I'd take a picture and upload it so you could compare it beside where my children and I live... looks like there may be a little disparity between what another poster considers "large."

Link, 11-10-2009 :[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #18[/ame]

Link, 11-11-2009: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #18[/ame]

Link, 11-12-2009 :[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased NC-Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #18[/ame]

Okay, media from the day she disappeared and the 2 days after, I will get the 13th and later in a few minutes.
Above are the links to each days news media. We don't have a forum, but it can still be semi-organized.
I believe if I were the owner of that MH, once the police were done with it, I'd set fire to it. Wouldn't be out but about $500.00, if that much.
Is that it? When will more info be given out?

He is one SCARY looking guy :-(

I didn't find him scary looking at all and that in itself is chilling to me. Standing there in that court he looked to me like a 'normal' person. I would actually prefer it if he looked obviously like a psychopath. However, to me he looked like he was scared but was trying to hide the fear and like he perfectly understood the gravity of what he has been accused of.

What on earth made him do it???????????
DSS had already been in AD's life, IIRC. There could be an old case as well as a relatively new one. The family and friends who are alledging the cigarette burns on Shaniya may have told DSS of their concerns, IMO.

We may see the family and friends at DS's trial testifying under oath that there were cigarette burns on Shaniya's arms. I believe them - will anyone else?

There is a lot more we will be hearing about Shaniya's possible abuse. Were there old injuries that had healed? And I mean such as fractures to bones and so forth?

I have read every single post here. My opinion was not a popular one about the Dad, and I did say that his different accents and demeanor bothered me. It does and I do not apologize for that. Who is this TY person that supposedly had taken care of Shaniya for 5 months before Dad met someone? The friends and other family members speaking out may not be too FOS. I believe from the bottom of my heart that Dad did the expedient thing for himself by sending her to AD. I do blame him for that even tho I know he had nothing to do with Shaniya's murder.

My granddaughter is an Army wife as well as USAF (Pope AFB). She lives in Fayetteville. A lot of the military there calls it FayetteNam. We talked for an hour and a half last night. She did say that all of her friends there knows that you just do not venture into this part of town. It is drug ridden as well as full of prostitutes. I know there are decent people there as well, but I still would not have left a small child in that area if there were any alternative.

I want to see MAM get the death penalty and for AD to get LWOP. I am not supposed to hate, but I cannot help it. I hate all murderers, child kidnappers, pedophiles, and moms who do not protect their children.


bolded by me...i havent been to fayettville in years but even then you didnt just go over there, kwim? its "that part" of town...not saying anyone there is bad themselves or anything...just was a fact of life there, kwim
Trust fund at bank
A memorial trust fund has been set up at Wachovia bank in memory of Shaniya. It was done by family friend Vaughn Eason.

Eason said the family of Shaniya's father, Bradley Lockhart, had no insurance for the girl and any money raised would help cover the cost of her funeral and burial services.

"Any money left over after that will go to local and national charities for neglected children," Eason said.

Maybe they should add, the funds left over would be donated to Kid F-----s or the CA fund????? Why is it first all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$???:furious:
Yes here that's a very nice home... compared to the apt my children and I live in, it's a freakin palace lol. For real. Most average two-income families could not afford to live in such a nice home. In my very most humble opinion...


Here in Southern California it's a 55 year old tract home, every fifth house has the same floor plan.
Two bedroom, one bathroom but a lot of the owners around here are original owners (or have been here 25 years or more) and have added on a bathroom, a bedroom or both.
A corner lot runs a bit more.

I can be doing dishes at my kitchen window and my next door neighbor, Lu can be in her home, in her bedroom directly across my driveway, and we can have a conversation without yelling...that's how closely the homes are built to each other.

When I saw the outside of the Dad's home, I could easily see it going for 5 hundred thou and more, in my area.

Right now it would be really easy for him to get a second out on that home or as someone else said, sell the Beamer.
Just doesn't make a single bit of sense to me to set up a quickly after finding the body!

Did Dad even bother to ask around, family/bank/lenders about securing a loan before starting this 'foundation' ?????

Between the time the body was found and the time the Foundation was announced, there doesn't seem to me to have been enough time for a bank/lender to process a loan application so I am going to assume Dad didn't even bother inquiring/applying for or about a loan to pay for burial.

And does anyone know if there is some type of documentation that proves any excess money after burial expenses went to charities?
If I could afford a digital camera, I'd take a picture and upload it so you could compare it beside where my children and I live... looks like there may be a little disparity between what another poster considers "large."


Shoot that looks like an average-large house to me. about 3-4 bedrooms probably and over 2,000 sq feet. Its nice. Perharps I'm a big jaded. I've lived in a small house, apt's, condo's, townhomes. When we finally got our piece of the pie I was like WOW, so much house for two people. I really dont get why his kids don't live with him now.
Well, it's certainly much nicer than where BL sent Shaniya to live!!:banghead:

[snipped depressing photo comparison for lots of space (pics of BL's place) oh yea and a teensy bit of space for the creepy #ellhole]

Gosh, maybe BL never noticed any difference in size... or the relative safety of the two areas [then again guess that might actually entail driving OVER THERE to the 'hood, all the way across town from your immaculately groomed, well-maintained home in your suburban upper class neighborhood...)

I don't think the home is all that large, just looks that way, but it's very well maintained by someone and doubt it's Bradley.


Yeah, not that large. And is he paying for a gardner too? I know that the porch pillars and that front door are upgrades. It's built with touches that come with a custom home or in an upscale subdivision. I'm pretty sure that front door alone was 2000-3000 dollars. Compared to mine of 500.00. And that was upgrading from a typical door that was 150.00. In this market it's hard to tell what the value would be. But I'm going to assume the media either looked at tax records or zillow. And both are unreliable.

It sure is nicer though than most people who have to pay the funeral homes themselves huh?
Anyone else finding the family dynamics and connections quite unfathomable? I actually can't figure it all out. So, AD is pregnant - but by who? Brad has about a zillion kids but none of them live with him and one of them even ran away from him? Brad thought AD was enough of a lowlife to take Shaniya away from her but then he sends her back there, even though AD is still a low life. MAM might be dating AD's sister. MAM also might be having sex with AD. AD is also supposedly having sex with Coe. Brad's ex-wife and kid(?) were murdered and he won't talk about it. Brad says Shaniya lived with him but actually a mysterious woman named Ty raised Shaniya. Shaniya was burnt with cigarettes but nobody in the family saw that as enough of a problem to warrant further investigation. MAM may or may not be AD's drug dealer. AD has an elder child nobody is really mentioning and we don't know who the father of that one is. There are several aunts, in-laws, half-siblings and cousins who generally do not have a good word to say about one another. Some people think AD is a "sweet" person, despite the fact she's been investigated by DSS at least once. Brad thinks Brad is a great person. Brad has all the trappings of success but can't afford to bury his little girl. Brad lives in a real nice house but feels that a stinking trailer was quite good enough for his daughter to live in.

This is what has been troubling me about extended family. Not just Aunt Carey, but, IMO, an entire extended family dropped the ball, and chose not to advocate for Shaniya against BL's selfish choices. How/why did that happen? They all offerred to help with Shania, but it ended there; they avoided the confrontation with BL when he made the deadly choice. IMO, BL must be a piece of work.

In a way, the extended family is supporting eachother now. They all point to BL's bad decision. Too little, too late. And they suffer.

I wish they'd been cohesive enough earlier, to have had a family intervention and demanded, with the power a family group has, that BL make a different choice for Shaniya. I wish, I wish. Maybe other extended families will watch and learn that there comes a time you must step up, talk to extended family, make the hard choice, intervene, risk the alienation.

BTW, Thank you curiouser & curiouser for all your inciteful and enlightening posts today. I'm sorry Shaniya's story had brought painful things back for you.
If I could afford a digital camera, I'd take a picture and upload it so you could compare it beside where my children and I live... looks like there may be a little disparity between what another poster considers "large."


It is a very nice middle class home in my opinion.
Depending on the lot size it would 550-750 in my area.
Higher of course before the market crashed.
Maybe they should add, the funds left over would be donated to Kid F-----s or the CA fund????? Why is it first all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$???:furious:

I was hoping this little girl wasn't killed for money - sort of a copy cat on Somer Thompson. I just can't help the feeling I get on this case.
life insurance policy on deceased wife, good point. could be how he aquired the beemer and home....not that his financial situation is really any of my business...jus sayin'

also, drillers from the drilling services contractor (oil or gas) are the "top dog" on the rig (besides the "company man"-representative of the oil/gas co). they often work schedules 30days on/30 days off.....very hard work...and they make a heap of money when the industry is good. right now it is reeeeeal slow in oil/gas industry....

BBM; Perhaps this is part of the reason the ex in-laws don't speak highly of BL. Of course we don't know all the details, but I tend to think it was not a life insurance policy, but rather funds paid out on a lawsuit? Maybe BL spend the lion's share on himself instead of putting the money into trust accounts for each of those three kids. Pure speculation on my part though.
Yeah, not that large. And is he paying for a gardner too? I know that the porch pillars and that front door are upgrades. It's built with touches that come with a custom home or in an upscale subdivision. I'm pretty sure that front door alone was 2000-3000 dollars. Compared to mine of 500.00. And that was upgrading from a typical door that was 150.00. In this market it's hard to tell what the value would be. But I'm going to assume the media either looked at tax records or zillow. And both are unreliable.

It sure is nicer though than most people who have to pay the funeral homes themselves huh?

Loans and payment plans are easily obtained through funeral homes. I know.
OOO man I may get bumped off for this, but darn the man wasn't around, didn't spend tons of time with Shaniya, would not allow her a good life with grandparents, aunt, or friend instead sent her to live in the sewer, didn't check on her welfare while she was in the sewer, from all accounts didn't pick up a dime to make a call to his baby daughter............Could he at LEAST bury his child without asking for others to pay for it!!!! Grrrr sorry this man is SO me me me what can you do for me instead of asking others to pay for her funeral expenses he should be asking people to make a donation to a well known missing children's foundation in her name. Maybe he could pay for it and look at like a once and done support payment!! Sorry this just jerks my chain!!

And he wants others to prevent this from happening to another child, when he didn't do anything to stop it from happening to his own child. Seems in BL's world the buck stops somewhere else.
[snipped depressing photo comparison for lots of space (pics of BL's place) oh yea and a teensy bit of space for the creepy #ellhole]

Gosh, maybe BL never noticed any difference in size... or the relative safety of the two areas [then again guess that might actually entail driving OVER THERE to the 'hood, all the way across town from your immaculately groomed, well-maintained home in your suburban upper class neighborhood...)

I promise BL has been to the "hood" b/4.:furious:
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