NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #18

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Brad was serving in Desert Storm at the time of his wife's death. The military provides life insurance benefits to soldiers and their family.

A poster yesterday had an excellent theory about his possible employer. If he was given security clearance through the military, he probably is working for a DOD contractor. There's a salary premium for having security clearance especially after 9/11 as clearance is now limited (I'm in HR and deal with security clearance issues).

I don't believe Brad's on the birth certificate or had a paternity test based on this statement. I further doubt he was paying child support.

"There was no denying that she was his," Carey Lockhart said of the resemblance between Shaniya and her father.

Further down in this article, Oregon is mentioned. I've seen both Oregon and Utah. Strange.

"That resolution never came. Bradley Lockhart had not returned from a job in Oregon when Shaniya disappeared."

I watched some videos a few days ago and noticed CC was VERY upset about our angel. He said he was about to get a ride to Sanford to look for her himself AND he said AD, BL, CLD...need to tell what they know.

Has anyone else seen these videos? For some reason I can't find them but if my memory is correct he was wearing a green shirt in both.
Forgive me, but even as victim of childhood abuse, I don't understand how this all works! How does a mother not have those protective instincts towards their child? (mine didn't either). I just don't understand that! Mine were there the moment my daughter was born. I would literally (and I do mean LITERALLY) fight to the death if someone tried to hurt my child.

And as for can't just become a pedophile, right? Those of us who are 'normal' can't just flip a switch. Wouldn't he had to have had these thoughts/urges throughout his adult life? I guess i just can't see someone just deciding to do something so grotesque and brutal to a child unless they already had a predisposition. Anyone here have any expertise on this?

As for my take on this, I do think he took her to the hotel for his own selfish wants and agree with the others who think it was partially to clean up himself and her of any evidence (if she reported the abuse they wouldn't even know which hotel's room or drain to check). They wouldn't want evidence at the trailer, and this also keeps others in or near the trailer from hearing anything. I think he caused great damage to her physically and that she was bleeding badly and was possibly losing conciousness. They cant take her to a hospital, so he "gets rid of the problem".

Well I for one do not believe that women are just born mothers. I think that there are clear cases where a mother doesnt bond with a child. So many force that issue and thats why women are left with the burden of raising a kid while a man can just walk away. Why is that? How come HE can just walk away? But if you are a woman and abandon your child then you are the devil?!?!?

That has never set right with me. Some people don't or shouldnt have children. Some women don't have a motherly instinct, which I think is hogwash anyways. Some women have no desire to have children. It's not odd or weird, just a choice. I think people shouldnt force this notion of natural mothering. Sometimes it just is what it is.
The woman in the pic is Lauryn Hill. I do believe there is a slight resemblance. Antoinette, in my opinion, is not ugly. Were she to wash and apply makeup and attractive clothes, I do think she would be good looking. Perhaps that is why so many men go to her trailer to **** her. We've only seen her in prison gear and no makeup, remember. Anyway, tt is what is going on on the inside that is the problem, in her case.
Here in Southern California it's a 55 year old tract home, every fifth house has the same floor plan.
Two bedroom, one bathroom but a lot of the owners around here are original owners (or have been here 25 years or more) and have added on a bathroom, a bedroom or both.
A corner lot runs a bit more.

I can be doing dishes at my kitchen window and my next door neighbor, Lu can be in her home, in her bedroom directly across my driveway, and we can have a conversation without yelling...that's how closely the homes are built to each other.

When I saw the outside of the Dad's home, I could easily see it going for 5 hundred thou and more, in my area.

Right now it would be really easy for him to get a second out on that home or as someone else said, sell the Beamer.
Just doesn't make a single bit of sense to me to set up a quickly after finding the body!

Did Dad even bother to ask around, family/bank/lenders about securing a loan before starting this 'foundation' ?????

Between the time the body was found and the time the Foundation was announced, there doesn't seem to me to have been enough time for a bank/lender to process a loan application so I am going to assume Dad didn't even bother inquiring/applying for or about a loan to pay for burial.

And does anyone know if there is some type of documentation that proves any excess money after burial expenses went to charities?

Yea well it didn't make a single bit of sense to me to be making appearances on Oprah before his precious child's body's even released from autopsy.

Here in Southern California it's a 55 year old tract home, every fifth house has the same floor plan.
Two bedroom, one bathroom but a lot of the owners around here are original owners (or have been here 25 years or more) and have added on a bathroom, a bedroom or both.
A corner lot runs a bit more.

I can be doing dishes at my kitchen window and my next door neighbor, Lu can be in her home, in her bedroom directly across my driveway, and we can have a conversation without yelling...that's how closely the homes are built to each other.

When I saw the outside of the Dad's home, I could easily see it going for 5 hundred thou and more, in my area.

Right now it would be really easy for him to get a second out on that home or as someone else said, sell the Beamer.
Just doesn't make a single bit of sense to me to set up a quickly after finding the body!

Did Dad even bother to ask around, family/bank/lenders about securing a loan before starting this 'foundation' ?????

Between the time the body was found and the time the Foundation was announced, there doesn't seem to me to have been enough time for a bank/lender to process a loan application so I am going to assume Dad didn't even bother inquiring/applying for or about a loan to pay for burial.

And does anyone know if there is some type of documentation that proves any excess money after burial expenses went to charities?

Not really. It depends on state law. Sometimes the donations are considered gifts and the receiver is not accountable past that. They can spend the money however they want. Basically even registered charities can play the system. They don't even have to have their own FID number, they can rent one from a charity that has their own. Nice huh? Some of these charities have been turned down by the feds for not passing the smell test and go out and rent a number and present themselves as legit. Then they go out and buy nice houses, computers, cars and boats. They file paperwork showing all of this is used for the charity and all is cool.
Yea MAM's down off that high... he's not lookin too cocky today, where's the Cheshire Cat :rolleyes:

Waived court-appointed counsel, MAM's atty Mr. Rogers (who knows how he retained him) can only represent MAM in District Court.


I noticed the only time that opened his pie-hole to acknowledge the judge was when asked about his attorney. Simply nodded his head when asked if he understood the charges as the judge said FIRST DEGREE MURDER PUNISHABLE BY DEATH/ RAPE OF A CHILD PUNISHABLE BY LIFE WOP.
No show of emotion whatsoever, just IMO a cocky stance and disrespect with his mute act.:furious:
I watched some videos a few days ago and noticed CC was VERY upset about our angel. He said he was about to get a ride to Sanford to look for her himself AND he said AD, BL, CLD...need to tell what they know.

Has anyone else seen these videos? For some reason I can't find them but if my memory is correct he was wearing a green shirt in both.

Wow, that IS interesting. I only saw CC at the arraignment and he seemed very very upset and confused about why he was even there.
I'm asking about the price of the house? I'm surprised because it looks like a huge house and I can't believe the price is only $240.000.

For comparison... I own a 1 bedroom apartement in the city... let me tell you SMALL apartement... and that is priced at $240.000 exactly.

That's why I'm asking.

Housing costs depend on where you live. Its very expensive to live in or near a major city (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami for example) than in other places. $240,000 would not get you a tiny one room apartment in New York City but in other places you could get a huge house.
Just breaks my heart when I see where Shaniya lived to where she ended up living. Makes no sense to me "why she was sent there". :furious: :furious: :cry:

I picture the aunt driving Shaniya to this trailer, telling Shaniya to be a good girl and then "allowing her to go in" :furious: Now the aunt's speech in front of the house is playing in my head. :furious:

YES agree A MENTAL PICTURE'S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. I've replayed this very scene over and over and over in my mind and heard her words echoing again and again trying to imagine (crying) and children at such a young age are so very trusting and innocent and accepting of w/e they're offered (bawling eyes out) but AUNT KNEW (sobbing) and LET HER GO. KIKI'S HEART IS BROKEN IN TWO.

The woman in the pic is Lauryn Hill. I do believe there is a slight resemblance. Antoinette, in my opinion, is not ugly. Were she to wash and apply makeup and attractive clothes, I do think she would be good looking. Perhaps that is why so many men go to her trailer to **** her. We've only seen her in prison gear and no makeup, remember. Anyway, tt is what is going on on the inside that is the problem, in her case.

I can agree that AD - Shaniya's bio-mom, is a physically beautiful young woman. I wonder what/if BL saw anything in her beyond that 6 years ago...

Oh dear, my addled brain - I should have known that was the lovely and talented Lauryn Hill. Shame on me. Where is Lauryn Hill these days anyway? (N/M, I can google her myself...)
Tuned in just to see the charges read to MAM. He didn't have that stupid look on his face today, did he?

But I am saddened, again, to see all the 'father bashing' going on. I don't know why this bothers me so much! I guess just because I feel so bad for his loss.

I know that after my divorce, I tried everything in my power to STOP visitation between my son and his dad - because I didn't trust his parenting/safety skills. I ended up getting supervised visits (by which I chose his mom for) - but once my son turned 5 the supervised visits stopped. He was allowed to take him (without be supervised). I fought and fought but the family court judge stated that by 5, he was somewhat self-sufficient ( I fought this tooth and nail) and lost. So I had to change my thinking and pray every other Friday when he took him hoping he would be brought back to me on Sunday unharmed... I would sit by the phone (at home) all weekend, afraid to leave the house in case something happened. (thank God nothing ever did). But everytime I sought action, they basically told me that UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENED, THEY COULDN'T TAKE ACTION! And the dad gets custody until /or if something happened.

Now I understand that this case is different - he didn't have legal custody of Shaniya, but I just wish people would understand that when it comes to family law, it doesn't really matter WHAT SOMEONE SAYS - IT MATTERS WHAT THE COURT SAYS. So I feel that this father may have felt his hands were tied as far as the law.
('Cuz if something would have happened with my son while he was with his dad - and I tried everything to keep him away from him - I still couldn't have forgiven myself!)

Again, I don't know how it was in this case - this is JMO... Please no bashing.
I agree with you. She needs a good funeral and I'm really not mad at BL for asking for donations. I do agree it's kinda odd since he does make good money, but maybe he is broke too??? I think BL strikes me as the kind of person that likes to preen a bit. Nice car, clothes, house, etc but no money in the bank. I'm sure he could also ask his extended family for donations and they would help him out. I dont really understand his angle really and i'm scared to ask!!! But then again if you could get donations to pay for the funeral why pay for it yourself? Maybe so many wanted to help that he was forced to set up something in shaniya's name???

I am little puzzled. If Shaniya bio dad was all informal as to custody. Would not her body be released to the Davis family and not the Lockharts?
I noticed in yesterday's presser that Sheriff only mentioned Davis family name.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that Somer was killed for $. But, I am hoping that someone didn't decide to do away with Shaniya, in hopes that it would bring them fame and fortune. Hope this is clearer. Thanks.

ok, I see. It does seem since the Casey Anthony story broke last summer in 2008, that there's been a rash of kidnapping in the East Coast/Florida area where the news coverage is the heaviest. To a drug addict they might think that it's a great way to make cash.
Haleigh Cummings case is another one where I think trading for drugs or into slavery is a strong possibility.
Hardcore drug addicts cannot be trusted to raise children. IMHO.
ad called carey on oct 9th to get shaniya. last time she saw shaniya. bl saw shaniya last on oct 2
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