NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #22

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Thanks, I remember looking at these records. Can you tell the name of the prison?
Reading through all this, did Mario ever spend time in prison? I thought he had but now I"m not sure.

Reading the in-prison offenses of the other two guys, it looks like they have no problems getting drugs from the outside. Very surprised at a maximum security prison.

In prison from 2003 - 2006.
Thanks; Whatever prison he's been will be nothing like where he's going.

Mario McNeill enters Raleigh's Central Prison one day after another inmate is found dead
November 23, 1:43 AM Raleigh Headlines Examiner Loretta Arnold

Mario McNeill enters Raleigh's Central Prison one day after another inmate is found dead. McNeill, 29, would be placed in a safe cell for his own protection. The man found dead was said to have died of "natural causes", at 28-years-old.

Where he's going...aerial view of Central Prison visit

As Mario Andrette McNeill enters Raleigh's Central Prison the question is will he survive long enough to either live a life sentence or the death penalty?

On November 19, 2009 Kayin Whitfield, 28, was found unresponsive in bed. He died that night. Preliminary findings indicated that Whitfield died of natural causes. Whitfield was serving a five-month sentence for driving with a revoked license and assaulting a police officer, including damaging property. Kayin entered Central Prison on October 6, 2009.

On July 5, 2001, within the same week of entry, Craig Logan, 28, was found in "distress" by other inmates while located in the dormitory bathroom. He was pronounced dead 35 minutes later. Logan entered Central Prison to begin a life sentence after being convicted of murder.

The news of Whitfield stirred the memory of Logan to many. However, when the information of Whitfield came to light some believed that perhaps McNeill would soon die of "natural causes". Based on public records released a death inside of Central Prison from natural causes at an early age rarely happens.

Mario McNeill has be placed under suicide watch as a precaution. He also will not be sharing a cell with other inmates at this time.

Could Mario McNeill escape?

Raleigh's Central Prison has been well monitored. Go to link to view the list of inmates who have escaped and not been found. Notice that the amount of inmates on the run compared to the amount of entries is a low number. If Mario McNeill remains at Raleigh's Central Prison the chances of him escaping and not being found is highly unlikely.

Mario McNeill has been in prison before. For a listing of Mario Andrette McNeill's records through visit N.C. Offender Public Information. Travel down to the center of the page and you will find that Mario "McNeail" is actually Mario McNeill (just to note).

There is no fascination, nor should their be, over Mario McNeill's entry into Raleigh's Central Prison. However, keeping up with the facts on the basis surrounding the case in the murder of Shaniya Davis is important.


I'm very close to figuring out AD; I believe Davis is a married name.

When we have it figured out, LE will be asking for our family tree.

This story about Raleigh...that would stop me from a life of crime.
One circumstance frustrating us may be that there is so little information to sift through, to sort through, to ponder. Cases like Caylee's gave us tangible information that we could hold in our hand and weigh for ourselves. At this point, there is very little of that type of information available in this case. AD and MAM seem to have lived most of their lives under the radar, purposefully perhaps, and there are so far very few records available to us to analyze, argue about, debate about, or use to bolster our opinions and discredit others. Since we are frustrated already about the death of an innocent child, this lack of information creates more stress.

I am not saying that people not arrested so far in this case have no culpability. But I do think people that happen to have more public information available are being dissected intensely because they can be. I am not so sure that having more public information is a bad thing or is a consequence of not living like one must hide everything that happens in their lives.

This is something that just came to me tonight before I turned in. I hope the case moves forward and that people like me who are fueled by the righteous indignation coursing through their veins can take that indignation and find constructive outlets.

See you all tomorrow under a new sun.

That is very true. The only official information we have about this case is from a press conference or two and a few statements from police. The rest of it is all speculation, assumption and opinion it seems. Under those circumstances the message boards (including this one) devolve into mere speculation, fingerpointing and infighting.

This is a highly emotional case that has generated a lot of energy and rage in people who unfortunately don't have a definite target to expend it on, so it spills out all over the place.

It will get better (and more constructive) when we have actual facts to talk about.
I did not post yesterday because I knew it would be a highly emotional day and there were bound to be conflicts among the posts. I did not post on the day of Caylee's memorial for the same reasons. I knew I would have nothing good to say, so I said nothing. Just reading yesterday made my temper flare a little bit because some seemed to chastise others. I may not agree with the majority but I do not chastise them for their beliefs.

I saw the Amber alert just after noon time when it came out. From the first day, I have felt Shaniya's disappearance could have been prevented. Then the more I saw and heard of all involved, the more I resented everyone in Shaniya's life.

My sympathy is, and always will be, with Shaniya and no one else. Babies and children are not 'things' you pawn off to someone else. The moment AD told Aunt Carey she would never see Shaniya again was the moment she should have called LE and even DSS, IMO. BL should have insisted on it. Show LE the pics of Shaniya and her room at the Dad's house. Have them go over and speak with AD. Shaniya may not have been brought right back to the Dad's home, but may not have been left in that filth and squalor either. At least she would have been safe and AD would not have dared let anything happen to her if she was left there.

I am not looking at this case with raw emotion for anyone except Shaniya. No one else is the victim here. There is more truth to come out. AD probably played the system here and was getting all kinds of assistance for Shaniya although she was not living in her home. We will eventually know so much more.

I cannot bear to look at BL or even Aunt Carey. That is just me. As for so many saying that none of the other family and friends even bothered to call DSS over the cigarette burns on Shaniya - how in this world can you possibly know they did not? We don't.

LE is not looking at the facts of this case with emotion. They cannot afford to and shouldn't. I think LE does experience the emotions when they go home at the end of the day, but on the job they have to remain professional.

I am so thankful that LE has AD and MAM in custody. If I were to say how I honestly feel about these two evil monsters, I would be banned for life. May they both burn in he!!.

I am looking forward to finding out who actually took Shaniya out of school. Was it Aunt Carey? May have been. But why? If TY had been taking care of Shaniya for so long, then how is it that Aunt Carey says she raised her? I will stop now, but I have strong doubts about her as well. How many pics have we seen of Shaniya and Aunt Carey? I have seen none.

Last post for a while. I mainly have gotten to where I just read here everyday. I thank the posts I agree with and just go on to the next one. Again, my sympathy and heartbreak are for Shaniya and no one else.


The 29-year-old McNeill could easily be called a career criminal. He started that career in 2001, when he shot three people and was found guilty of drug charges, too. He was put on probation and violated it, which put him in prison for nearly three years. Shortly after he got out, he was charged with drug offenses and put back on supervised probation. Then he was charged with cocaine possession, and a few months later, with striking a police officer with his vehicle while trying to flee.

More supervised probation followed, but on Oct. 22, a judge terminated the probation. Less than three weeks later, Shaniya Davis was dead.

That's more info on McNeill than I have seen in one place before, thought I would share.
This is one of the most outrageous things about this case, in my opinion...

How is it that MAM shot a gun into a car with three people in 2001, and was already a free man to walk the streets just a relatively short time later?

I've read of people getting more time for selling pot. People have received longer sentences for stealing cars.
exactly ,tougher sentences are what is needed. No R.S.O should be allowed to live with-in a 10 mile radius of a school and 3 times and you are out...doesn't mean out on the street but out of circulation. This crime is so disgusting. There was no need for this to ever have happened but it did and I am so sorry,that there was no one there to rescue this child.
I want to help..someone with a plan needs to get it together and I will do what ever I can.
There are enough laws..enough judges,enough police...we just need to require all offenders and 3 time losers be watched with gps and make the parole office accountable if they don't watch these people...
If a Judge lets someone out with a smack on the wrist and they commit crimes then make the officials....Judge and all accountable.....If this were the case,bet they would not have let this excon out on personal supervision....
"The war on women and children"has many a new government study,says no mammograms till 50...WOW WHAT A BUDGET CUT , look who suffers, if 200,000 cases each year will go undetected. This is hitting below the belt in my opinion.
Women Unite!!!!
I have thought long and hard over the past couple of days. The result of all this thinking is that I have decided to put down my pitchfork, since I have been at the head of the line waving it and calling for BL's head.

This does not mean that I am being wishy-washy or that I am now going to say that I am on BL's "side". I'm not. But, most of what we are hearing has been from people that may have a stake in making BL look bad. The autopsy when we finally get it, which I believe we will, will tell if there was sustained abuse that should have been noticed by BL, and I will make a determination then.

I am guilty of neglect of my stepdaughter, by the standards that we have set for BL. The times that I have left my stepdaughter with her momster. The filthy house, the stream of men in and out, the poverty that she lives in so that she can keep her bingo habit going....
But I leave her there...because i have to. When our time is up, it's up. to keep her for any reason is a crime. To send her home is morally wrong.
Until we know the custody arrangement, what there really was, I can't judge. So I won't.

We know he hadn't seen her in 5 weeks, correct?
We know Aunt Carey hadn't seen her in 5 weeks, correct?
We know Shaniya was enrolled in school before going to her mother's. To our knowledge, from pictures and lack of reports from teachers, she was not abused. So, how would any abuse obtained in that 5 week period be BL's fault? Please explain that to me.
Are we sure the phone call took place to Aunt C from AD telling her she would never see her again? TIA
Thanks, I remember looking at these records. Can you tell the name of the prison?


Period of Commitment: Almost 11 Months
Sentence Number: BA-001 Commitment Type: INMATE
Conviction Date: 01/10/2003 County Of Conviction: CUMBERLAND
Service Status: EXPIRED Sentence Begin Date: 09/29/2003
Actual Release Date: 08/12/2004
Punishment Type: ACTIVE SS Projected Release Date: 08/12/2004
Minimum Term: 1 YEAR 4 MONTHS Maximum Term: 1 YEAR 8 MONTHS

Period of Commitment: 1 Year and 3 Months
Sentence Number: BA-002 Commitment Type: INMATE
Conviction Date: 01/10/2003 County Of Conviction: CUMBERLAND
Service Status: EXPIRED Sentence Begin Date: 08/12/2004
Actual Release Date: 11/13/2005
Punishment Type: ACTIVE SS Projected Release Date: 11/13/2005
Minimum Term: 1 YEAR 4 MONTHS Maximum Term: 1 YEAR 8 MONTHS

Period of Commitment: Almost 5 Months
Sentence Number: BA-003 Commitment Type: INMATE
Conviction Date: 01/10/2003 County Of Conviction: CUMBERLAND
Service Status: EXPIRED Sentence Begin Date: 11/13/2005
Actual Release Date: 05/21/2006
Punishment Type: ACTIVE SS Projected Release Date: 05/21/2006
Minimum Term: 8 MONTHS Maximum Term: 10 MONTHS
I'm very close to figuring out AD; I believe Davis is a married name.

When we have it figured out, LE will be asking for our family tree.

This story about Raleigh...that would stop me from a life of crime.

I wondered about the married name as well---simply due to the birth announcement of the first child.
We know he hadn't seen her in 5 weeks, correct?
We know Aunt Carey hadn't seen her in 5 weeks, correct?
We know Shaniya was enrolled in school before going to her mother's. To our knowledge, from pictures and lack of reports from teachers, she was not abused. So, how would any abuse obtained in that 5 week period be BL's fault? Please explain that to me.

Just curious how do we know what the teachers may have said? Unless I missed that part...
They may be holding info close to the vest, or maybe the teachers said they never saw anything....
and do not know. Just saying...
I do not think kids continuously walk into cigarettes...
but I do think they are trained by abusers to lie. But I do think that an autopsy will have some
of those answers.
Hind sight is 20/20. The only thing I want to say about BL is, if he had taken the time to drive her down to that trailer park and go inside and see where Shaniya was going to be living and then even talk to the neighbors about the place, I don't think he would have left her there. I saw the pictures of the inside of that MH and it didn't get that way in 5 weeks. I give him the World of credit for raising her and keeping her all those years. Many men wouldn't have done that much, they would have just said "you take care of her". Lots of men don't pay child support or never see the child once it is born. Dead beat dads. I don't think he is in that place at all. He will live with this decision for the rest of his life, and I don't think anything anyone says here will be as bad as what he feels for letting her go there. I think the pitchfork belongs in the heart of AD and that .
McNeill appears to have been treated with leniency for years by an overburdened court system.

On June 17, 2001, court documents show, McNeill shot Roland Lee Mays in the face, neck, shoulder, chest and stomach. The records indicate that McNeill injured two other people that day, as well. He was charged with multiple counts of assault inflicting serious bodily injury.

A year later, apparently while awaiting trial in the shootings, McNeill was charged with possessing marijuana and trying to manufacture and sell it.

The charges from the two cases were consolidated, records show, and McNeill was allowed to plead guilty to lesser counts. He was sentenced to 40 to 50 months of supervised probation in June 2003, the records show.

Two months later, in August 2003, McNeill violated terms of his probation by failing to notify probation officers of his whereabouts. He was sent to prison. Records show that he entered the prison system in October 2003 and was released in May 2006.

Three months after his release, records show, McNeill was charged with possession with intent to sell marijuana and cocaine and with maintaining a vehicle for drug use.

The records show that McNeill pleaded guilty to reduced charges - a misdemeanor offense of maintaining a vehicle for drug use - and again was placed on supervised probation, on Jan. 1, 2007.

As part of the plea deal, District Court Judge Kim Tucker told McNeill that he could go on unsupervised probation if he tested negative for drugs three consecutive times, records show.

While still on supervised probation, McNeill was charged in April 2007 with possessing cocaine, records show.

He was charged again in September 2007 - this time with hitting Fayetteville police officer R. Grimm with his vehicle while trying to flee from the corner of Bragg Boulevard and Ames Street. Records indicate Grimm was injured, but they don't say how badly. McNeill was charged that day with trying to elude arrest, reckless driving and assault on a government official.

Two months later - on Nov. 30, 2007 - Superior Court Judge Jack Thompson allowed McNeill's probation status to be changed from supervised to unsupervised, records show.

Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, was on unsupervised probation when police say he kidnapped 5-year-old Shaniya on Nov. 10. He is accused of raping and killing her the same day.
Are we sure the phone call took place to Aunt C from AD telling her she would never see her again? TIA

We only know what was stated in the newspaper. We have not heard this directly from the aunt during any TV/ media interview.
Just curious how do we know what the teachers may have said? Unless I missed that part...
They may be holding info close to the vest, or maybe the teachers said they never saw anything....
and do not know. Just saying...
I do not think kids continuously walk into cigarettes...
but I do think they are trained by abusers to lie. But I do think that an autopsy will have some
of those answers.

Songline, throwing more "what if's" won't get us to an answer. My points are based on "what we know, or don't know" at this point. The pictures speak volumes to me as to how well taken care of she was right up to the point that she went to school this year. As far as "continuously" walking into cigarettes? That also has not been established yet. You're right, an autopsy will reveal things that we do not know, but until then all we have to go on is what we can see, not what we've heard.
Last night when I went to bed I was thinking about what we know, what we do not know and what we are suspicious of.
MY list of suspicions far outweighed my list of what I know or do not know. I also do not know for sure that Casey Antony killed her daughter but somehow I think I do know.
this is similar in some ways....about what I do not know that seems like I think I DO KNOW...
So I made a list.

Things I do not believe at all:

I do not believe that AD was only a one night stand, I do believe there is much dirt that needs to be flushed out right there with that one night stand statement there is a huge closed closet with dark secrets.

I do not believe that people did not know about Shaniya's abuse, I do believe she was trained by her abuser not to talk.

I do not believe that he gave Shaniya back to her mom to teach her to be a mom.
But I do believe that if we can find out WHY he did give her back we may learn of another huge closet with dark secrets.

I do not believe that BL ever dreamed of the final curtain that came upon Shaniya, but I do believe that he did not spend anytime at all to consider any of the negative possibilities given he knew there were felons, drugs, and very bad conditions there.

I do not believe that BL is so religious and has forgiven his child's murderer, but I do believe that silence is golden and if he runs his mouth he may put himself in danger.

I do not believe that BL was anything more then a decent provider for his family, but I do believe that Shaniya did love her daddy.

I am angry at LB and not because I think he wanted any harm to any of his children but because he made some very strange and bad choices at the expense of his family.
Yes 20/20 Hind sight is something we may all have in our closet. But enabling men is something I detest.
There is a reason why our eyes are planted looking forward and not backwards, but we must look back to sort it all out.
And I do not believe this guy. But I understand that a life in front of the camera is very hard because as we do not know facts we assume to much....
BUT I DO want all the pieces reviewed and looked at. because I do not see a trophy Dad.
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