NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #22

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Although I can pick apart the statement the aunt made regarding "Mario being protected, three square meals, etc., etc.", all that I can think of is "Shaniya" and was there concern for her protection and three square meals.

Oh, I agree. As a survivor of abuse, I ALWAYS identify with the victim.

My outrage is for what Shaniya went through. Her terror, confusion, sorrow, hopelessness, shame, pain............

I wonder how many times she thought, "Why have the people who care about me forsaken me?"
Please forgive me, I've been tryng to follow Shaniya's case, but got sidetracked by something that came up in Caylee's case.

Have there been any reports at all yet of anyone seeing Shaniya besides Coe during Shaniya's last 2 weeks of life?

Also, has anything come out about whether anyone from her family or extended family talked to Shaniya by phone during the last two weeks of her life?

Thank you so much in advance.

ETA: Sorry. I did see about the family member who reported seeing Shaniya after school the day before Shaniya was abducted. I'm interested in any non-family member reports of seeing Shaniya.

Why did I not know until now that MAM was on suicide watch?
I keep missing things.

Maybe they should remove the watch....just a suggestion.
I wouldn't miss him a bit.
Why did I not know until now that MAM was on suicide watch?
I keep missing things.

Maybe they should remove the watch....just a suggestion.
I wouldn't miss him a bit.

Personally, I'd prefer they just move him to gen pop. I'm sure the other criminals would be happy to 'watch' him.
IMO, the laws on punishment need to go backwards.
Life should mean til the day you die.
Life should never mean parol and out early.
Death should mean death asap. Not 30 years later.
With all the DNA and science now, when provn guilty an death, the guilty should go straight to the chamber.
To many bleeding heart judges and jurors.
We the public, should be able to 'protect' ourselves from these monsters!
IMO, yes why feed, clothe, the monsters forever..........think Charles Manson.
Do we ever want him out in public with our children around?
Yet we have kept him for 40+ years..........and he was a career crimal.
Some people just can not be rehabilitated!
They gradually get worse! MOO
Why did I not know until now that MAM was on suicide watch?
I keep missing things.

Maybe they should remove the watch....just a suggestion.
I wouldn't miss him a bit.

When I read that a couple of days ago, my first thought was that maybe Aunt Carey should be on it too. (Not seriously, but still seriously!)

Just viewed the latest videos, she is a torn woman. My heart goes out to her.
I am so happy that Shaniya's funeral was proper and no protesters were around.
That we know of!
It was lovely, what I saw.

But I have 1 question;
Why when something happens all of a sudden people ask for money for foundations etc?
My family has never asked for anything and we have our share of tradgity.
We are not rich.
We have always asked for donations to YOUR favorite charity.
If money was given it went for our deceased love ones favorite charity.
I don't understand it at all.
Making money off a loved one is a sin to me...........MOO
IMO, the laws on punishment need to go backwards.
Life should mean til the day you die.
Life should never mean parol and out early.
Death should mean death asap. Not 30 years later.

I will never agree on the DP, but I agree with the rest you said.

Just to give you people something to think about; here in Norway the lifelong prison means 21 years. Yes, that's the longest prison sentence you can get.

A "prisonyear" here is 9 months, is it the same in the US?
Why did I not know until now that MAM was on suicide watch?
I keep missing things.

Maybe they should remove the watch....just a suggestion.
I wouldn't miss him a bit.

I don't think he's on suicide watch b/c of anything specific threat to himself. I believe it's standard procedure to put such offenders on suicide watch, particularly when the case is in the public eye to this degree.
I will never agree on the DP, but I agree with the rest you said.

Just to give you people something to think about; here in Norway the lifelong prison means 21 years. Yes, that's the longest prison sentence you can get.

A "prisonyear" here is 9 months, is it the same in the US?

No, a year is a full year, though some prisoners can get out early if they accumulate days of good behavior. For example, if someone has a 15 year prison sentence but accumulates enough days of good behavior during that time, he/she might be able to get out in 12 years.

IIRC, some prisoners who are sentenced "for life" are able to get out in 30 or 40 years. But then there is a life sentence "without the possibility of parole." Then the prisoner is going to stay in prison for his/her whole life.

Sustained abuse....long running. More than the 5 weeks that she was there full time.

How often did BL check in on Shaniya in those 5 weeks?

I would think that Aunt Carey would relay to her brother the remark that AD made about never seeing Shaniya again. That, coupled with Mommy Dearest's history of drug abuse would have me on Red Alert status, to say the least.

I was under the impression that BL had full legal custody at that time, so why not reclaim her at the first indication that Shaniya might be in danger?
Death should mean death asap. Not 30 years later.
With all the DNA and science now, when provn guilty an death, the guilty should go straight to the chamber.

But then, you have to think of those criminals that were found guilty by their peers years ago only to find out 10, 15, 30 years later due to "technology" they were not guilty at all. What should happen then ... "oops, we make a mistake?"
I have thought long and hard over the past couple of days. The result of all this thinking is that I have decided to put down my pitchfork, since I have been at the head of the line waving it and calling for BL's head.

This does not mean that I am being wishy-washy or that I am now going to say that I am on BL's "side". I'm not. But, most of what we are hearing has been from people that may have a stake in making BL look bad. The autopsy when we finally get it, which I believe we will, will tell if there was sustained abuse that should have been noticed by BL, and I will make a determination then.

I am guilty of neglect of my stepdaughter, by the standards that we have set for BL. The times that I have left my stepdaughter with her momster. The filthy house, the stream of men in and out, the poverty that she lives in so that she can keep her bingo habit going....
But I leave her there...because i have to. When our time is up, it's up. to keep her for any reason is a crime. To send her home is morally wrong.
Until we know the custody arrangement, what there really was, I can't judge. So I won't.

The reason I have to disagree with you,(BBM) and believe me I understand how you feel from personal experience. If what we have been reading is true, BL didn't have the courts telling him to leave that beautiful child in that feces covered box. This was a choice he made.

Once the courts make a decision we have to abide by it, because we can do nothing from prison. Doesn't mean we have to like it, or shouldn't fight to change it. If your daughter was living with her bio-mom because you and her dad thought it sounded like a good idea and after all her mom really asked nicely this time, it would be a different story.

You are this child's champion she needs you to keep fighting a fight that she can't.
I am outraged too. :furious:

I am so happy that Shaniya's funeral was proper and no protesters were around.
That we know of!
It was lovely, what I saw.

But I have 1 question;
Why when something happens all of a sudden people ask for money for foundations etc?
My family has never asked for anything and we have our share of tradgity.
We are not rich.
We have always asked for donations to YOUR favorite charity.
If money was given it went for our deceased love ones favorite charity.
I don't understand it at all.
Making money off a loved one is a sin to me...........MOO[/QUOTE

ITA. Dollars to donuts, BL puts his house up for sale within the next 2 weeks and uses the excuse about too many memories of Shaniya, when it actually he just wants to move to where his fiance is living, marry and go on with his merry little life.

I read what his friend said on another board that BL had the house up for sale before this happened with plans on moving out of state.

I shudder to think he would use any money donated to pay for a wedding, new house, etc. The friend even said he was planning on selling the BMW and getting a new car.

He strikes me as the type he if he did move out of state, he would NEVER make a trip to visit Shaniya's grave.

How often did BL check in on Shaniya in those 5 weeks?

I would think that Aunt Carey would relay to her brother the remark that AD made about never seeing Shaniya again. That, coupled with Mommy Dearest's history of drug abuse would have me on Red Alert status, to say the least.

I was under the impression that BL had full legal custody at that time, so why not reclaim her at the first indication that Shaniya might be in danger?

BL was asked when the last time he saw Shaniya and he said "October 2" but he never did state when he last spoke with her. I was hoping he would have said something about a conversation with Shaniya.
How often did BL check in on Shaniya in those 5 weeks?

I would think that Aunt Carey would relay to her brother the remark that AD made about never seeing Shaniya again. That, coupled with Mommy Dearest's history of drug abuse would have me on Red Alert status, to say the least.

I was under the impression that BL had full legal custody at that time, so why not reclaim her at the first indication that Shaniya might be in danger?

That's why I put down my pitchfork, we don't know what the actual legal arrangement of custody was. I have never based as much on supposition as I have during this case. I won't do it anymore.
Maybe someone could answer this question for me.

Last night I did some research on the Comfort Suites in Sanford, NC.

It opened July 2009. It has 4 floors and 74 rooms. Check in time is 2:00 p.m. and checkout is 11:00 a.m. I know from experience this is usually the protocol.

If MAM was seen going in at 6:11 a.m. and leaving around 7:30 a.m., why would they let him check in at that hour.

That is making me think he actually did premeditate this and rented the room the day prior to the 10th.

Any opinions?

ETA: I know some have speculated MAM possibly used the side doors to enter without having to go past the front desk, but I didn't think these doors would open from the outside, only from the inside. If indeed he used these doors, someone would have had to open it for him. I thought the doors were primarily for fire escape only.

The reason I have to disagree with you,(BBM) and believe me I understand how you feel from personal experience. If what we have been reading is true, BL didn't have the courts telling him to leave that beautiful child in that feces covered box. This was a choice he made.

Once the courts make a decision we have to abide by it, because we can do nothing from prison. Doesn't mean we have to like it, or shouldn't fight to change it. If your daughter was living with her bio-mom because you and her dad thought it sounded like a good idea and after all her mom really asked nicely this time, it would be a different story.

You are this child's champion she needs you to keep fighting a fight that she can't.

That's the problem though. We don't know for sure if there was a custody arrangement. If there wasn't, she was the legal custodian of Shaniya, and regardless of the reasons, if she said bring her home, BL would have had to. We don't know, we assume, we think, we guess, but no one has come out and put it in plain English. I am choosing to wait until I know something.
Maybe someone could answer this question for me.

Last night I did some research on the Comfort Suites in Sanford, NC.

It opened July 2009. It has 4 floors and 74 rooms. Check in time is 2:00 p.m. and checkout is 11:00 a.m. I know from experience this is usually the protocol.

If MAM was seen going in at 6:11 a.m. and leaving around 7:30 a.m., why would they let him check in at that hour.

That is making me think he actually did premeditate this and rented the room the day prior to the 10th.

Any opinions?

ETA: I know some have speculated MAM possibly used the side doors to enter without having to go past the front desk, but I didn't think these doors would open from the outside, only from the inside. If indeed he used these doors, someone would have had to open it for him. I thought the doors were primarily for fire escape only.

I have been able to check out of hotels early. They would tell me that checkout was whatever time, and if I left early, great. If I left late, I'd be paying for a whole new day.
We also don't know if he actually checked out, or if he just left.
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