NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #22

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Arggggg, it is so frustrating not having more info (confirmed and official I mean). I wish we knew what led police to file the trafficking charges against AB. Was it statements from Coe? From MAM? Some other resident in the trailer? Did they find a wad of cash laying there? I wish I knew what evidence they have. I hope whatever it is - it is strong enough to stick to the .

MAM's was the boyfriend of AD's sister who lived at the trailer right?
Here is another thing I would like to know. Did they tell AD about finding Shanyia before her court hearing.
I'm sorry I believed I missed anything on the "DNA" paternity that is being talked about...Could someone please fill me in or point me to where I can read about it.
Thank you so much
Something more led him to believe paternity other then just a one night stand.

I fully agree. No man is going to take 18 years worth of responsibility on the word of a woman he slept with once. Unless they really want to believe it.
MAM's was the boyfriend of AD's sister who lived at the trailer right?

I have seen that posted here but I do not know that that has ever been stated by anyone connected to the case. Based on what I have seen released regarding MAM I feel he is not AB sister's (true leasor of trailer) boyfriend but simply AB's drug dealer who she apparently owed a drub debt to but I guess it is possible he was both. I just have never seen any "evidence" that he is associated with the occupants of the trailer outside of being a "dealer"
I'm sorry I believed I missed anything on the "DNA" paternity that is being talked about...Could someone please fill me in or point me to where I can read about it.
Thank you so much

Just wonder how BL knew Shanyia was his child. Did they have a private DNA test done.
I have seen that posted here but I do not know that that has ever been stated by anyone connected to the case. Based on what I have seen released regarding MAM I feel he is not AB sister's (true leasor of trailer) boyfriend but simply AB's drug dealer who she apparently owed a drub debt to but I guess it is possible he was both. I just have never seen any "evidence" that he is associated with the occupants of the trailer outside of being a "dealer"

First came out on NG that MAM was BD's ex bf.
Wanna borrow some salt, considering the source?
Here is another thing I would like to know. Did they tell AD about finding Shanyia before her court hearing.

I would be very interested in the answer to that one as well. I would also give my eye teeth to know what her immediated reaction was when the notified her they had found littl angel's body.
I would be very interested in the answer to that one as well. I would also give my eye teeth to know what her immediated reaction was when the notified her they had found littl angel's body.

Personal opinion, something along the lines of, "Damn, knew he couldn't pull this off. Now I'm going down too."
Sorry...still new here. But I wondered if I had missed something because I hadn't heard that before.

I'll go back to just lurking

No, don't do that! I still have a hard time telling what's being stated as fact and what's someone's opinion. And look how long I've been posting. I still learn something new everyday!
blessed be, I just scrolled up and man, checkout the typos, lol. Gotta quit trying to work and post, multitasking is taking its toll :)
MAM's was the boyfriend of AD's sister who lived at the trailer right?

I thought he was the ex-boyfriend of the sister which makes you wonder what he was doing at the trailer to begin with. The sister was supposedly there that night yet we've heard nothing about what she had to say.
MAM's was the boyfriend of AD's sister who lived at the trailer right?

IIRC, he is a "former" boyfriend of AD's sister BD.

His current girlfriend AA has one child by him already and pregnant with another one.
I did not post yesterday because I knew it would be a highly emotional day and there were bound to be conflicts among the posts. I did not post on the day of Caylee's memorial for the same reasons. I knew I would have nothing good to say, so I said nothing. Just reading yesterday made my temper flare a little bit because some seemed to chastise others. I may not agree with the majority but I do not chastise them for their beliefs.

I saw the Amber alert just after noon time when it came out. From the first day, I have felt Shaniya's disappearance could have been prevented. Then the more I saw and heard of all involved, the more I resented everyone in Shaniya's life.

My sympathy is, and always will be, with Shaniya and no one else. Babies and children are not 'things' you pawn off to someone else. The moment AD told Aunt Carey she would never see Shaniya again was the moment she should have called LE and even DSS, IMO. BL should have insisted on it. Show LE the pics of Shaniya and her room at the Dad's house. Have them go over and speak with AD. Shaniya may not have been brought right back to the Dad's home, but may not have been left in that filth and squalor either. At least she would have been safe and AD would not have dared let anything happen to her if she was left there.

I am not looking at this case with raw emotion for anyone except Shaniya. No one else is the victim here. There is more truth to come out. AD probably played the system here and was getting all kinds of assistance for Shaniya although she was not living in her home. We will eventually know so much more.

I cannot bear to look at BL or even Aunt Carey. That is just me. As for so many saying that none of the other family and friends even bothered to call DSS over the cigarette burns on Shaniya - how in this world can you possibly know they did not? We don't.

LE is not looking at the facts of this case with emotion. They cannot afford to and shouldn't. I think LE does experience the emotions when they go home at the end of the day, but on the job they have to remain professional.

I am so thankful that LE has AD and MAM in custody. If I were to say how I honestly feel about these two evil monsters, I would be banned for life. May they both burn in he!!.

I am looking forward to finding out who actually took Shaniya out of school. Was it Aunt Carey? May have been. But why? If TY had been taking care of Shaniya for so long, then how is it that Aunt Carey says she raised her? I will stop now, but I have strong doubts about her as well. How many pics have we seen of Shaniya and Aunt Carey? I have seen none.

Last post for a while. I mainly have gotten to where I just read here everyday. I thank the posts I agree with and just go on to the next one. Again, my sympathy and heartbreak are for Shaniya and no one else.


SAY IT AS YOU ALWAYS DO... JUST REAL ! I respect that so much.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I did not think of questioning her aunt YET...
While you do make sense, I had stopped myself because she had the least control of the situation. ALSO It is my understanding that TY was there less then a year so Yes Aunty was there much longer, but when she indicated that AD was not her idea of a good parent, It was very obvious to me that she did know of some form of abuse. I also see her brother in it is hard to point at her.
But then, you have to think of those criminals that were found guilty by their peers years ago only to find out 10, 15, 30 years later due to "technology" they were not guilty at all. What should happen then ... "oops, we make a mistake?"

DNA has changed the lives of so many people wrongly incarcerated and a few who should been locked up years ago, who are now behind bars.

DNA and others tests that we can't even fathom today, are going to continue to put the guilty away, they are also helping us prevent the innocent from being convicted....
Just as an example, KC Anthony... every piece of evidence/discovery we've seen, so far points to no one, other than KC. Mainly because there is zero evidence that shows us anyone else, but so far we have not seen anything with KC's dna or finger prints.

I'm having a hard time believing a jury will give her d/p
without that direct-link evidence. No matter what we all feel in our hearts to be true. Life w/o parole more than likely.

We know nothing about what has b
een found in this case, as far as evidence/discovery; but the picture caught on video of Shaniya being carried away, could very possibly send that perp to his death.
Some times you can enter the side doors with a key card - the fire alarm does not go off if you use these doors.

I'm trying to catch up with these threads, but between work, school and being a mom, it's difficult. Please excuse me if this is repeated or if you think my opinion is in error.


I think you are right Marlou, especially since this was a relatively new motel.

That is the main use to even get into rooms now is a swipe card.

It would very interesting to see what security video footage they have.

That's what makes me believe he rented the room the prior day. And I still think AD meant 5:30 p.m. on the 911 call.[/QUOTE]

ITA about AD not meaning 5:30am but I think we know that anything that came out her mouth was probably a lie.
Check in time is really because it takes that long to get rooms cleaned and have them available for that day. You can check in anytime there are rooms available. My family was in the motel business for about a decade.

bbm. Boy, if that is the case, he sure took a big chance going in and trying to rent room that early.

I'm in agreement with some other posters, that the room was rented the prior day by someone else. However, I don't think he used the side door or else the hotel employee would not have seen him with Shaniya.
Since the murder of his wife, Bradley Lockhart's children have mostly stayed with their grandparents in the Remington subdivision.

The grandparents took Bradley Lockhart to court and received custody of the three children of that marriage. I would really like to know the story behind the custody fight and how the grandparents won.

He then had a son with another lady and she is raising the son in Florida.

Then we have Shaniya who dad had raised for 4 years...he decided that he was going to send her to live with her mother at 5 yrs old. We know the rest of that story.

In my opinion this wasn't much of a father. As it was, he ended up not raising one of his kids including Shaniya as he didn't plan for her to ever come back home.
we know that B.L. was overseas when his wife was murdered,and probably had to finish his duty which is why dead mothers parents have custody of children. Did anyone consider that maybe he thought instead of putting childen thru more stress by moving kids back into he just let them continue to keep them and also spent time with them. Everyone is making assumptions here but no one really knows the truth we don't know what kind of relationship he had with his children.
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