NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #22

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I thought he was the ex-boyfriend of the sister which makes you wonder what he was doing at the trailer to begin with. The sister was supposedly there that night yet we've heard nothing about what she had to say.

Since AD's sister BD has two children, I wonder if MAM is the father of one or both of those children, which is why he was there?
Lol, I'm recalling the time my husband and I drove over to his daughter's house at 9pm at night with the premise of giving her a basket of Halloween treats. She had been sick all week and I wanted to make sure she was ok. We only saw her at the front door, and she was ok. But I couldn't sleep until I knew that.

BTW, you can see alot from the front door. At least go up to the front door!
I have thought long and hard over the past couple of days. The result of all this thinking is that I have decided to put down my pitchfork, since I have been at the head of the line waving it and calling for BL's head.

This does not mean that I am being wishy-washy or that I am now going to say that I am on BL's "side". I'm not. But, most of what we are hearing has been from people that may have a stake in making BL look bad. The autopsy when we finally get it, which I believe we will, will tell if there was sustained abuse that should have been noticed by BL, and I will make a determination then.

I am guilty of neglect of my stepdaughter, by the standards that we have set for BL. The times that I have left my stepdaughter with her momster. The filthy house, the stream of men in and out, the poverty that she lives in so that she can keep her bingo habit going....
But I leave her there...because i have to. When our time is up, it's up. to keep her for any reason is a crime. To send her home is morally wrong.
Until we know the custody arrangement, what there really was, I can't judge. So I won't.

Till the laws are changed to better protect our children a lot of us are guilty to a degree of having to send children back to an unfit parent or living situation.The laws need an overhaul ASAP to protect children.Dyfus is a joke and that is the only place to turn when there are concerns for our kids.Animal Control officers do more to protect the animals then Dyfus does to protect our kids its sickening but true.The difference between your neglect ?(many others also)and BL is he had her living in his home the momster would have had to fight to get her and if Dyfus was alert and doing its job that momster would not have had a snowballs chance in hell of getting her back.So IMO he is very guilty of neglect of that child at the very least.I know in my state the parent who has physical custody of the child has the rights when there is no formal custody arrangement IMO he was holding all the cards and even if he isnt listed on her BC a simple DNA test was all that was needed.There are no excuses for this man IMO.He might live with the guilt, but he is living too bad that little girl is not.I may seem harsh all my but concern and sympathy goes to that little girl.She needed protection and IMO she was thrown to the wolves and no excuse will ever change that EVER.
I would be very interested in the answer to that one as well. I would also give my eye teeth to know what her immediated reaction was when the notified her they had found littl angel's body.

"Antoinette Davis made her first court appearance Monday afternoon and quietly told a judge she understood the charges against her. The judge appointed an attorney for her and set her next court date on Dec. 3."

Notice her eyes aren't red or puffy like she has been crying.
Check in time is really because it takes that long to get rooms cleaned and have them available for that day. You can check in anytime there are rooms available. My family was in the motel business for about a decade.

I have been following here, but not posting, the charges and the timing of this do not add up

Does anyone else question WHEN or HOW OFTEN MAM actually got Shaniya???

if we even have the day right, any reason she could not have been gone from the home longer or more often than what AD stated ??? But this time something went terribly wrong?

If indeed, AD had Shaniya for several weeks, why might this is the only time MAM or someone had her . . if perhaps AD had REALLY been allowing her to be used for prostitution to pay back debts or get $$ for drugs?

Just trying to put the pieces together, because those charges came in quickly and they surely have way more information than the public knows . . .
In the search warrant of MAM's car did it say what kind of pants were found in the car and it did say there was a dollar in the back pocket right?
I am so happy that Shaniya's funeral was proper and no protesters were around.
That we know of!
It was lovely, what I saw.

But I have 1 question;
Why when something happens all of a sudden people ask for money for foundations etc?
My family has never asked for anything and we have our share of tradgity.
We are not rich.
We have always asked for donations to YOUR favorite charity.
If money was given it went for our deceased love ones favorite charity.
I don't understand it at all.
Making money off a loved one is a sin to me...........MOO[/QUOTE

ITA. Dollars to donuts, BL puts his house up for sale within the next 2 weeks and uses the excuse about too many memories of Shaniya, when it actually he just wants to move to where his fiance is living, marry and go on with his merry little life.

I read what his friend said on another board that BL had the house up for sale before this happened with plans on moving out of state.

I shudder to think he would use any money donated to pay for a wedding, new house, etc. The friend even said he was planning on selling the BMW and getting a new car.

He strikes me as the type he if he did move out of state, he would NEVER make a trip to visit Shaniya's grave.


Personally I think he should have moved out of that entire circle of depraved beings. But that is another issue.. JMO

Your family and mine are proud people who work for a living and make good with what they have.
I am sorry to say that Pride escapes this entire group - I can not see anyone who has any pride in this caravan of mostly depraved, immoral, questionable people.
Why does he need a foundation? is a great question, he said he needed it for the funeral, but...that was all donated and he does not need it for that...He said he would give the balance to Children foundation to protect others. But my question is the balance of what?
ME think he will need a lawyer for a long time and he does not have the money for that. JMHO
Originally Posted by Baznme
Although BL didn't take Shaniya until she was a year old, she had developed into a toddler that was the spitting image of her father so, there was no denying that she was "his daughter". Don't ya think?

I would think if he wanted to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt he would go ahead and get a paternity test done for all parties involved but I don't think as far as knowing whether or not it was daughter, it was even necessary.
I don't know, I was on another board and when the first news broke on this case everyone was saying how much Shaniya looked like Coe.

Just because a child "looks" like a guy, doesn't mean it is his child. When my oldest son was a year old, my assistant manager was holding him in the store when a customer walked in and said, "Oh Eric, what a beautiful baby! He looks just like you!"...amazing since Eric was gay and as far as I know, had no children, certainly not mine! (Although he would have been a great dad.)

The only way to tell for sure is by a DNA test, which is free if the state child support office is trying to determine paternity (at least in WV it is). I don't think any guy in his right mind would take AD's word for it.

In the search warrant of MAM's car did it say what kind of pants were found in the car and it did say there was a dollar in the back pocket right?
I'll look for the link, but they were 24 month size, and I think there was a dollar in the pocket, but I'm not sure.
I think there was also a 4T coat?
They chose the people with the money and the big house over the man that worked in a window factory and lived in a two bedroom house in a lower class neighborhood. He is a wonderful father for our three children, a perfect father figure to my daughter, and the constant advocate for his daughter...

I think that is one of the most hurtful things ever said to me about my family.

not_my_kids: It sounds like you have a REAL man with integrity! I love a solid man like that! ;-)
Certainly I do not feel that DNA is really of any relevance here. Regardless if AD was a one night happening, a beautiful little girl came from that and BL took her into his home and cared for her when the mother couldn't. He accepted her as his why can't we ?
My family is made up of biological siblings, adopted siblings and siblings by marriage it has no bearing on me at all they are all blood as far as I am concerned, they are my family I need no DNA for that.
Certainly I do not feel that DNA is really of any relevance here. Regardless if AD was a one night happening, a beautiful little girl came from that and BL took her into his home and cared for her when the mother couldn't. He accepted her as his why can't we ?
My family is made up of biological siblings, adopted siblings and siblings by marriage it has no bearing on me at all they are all blood as far as I am concerned, they are my family I need no DNA for that.

It tells how much of this was choice. If she was not biologically or legally his, he had no choice in taking her to her mother.

It's amazing with the amount of coverage on this case, how much we don't know.
But then, you have to think of those criminals that were found guilty by their peers years ago only to find out 10, 15, 30 years later due to "technology" they were not guilty at all. What should happen then ... "oops, we make a mistake?"
I was against the DP for years...I recently changed my mind as a result of having been on WS and reading all these heart wrenching stories that pull my guts out.
Mostly I have been against it because of the innocent who come out many years later only after their lives have been ruined and only due to new technology.
I think that people like Garrido, MAM are a no brain-er.
I think they are empty shells that only cost us money that should be used to hire more LE so that we get better protection/investigations.

YES I know my friends are up in arms with me because I suddenly begun to believe in the DP, same ME who refuses to sit on a criminal court case as a Juror only sit on a civil case because I DO NOT want to be the vote that put a needle in anybody's arm....

YES the DP is a hard one for me to swallow. I usually prefer LWOP because I am not God.
But I want the money to go to more LE to protect the children and not to house the animals with benefits most working folks do not have. DP VERY COMPLICATED TOPIC.....

"Antoinette Davis made her first court appearance Monday afternoon and quietly told a judge she understood the charges against her. The judge appointed an attorney for her and set her next court date on Dec. 3."

Notice her eyes aren't red or puffy like she has been crying.

TY just wishing I could see (video) of her reaction. Did her face read "oh crap, they found her" Did she even bother to feign grief? You know what I mean. Just wish I could have seen it for myself. How exactly does a "mother" behave when informed the precious 5 yr old girl she whored out for a drug debt is dead and the body was found like so much trash alongside the road near deer carcasses?

That deer carcass thing reallly bothers me BTW. Was that purposeful placement? If so why? Was the thought process that the predatory and scavenger type animals would already be attracted to the area because of the deers state of decomp? Trying increase the odds that the body/evidence would be damaged in that manner?

How is that telling? They took legal custody and moved. No forwarding address, no request for child support. By the time he found them, she didn't even hardly remember him, she was only 18 months old, when they took her. She was 11 when he tracked them down. The court cancelled his visitation because she didn't know him and they thought it would be traumatic.

I don't think the court made a good decision. They chose the people with the money and the big house over the man that worked in a window factory and lived in a two bedroom house in a lower class neighborhood. He is a wonderful father for our three children, a perfect father figure to my daughter, and the constant advocate for his daughter...

I think that is one of the most hurtful things ever said to me about my family.
I had no idea about they moved away and he had no contact...My apology.
TY just wishing I could see (video) of her reaction. Did her face read "oh crap, they found her" Did she even bother to feign grief? You know what I mean. Just wish I could have seen it for myself. How exactly does a "mother" behave when informed the precious 5 yr old girl she whored out for a drug debt is dead and the body was found like so much trash alongside the road near deer carcasses?

That deer carcass thing reallly bothers me BTW. Was that purposeful placement? If so why? Was the thought process that the predatory and scavenger type animals would already be attracted to the area because of the deers state of decomp? Trying increase the odds that the body/evidence would be damaged in that manner?


I think the deer carcass and trash were there because the place was secluded and access with little chance of discovery. What ever led the people to dump there led him too.
It tells how much of this was choice. If she was not biologically or legally his, he had no choice in taking her to her mother.

It's amazing with the amount of coverage on this case, how much we don't know.

Oh he had a choice...there is not one court in this world that would have allowed her to stay there given the circumstances. Shaniya had lived with him the majority of her life and that is huge in a court of law, biological child or not....
I went through all this with my ex who is not the biological father of my son nor did he adopt him, for 8 years. He had every right to visitation so forth and so on because he had been in his life and had visitation. He was " His psychological father" as the court liked to put it his legal father.
They even dissed the paternity test because of this....
I think the deer carcass and trash were there because the place was secluded and access with little chance of discovery. What ever led the people to dump there led him too.

That's what I'm thinking.
Or he knew it was a common deer dump site and he thought the deer would throw off the dogs if they used them. I don't know if he would know anything about dogs....other than the drug sniffing variety.
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