NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, missing from her home 11/10/09 #1

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The article also mentions that police arent buying the story :(
I deleted the posts I made that referenced the people who werent involved..Sorry, Mods for the screw up, went sleuthcrazy there for a while. So close to home, and not looking good according to the most recent article..
Amber alert still flashing on the bottom of my TV. Prayers for her tonight. Goodnight everyone
Just wondering why/how people are on here linking to myspace sites that have NOTHING to do with Shaniya? The little girls in the photos DO NOT EVEN REMOTELY RESEMBLE the known pics of the missing little girl. You all do not even know the RACE of the child's mother yet, so stop jumping to conclusions. Shaniya looks bi-racial so the mother may very well be a WHITE female; not the heavyset, black, bisexual woman you all are linkng to!
Oh okay.. I was just surprised she had the same dress as one of the missing photos on the media sites

The same dress? Oh, okay, we will say it's her based on a dress even though WE HAVE PICTURES OF WHAT THE GIRL ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE. I don't follow the logic (or lack thereof)
Just a thought: I think LE is giving out too much information regarding the family's history with DSS, LE, etc. If this goes to trial someday, the attorney will argue that the public already had a prejudiced view against the mom/bf/whoever. Just thinking from a legal strategy point of view.
I JUST heard the first of Shaniya missing. I'm so glad to see you all are already on this case. I have a lot of catching up to do before I post much of anything. But my prayers are going out that Shaniya is safe somewhere and authorities find her soon. Not looking good at all from the tidbits in the CNN story I read.

For Shaniya:praying:
Has anyone seen mother (or any other family member) on media, begging for safe return? Just wondering...
Has anyone seen mother (or any other family member) on media, begging for safe return? Just wondering...

No...I haven't, and wondered the same thing. I thought about this beautiful little girl all night. Prayers for her today.
BTW...I just wanted to clarify that I did not link to anyone's myspace or reference anyone's myspace name(s) or mention any names, in fact. I linked to helpforthemissing and referenced a page number.

I just want to be clear that I was in no way attempting to bring up / in any innocent parties, as you will see, I was not certain it was anyone who had involvement whatsoever.

I will delete that post, although it didn't link to any myspaces and/or to a post that referenced any myspace pages; don't want to offend apologies.
I agree, this smells like yet another staged abduction. I'd just think though with the houses so close together, that if somebody had gone out with a car in the early morning, it would've been noticed. Unless of course, it was last night at an hour when it wouldn't seem so odd. MOO

I'm still trying to catch up, so forgive me if someone has already said this. But I have a strong feeling this child went missing WELL before 5:30 AM yesterday. As I've been reading this thread, I keep noticing the comments about dogs not finding the child's scent. Per the info posted here, the scent could last up to four days even in bad conditions and weather, and even if it dispursed to grass, bushes, puddles, etc. I think it's VERY telling that this child's scent was not found near the property. At this point, I'm suggesting that this child has not been anywhere near that trailer for a couple of days at least.

As for the child being up at 5:30 AM? I don't believe the child was even in the home at that time,'s really not that odd to me for a child to be up at that time. I am working mom and I get up at 5 AM every day. I get my 6 month old a bottle and lay him back down to sleep with his daddy until he gets up at 6:30. I take my shower, get ready, feed my dogs and cats, make my lunch, and prepare what my son needs for his day. Then at 6:30, my fiance brings him out and I get him ready to go to the babysitter. IF, the mom's story is true (which I'm highly doubting at this point), it could very well be that she put Shaniya on the couch to watch cartoons while she got ready for the day.

And for the couple of people who are commenting on how many RSO's are in the area....Sadly, this IS the norm. These monster's are EVERYWHERE, and as another poster pointed out, these are only the one's who've been caught and have bothered to register as they are required too. It scares the crap out of me. Any of you out there with kids, I highly suggest checking the RSO's in your area at least every couple of months. I do it about every 2 months, and try to familiarize myself with the faces, particularly the one's who have attacked small children. Hopefully, I will recognize one if I need to. We live in a world where we have to be aware of what is really going on. It sucks to fill our heads with these tragedies every day. It sucks to look at these RSO websites all the time and see how many children and other people have been hurt or killed or abused. But I will do it EVERY single day if I think it MIGHT give me something I can use if I ever have to protect or defend my child, myself or my other loved one's.

Also, somewhat O/T, if you have a child....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE order a Child Safety ID kit and keep it updated. You never know when you might need that information. And I'm guessing that if you ever do, it will be a lot harder than you think to stop worrying long enough to think about the answers you will need to give authorities. You can get the ID kits for free from the Klaas foundation site. I'll try to come back and post the link.

Don't worry about offending people. Post whatever TOS will allow you to, not what will make you the most friends.
I agree Momtective, I think the reunification efforts by DCF are not protecting children by putting them back in these homes. I live in Cali and read the opinions issued in the appeals court. It will make you sick to read what these children have endured and how many chances these parents get at ruining their children's lives. The world just seems to be going crazy and I find it very scary.

ITA. I think that there are realistically VERY few cases in which a child should be placed back into a home it has been taken from by CPS. And I think it should require a LOT of different forms of the parent(s)/caretaker showing that they are working VERY hard to provide a good, stable, and loving home for the child.

IMO, I'm not sure that I think it's possible for a parent who has shown complete disreguard for the safety, stability, and health of their child to change. I think you either have it, or you don't. Yes, I do think that some parents make mistakes. But many of these cases, I don't think these parents have given a damn about their child or what's best for them.
How sad. I am still catching up. I swear, some children are better off being raised by wolves than some of the so-called parents out there.
Finally read through the entire thread, sadly, this does not sound as though a happy ending is in sight.

“During the night, there was something that went wrong,” Theresa Chance, with the Fayetteville Police Department, said. “We hope she’s still alive. That’s our best hope. Of course that’s what we’re searching for. We’re searching for her and hope to find her alive. But we just don’t know at this point.”
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