GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #5

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DNA Solves
:seeya: Hi Born & LandonsMom!
Just popping in to check on some stuff, busy with new job and not getting to participate as much here at WS :cry:

But nice to see both of you.
Thanks for posting about Teghan being remembered, I know I still carry her in my heart always.
HiYa, Nymeria!
Not surprised to see you on this thread... Those of us who stood witness for this little girl remember each other as well as that special little girl. She is dancing and running and giggling and eating heavenly ice cream and smiling all the time.

Keep the faith, Babe, and keep in touch as you can. Congrats on the new job!!
Thanks Borndem and Nymeria!! The turnout was wonderful and lots of money was raised to help future victims. Everything was great...except for the cold weather...burrrr. Good to "see" you all again. Tom Lock was there also. He was the judge at trial. He still has a hard time with this, as I have been told. I will never forget Teghan. Yesterday was Mr. Skiba's b-day(her paternal GF). I still speak to him and I wished him a Happy Birthday. Bless him and Mrs. Skiba too. I haven't heard of anything on her so-called mother. But if I do I will let ya'll know. ((Hugs))
Thanks Borndem and Nymeria!! The turnout was wonderful and lots of money was raised to help future victims. Everything was great...except for the cold weather...burrrr. Good to "see" you all again. Tom Lock was there also. He was the judge at trial. He still has a hard time with this, as I have been told. I will never forget Teghan. Yesterday was Mr. Skiba's b-day(her paternal GF). I still speak to him and I wished him a Happy Birthday. Bless him and Mrs. Skiba too. I haven't heard of anything on her so-called mother. But if I do I will let ya'll know. ((Hugs))
Thanks for being there.
Thanks Borndem and Nymeria!! The turnout was wonderful and lots of money was raised to help future victims. Everything was great...except for the cold weather...burrrr. Good to "see" you all again. Tom Lock was there also. He was the judge at trial. He still has a hard time with this, as I have been told. I will never forget Teghan. Yesterday was Mr. Skiba's b-day(her paternal GF). I still speak to him and I wished him a Happy Birthday. Bless him and Mrs. Skiba too. I haven't heard of anything on her so-called mother. But if I do I will let ya'll know. ((Hugs))

Thank you so much for this, Landonsmom02. I think about Teghan frequently and I am so glad to read your updates. It must be so hard for your community. Thank you again for all you've done on Teghan's behalf.
Thinking of Teghan. Wondering if any news on HR trial? Anybody heard anything?
No word on any trial yet but as soon as I hear something I will let ya'll know!!!!
I just don't understand ... why is it taking so long??
Thanks everyone for being here. We share a special bond through Teghan. How precious she is in all our hearts.
She must be another Teflon lady. :( Nothing sticks.
Yeah -- I think a plea is almost always offered when the offender is not the main actor in a rape and/or murder case, etc., but I don't see this bulldog DA giving up too much. I'm so glad the DA is a bulldog on this -- he was great, IMO, and he brought it all home for Teghan's sake and for those who will suffer the loss of her and always be sorrowful and hurting.

The only charge against her that I can recall -- and there certainly could be more by now, but I haven't seen it -- is "negligent child abuse causing serious bodily harm." (I've put a link to an older article below -- I haven't seen anything new on the Reyes case.) I'll have to research that charge the NC Gen Statutes to see what the possible penalty could be. I don't think we should just let her slip through the cracks. She had choices -- more than many of us would have had. I still think she left that precious treasure with him to help further cement their relationship and to give her an excuse for going back to him when she returned from active duty. I guess she figured that "a little bit of abuse" would be okay -- that it would be worth it. She was so horribly, horribly wrong. But she's got another child, ya know, so I guess it's okay with her. JMHO. Grrrrrr.

Thinking of Teghan. Wondering if any news on HR trial? Anybody heard anything?

I just don't understand ... why is it taking so long??

I also check periodically and so far have found zip. My big fear is that the statute of limitations has run out or is about to run out. It's maddening that HR may never pay for her negligence.

July 29, 2010 - Warrant for arrest of HR issued.

July 29, 2010 – HR posts $50,000 bond at 10 pm. DA had asked the bond to be increased to 250k but judge refused.

July 30, 2010 – HR scheduled for first court appearance. Sheriff Bizell says "Helen Reyes, in my opinion, neglected her duties as a mother. "This so-called mother failed to provide the care that children need, desire and deserve.”

August 12, 2010 – HR's court date. Is this the second one?

March 25, 2014 – JR found guilty. Article notes Reyes was charged with negligent child abuse/serious bodily injury. A warrant for Reyes' arrest said she "had first-hand knowledge that this type of abuse had occurred prior to July 5 by Jonathan Richardson."

The warrant also stated that Reyes subjected her daughter to "verbal threats, intimidation, forced consumption of alcohol, severe physical beatings and assault by biting."

HR Warrant:

14-318.4. Child abuse a felony.
(A4) - A parent or any other person providing care to or supervision of a child less than 16 years of age whose willful act or grossly negligent omission in the care of the child shows a reckless disregard for human life is guilty of a Class E felony if the act or omission results in serious bodily injury to the child.

Class E Felony - G.S. 14-318.4(a4) - Child abuse (willful act or grossly negligent omission which shows a reckless disregard for human life and results in serious bodily injury to the child). (Effective 12/1/08)

Curiously, an Examiner article published on July 28, 2010 says:

The mother's absence will not be enough to clear her name since Reyes left her daughter in a dangerous situation. This is where the General Statute 7-B 101 comes in. The G.S. 7-B 101, by meaning, stands on listing b.

For a mother not to notice Richardson's potentially explosive behavior patterns or less than healthy living quarters, by which Reyes lived for a month, it could be chalked up as unbelievable or simple acceptance of such unhealthy lifestyle.

And that is why Reyes may be off the hook surrounding murder charges due to her absence at the time of the crime but dead on as a contributor of child abuse, under G.S. 7-B 101.

Where did this information and analysis come from? Maybe here:

Social workers also substantiated that Reyes abused the girl by leaving her in Richardson's custody.
"The finding concerning Ms. Reyes does not mean that she personally inflicted injuries on Teghan," the report said. "The definition of abuse in G.S. 7B-101 includes creating or allowing to be created a substantial risk of serious physical injury by other than accidental means."

So what exactly happened? Was the original warrant amended? LE cites 14-318.4 (A4) while social workers cite G.S. 7B-101. I hate that I'm too stoopid to understand...
A refresher - Search warrant and Probable cause Statement:
Nothing on Helen Reyes?? I've googled and googled and can't find any mention of any charges. Was she allowed to simply slip through the cracks and live on with her new boyfriend and new baby? Not only Helen Creech but also Helen Reyes just get off and poor little Teghan Skiba is gone and nearly forgotten? I'm so upset.
6 years ago today Teghan became an angel.

Bless you beautiful Teghan. You will never be forgotten...
RIP ❤❤❤

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Bless her brave little heart. Oh, she is dancing, having ice cream, laughing, and she knows nothing but love.

When will they prosecute her ~mother~, or did I miss her taking a plea or whatever? That woman owes a great debt to this society, and a gargantuan debt to her daughter.. Grrrrrr. (I'm having chills just remembering what we all witnessed.)

I also remember the nurse running after Richardson and trying to choke him when he turned around and looked as if he might just walk out of the hospital. What a woman. Bless her, too.
6 years ago today Teghan became an angel.

Bless you beautiful Teghan. You will never be forgotten...
RIP ❤❤❤

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Oh what a sad day! I just posted in Brianna Lopez' thread that today is the 14th anniversary of her murder. Her mother will be getting out of prison this fall - so much for 27 years behind bars.

And I'm afraid Helen Reyes won't ever see the inside of a cell, at least not in connection to Teghan's murder. Damn all women who stand by while their babies are tortured and murdered and do nothing.

Rest in peace little ones. :tears: :rose:
Precious Teghan....I think about her often. The court system here in Johnston county is......baffling. we just recently had a right up in the local news about the worst case of non-fatal child abuse with the county has seen. Leo is comparing the abuse to Teghan. And by their own bio dad. 4 children ages 1-6. They're alive but were sexually abused too and physically abused. Poor babies......and they told several adults and no one protected them. The reason I say the system bus baffling is this man was charged just last yr with 130 felonies and was given probation. If locked up he wouldn't have been able to hurt these babies. Excuse any typos as I'm on my phone.
Landonsmom, I read about the abuse case you mentioned above. The children were (are) ages 1-6, and it is sickening.

Like you and so many of us, we will never forget sweet little Teghan, but at least she is okay now. And her tormentor is in those red prison overalls that denote a Death Row inmate. At least we've got that. Not quite justice for Teghan, but maybe one day there will be.
So strange I was just thinking about Teghan today, then saw the notification for this thread.
I wondered if "Mom" was finally getting her day in court too. Thinking that is never going to happen....

Hope all of you are well though. :seeya:

Glad I was not aware of the case you mentioned LM, it sounds like another nightmare in the making.
Punishment should be death, after a super speedy trial and NO appeals, no time spent on the row.
Right from the courtroom the the chamber/needle.

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