NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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Did Janet speak to him about another separation? Did she want them to visit the bishop and do penance? Did she tell him she was going to take Kaiden and move back home? What put him in such a murderous state?

Ken & Barbie don't get divorced.

Ken doesn't get arrested for embezzlement.

Barbie was pregnant again and his job was ending.

Ken didn't get the job in Washington because of the Soccer assault charges.

Barbie was done with his lies etc. and wanted out and he wasn't going to let her out.

He planned and premeditated this murder. Starting with getting back together with her. He found out she was having a boy (Kaiden) and wanted a mini-me. He's just that narcissistic. Then he took out the life insurance policy.

Look at the Memorial video, wanting her to have Kaiden at the time he was born, he dominated her memorial video, like he dominated her life.

It's the way the outside world perceived him. This is why he's constantly ticked off about Websleuths, he's obsessed with it. He's obsessed with appearances, period!

He dressed Janet, he wanted everything perfect and they were going to be under water soon financially.

His Momma wanted him back home again.
I certainly respect your view on the death penalty Seattle. I personally have a mixed opinion about it, even as old as I am. But don't you think the Jodi A. case is a prime example of why some states still have death? I think that case and trial will be a law school case in point for the next 100 years. I am anxious to see the final outcome. Of course, in her interview after the guilty verdict last week she stated she wanted the death penalty so LWP may be better punishment.

JA Is a shining example of a case made for DP.
I think back to the JY trial......he got LWOP and I suspect that is the most Raven will get. Both cases are so eerily similar.

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JA Is a shining example of a case made for DP.
I think back to the JY trial......he got LWOP and I suspect that is the most Raven will get. Both cases are so eerily similar.

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I believe I read an article that this was a DP case and Janet's family said they didn't want him to get the death penalty because they didn't want Kaiden to lose their father. They want him in jail so he can't hurt another woman though.

What bugs me more than anything about this case is the information nobody will get to hear at trial about Raven.
I would not like to see Raven 'go off' face to face. I have seen another person 'go off' in my face though..... to make a long story short, I ended up with a couple of black eyes and many upper body bruises. It came out of the blue, and when it was going on I was so shocked and sincerely confused by what was happening to me that I couldn't react right away. I can't imagine how it must have been to be attacked from behind with a knife. Raven scares me and I don't scare easily. JMC deserved so much better than this. She was trying to live by the guidance of her church. She was trying to play the role of the good wife. She was trying to survive Raven until she could leave, imo. I think she was afraid he would take Kaiden away and I honestly think she was afraid of him. Even if she couldn't come right out and tell people how afraid she was, she absolutely reached out and tried to get people to see what she was going through. She did make comments, she did give hints, she may have not been able to speak the words outright, he was beating her down emotionally, but obviously people could see for themselves that Raven wasn't right and he definitely wasn't treating her right.

Another thing I am noticing through the testimony is that he absolutely kept her isolated to the best of his ability and if something got in his way of doing that, he got mad. Remember the baby shower encounter with Janet's boss regarding him not being invited to his own wife's baby shower. Remember how strange it was that he couldn't/wouldn't allow Janet to attend the ladies meeting at church without crashing that. He kept her phone from her and he listened to and deleted her voice mails, he kept tabs on who she did talk to and apparently expressed his displeasure over her talking to her friends to the point of disallowing it. He opened her mail, kept the things that Brittney sent to Kaiden away. The list goes on, and this post is way too long already, but the pattern of abuse is there....she absolutely told people that she was afraid of Raven, she reached out and told someone that 'things were getting weirder with Raven' right before he killed her.

I feel that if in some magic kind of way all the people who saw Raven in action and all the people that Janet told these things to and hinted things to had gotten together and compared their stories they would have figured out that she really truly wasn't safe and maybe they could have gotten her and Kaiden away from him before he killed her. I think things might have been heading in that direction and that's what made him decide to kill her when he did. I'm also leaning towards believing that he had actually decided to kill her probably while she was pregnant or soon after Kaiden was born and he planned all of it well in advance. I do not think that he just 'snapped' that night and killed her. IMO, he planned this down to very small details.... the bloody hand print on Kaidens clothes, poorly executed, but a planned event.

Comments and opinions most welcome.
I believe I read an article that this was a DP case and Janet's family said they didn't want him to get the death penalty because they didn't want Kaiden to lose their father. They want him in jail so he can't hurt another woman though.

What bugs me more than anything about this case is the information nobody will get to hear at trial about Raven.

Agreed! The things coming out in the trial are only the tip of the iceberg. I honestly believe that to be a fact.
I would not like to see Raven 'go off' face to face. I have seen another person 'go off' in my face though..... to make a long story short, I ended up with a couple of black eyes and many upper body bruises. It came out of the blue, and when it was going on I was so shocked and sincerely confused by what was happening to me that I couldn't react right away. I can't imagine how it must have been to be attacked from behind with a knife. Raven scares me and I don't scare easily. JMC deserved so much better than this. She was trying to live by the guidance of her church. She was trying to play the role of the good wife. She was trying to survive Raven until she could leave, imo. I think she was afraid he would take Kaiden away and I honestly think she was afraid of him. Even if she couldn't come right out and tell people how afraid she was, she absolutely reached out and tried to get people to see what she was going through. She did make comments, she did give hints, she may have not been able to speak the words outright, he was beating her down emotionally, but obviously people could see for themselves that Raven wasn't right and he definitely wasn't treating her right.

Comments and opinions most welcome.

Snipped by me. First, HUGS and LOVE to you my dear friend. Been there. Sadly, I was so drunk most of the time that I don't remember his go off face,but I do remember the bruises and the hurt. Thank the gods, I am sober and safe.

I truly hope the jury sees beyond the current CSI effect of wanting almost a videotape of the murder. Janet deserves as much.
Snipped by me. First, HUGS and LOVE to you my dear friend. Been there. Sadly, I was so drunk most of the time that I don't remember his go off face,but I do remember the bruises and the hurt. Thank the gods, I am sober and safe.

I truly hope the jury sees beyond the current CSI effect of wanting almost a videotape of the murder. Janet deserves as much.

I'm glad you are too! :blowkiss:
Good Morning All!
Hope this is a good day for the State. This new evidence is bothersome to me....makes somebody look bad. Don't know if it was LE or just who but to find a lot of evidence including data items at this time in history is not prudent.
Amos Tyndall looks like a young version of Ed Harris.
Yeah, what an interesting start to the day. They found the Martin Marietta hard drive and Raven's palm pilot from the night of the murder, right?
OK this morning apparantly a Juror had a question. NC has no rules or regs or penal code as to juror's asking ? Sometimes this judge will take Juror ? right in open court. He mentioned this insn't AZ. I remember hearing a juror had a question yesterday admonishing jurors to hold their questions until they DELIBERATE.

Dear Lord. People need to take courses in American Civics and American Government.
Yeah, what an interesting start to the day. They found the Martin Marietta hard drive and Raven's palm pilot from the night of the murder, right?

That is my understanding. There appears to be a lot of various types of evidence; ie notes, paperwork, palm pilot and the hard drive locked in the cabinet. Makes me wonder why nobody knew all of it was there until they stumbled upon it last night by way of the witness who is in Mexico and can't testify just yet.
So, the first witness is the CSI we all like. Ms. Jackson, re: pictures.
Oh, Mr. Wonderful was on WS many, many times. Always under some made-up name. But yes, he was on WS, and had some of his family members on it too - defending Raven, even though so many of his lies and actions were beginning to be exposed.

Thanks, Moxie -- That's what I thought -- and IIRC, we had a couple of posters that seemed to fit the part.... (We're smart!)
I sure hope the contacts, is that the correct spelling, issue will be resolved with this witness.
It sure wouldn't be the first time a murderer took to the social blogs and forums to try to defend themselves. It's sickening, and I'd like to hear more about this "new" evidence please? Can someone get me up to speed; with the AZ VERDICT yesterday; I'm still trying to understand Y they exhumed her body? Thanks all. Truly. We are still grieving over here and although I've been trying to watch and stay up on the trials it's been very hard.
It sure wouldn't be the first time a murderer took to the social blogs and forums to try to defend themselves. It's sickening, and I'd like to hear more about this "new" evidence please? Can someone get me up to speed; with the AZ VERDICT yesterday; I'm still trying to understand Y they exhumed her body? Thanks all. Truly. We are still grieving over here and although I've been trying to watch and stay up on the trials it's been very hard.

My understanding is that the exhumation was to determine if she was wearing her contact lenses. That was the initial reason, I don't know why they are now mentioned the clavicle bone, etc. She always took her contacts out when she went to bed and that's a issue because her eyes were not checked for contacts prior to burial. If I'm wrong, somebody please get me straight.
Good morning peeps. Did it start already this AM? State is talking about the autopsy photos of Janet's eyes - but only before they cut them? So her contacts must have still been in? Contents of eye sockets, and what's left of her eyes. Oh, her poor family!
What does that prove?

How are all of our members this AM? How's the foot, and key situation?
Good Morning All!
Hope this is a good day for the State. This new evidence is bothersome to me....makes somebody look bad. Don't know if it was LE or just who but to find a lot of evidence including data items at this time in history is not prudent.
Amos Tyndall looks like a young version of Ed Harris.
Yes, he kind of does.
Photos are allowed in Raven A reacts, almost shakes his head, holds breath, looks disgusted. He just can't get a break can he. TOUGH!
To me as a long time contact lens wearer it would mean she wasn't in bed sleeping, or ready to sleep; if she took them out before bed as most do. I realize some wear over nights but I doubt their income allowed her to purchase monthly lenses and that's JMO

Judge Declares Photos are Necessary to the investigation and murder; ie the case in general. Court Agrees with the State. All photos will explain testimony of the witness. Even though photo shows decay it is not deemed gruesome by this judge. *yay judge* this judge rocks if you ask me!

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