Found Deceased NC - Weston Vandermerwe, 23, Raleigh, 9 Aug 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Not the outcome I was hoping for - my sympathies to Weston's family and friends. A graduate of the high school where I used to teach was killed in a hit-and-run last fall in Greenville; the driver was just caught back in June. I hope police are able to catch the person who killed Weston as well.

On the subject of the people who found him drunk not calling 911 - I was at a bar several years ago in a smaller town in NC and found a person lying on the ground in a parking space. I asked if they were OK, and they told me to leave them alone - they were very drunk. It didn't occur to me to call 911, especially after they seemed irritated that I asked if they were OK. Weston's death makes me think I'll think twice about not calling for help if something like that happens again.
This case caught my eye as I am from NC and went to college at UNC-CH. Consequently, I've spent a lot of time in and around Raleigh.

A few things: 1. Until we know more, let's not give the Shaw U. students any blame for not calling the authorities. When I was in college, I'd call authorities/intervene only if a stranger was having a medical emergency or in imminent danger (woman passed out half naked in frat house, etc), especially if that person said no to my offers of help. Downtown Raleigh is pretty populated at night; I'd assume his friends would be along to collect him momentarily, and if not the cops are always around and cabs can be found. If this is a case of the deceased simply drinking too much and wandering into traffic, he unfortunately bears the responsibility for his own actions.

2. There have been several hit and run cases where the driver didn't know they hit a person. In Atlanta I remember a child getting out of his home at night and wondering alone onto I-285 at 4am. A driver hit and killed the child - didn't realize it until some days later after hearing the story on the news. The driver thought s/he'd hit an animal. Depending on the circumstances (like if this young man collapsed in the road or had fallen), it's possible the driver thought it was a deer. Again, I tend to give benefit of the doubt until I know otherwise. Especially when it's dark outside.

This is a terrible case - I feel for his friends and family. My son shares a name with this young man.

Good post, Island_Chica.:seeya:

I have not seen or heard any news article that stated that he was found hurt or wounded by anyone and they did not act to call help for him; I have not heard/read that he was found passed out by the side of the road. The only thing I have read is about the students who saw him lying on the ground near the Convention Center, offered help, and he said the didn't need it. And they apparently somehow let his mother know this so they she would know he was okay at the time they saw him. I do think that was a good thing to do: offer to help and then let his worried mom know that things seemed okay when they encountered him.

So far, the article cited below, and a similar account from WRAL, states that the folks who saw him heard him speak and that he said he didn't need help.

"After circulating a description and a photo, friends and family members said they talked with a few people who reported seeing him later that night. Although one group reported that they had seen Vandemerwe “inebriated” and lying on the ground off Lenoir Street, he refused assistance, and no one called for help."


I'm with you -- unless he showed signs of being in distress or endangerment -- it doesn't sound like they should have done more.

I haven't heard or seen anything that said he had been harmed prior to his body being found and being a victim of hit and run. But I certainly could have missed a news media report stating such. Dunno.

What I'm saying is that something may have happened between the place he was seen to be okay and the place his body was found.

I hope we will see something more definite soon. His family must be going mad with grief, regret and terrible sorrow.

And I too, know of a case where a co-worker of mine ran over a drunk who was lying in the road at night in an unpopulated area and did not know it till days later. I heard it from his own account. He, too, thought he had run over a dead animal or something in the road, although he did not see anything. He was returning home, in a company car on company business late at night, and was sober, etc. It was awful, but he was not arrested or charged.
Agree that the Shaw students acted appropriately. I do not understand why his friends did not help him - offer him a ride, give him money, etc. The other thing that's frustrating is that kids think they are being "helpful" by downplaying how drunk he was; they don't want him to look bad. It complicates things for LE. My cousin, who went to hs with him, said that everyone say he was wondering around drunk. He didn't get suddenly drunker after he left the bar.

The question about the area being unsafe. Yes, especially if you go east and south of that area. It's just a few blocks away and you are in a very dangerous area.
This as of 10pm tonight (Aug 14), from

"According to a wreck report, investigators believe Weston Vandemerwe was walking along the highway when a car merging from the Hammond Road on-ramp hit him. His body was found 95 feet from the point of impact." It also said he was found under the guardrail.
"...a state Department of Transportation crew found his body under a guardrail on Interstate 40/440 between Hammond Road and South Saunders Street."

I don't know how LE determines these things (point of impact) when there was no witness information, but I guess they have their ways.

Since this is a hit and run, an autopsy would be ordered. I wonder how accurate toxicology can be after almost 3 (hot) days.

I personally don't accept the "Shaw students'" alleged sighting to be fact. The mother was searching, came across some students, asked if they had seen them, and allegedly (per the media reports) was told they saw him laying down, inebriated, by the Convention Center. LE has not said this was a confirmed sighting (via "the photo"). Maybe it's true, partially true, or maybe it's an erroneous report.

Yes, borndem, it's odd that he was supposedly walking home. He knew many, many people here whom he could have called. He could have easily borrowed a phone to call a friend or cab. I can't imagine deciding to walk down Blount to I-40. That's a decent distance, through a rough area. I hope they're investigating all the possibilities. But they must have evidence of vehicular involvement to have so quickly called it a hit and run.

Yeah, this is upsetting. He seemed like a nice, good kid. I can't imagine his family's pain. So tragic.
I witnessed a sever car accident tonight. So sad. Accidents do happen but sometimes they can be avoided. Ugh, this poor kid and his family. Very sad. I don't blame anyone here but pray that collectively we all slow down and maybe pay a bit more attention. I know it's not easy or will always happen.
Agree that the Shaw students acted appropriately. I do not understand why his friends did not help him - offer him a ride, give him money, etc. The other thing that's frustrating is that kids think they are being "helpful" by downplaying how drunk he was; they don't want him to look bad. It complicates things for LE. My cousin, who went to hs with him, said that everyone say he was wondering around drunk. He didn't get suddenly drunker after he left the bar.

The question about the area being unsafe. Yes, especially if you go east and south of that area. It's just a few blocks away and you are in a very dangerous area.



chipfan !!
Good post, Boodles -- good to see you on this board!

Yes, borndem, it's odd that he was supposedly walking home. He knew many, many people here whom he could have called. He could have easily borrowed a phone to call a friend or cab. I can't imagine deciding to walk down Blount to I-40. That's a decent distance, through a rough area. I hope they're investigating all the possibilities. But they must have evidence of vehicular involvement to have so quickly called it a hit and run.
Your comment above, selected by me from your most recent post, is very sensible, and it helps bring me back to earth a bit. You are right in mentioning that LE and others know what they are doing when they have a situation such as this. Sadly, I say that they have seen too many.

Maybe they have also located skid marks, a fragment of glass from a headlight, or other evidence that shows that some type vehicle came in contact with a person at a certain place on the highway. We have certainly seen other incidents where "the investigation is continuing" lets us know that the experts aren't yet ready to say what happened, but that wasn't said here.

It's such a sad situation -- I do hope that the driver will be found and charged, but I'm not very confident that it will happen. I feel sure that LE put out a wide "attetion" to auto repair shops and car dealers, etc., so maybe there will be a break that enables them to nail it down.

Thanks for the wise comment!
This as of 10pm tonight (Aug 14), from

"According to a wreck report, investigators believe Weston Vandemerwe was walking along the highway when a car merging from the Hammond Road on-ramp hit him. His body was found 95 feet from the point of impact." It also said he was found under the guardrail.
"...a state Department of Transportation crew found his body under a guardrail on Interstate 40/440 between Hammond Road and South Saunders Street."

I don't know how LE determines these things (point of impact) when there was no witness information, but I guess they have their ways.

I have a friend who used to work in accident investigation, it's amazing what they can work out just from looking at the smallest of marks on the road, the debris field and so on.

The fact that they believe he was hit by someone merging onto the interstate would (IMO) increase the likelihood that the car who hit him might not have seen him. They would have been checking for traffic coming up on the main road, accelerating, and not looking ahead/to the right
Just wondering... what sort of traffic would be likely to come onto that road, and where would it go? There's a possibility the car involved could have been heading out of town and may not know that what they hit was Weston. :(
Isn't a young man passed out or semi passed out on the side of a road in imminent danger?

Kaliste: now, in my late-30s, I would absolutely consider someone in that situation to be in danger and would call authorities. When I was a 21 year old student at UNC-CH? Nope, sorry to say you encounter people in that condition all the time in and around college towns, especially in the Greek scene. Raleigh, while quite a nice city, has a huge college presence with NCSU, Meredith, Peace, Shaw, etc (not to mention UNC-CH and Duke w/i 30 minutes) that you see college kids out all the time. They can party pretty hard.

And Wolf Dreamer, there are some Raleigh locals who will chime in here, but Hammond Road isn't really a likely stop for gas, etc when someone is traveling along I-40. If you look at google maps, there is a ton of industrial development near Hammond's intersection with I-40. I-40 westbound, however, is a major artery out of Raleigh. It eventually connects with I-85.
You'd think an impact that would send a body 95 ft would be noticed by the driver.
Sad it ended this way but at least Weston's family has answers.
Just a small request - if people are going to post links to sites you need to be registered to access, could they say so in the post? :blushing:
Here's another article about Weston's walking home when he realized he had had too much to drink -- and that sheds some light on how the LEO's, et al., are thinking about him being hit by a vehicle on the roadway.

Please forgive if the link has already been posted here.

I really don't understand how they keep saying between Hammond and South Saunders St. All the pictures are taken almost directly over S. Wilmington Street. Which is the next road up from Hammond when traveling West bound. I guess it is because you cannot exit at S. Wilmington. Just go over it.

Just found the DOT camera for 40 and S. Saunders street. It is facing the correct direction to have caught anyone who had just hit him.

Go to this link-

Then click on I-40 and South Saunders. (Sorry it won't let me directly link that camera). You are looking at the west bound lanes on the left. He would have been walking towards the camera.
I'm guessing what they mean when they say between "S.Saunders St. and Hammond Rd." is the stretch of 40/440 that runs roughly east-west in between those two 40/440 accesses. That stretch does indeed cross over Wilmington St. as pointed out -- and there is no access to 440 from Wilmington St. Not sure why it's stated that way, but it does give a smallish area of 440 to examine -- maybe that's "traffic-talk" -- I dunno. But that stretch of the 40/440 entrance ramp is where Weston was hit.

I was downtown on Thursday on another errand, so I decided to go by the area where his body was found.

I proceeded south on S. Blount, a one-way road which runs south out of downtown and turns into Hammond Road. I exited Hammond via the entrance ramp to 40/440, saw the "Bridge Ices Before Road" sign (which we saw in one of the pics in a couple of WRAL articles). This sign is about 20 feet from actually being on 40/440, and it is pretty close to where the body must have been discovered. I was on a familiar area -- heading for Cary/Durham. I couldn't really look around much since there was traffic behind me and I had to be observant to make the merge...

I got a shiver along with great sadness when I passed that area...
It IS possible to hit someone and not realize it. We had a case here a couple years back- a guy with a big SUV hit a guy in the head with his side mirror and THOUGHT he ran over some debris in the road in the dark. The next morning, he saw the damage to his mirror, looked closer and realized it was blood. Called LE himself, absolutely distraught.

So sad about this guy......

If his friends left him lying in the road and it was already late and dark, I'd put them as culpable as the driver.

The driver may not have even seen him, especially if he was wearing dark clothes. The driver may have felt a collision but even looking back, may not have seen him in the road, and may be totally unaware what they've done.

What a tragic waste of a life. My teenage kids know not to leave a drunk friend on their own, sad that some adults don't have that attitude.

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