NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #27

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Zahra's prosthetic leg was fitted in Australia, so it could take time to confirm if the prosthetic found is in fact hers, Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins said in a news conference.

Investigators have also uncovered information that led them back to the Bakers' home in Hickory, Adkins said. They are currently searching the area around the home, which was been taped off.
Well that latest pressor also confirmed that she has not had a new fitting done on her leg since he said it was fitted in AU More neglect as far as I am concerned!!
OMG I just signed on.

Did they say who found it and was it buried?

I'm crying for this poor child. Of all the people who were so kind to her she had to end up with these monsters....
We know it's Zahra's prosthetic leg even without the serial numbers...if it's the correct side leg and the right size, come on....I hope the SM will lead the police to the correct locations of where Zahra is located, she brought LE to three different locations, I heard.

I don't know if it is Zarah's leg with or without markings.
I thought that too but they would have found blood in the house, where else would they have dismembered her but in the house. LUMINOL (sp?) could find traces of blood...None of that found that we know. Also I'm thinking since AB tried to let 911 know she was menstruating then not a lot of blood. I still think the weapon uses was her prosthetic leg Blunt force trama, not a lot of blood, probably a sever beating with the leg, she went unconscious and later died. So more than likely could be no blood at all.

I'm curious about what kind of saws they took into the house. Are these saws that would cut metal or pvc pipe?
Well that latest pressor also confirmed that she has not had a new fitting done on her leg since he said it was fitted in AU More neglect as far as I am concerned!!

Was that at the beginning of the presser? Never mind, I see the info in the news article.
If Zahra was missing for a month or more, perhaps just her skeletal remains were put through wood chipper? I just hate to think this.
I thought that too but they would have found blood in the house, where else would they have dismembered her but in the house. LUMINOL (sp?) could find traces of blood...None of that found that we know. Also I'm thinking since AB tried to let 911 know she was menstruating then not a lot of blood. I still think the weapon uses was her prosthetic leg Blunt force trama, not a lot of blood, probably a sever beating with the leg, she went unconscious and later died. So more than likely could be no blood at all.

a couple places people dismember their victims, bathroom, kitchen, basement and outside...........I think I read that on
I think they or EB beat her to death, left her lay, she died and then the 2 went into Wacko mode...........did unbelieveable things to hide her body.

I was just at the back of the house...watching. Big hole..lots of people standing around it. They took a sample of the mulch pile right in front of where I was standing. Probably 10 or more people raking the mulch pile. They did finally break up and some left in their vehicles....the rest of LE went up the house. All I really saw!

hey took a sample of the mulch pile
OMG back to the wood chipper again?
Just had a thought. When I rode by there today, I thought it odd that a City of Hickory truck was out there. Then it looked like they dug some in the front yard. Almost like digging up a water line or something. I wonder if they are checking the sewer and water lines for blood etc!
oh this just hurts sooo much - poor child, so disrespected in life and death....

Bless you Zahra you are loved the world over and those who did this to you will pay for your pain and for stealing your precious life.

All respect to those LEOs and searchers who have spent 3 weeks looking for Zahra.

May those responsible rot in the depths of Hades for all eternity.


I was just wondering to myself how in the world LE is able to contain themselves when in close proximity to someone like EB. (& most likely AB imo as well) I mean I know that they have to..and let the justice system handle it...but HOW?..I don't think I'd be able to control myself and I am not a violent person in any way!
Just had a thought. When I rode by there today, I thought it odd that a City of Hickory truck was out there. Then it looked like they dug some in the front yard. Almost like digging up a water line or something. I wonder if they are checking the sewer and water lines for blood etc!

maybe just getting soil samples?
I don't mean to belabor the point.. I really don't...

But were these two people high? drunk? wasted? when they decided to toss a leg out on the side of the road? Did they think that there are so many prosthetic legs on the side of the road, no one will be able to identify this one?

When this whole story comes out, I have a feeling that their plan is going to be so ridiculous in its simple-mindedness.

I definitely think, IMO, that all of this was a result of someone being completely high. I've also had terrible terrible thoughts of ways in which EB, high, got rid of Z's body that would bring a member of LE to tears, make a judge up EB's bond and say that details were too disturbing (my words...but pretty much paraphrased..) None of it includes a wood chipper. I really can't repeat it. It's just sick and hope my mind is just guilty of wandering to the extreme.
Ok hubby just told me the lady that lives across the street just came over and talked to my him. You would have to meet him to understand. People love him and he never meets a stranger!! She said the one spot they dug is where she stood with AB stood when they released the balloons last week. That can be all kind of messed up!!

They got 2 evidence bags from the backyard. Looks like they are clearing out. Packing up everything except for the guys in the house.

Seems Wise Old Owl was correct to be so focused and concerned about the unusual "circle" of cars and people around THAT woodpile during the balloon releasing and the "memorial"! I found that very odd as well. Wasn't that mostly EB's family?
Ok I asked him about the saws....he said you know saws. Like they cut stuff with. He's a network engineer. That would be a little out of his area of expertise I think.

They are under the house now. CNN is there. He said the saw was like maybe 2 1/2 feet long if that helps.
I don't know if it is Zarah's leg with or without markings.

Good point Patty.

Wasn't it the Goldie case where remains were found outside her home and turned out not to be hers?

I'm holding off for sure too.

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