NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #3

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Good points only I thought SHE was the caller on the 911 call? I thought I read that referenced upthread.

LOL I thought I had read Dad called, have to go look :)
I'm still on her my space listening to her music and I have to say they are telling. I ask for someone to go listen and read.A lot was going on with her.Changes,lonely and so much more.I think it's a window to her soul.
I also have to say if I was the detective sitting one on one with her I sure would use every single song she posted and use it as a tool. Anyone can go listen and see she was going down a hard path alone. In her head or not. I would use this as a tool.
Kayla Rotenberry, who lives on Phillip Road in the Caldwell County town of Hudson, says the Bakers lived next door to her before moving to Hickory. She told the Observer on Tuesday that she saw a man visit Elisa and Zahra Baker at least once.
After the man left, Kayla Rotenberry said she called Elisa Baker and asked, "Who was that?"
"Elisa told me it was someone from DSS," Rotenberry said.
She said the investigator came because DSS had received reports that Zahra had bruises on her body and was being kept in her room most of the time. Rotenberry's fiancee, Bobby Green, told the Observer he saw bruises on the young girl.
"That little girl was something else," Rotenberry said. "All she wanted was a mom, and she got one who was crazy."
She said Tuesday that Caldwell County's DSS didn't find anything wrong because "Zahra wouldn't say anything."

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The last few sentences BBM just broke my heart. :frown:
Kayla Rotenberry, who lives on Phillip Road in the Caldwell County town of Hudson, says the Bakers lived next door to her before moving to Hickory. She told the Observer on Tuesday that she saw a man visit Elisa and Zahra Baker at least once.
After the man left, Kayla Rotenberry said she called Elisa Baker and asked, "Who was that?"
"Elisa told me it was someone from DSS," Rotenberry said.
She said the investigator came because DSS had received reports that Zahra had bruises on her body and was being kept in her room most of the time. Rotenberry's fiancee, Bobby Green, told the Observer he saw bruises on the young girl.
"That little girl was something else," Rotenberry said. "All she wanted was a mom, and she got one who was crazy."
She said Tuesday that Caldwell County's DSS didn't find anything wrong because "Zahra wouldn't say anything."

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"She told the Observer on Tuesday that she saw a man visit Elisa and Zahra Baker at least once.

After the man left, Kayla Rotenberry said she called Elisa Baker and asked, "Who was that?"

"Elisa told me it was someone from DSS," Rotenberry said.

She said the investigator came because DSS had received reports that Zahra had bruises on her body and was being kept in her room most of the time. Rotenberry's fiancee, Bobby Green, told the Observer he saw bruises on the young girl.

"That little girl was something else," Rotenberry said. "All she wanted was a mom, and she got one who was crazy."

She said Tuesday that Caldwell County's DSS didn't find anything wrong because "Zahra wouldn't say anything.""

Ohhhh ok so the fact that an intimidated, terrified victim not talking helped them form their verdict of nothing wrong here...figures!!!
I am wondering, did this little girl ever set foot in the house on 21st Avenue N.W. in Hickory? Or was she already deceased when they moved. They have lived there 6 weeks, but it seems nobody ever saw her there at all.
It sounds as though dad were an 'absentee' dad, if not in actuality, then perhaps in emotional stance. He may have been 'brainwashed' into either ignoring or pretending his wife couldn't harm his daughter. He may have been relying on her for being able to stay in the US, or perhaps some other reason. I don't know. I do think it's a shame that this little girl fell between the cracks.

Should not some sort of law exist that would:

A) Protect anyone who came forward to report abuse of a sounds that there might have been reports, but that others were afraid to step forward. It sounds as if people were all too aware that this couple had a violent streak.

B) When alleged abuse of a child, or mistreatment of a child is reported, could there be a 'law enforcement track' opened on it as well?

Just a thought.

I'm actually tearing up here at work over this. This little girl deserved better!!!!!
I'm still on her my space listening to her music and I have to say they are telling. I ask for someone to go listen and read.A lot was going on with her.Changes,lonely and so much more.I think it's a window to her soul.

I also have to say if I was the detective sitting one on one with her I sure would use every single song she posted and use it as a tool. Anyone can go listen and see she was going down a hard path alone. In her head or not. I would use this as a tool.

This reminds me of WM3 and how they went about things. I am not sure if doing this would be bad or good in this case.,+Hickory,+NC&sll=35.760269,-81.334963&sspn=0.011823,0.019119&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=21+21st+Ave+NW,+Hickory,+Catawba,+North+Carolina+28601&ll=35.760838,-81.334665&spn=0.011823,0.019119&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=35.760838,-81.334665&panoid=eEySpzQo_5Pl_5zVu1AsLg&cbp=12,215.48,,0,5
i put in the 21 21 address in google maps - if this is the right address and house, then it isn't very isolated - and i don't see a fence either now that i think about it. i can't remember which house/neighbor talked about seeing only Adam "over the fence" -

Hard to see on google...not very clear! Going straight on 21st past the can take a right onto 9th st. nw. On the immediate left after turning...cops and the dogs are searching the area now...there is a small "water shed" down in this area in the woods. Will keep all updated!
I think SM killed Zahra in a fit of rage while dad was at work. I think dad came home from work as he said and Zahra was already in bed according to SM, (or locked in her room which seem was the norm and he did not check on her). SM had her body hidden in the car she drove already and when dad went to sleep removed her to his vehicle (suv) and disposed of her, drove back home and commenced her plan about the ransom note and gasoline poured in the suv in hopes it would catch fire from the brush fire.

She may not have expected the FD to be there so quick to put it out, or a 911 call placed so quickly. I don't know if the plan was to discover Zahra missing at that time or not................
I still do not think Dad knew his daughter was gone, and I believe she may try to pin it on him......jmho

This is my theory also until more information comes out to implicate dad. I do feel he was a stand-by parent where the SM was concerned, however, and should feel plenty of guilt for failing to protect his baby.

Blessings Zahra, you can RUN in heaven with no pain
Hard to see on google...not very clear! Going straight on 21st past the can take a right onto 9th st. nw. On the immediate left after turning...cops and the dogs are searching the area now...there is a small "water shed" down in this area in the woods. Will keep all updated!

Uh we go
Looking at video's of the "crime scene" (I guess) it appears as though someone's been taking down trees at this residence. There are several newly cut lengths of whole logs lying about. There appears, in this video, an orange piece of equipment. Add that together with mulch piles, I'm wondering if this piece of equipment is a wood chipper.

The video is titled "ransom note found"

After watching this video the piece of orange equipment to me looks like a wood splitter, not a wood chipper, you can see where there is split wood stacked up right past the equipment, I have also noticed when looking at the house it looks like it has a fireplace, so I would guess that they were cutting down trees and splitting the wood to get ready for winter...That is not to say that someone who does landscaping does not have access to a wood chipper but I have yet to see one of those in the videos..Good question though. And if there has been access to a chipper LE will still be able to get DNA and blood evidence from one of those.
wow. Guess we will need to agree to disagree. I have no evidence that Zahra's mother didn't care about her enough the first 5 years of life. We ahve no clue what was going on in that five years, homelessness, serious medical issues or hospitalization, there is also every reason to believe the reporter has it wrong and the 5 year gap that concerns you is erroneous. Happens all the time. Innitial facts are misreported on page one and then the correction runs two days later on page twelve.

There will plenty of time for me to find bio mom lacking after some of the facts come in. Think I'll just wait for those to arrive before going there.

You know I'll be honest- my own life colors my perspective and in this case the colors over lap for me--Not only do I have a deaf daughter but I was left to be raised by my Grandparents because my mother had other things to do.
I so tried to not get emotionally involved in this case because of Zahra's hearing impairment- but I couldn't stay away.
Believe me when and if the father is implicated in the crime or turns out to be complicit in this little girls death I will be all over him- but until then he is the parent Zahra knew.
And honestly my heart breaks for her Grandmother more than anyone else right now.
You know I'll be honest- my own life colors my perspective and in this case the colors over lap for me--Not only do I have a deaf daughter but I was left to be raised by my Grandparents because my mother had other things to do.
I so tried to not get emotionally involved in this case because of Zahra's hearing impairment- but I couldn't stay away.
Believe me when and if the father is implicated in the crime or turns out to be complicit in this little girls death I will be all over him- but until then he is the parent Zahra knew.
And honestly my heart breaks for her Grandmother more than anyone else right now.

I get where you are coming from. We are all nothing more than the sum of our life's experiences and what we have taken from them, good bad and ugly. Peace.
I think SM killed Zahra in a fit of rage while dad was at work. I think dad came home from work as he said and Zahra was already in bed according to SM, (or locked in her room which seem was the norm and he did not check on her). SM had her body hidden in the car she drove already and when dad went to sleep removed her to his vehicle (suv) and disposed of her, drove back home and commenced her plan about the ransom note and gasoline poured in the suv in hopes it would catch fire from the brush fire.

She may not have expected the FD to be there so quick to put it out, or a 911 call placed so quickly. I don't know if the plan was to discover Zahra missing at that time or not................
I still do not think Dad knew his daughter was gone, and I believe she may try to pin it on him......jmho

Good post.

Yes, it had to happen in the daytime, for one big reason: Zahra's prosthesis is missing. It's unlikely she'd have slept all night with it on.

I think the ransom note was quickly thrown into the vehicle, AFTER it was noticed that the SUV didn't catch on fire ... even though the ransom note makes absolutely no sense at all.

Losers. Meet on internet.
Hard to see on google...not very clear! Going straight on 21st past the can take a right onto 9th st. nw. On the immediate left after turning...cops and the dogs are searching the area now...there is a small "water shed" down in this area in the woods. Will keep all updated!

So do you mean turn right onto 8th Street Drive NW and follow it until it turns into 9th Street NW and the water shed is on the left right after it turns into 9th Street NW?

If you mean just after your turn onto 8th Street Drive NW, there appears to be a road into the woods on the left.
I just spoke with a detective and he said they have people on the online things. Very nice man. Gave him my info and we spoke for a bit.
Good post.

Yes, it had to happen in the daytime, for one big reason: Zahra's prosthesis is missing. It's unlikely she'd have slept all night with it on.

I think the ransom note was quickly thrown into the vehicle, AFTER it was noticed that the SUV didn't catch on fire ... even though the ransom note makes absolutely no sense at all.

Losers. Meet on internet.

The missing prosthesis to me does not indicate time of death day or night. If she were murdered as she lay sleeping at night and carried off to be disposed of, it is equally easy to toss a prosthetic into the trunk along with a body. Whether she was wearing it at TOD or not it could easily have been disposed of with her.
You know I'll be honest- my own life colors my perspective and in this case the colors over lap for me--Not only do I have a deaf daughter but I was left to be raised by my Grandparents because my mother had other things to do.
I so tried to not get emotionally involved in this case because of Zahra's hearing impairment- but I couldn't stay away.
Believe me when and if the father is implicated in the crime or turns out to be complicit in this little girls death I will be all over him- but until then he is the parent Zahra knew.
And honestly my heart breaks for her Grandmother more than anyone else right now.

I know...the thing is that when I read the report from the nephew's wife that she saw him sitting there and watching while SM hit Zahra, that sealed it for me. I cant imagine she would make that up because it sure didnt make her look good being that she never stepped in either to stop the abuse! I have to hold him partially responsible, Im sorry! She was HIS daughter!!! :-(
Good post.

Losers. Meet on internet.


Hey I resemble that remark! I met my BF online and we are together nine years...He is the most responsible and good man I have ever known! ...and he puts up with me and my passions...thats a big plus!! LOL!
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