NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #38

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Ok well I'm going to go watch the last two episodes of "Dexter" I cannot stand the gore, but maybe something said in the forensics will make my light bulb go of on this case.

Enjoy Musaka's graphic description at the end of this weeks episode... it's a classic!
I don't have kids of my own (well, not without fur-I have 3 furkids). I Do have a stepdaughter, and she and her dad are from another state.

I can relate some to EB, in the sense that she probably (and this is speculation) wanted to be a good Stepmom. She probably started out as one, or trying to be.

I believe what happened was she had a Personality Disorder, some serious issues with self esteem, and that, coupled with possible drug abuse, could have put things in a very different light for her.

I think that EB wasn't always 'stepmonster'. I think that she had her moments, or she wouldn't have been able to attrat AB and move with him to the US with Zahra.

You could be right... Or she could have been putting on a good act for AB... Perhaps she was all caught up in the attention of helping dad raise a sick child, and when she moved back here with them and she got better, there wasn't so much attention on her anymore. And she let her true self show. We have seen she has problems with spinning stories about herself. Personality disorder is a very real possibility.
He probably thought she was being homeschooled, but I'm thinking EB didn't do a single lesson with her.

My problem with the homeschooling is, I don't know why AB would agree to it, unless Zahra was really sick or was having problems in school. Why would a guy allow his new wife to pull HIS child out of school to homeschool? This doesn't make sense to me...

Or, maybe he just didn't know, and was so uninvolved in her life he figured she was in school all along.


If Adam didn't notice that Zahra was not in school, among all the other things he supposedly managed to miss, this guy has to be the dumbest man on the face of the planet. But this does not mesh with previous information that they were very close and he had been there for her through the cancer treatments, etc. He is rather an enigma.

I had not heard this about biomom just finding her.

If true this could def cause the panic reaction that EB seems capable of...

That is if you believe she (biomom) has been posting on the hinkymeter blog. Supposedly she has been checked out. If what she says is true, I could see EB panicking.
Was it here on WS? Its so slow today I will go back through the threads and look for it. Also anything else we might want to bring forward if anyone has suggestions

I wish I could be more helpful on this. I can't recall where I saw it. It could have been here, it could have been MSM. But I specifically recall noting the handwriting style and thinking, "So, that's what her handwriting looks like. Hmmm." I don't know where else I could have seen EB's handwriting, so that's why I'm so certain it had to have been the ransom note. The only other possible help I can offer is that it had to have been sometime AFTER she admitted to writing the note, otherwise, how would I have known it was her handwriting?

Sorry I can't offer more. I wish I could, but I've never had any success in trying to go back and find it. And lord knows, I've tried.
ok what's the deal with the meatloaf tag???

Okay so I can bare keep up with this forum and work but I had to laugh cuz I acutally read the "meatloaf" comment earlier :woohoo:
If Adam didn't notice that Zahra was not in school, among all the other things he supposedly managed to miss, this guy has to be the dumbest man on the face of the planet. But this does not mesh with previous information that they were very close and he had been there for her through the cancer treatments, etc. He is rather an enigma.

I agree. I have a feeling when everything comes out, it is going to be bad. Really bad.
"Meatloaf time"====nothing special going on...just waiting and watching for developments.......LOL
Maybe we could entertain this thought. Someone had been searching for Zahra for a long time. This someone found out where she was on Oct. 5th & had seen a picture of her holding an award from Granite Elementary School (on the internet). Word went around that this someone knew where Zahra was. Suddenly it was imperative that Zahra appear in public. No one but EB & AB had actually seen her since 9/25. What to do, what to do? Panic sets in. Since Zahra is gone, some story has to be concocted, thus the ransom note. Why she had gone missing in the 1st place is anyone's guess.

Yes! I knew I was forgetting one of the "stressors" -- thank you! Biomom said on HM that she had located them and tried, through a friend, to see if GM would have some contact with her, but that didn't work out. However, if word got back to AB and then EB, it would definitely have added tremendously to her state of agitation.

I feel like it was a culmination of things piling up against her and she either tried to cover her tracks (if Zahra was already gone) and/or saw playing the grieving parent as a way to get out of responsibility for ALL the shoot that was hitting or about to hit the fan.
IMO, what it takes is time to moderate another forum that would have many threads on a forum, whereas, with a case that maybe resolved soon, one thread is easier to moderate.

All cases are "hot" in the beginning and then sizzle down until more happens with either finding the missing person or if they arrest someone.

Do they allow member moderators in the forums like that? I use to be part of a HUGE support board back in the day and the different areas were moderated by members based on time, post count, input, ability, and expertise. I know those are not necessarily the criteria for a board like this....but I bet there are some 'old timers' that wouldn't mind helping out :)

/wishful thinking :angel:
He probably thought she was being homeschooled, but I'm thinking EB didn't do a single lesson with her.

My problem with the homeschooling is, I don't know why AB would agree to it, unless Zahra was really sick or was having problems in school. Why would a guy allow his new wife to pull HIS child out of school to homeschool? This doesn't make sense to me...

Or, maybe he just didn't know, and was so uninvolved in her life he figured she was in school all along.


JMO, but I think their way of life was mutual. Whether he knew exactly what EB was or was not doing, in detail, I feel strongly that they were generally on the same page. Again, JMO.
this is the first time ive gotten my adobe reader to work enough to read the search warrent. Can someone tell me what a latent lift is . Its on page 6 near the bottom TIA
It appears as thought they moved right about the time when school was supposed to start. Did EB even know what school Zahra was supposed to attend at the new house? Did she care? Was there a school bus or was it within walking distance?

Do any of the locals know what school Zahra should have been attending and whether she would have been able to take a school bus or was she required to walk or get a drive from SM or her father?

She would have attended the Elementary school my son went to. He's in Middle School now. Viewmont is an EXCELLENT school!! I have nothing but the utmost love and respect for the principal there and no complaints about each and every teacher my son had. I believe in my heart that there is no way she would have fallen through the cracks there. Ms. Jolly is a very involved lady. She genuinely cares about all her students....

Viewmont Elementary School
ok what's the deal with the meatloaf tag???

I saw it a ways back but I believe it refers to Mountain Kat's poor husband's dinner tonight since she didn't ask him for any favors! (hope I'm getting it right, lol!)
I'm thinking along those lines as well. I think EB has always had a disregard for the law, probably used and manipulated alot of people in her life for selfish gain, had deep emotional/psychological issues long before AB ever came along. But IMO, it was the realities of this marriage vs the fantasy of it, coupled with the resposibilities of Zahra and AB's attempts to shove the bulk of the responsibilites for Zahra off on her, that drove her to the breaking point.


Could these men be paying her to get a green card? Just a thought!
:nono: Meatloaf discussion is off limits. ;)

oops- I was already typing- okay, no more meat loaf- back on topic...

Praying today is the day Zahra is found and returned to those who truly love her...
Wanted to add....Viewmont does pick up with buses and they also have a morning drop off (which can make you wanna pull your hair out lol). My oldest was a car rider until about 5th grade when he wanted to ride the bus :)

Wasn't cool for mom to drop or pick him up anymore.
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