NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #38

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It's awfully quiet today. I wonder what LE is up to today?
When EB cried as Zahra was given hearing aids, I thought she was sad for how nobody cared that much for her when she was a child. I'm guessing she got a rotten deal as a child herself, and she was jealous of Zahra's charm. I think the resentment grew and she hated the job she had thought she could handle just fine when she married AB.


Speculation alert

I've speculated along these lines myself. I see EB as someone who has never felt good about herself...someone who is deep into creating lies about who she really is in order to make herself feel that she is worthwhile, or to become something worthwhile to others (in RL to a degree, but especially in the virtual world where the truth is easier to hide). It wouldn't surprise me if she entered into life with AB thinking all that was going to change, that maybe the fantasy of being of worth to someone, someone people could truly look to as an example of something shining, was all going to just magically come true. My impression of AB is that he has very particular notions regarding what women are supposed to do, what role they ought to play in HIS life. I imagine him as the type of man who meets what he see as his own obligations, though probably only to a minimum. And he probably justifies doing the minimum, or falling slight short of the minimum, by various means. I think EB coming to that realization over a period of time, lead her to take things out on Zahra. They are both kids in grownup bodies, imo...and like 2 kids, they both want to do only what they WANT to do. That's where the reported fights come from, imo. And I think poor Zahra got caught in the crosshairs of all these things coming to a head.

All just my own personal thoughts on the matter.
So I've been trying to wrap my mind around the "why" of Zahra's disappearance.
Remember, just before Zahra went "missing," EB had begged the young lady who had taken out the charges against her to drop them. She was also facing all these other charges we've seen, and there was the possibility that her abuse of Zahra might come to light in the course of things.

It is my opinion that EB was in such a panic over it all that she tried to come up with a plan to get out of it. IMO, she simply thought no one would be so heartless as to punish a grieving "mom" of an "abducted" child, and she got rid of Zahra for the selfish convenience of it -- to garner sympathy and attempt to avoid punishment.

I honestly believe this is the simplest and most likely explanation.

Maybe we could entertain this thought. Someone had been searching for Zahra for a long time. This someone found out where she was on Oct. 5th & had seen a picture of her holding an award from Granite Elementary School (on the internet). Word went around that this someone knew where Zahra was. Suddenly it was imperative that Zahra appear in public. No one but EB & AB had actually seen her since 9/25. What to do, what to do? Panic sets in. Since Zahra is gone, some story has to be concocted, thus the ransom note. Why she had gone missing in the 1st place is anyone's guess.
IMO, what it takes is time to moderate another forum that would have many threads on a forum, whereas, with a case that maybe resolved soon, one thread is easier to moderate.

All cases are "hot" in the beginning and then sizzle down until more happens with either finding the missing person or if they arrest someone.

Not only that, but it is much easier to follow one thread and its inherent discussions, than to bounce around over 40 or more threads with different topics all spread out in a forum.

And that, my dear folks, is my opinion! LOL
It appears as thought they moved right about the time when school was supposed to start. Did EB even know what school Zahra was supposed to attend at the new house? Did she care? Was there a school bus or was it within walking distance?

Do any of the locals know what school Zahra should have been attending and whether she would have been able to take a school bus or was she required to walk or get a drive from SM or her father?

I'm a page behind, so sorry if this has already been answered.

The school wouldn't have changed. It would still have been Hudson Elem. and Zahra was already pre-enrolled (I'm assuming by the school).
I have four kids and I can relate to your list!! EB didn't want to bother. Too much work. Of course homeschoolin gis a ton more work than this. But EB never meant to homeschool that sweet girl.

But what would Zahra's father say to not going to school? Didn't he ask her what they had done that day in home schooling?
Maybe we could entertain this thought. Someone had been searching for Zahra for a long time. This someone found out where she was on Oct. 5th & had seen a picture of her holding an award from Granite Elementary School (on the internet). Word went around that this someone knew where Zahra was. Suddenly it was imperative that Zahra appear in public. No one but EB & AB had actually seen her since 9/25. What to do, what to do? Panic sets in. Since Zahra is gone, some story has to be concocted, thus the ransom note. Why she had gone missing in the 1st place is anyone's guess.

I assume you can't tell us who that someone is? Can you tell us if they post on another site ...coughHYcough....
I just can't buy that AB is so dumb that he had no idea Zahra was being abused and not going to school and not getting medical treatment. If he did know these things, and he had to, he is in this up to his neck. IMO
I assume you can't tell us who that someone is? Can you tell us if they post on another site ...coughHYcough....

I believe it was her bio-mother, it was posted on hinkeymeter i believe and others have brought it over here.
I dont think the ransome note is out there!

Actually, I'm pretty sure it is. I saw it in the earliest stages of the case, and I remember this because the handwriting really stood out to me. Letters were blocky, but had a flourish to them that caught my eye. No idea how to trace back to where I saw that, though. It was a long time ago. Sorry.
I assume you can't tell us who that someone is? Can you tell us if they post on another site ...coughHYcough....

Sure, she does post on another site. She claims to be the Real Mother.
I would love to know what Adams life was like back in OZ it had to be better then his life here and im sure it didnt turn out the way he thought it would.
it dosent look as tho they had it very easy and were poor! If Adam is innocent im sure he curses the day he met her.

I still would like to know what kind of a man he was before he came here!
Sure, she does post on another site. She claims to be the Real Mother.

JMO but dont you think the real mom would talk to MSM instead of a message board on the web? Just saying!
I have four kids and I can relate to your list!! EB didn't want to bother. Too much work. Of course homeschoolin gis a ton more work than this. But EB never meant to homeschool that sweet girl.

I don't have kids of my own (well, not without fur-I have 3 furkids). I Do have a stepdaughter, and she and her dad are from another state.

I can relate some to EB, in the sense that she probably (and this is speculation) wanted to be a good Stepmom. She probably started out as one, or trying to be.

I believe what happened was she had a Personality Disorder, some serious issues with self esteem, and that, coupled with possible drug abuse, could have put things in a very different light for her.

I think that EB wasn't always 'stepmonster'. I think that she had her moments, or she wouldn't have been able to attrat AB and move with him to the US with Zahra.
I assume you can't tell us who that someone is? Can you tell us if they post on another site ...coughHYcough....

That would be Biomum and you can read her posts on the Hinky Meter.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it is. I saw it in the earliest stages of the case, and I remember this because the handwriting really stood out to me. Letters were blocky, but had a flourish to them that caught my eye. No idea how to trace back to where I saw that, though. It was a long time ago. Sorry.

Really!!! Ive been looking and i cant find it maybe they took it off!
JMO but dont you think the real mom would talk to MSM instead of a message board on the web? Just saying!

She has apparently been checked out by the owner of the Hinkey Meter. We have to take her word for it or not. Tricia stands by the verification, so it's good enough for me. Not sure why bio-mom hasn't gone to MSM. Skeletons in her closet, perhaps?
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