NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #6

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In partial defense of the NC child welfare workers -- the sad truth is that even if they had determined she was in danger, they might not have had a place to take her to. If NC is anything like MA, the foster care spots are full, the group homes are full, even the emergency care is full. Healthy kids have spent the night in hospital wards because it was the only safe bed to be found.

The problem isn't budget. The problem is not enough foster parents. The economy has caused many of the people who used to volunteer to require services themselves, and nobody has replaced them. There are plenty of sanctimonious people ready to scream when something goes wrong, but not so many willing to reach out and help a troubled child and maybe prevent a tragedy.

Correct. And sometimes, foster parents have such a bad experience, they never again volunteer.

My son-in-law was nearly stabbed to death two years ago, by a fetal alcohol syndrome, sexually-abused 15-year-old boy they had fostered and cared for, for almost a year.
The boy had evidently cased the home when they didn't know it, located certain items (by going through my daughter's underwear), found a hidden chef's knife, and it was only because my daughter kicked him, that the knife didn't go into my son-in-law's eye.

The boy was in a new family, four days later. Like our family, the new family (due to privacy rules) would have been given info on his past issues with other families...which were told to us, privately, afterwards.
The boy will turn 18 soon; his court records will no longer be hidden.

I honor anyone who could go through what my daughter and her husband did, and do it again. They've found other ways to help.
Channel 9 spoke with Reilly and prosecutors about the case on Wednesday afternoon. "She is scared to death. She's worried if her family is out here and she is still emotional. It's scary coming out here and seeing all the court reporters and courtroom of people who are so much against her right now," Reilly said.

"I know this is a very emotional time for law enforcement. The community is upset. We have a high degree of faith that law enforcement is going to solve this case. It’s going to be a high priority for the DA’s office when they do,” said District Attorney, Jay Gaither.

Updated 2:22 EDT today
Don't know the counties.. Are they back at her residence or did the go back to the area they were searching at last night... I need to go fina a map of North Carolina..
I have a daughter who lives in Asheville but other than that I don't know where any cities or counties are located..

Burke Co is the work/job site from last night.

Hickory is the house.
I think the head covering was part of SM's freakish personality. Considering she made up the fact that she herself had overcome brain cancer 3 times and forced her child to sit in a wheelchair and claimed this child had leukemia (sp?) I have no doubt this SM would have put that head covering on Zahra whether she was currently undergoing chemo or not. SM's moms history isn't condusive to making the determination if Zahra had come out of remission or not.

jmo respectfully

Good point and actually, putting the head covering on her while she was bruised and swollen could have even been a clever way for SM to cover abuse (if someone noticed, well, heck....yes, you see, my child has cancer...and so the people would think... oh's not's simply due to the poor little one's disease.


Thanks Kat. I know states differ, but thus far it doesn't appear any physical exams of any kind are required after KG outside of required sports physicals. I might just have to get in touch with my step sister who lives in NC and has grade school aged children....... and ask. Will try to do that if we can't find anything online.
Don't know the counties.. Are they back at her residence or did the go back to the area they were searching at last night... I need to go fina a map of North Carolina..
I have a daughter who lives in Asheville but other than that I don't know where any cities or counties are located..

Burke County is the rural area they searched last night. I've been working on a map; it does not show county lines, but I think it's still helpful.
Have we seen any formal verification of her age by authorities? Given how many things we know she's lied about, it would hardly surprise me if she's been in the habit of lying about her age too. Especially since she roped in a much younger man to marry her.

Her birthdate 6/6/68 was on those arrest links posted earlier.
Hickory police say search teams have returned to the Burke County property they've previously searched in connection with the disappearance of 10-year-old Zahra Baker. Police officers, search dogs involved in previous efforts and additional search dogs expanded the search area on Wednesday afternoon.

There must be something that keeps leading them back to this place. I sure hope they can find something now that it's daylight again.
The photo is actually consistent with a child currently undergoing chemotherapy. Head covering to hide missing hair, bruising, swollen face from reaction to drugs, looking generally unwell, and "feeling down" as described by the photographer/photo-seller. However, given that the date has been specified as August 9 of this year, that can't have been the explanation, because it's been quite a long time since she last underwent chemotherapy.

That's what I thought, too -- chemo. But so far as we know, she wasn't recently undergoing such treatment. Only thing other than abuse I could imagine, then, would be a recurrence of illness without any medical treatment. I have seen someone in the last stages of cancer (no recent chemo or radiation), and the appearance near the end for some can kind of resemble that. But it's usually more the sunken eyes with dark bags look.

I feel so sorry for Zahra that my heart wants to just break in two when I think of these things. Most parents or step-parents would gladly give their own lives to save their children, if that's what it took...and look what poor little Zahra got. :(
Originally Posted by MeinNC
As a victim of violent abuse myself, I can still remember DSS coming to visit and questioning me right in front of my abuser. Of course, I couldn't say a word. Later, a police officer came and questioned me. It was horrible for me because even my abuser was screaming for me to tell the nice officer who had hurt me. It was obviously a dare and I knew better than to say anything. Finally, I was at a neighbor's house and she noticed a bruise. She spoke to me at length about what was going on inside my home and she quickly drove me across town to another woman's house. I stayed there while my neighbor contacted the authorities. Before long, several women were gathered and discussing how they'd hide me if they needed to. One thing was apparent - these women were NOT letting me go back to that house. And I never did. I can't say I loved being in foster care, especially when they kept returning me to live with my abuser, but I'm alive today to tell about it. It's my opinion that it takes drastic action when you see that a child is in imminent danger. Not a dead end call to DSS or snapping a picture of a bruised face. That's like tossing a band-aid out the window of your car as drive past an accident scene and deciding that you rendered adequate aid and comfort. JMOO

Thank you for sharing your story. You are very brave and I am so sorry you endured the abuse. Glad you are here today. I hope your abusers got proper punishment.

Those women did the right thing, and people should learn from them.
Respectfully snipped. Technically there has been nothing released in the media to indicate this child was not still in remission while she was being brutally abused by her SM. Until and unless information is released to indicate she was no longer in remission we'll have to believe she was in fact still in remission. However, your post brings up a thought... With as sick as this SM was, it would not surprise me if the child had not had proper medical care from the time she moved to the states to know whether or not her cancer had returned. Ontop of all this child had to endure the thought is terribly depressing.... thud.

Now I am wondering... and I hate to even think this... would there be a way to determine if her cancer had returned considering how her remains are expected to be found? I can't bare to write it any differently.

I just read back and saw this. I agree she likely hadn't had proper medical least not in the last few years. It's probable she wasn't even given pred any longer if she ever was...

I am pretty sure someone already weighed in on this, (sorry, looking so fast and didn't read i may contradict, or be redundant...either way, kick me to the left of the kick me sign. thanks. ;)) and I'm not at all sure about this anyway, but if there were blasts in her blood, or cancer cells in her bone marrow, or tumors in her lungs or any other soft tissue, I can't imagine the time elapsed since her death would have left much to look at. Factor in the method of disposal we may be looking at, it seems to me that it would be pretty impossible to determine presence of relapse. I could be wrong...easily! But, without getting too graphic, I doubt enough will be found to find out. :(

i can't believe i just typed that. i really need to go be sick now.
Channel 9 spoke with Reilly and prosecutors about the case on Wednesday afternoon. "She is scared to death. She's worried if her family is out here and she is still emotional. It's scary coming out here and seeing all the court reporters and courtroom of people who are so much against her right now," Reilly said.

"I know this is a very emotional time for law enforcement. The community is upset. We have a high degree of faith that law enforcement is going to solve this case. It’s going to be a high priority for the DA’s office when they do,” said District Attorney, Jay Gaither.

Updated 2:22 EDT today

Of course she is scared. 1) that is why she HID the child before she likely killed her. 2) Did Mr. Reilly ask if she had considered how scared Zahra must have been when she was brutally (likely) beaten to death.

yes, as previously the rant is directed towards Mr. Reilly, not the OP of the quoted post.

I bet she isn't nearly as scared as Zahra was..... :furious: :furious: :furious:
My apologies if this has already been discussed because I can't seem to keep up with this thread, because it's moving too fast.

I was horrified when I just found and read this ABC article. The neighbor's words are chilling to me. As I know of someone who was in an abusive relationship and studied it quite a bit during the Peterson case, the step-mother's explanations were the words of a typical abuser. They explain away the bruises on the victim, as they're clumsy or whatever. OMG!

People need to get educated on HOW to spot abuse that's going on behind closed doors.

I've been almost beyond words since this case has taken such a cynical turn with revelations of the 'wood chipper.' :(


"Bobby Green, a former neighbor, told reporters Tuesday that Zahra frequently had bruises but that Elisa Baker would always explain them away. "It's always she fell down, or she rolled out of bed or she didn't have her leg on right and couldn't walk right and fell. It's always Zahra's fault, for her injuries," Green said."
It's Brittany Starbuck who is commenting on the FB page here:

I believe this Brittany S is EB's daughter from a previous marriage (please correct me if I am wrong).

Brittany Bentley is EB's nephew's wife who would often keep Zahra on weekends and who has been speaking to the press. I can see her FB page but I think it's because we have mutual friends (apparently we went to the same high school but she is much younger than me).

There is a "Brittany" who is pictured on EB's Myspace holding Zahra. She is identified as Zahra's "step sister". I posted the photo last night. I'll try to find it.
I disagree with you. I have taken children out of abusive homes, I do not work for CPS, I never have. I would do this again, and as I have done before I would offer to call the police for the loser parents. More then once the person/persons who were supposed to care for these children/child didn't even know for hours, once for a whole day, what I had done. I have never and would never just walk away from a child who is being abused.

Exactly. As long as you call police *immediately* to tell them what you've done and why, give them the location, and wait there with the child for police to arrive, there's no way you'll be in any legal trouble (assuming you don't have a criminal record involving child abuse yourself). If there's been serious abuse, it *will* be verified upon thorough investigation, and there's no way you could be convicted of anything without that thorough investigation being done, because it would be part of your defense. If the parents or courts won't allow the thorough investigation, then any charges against you would have to be dropped, because there would be no way to counter your defense that you had legitimate reason to believe the child urgently needed to be taken for it's own safety.
Channel 9 spoke with Reilly and prosecutors about the case on Wednesday afternoon. "She is scared to death. She's worried if her family is out here and she is still emotional. It's scary coming out here and seeing all the court reporters and courtroom of people who are so much against her right now," Reilly said.

"I know this is a very emotional time for law enforcement. The community is upset. We have a high degree of faith that law enforcement is going to solve this case. It’s going to be a high priority for the DA’s office when they do,” said District Attorney, Jay Gaither.

Updated 2:22 EDT today

REALLY NOW? What, did she think was going to happen once she was found out? A ticker tape parade? That people would THANK HER for how she treated Zahra, or writing a note to lead investigators away from Zahra? I am just astounded. The levels of this woman's idiocy are just amazing! And you know what, evil SM, if you didn't want this all negative attention, you shouldn't have brought it on yourself in the first place!

Good, I hope she's terrified and shaking to the core. She gets out, she'll be the next one put through a woodchipper! (Not by, me though, I'm too far away).
*Warning morbid thought.

Many hits...not conclusive. Makes me think bits and pieces, and waiting on tests.
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