NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #9

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My thoughts on the crawl space, confinement, etc: SM's frustration with Zahra was escalating, as was probably the abuse. If she had not ended up killing her (which I'm sure she did), poor Zahra may have been one of those folks locked up for years more and no one would ever have know... :(

I hope LE knows about the crawl space, and have searched it.

It reminds me of a book I read many years ago. I think it was called "flowers in the attic" or something like that.
One of the children died there, poisoned by powdered donuts laced with arsenic sp, but I don't remember where her mother took her. That book haunted me for years though.
And dare I bring up cannibalism for the witchcraft thing? I know nothing about the "dark side" and frankly I have no desire to learn, but if anyone knows. I'm so sorry for throwing the thought even out there.....

Whoa. Hold the boat.
Who said EB was into "witch craft" and what made them determine that? Many (dare I say MOST) goths do not like Wiccan & Pagan religions. Goth's are much more toward satanic in nature with an obsession with the devil and the dead.
Gain attention and/or feel glee, control, sort of like - there, this will teach you. Wonder what Zahra's worst fear was? What she was most afraid of? SM would take glee (sadistic pleasure) in knowing she has put Zahra in a place of terror forever. moo mho

I was thinking about stopmom thinking "Poor me I loved her so much where can she be?" People will feel so sorry for me. If that was her way of thinking it seems to me she would want the body found.

I hope trafficking was not involved! (Sorry to say it but it's been in the back of my mind!)

She had total control of Zahra. my opinion only

And since she (SM) is not in the real world I'm sure she thinks she was a wonderful mother.
This case and the major players are just getting more and more sick and twisted as times goes on. I'm not watching NG, but I am watching this thread. However, after reading about the fact that Zahra was forced to sleep in a crawl space above a closet, I just needed to run to the restroom to vomit. Literally. This case and what that poor child endured sickens me to the core.

I was a child who was forced to sleep in a closet. And, later, as a young adult, I would hide in closets when crying or frightened. That was at 20-25 years old. I'm 27 now and still force myself into small, enclosed spaces when afraid. It's a direct result of being punished and forced to be imprisoned in such places as a child. It was terrifying. But, yet, it was also a relief. Alone in my small corners, no one could torment me. Yes, the crawl space was torture on its own, but no one could physically harm me. Those memories are like shards of glass - they are sharp and painful. To think little Zahra suffered anything similar makes me ill.

That little girl is my hero. I wish I knew her. I would have shown her love and compassion - I would have held her when she cried and brushed her tears away. I would let her lean on me if she needed to when walking. I would have carried her weight with honor and joy. Her father let her down. Her SM only finished the job. Justice will be served in this case and Zahra will be returned to the country and people who truly loved her.

Where are you, sweetheart? Let your bright light shine - we're watching, we're waiting, we're here...for you...

I'm so sorry you went through that Lexington. Thank you for sharing. I wish Zahra had someone like you in her life to show her some much-needed compassion.
my god after reading the comments on facebook I truly truly think the DSS is going to be in big poo poo!!

AY says on there that he, BS and lisas other daughter all called DSS.....the school went there and called DSS......he also called SBI (?) about the drugs in the house.....

they are saying to a Brittany B that she is a lying biatch because she let lisa look after her 2 month old child while Zahra was locked in her room....

and get this one!!! someone 29 mins ago said that the police were there 3 - 5 times in a week because of either the abuse to Zahra or her threating other children!!!

wow that child should have been taken off her and put on the first plane back to her grandparents.

The problem with blaming CPS is if they go to the home and there is no obvious sign of abuse or neglect there really isn't anything they can do no matter how many calls they get.
If Zahra had no bruises or injuries when they check on her their hands are tied.

That said--- they should have gone to the school and talk to the child. (the school had made reports before the end of last year right? think that is what I read anyway)

Oh geeze. Wow.

Missing child
Only God can judge me

For the love of pete which thread am I on?

That's the sad thing Kat... it isn't off topic. It's actually ON, and you'd hafta check the thread title to see!!

Someone brilliant earlier said so clearly... BAZINGA!
I am just sick over this but have to admit I have had a sinking feeling ever since we heard about the search warrant and what was found in the car - comforter, 2 pillows and a sheet.

OMG, anyone know how hot has it been in NC in the past few weeks?


Maybe Zahra was forced to sleep in the car and died there!
daddy dearest is guilty of child abuse.........when I heard zahra had to sleep in the crawl spae of a closet!
Did she have to climb up there with her sore leg?
OMG, what kind of monster is this dad also????
IMO, he and this witch are 2 saddists that met each other and loved
what they were doing.
Poor grandparents that raised her in AU. bless them

I'm waiting to see if SM abused her own children when they were young.
I know about wheelchairs and cancer stoies but abuse like hitting, locked in room, eating for 5 minutes.........:furious:
the one I was looking at is on Love 4 Zahra Baker....

It was started on wednesday 10.56 pm (think that is australian time.....sorry I am a shocker at understanding this techo stuff)

it begins...the search continues...unfortunately for Zahras body and goes on to thank the police for helping to bring justice for Zahra.......also has 99 comments.....AY pipes up in the last half...

hope that helps......BS (the sister) has posted under a couple of the threads.....there also is an April and that is the aunt.........
I haven't seen an address published anywhere Sally, I might have missed it though?

You're allowed to ask anything you want to ask. You just might not be allowed to get the answer LOL just kidding/sort of. :)

Hmm, are we allowed to post the address. We'd need to ask a mod about that.

We can find the address. It's probably in a public database somewhere. We'd have to check with mods to see if could be posted though :)


ETA: was it on the search warrant? I didn't look.

Whew! Found it in tax records. Thanks for the help. If we are allowed to post it I would be happy to but not in the mood for a "mod spanking" so waiting to hear.:innocent:
Maybe Zahra was forced to sleep in the car and died there!
daddy dearest is guilty of child abuse.........when I heard zahra had to sleep in the crawl spae of a closet!
Did she have to climb up there with her sore leg?
OMG, what kind of monster is this dad also????
IMO, he and this witch are 2 saddists that met each other and loved
what they were doing.
Poor grandparents that raised her in AU. bless them

I'm waiting to see if SM abused her own children when they were young.
I know about wheelchairs and cancer stoies but abuse like hitting, locked in room, eating for 5 minutes.........:furious:

You know passsion I thought that maybe SM in a drug stupor left Zahra locked in the car or trunk and forgot about her or did it on purpose!
I hope LE knows about the crawl space, and have searched it.

It reminds me of a book I read many years ago. I think it was called "flowers in the attic" or something like that.
One of the children died there, poisoned by powdered donuts laced with arsenic sp, but I don't remember where her mother took her. That book haunted me for years though.

Okay. I'm lying in bed with my sleeping 3 yr old daughter softly snoring in my ear and her curls against my cheek. That sentence that I bolded just made me cry. I'm taking a break - I might check in later...
Oh, Belimon... some would say that since I've been to WS I've been too secure with my kids. I know people who let their 4 and 5-year-olds outside playing unsupervised, walking blocks, going to strange houses while they sit inside, and I won't do that!! (I have 5-year-olds). They tell me, "You have to let them grow up sometime," and sometimes I think maybe they are right. But every day I get on WS... EVERY DAY. LOL And I'm reminded maybe my more strict way is better. Maybe. I dunno... I'm just starting on the children road since they are 5, but I understand what you are saying completely.
Lexington bless you, you are a survivor and you go girl!!!
Help others understand.........
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