ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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IB.....you probably have simply forgotten but most VI's work closely with LE & clear info before it's released. A good example is in the Crist*na Morr*s case---a VI just learned about something reported in MSM that she will report back to LE....it is something obscure & easily overlooked but a WS-ER brought it to the VI's attention.

BBM Actually, I didn't know that, I don't know much about the whole VI thing. I thought I might go over tonight and see what this Cr. Morr case is. I've not heard of it.

I do think in the near future police agencies across the nation may start taking websites like this a little more seriously. I've been a first hand witness to some of the sleuthing people do on here and it's just AMAZING what they come up with. The police just don't have the man hours to sit and look at all the tweets and piece one thing with the next.

But give it to a group of 20 or more sleuthers and then the task isn't so enormous.
One other case I followed long ago was similar in that we waited for months for information. During that time the discussion of possibilities grew very wild, she was said to be overseas, said to be in hiding, held as a prisoner, on and on.

In the end, the most logical explanation was indeed what had happened.

Hard to say.

Coming up on her "anniversary" soon, and what a wonderful Mom she has. I love her.
BBM Actually, I didn't know that, I don't know much about the whole VI thing. I thought I might go over tonight and see what this Cr. Morr case is. I've not heard of it.

I do think in the near future police agencies across the nation may start taking websites like this a little more seriously. I've been a first hand witness to some of the sleuthing people do on here and it's just AMAZING what they come up with. The police just don't have the man hours to sit and look at all the tweets and piece one thing with the next.

But give it to a group of 20 or more sleuthers and then the task isn't so enormous.

Yes, that case with 2 VI's is the Texas case (Chr*stina Mari*) & is very active.
I also agree that we have some great sleuthers here & nice people!
Oh Rocco. I hope you are a mediator somewhere in your life. I've wanted to punch you (not literally) a few times for your posts but sometimes I appreciate your levity.

I think LE has dirty hands. You want to give me any eggs?

Thank you for asking

I think if the family had any suspicions at all that LE wasn't doing their job to the best of their ability, they'd be voicing their concerns to the media and demanding action. The last we heard from them, they were grateful to LE and unless we hear otherwise from them, I'll keep believing LE is doing their best to solve this case. So for your comment, no, I can't give you any eggs.


I still have 5 eggs left.

I've set one aside in case I can't find a basket to put it in. My plan is to have my dog sleep on it every night until the case is solved or until it hatches---which ever comes first. If it hatches, it will be a little chick but before long, it will turn into a cackling old hen that never shuts up. Therefore, it will remind me of my time spent posting here and it will remind me of y_ _............it will remind me of yo_..................it will remind me of.......................IBSLEUTHIN. :hen:

(Shhhh---don't tell her I said that or she'll be in here kicking me to the curb and that'll be the end of me and all of my eggs)
Yes, that charge is for alcohol not for illegal drugs. The legal documents say Mip/Mca/Mui/Minor Purch Alc, which means that he was a minor in possession of alcohol, trying to purchase alcohol, or under the influence of alcohol. Since he was also charged with DUI we can assume it was for being a minor under the influence. The charge for possessing or being under the influence of illegal drugs (such as marijuana) is different than a charge of possessing/being under the influence of alcohol as a minor. I can't say it enough -- there is no indication that there were any illegal drugs involved in TB's DUI arrest.

Right.. Because people saw TB getting busted for a DUI. I GUARANTEE IT. So.. Wouldn't it be stupid for the police department to make the DUI charge go away when others saw him get arrested for it? That would scream out that Bearson was being used as an informant. That's why they put his charges in the paper right away (which is VERY odd).. But he could very well have "other charges" to work off. Charges that others didn't know about.

Makes perfect sense to me & also explains the oddity in going to court right away the next day with no lawyer. These SEMCA-type agencies love it when no lawyers have to get involved to properly explain to these young kids not to get involved as an informant.

Disclosure: I am, perhaps, unfairly biased against LE - in particular the "local drug enforcement types..." I more than realize that most LE are good & honest people. I guess I've assumed the job here as "law enforcement cynic." You don't have to hate me for it. It takes all kinds in life!
He is out late. He runs into some guys impaired by any number of substances.

They start hassling him. They try to take something from nim.

He fights back.

It gets out of control. He dies.

They take him across to Moorhead. Who knows why they don't dump him in the river.

Then ask for some help LE! Ask if anyone knows anyone acting suspicious, that appeared to be in a fight, that was out late that night, that had blood on their clothes, etc... Don't act like you "got this" law enforcement if you don't.

That's the problem I have with your scenario, human.

(Not arguing... I've thought about this scenario a lot & it's probably one of the more plausible.)
But.. If this is the case, families & law enforcement should be asking the public for help! IMO.
Right.. Because people saw TB getting busted for a DUI. I GUARANTEE IT. So.. Wouldn't it be stupid for the police department to make the DUI charge go away when others saw him get arrested for it? That would scream out that Bearson was being used as an informant. That's why they put his charges in the paper right away (which is VERY odd).. But he could very well have "other charges" to work off. Charges that others didn't know about.

Makes perfect sense to me & also explains the oddity in going to court right away the next day with no lawyer. These SEMCA-type agencies love it when no lawyers have to get involved to properly explain to these young kids not to get involved as an informant.

Disclosure: I am, perhaps, unfairly biased against LE - in particular the "local drug enforcement types..." I more than realize that most LE are good & honest people. I guess I've assumed the job here as "law enforcement cynic." You don't have to hate me for it. It takes all kinds in life!

So you are basically saying that if something looks suspicious to you (like the facts that he didn't get a lawyer and that it was processed so quickly) then that points toward him being a CI? But also things that don't look suspicious (he got pulled over for a DUI and was charged with a DUI, no drug charges in this case or anywhere else on his record) also point to him being a CI? I'm sorry I just can't keep up when you keep changing the logic as you go. When you have to pick and choose amongst so many things to support a theory it usually means that your theory is incorrect.

The CI theory gets no eggs from my basket.

Here's where my dozen eggs stand:

Hit by drunk driver -- 2 eggs
Minor drug buy gone bad -- 3 eggs
Gang initiation -- 2 eggs
Random beating/robbery gone bad -- 3 eggs

I'm still holding two eggs and reserve the right to move eggs between existing baskets.
He is out late. He runs into some guys impaired by any number of substances.

They start hassling him. They try to take something from nim.

He fights back.

It gets out of control. He dies.

They take him across to Moorhead. Who knows why they don't dump him in the river.

Definitely makes the most sense. More often than not the simplest theory is also the most accurate theory.
1] cheese is a tan powder made mostly from acetaminophen and diphenhydramine HCL-the ingredients in Tylenol P.M.- with a little heroin mixed in. The drugs are crushed together, and typically folded into notebook paper.a quarter gram sells for about $5.00, and a single hit sells for about $2.00. It is believed to have started in and around the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas area. Users feel euphoric,and then sleepy, lathargic, and hungry. It is ingested through the nose by snorting.
Authorities expect to see more kids hooked on cheese, which is so affordable that little kids can purchase it.

2] A more accurate definition of cheese in Starcraft 2:

A cheese strategy is simply a high risk/high reward tactic which aims to win a game with little strategic effort, and relies on the failure of the opponent to properly react. A cheese strategy will often leave the cheeser at a significant disadvantage should the cheese fail.

3] say 'cheeeeeeeeeez'
an act accomplished when going out with your friends but leaving early, not enjoying yourself, getting so drunk that you embarrass yourself intensely. also the act of not wanting to do anything and sit on your couch at home. it can also refer to not wanting to hook up with a girl when she's keen.

4] n gambling terms, refers to the money you are up by. In other words you bought in for $500 and you have a stack of $1200 in front of you. You have $700 in cheese.
I played 5/5 over at the Mirage last weekend. I bought in twice for $500 but cashed out at $4000. Three gs in cheese not bad for a day's work.


There are other things that can be found at the link, not to be mentioned here. My first thought was the powder used on air hockey, table shuffleboard or foosball tables.

Just adding a bit more cheese sniffer info to mull over. According to one Urban Dictionary a cheese sniffer is - Someone with a "multi partner lifestyle" that switches to monogamy, and then criticizes those that don't.

That doesn't seem real likely, but the name cheesesniffer69 was used to leave a comment/question on a store's web site asking about shorts (those worn by basketball players) about a year and a half ago; he was still in high school at the time and very active in sports. I don't see it meaning anything in the greater scheme of things. MOO
No, possession of less than an ounce is not a felony. (And an ounce of marijuana is a lot larger quantity than you might think. Someone who is an occasional user likely wouldn't have that much on them.) Possesion of paraphanelia is not a felony either.


I will own this, I was mis-informed. I know I read some incorrect information down the line somewhere. My bad.
Coming up on her "anniversary" soon, and what a wonderful Mom she has. I love her.

:rose: You know, every now and again when I am through that area, about once a year I just go sit there in that ravine. I look at the sky and listen to the wind blow through the grass and the trees as I wonder what she would have been doing now. Then I tell her I am sorry I couldn't find her that winter.

These years pass very quickly.
So you are basically saying that if something looks suspicious to you (like the facts that he didn't get a lawyer and that it was processed so quickly) then that points toward him being a CI? But also things that don't look suspicious (he got pulled over for a DUI and was charged with a DUI, no drug charges in this case or anywhere else on his record) also point to him being a CI? I'm sorry I just can't keep up when you keep changing the logic as you go. When you have to pick and choose amongst so many things to support a theory it usually means that your theory is incorrect.

The CI theory gets no eggs from my basket.

Here's where my dozen eggs stand:

Hit by drunk driver -- 2 eggs
Minor drug buy gone bad -- 3 eggs
Gang initiation -- 2 eggs
Random beating/robbery gone bad -- 3 eggs

I'm still holding two eggs and reserve the right to move eggs between existing baskets.

I think Rocco has come up with a brand new ratings method for Websleuths!!

You've GOT to be an upper Midwesterner!😉

So just what are you saying here? Hmmm? Are you suggesting that perhaps THIS is why when I am on vacation in California and I go into a restaurant and order, "Lefse and Hotdish", that it's why the waiter starts laughing uncontrollably and then starts talking to me as if I'm a five year old child??? HHMM?


Ya, sure.

I take it from this that all the jing I $pent on that voice coach helped mute my accent but did nothing for the THOUGHTS that run through my head and come out of my KEYBOARD?? :gaah: :groucho:
Thank you for asking

I think if the family had any suspicions at all that LE wasn't doing their job to the best of their ability, they'd be voicing their concerns to the media and demanding action. The last we heard from them, they were grateful to LE and unless we hear otherwise from them, I'll keep believing LE is doing their best to solve this case. So for your comment, no, I can't give you any eggs.


I still have 5 eggs left.

I've set one aside in case I can't find a basket to put it in. My plan is to have my dog sleep on it every night until the case is solved or until it hatches---which ever comes first. If it hatches, it will be a little chick but before long, it will turn into a cackling old hen that never shuts up. Therefore, it will remind me of my time spent posting here and it will remind me of y_ _............it will remind me of yo_..................it will remind me of.......................IBSLEUTHIN. :hen:

(Shhhh---don't tell her I said that or she'll be in here kicking me to the curb and that'll be the end of me and all of my eggs)

I like to boil eggs and eat chicken.
I want to clarify why I said some are dicks. It was in relation to young CI's. There is no accountability with LE as to the safety of the Confidential Informants (like Andrew Sadek and hundreds of others) who are put in danger for drug bust info.

And that was in relation to the conversation about whether Tom was a CI or had been busted for drugs, which there is no supporting evidence.

My sentence was taken out of context. I am generally pro-LE and pro-pros. I have immense respect for Law Enforcement personnel.

I agree that the last thing we need on this thread is a gossiping verified insider.

(BBM) Oh Amanda!! I FINALLY found my calling! I shall be the, 'Gossiping Verified Insider'! GVI for short. Oh it will be just like when a person adds on letters for Dr. or MD.

Oh this is spectacular.

IBsleuthin, GVI.

I could get checks printed like this.

Business cards.

Personalized license plates! Ok maybe that's going a little too far. Wouldn't look good on a 1991 Buick.
I find it interesting after all this conversation you all got eggs for TB getting hit by a random car, as if it was widely known he had a bad habit of walking down the center of the road, or he was a thrill seeking jaywalker. Yet, not even half a runny yolk for a drunken friend/acquaintance brawl gone bad?
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