ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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Still a fair question. And sorry IBSleuthin if this is too much talk about me....but this is the 2nd time the question has been posed and i need to reply. I agree - the posting here needs to center on the case.

First - the Oliver Stone reference was a poor choice of words on my part. My apologies.

As to why - I'm in the region but not in the immediate area. MSM isn't a guarantee for me. I found it easier to find info on the case here from the get-go. As soon as something is published you guys pick it up and i don't have to sort through the google mishmash.

Last - i guess to sum up my interest without going into great detail - I'd say simply that I'm a concerned parent. Some theories (whether i personally ultimately rule them off-the-mark; paranoid; or whatever) still scare me as a concerned parent. Because I could be wrong. Either way, i prefer to be aware of what is out there. And afterall, poking holes in theories is what we're doing right? I'll endeavor to be more tactful with my pokes.

(BBM) You've got me mixed up with someone else there ProudPapa! You can talk about yourself all day, won't bother me one bit! I think sharing stories about our own lives as they relate to the current topic is very helpful! Not only do I talk ABOUT myself, I talk TO myself!!

OT for those interested---Darin Wilson not indicted--continued live coverage of destruction in Ferguson on Fox
Good job, Minnie....I agree with a lot of what you're saying & questioning.
I have another question----my family member young adults would never send a tweet out in reference to playing the Call of Duty game. They all unanimously said they'd never tweet "we're so lost & we're gonna' die (& type a phone #) & say "get somebody".
So what's your theory about why long term (but moved on to a different college) buddy PF say that was just kids being silly---there's nothing to it. And then only a few minutes later, TB never opens PF's snapchat & winds up brutally murdered?
Why would PF link it to Call of Duty & just a silly game?

Okay, so I have the memory of a goat. Are you sure it was PF who was the one who linked the tweet to Call of Duty?
Ok I’ma gonna put a theory out there, and peck away! All my opinion only:
TB and a friend are driven to Moorhead to buy party supplies. They are dropped off to make the buy with a plan for the ride to return when notified (ride doesn’t completely leave Moorhead however). The seller is gang affiliated. A disagreement and scuffle ensues, and the friends phone is damaged/lost/taken, but TB and the friend get the best of the individual or at least get away (this may be when the friends phone gets lost and perhaps they take off with the party supplies without paying). A tweet is placed on TB’s phone to request the pickup and a ping is created. Ride arrives and off they go, but are followed or vehicle is recognized. TB’s hometown friend sees the lost tweet and snapchats TB in response to it while on the ride to Fargo. TB responds in an assuring manner that all is fine. They return to the party, and party supplies are consumed and last snapchat ignored due to partying/consuming, and excitedly discussing what had happened over the course of the next two hours. TB leaves to go back to the dorm, without remaining party supplies and without others money. Gang affiliates are waiting, and grab him off the street, and his shoe comes off during the struggle, but is grabbed and placed in the vehicle. He is transported to where he is killed. His phone is taken. He is placed in a specific area where he can be found (to send a message so to speak). The shoe and phone are discarded. Anyone that knows anything about what had happened is scared understandably.
if not, then the CI theory.
I've taken my eggs out of the refrigerator, and placed 5 on the first theory above, and 3 on the second theory, and I'm reserving 4 eggs in case I change my mind or someone can convince me otherwise (plus I may get hungry).
Ok I’ma gonna put a theory out there, and peck away! All my opinion only:
TB and a friend are driven to Moorhead to buy party supplies. They are dropped off to make the buy with a plan for the ride to return when notified (doesn’t leave Moorhead however). The seller is gang affiliated. A disagreement and scuffle ensues, and the friends phone is damaged or lost, but TB and the friend get the best of the individual or at least get away (this may be when the friends phone gets lost and perhaps they take off with the party supplies without paying). A tweet is placed on TB’s phone to request the pickup and a ping is created. Ride arrives and off they go, but are followed or vehicle is recognized. TB’s hometown friend sees the lost tweet and snapchats TB in response to it while on the ride to Fargo. TB responds in an assuring manner that all is fine. They return to the party, and party supplies are consumed and last snapchat ignored due to partying/consuming, and excitedly discussing what had happened over the course of the next two hours. TB leaves to go back to the dorm, without remaining party supplies and without others money. Gang affiliates are waiting, and grab him off the street, and his shoe comes off during the struggle. He is transported to where he is killed. His phone is taken. He is placed in a specific area to send a message so to speak. Anyone that knows anything about what had happened is scared understandably.
if not, then the CI theory.
I've taken my eggs out of the refrigerator, and placed 5 on the first theory above, and 3 on the second theory, and I'm reserving 4 eggs in case I change my mind or someone can convince me otherwise (plus I may get hungry).

I like theory #1 and would put at least one egg on it and maybe as many as 4. The only part of it that I might change is the part about the gang affiliates are waiting and grab him off the street (not that I can think of a better explanation off the top of my head). I would just question if gang members would hang around for hours waiting for someone to leave and walk home. I don't think they would have that kind of patience. But all in all, a very good theory. (If you get hungry and want to use your extra eggs for food, I'd love some french toast).
I like theory #1 and would put at least one egg on it and maybe as many as 4. The only part of it that I might change is the part about the gang affiliates are waiting and grab him off the street (not that I can think of a better explanation off the top of my head). I would just question if gang members would hang around for hours waiting for someone to leave and walk home. I don't think they would have that kind of patience. But all in all, a very good theory. (If you get hungry and want to use your extra eggs for food, I'd love some french toast).
They could have been circling around Fargo looking for the vehicle, and when they spotted it, then they waited. If the individual(s) was hurt from the altercation or felt robbed, that could potentially cause the willingness to wait. Maybe needed to answer to above why goods were gone with no reward? When no goods remained, or reward....much anger, and possibly anger due to being hurt earlier also.
Ok I’ma gonna put a theory out there, and peck away! All my opinion only:
TB and a friend are driven to Moorhead to buy party supplies. They are dropped off to make the buy with a plan for the ride to return when notified (ride doesn’t completely leave Moorhead however). The seller is gang affiliated. A disagreement and scuffle ensues, and the friends phone is damaged/lost/taken, but TB and the friend get the best of the individual or at least get away (this may be when the friends phone gets lost and perhaps they take off with the party supplies without paying). A tweet is placed on TB’s phone to request the pickup and a ping is created. Ride arrives and off they go, but are followed or vehicle is recognized. TB’s hometown friend sees the lost tweet and snapchats TB in response to it while on the ride to Fargo. TB responds in an assuring manner that all is fine. They return to the party, and party supplies are consumed and last snapchat ignored due to partying/consuming, and excitedly discussing what had happened over the course of the next two hours. TB leaves to go back to the dorm, without remaining party supplies and without others money. Gang affiliates are waiting, and grab him off the street, and his shoe comes off during the struggle, but is grabbed and placed in the vehicle. He is transported to where he is killed. His phone is taken. He is placed in a specific area where he can be found (to send a message so to speak). The shoe and phone are discarded. Anyone that knows anything about what had happened is scared understandably.
if not, then the CI theory.
I've taken my eggs out of the refrigerator, and placed 5 on the first theory above, and 3 on the second theory, and I'm reserving 4 eggs in case I change my mind or someone can convince me otherwise (plus I may get hungry).

Honestly, there isn't much pecking to do on that theory. I like your thinking. Very logical. All theories involve some assumptions, but that one connects pretty well to the facts we do know. Tell you what...I'll bring some potatoes and corned beef, and we'll have some corned beef hash and eggs. I'll take my eggs over easy.
It appears so!

Finally! ;)
Or will I get put on "time out" again if I ask others that post their ideas or "feelings" to stay on track with factual information that is publicly known?

LE has stated they may never release the official autopsy results. I question this as many do... But if they had a suspect in their sight even a month ago, there would have been a press release or arrest by now. FBI was involved very quickly (state lines I assume) But it sure happened fast compared to other homicides in the last few years that also had questionable "missing and located confirmed homicides" Just My Own Personal Observation as a Resident of ND... The Majority of our LE in ND is very competent and well trained and very few cases go unsolved. "hit and runs" do seem to be a problem recently and a few remain unsolved. (A toddler killed by a passing vehicle in front of her mother in Minot is a good one to put on the table) That one still remains "unsolved" even with surveillance pictures and witness's on scene.

My 2$?

1)Either LE has no clue what happened to this Amazing young Man and that is why they are blaming the media for not asking for a press release..
2)The Media is going overboard not reporting anything LE provides them out of respect to the family.
3)Releasing the details of this young Man's autopsy could interfere with a future court case... or it might be detrimental to his legacy and memory for his Family, Friends and Community.

If I don't get put on "time out" again... I will address a few other things on my mind in a considerate way.
"says there IS campus video of Bearson which NDSU police are looking over now"
"there is no CONFIRMED video of Bearson" [/COLOR]

I apologize for failing at the internet and needing to copy/past a comment from a previous thread.

When Tom was reported as missing and the "media" finally picked it up and ran with it... There was indeed a "screen shot" of of a young man with a back pack... I cant remember if is was Valley news, WDAY or some other media source. (the screen shot was removed shorty after) It was never a video... just a screen grab. I remember actually screaming at the screen saying... "are you kidding me??? That is a "screen grab of AS! Not TB !" It was deleted shortly after others pointed it out on the facebook page of the news site in question. ( I suppose other stations might have used this "screen shot" as well) and that may have led to assumptions and confusion. All facebook posts were deleted as well.

Not picking on the media either... they are doing their best to balance their readers/viewers. It is just a no win situation these days. When they report crime or "bad things" that some perceive as offensive ... You get a few wanting to stick their fingers in the ears and go "la,la,la..I only want to hear about good things! like Butterflies and Sun shine! Stop reporting stuff like News that might make me feel bad"

Bottom line... an Amazing young Man died and LE has stated he died of Homicidal violence. I respect and trust LE on this to a point. And I suppose Tom's family has their own reasons to stay mute as well.. But to keep a community and parents of other NDSU students worried and fearful about safety, just leads to rumor and speculation. Not very reassuring or comforting to those of us with ties or family in that area. (Just my personal observation)
Okay, so I have the memory of a goat. Are you sure it was PF who was the one who linked the tweet to Call of Duty?

Yes, it was PF. And other trap boys downplayed the significance of the "lost" tweet because TB was seen back at the trap after that, I believe that's what I read.
Finally! ;)
Or will I get put on "time out" again if I ask others that post their ideas or "feelings" to stay on track with factual information that is publicly known?

LE has stated they may never release the official autopsy results. I question this as many do... But if they had a suspect in their sight even a month ago, there would have been a press release or arrest by now. FBI was involved very quickly (state lines I assume) But it sure happened fast compared to other homicides in the last few years that also had questionable "missing and located confirmed homicides" Just My Own Personal Observation as a Resident of ND... The Majority of our LE in ND is very competent and well trained and very few cases go unsolved. "hit and runs" do seem to be a problem recently and a few remain unsolved. (A toddler killed by a passing vehicle in front of her mother in Minot is a good one to put on the table) That one still remains "unsolved" even with surveillance pictures and witness's on scene.

My 2$?

1)Either LE has no clue what happened to this Amazing young Man and that is why they are blaming the media for not asking for a press release..
2)The Media is going overboard not reporting anything LE provides them out of respect to the family.
3)Releasing the details of this young Man's autopsy could interfere with a future court case... or it might be detrimental to his legacy and memory for his Family, Friends and Community.

If I don't get put on "time out" again... I will address a few other things on my mind in a considerate way.

Bison....many of us have gotten a little "vacation" from time to time so no biggie, ok?
Also, you state that you want us to stay on track with what is factually known & yet you then lay out your theories (which is not about what is factually known). Sadly, this case leaves us to speculate & hypothesize due to an unusual level of quietness from LE/friends, etc.
We do lay out our theories here & we sleuth.
I think what could offend peeps here is if a newbie poster with only a few posts (meaning they haven't followed a lot of cases) starts reprimanding or scolding excellent posters---well, it could be viewed as insulting. We are all respectful of eachother here.

I say, sleuth away without too much poster censorship from other posters---or anything that sounds dismissive to anyone here.
The Mods take care of that if anyone violates the TOS.
Hope you don't mind this post. ;)

Very interesting about the screenshot! That makes three now that believe that they saw it. I wonder how many more? Very interesting.... Maybe it was a sell instead of a buy? Wonder, wonder, wonder :thinking:
Very interesting about the screenshot! That makes three now that believe that they saw it. I wonder how many more? Very interesting.... Maybe it was a sell instead of a buy? Wonder, wonder, wonder :thinking:

The interesting thing about IF a video/screenshot exists of TB is that if it does & is now a big top-secret thing, it screams of a coverup of some kind. If no coverup, whats the harm in releasing a video or camera picture of Tom leaving the residential hall? Unless, of course, his backpack wasn't his normal backpack but a strange one that one would use if they were on some sort of undercover mission. Or something along those lines. Just sayin'
The interesting thing about IF a video/screenshot exists of TB is that if it does & is now a big top-secret thing, it screams of a coverup of some kind. If no coverup, whats the harm in releasing a video or camera picture of Tom leaving the residential hall? Unless, of course, his backpack wasn't his normal backpack but a strange one that one would use if they were on some sort of undercover mission. Or something along those lines. Just sayin'
That crossed my mind also. And it also crossed my mind, that NDSU is just wanting to avoid any publicity of the two cases appearing to be common, considering the media coverage with AS. Like a public relations (PR) type of move, they got a college and its reputation to protect?
Considering my previous theory #1: If the Moorhead meeting was a sell instead of a buy, and a gang affiliate became aware of someone selling on his turf, and attempted to rob instead of buy, from there the theory remains the same, with the exception that the reason to follow or look for the vehicle, and spotted TB walking later, was with the intent to still rob him of his goods?
Ok I’ma gonna put a theory out there, and peck away! All my opinion only:
TB and a friend are driven to Moorhead to buy party supplies. They are dropped off to make the buy with a plan for the ride to return when notified (ride doesn’t completely leave Moorhead however). The seller is gang affiliated. A disagreement and scuffle ensues, and the friends phone is damaged/lost/taken, but TB and the friend get the best of the individual or at least get away (this may be when the friends phone gets lost and perhaps they take off with the party supplies without paying). A tweet is placed on TB’s phone to request the pickup and a ping is created. Ride arrives and off they go, but are followed or vehicle is recognized. TB’s hometown friend sees the lost tweet and snapchats TB in response to it while on the ride to Fargo. TB responds in an assuring manner that all is fine. They return to the party, and party supplies are consumed and last snapchat ignored due to partying/consuming, and excitedly discussing what had happened over the course of the next two hours. TB leaves to go back to the dorm, without remaining party supplies and without others money. Gang affiliates are waiting, and grab him off the street, and his shoe comes off during the struggle, but is grabbed and placed in the vehicle. He is transported to where he is killed. His phone is taken. He is placed in a specific area where he can be found (to send a message so to speak). The shoe and phone are discarded. Anyone that knows anything about what had happened is scared understandably.
if not, then the CI theory.
I've taken my eggs out of the refrigerator, and placed 5 on the first theory above, and 3 on the second theory, and I'm reserving 4 eggs in case I change my mind or someone can convince me otherwise (plus I may get hungry).

:silly: That line just makes me LOL. (bbm).

Today, I happen to be in a fabulous mood. I shall take two of my eggs and place them in this basket. I think this certainly is a logical idea.
The interesting thing about IF a video/screenshot exists of TB is that if it does & is now a big top-secret thing, it screams of a coverup of some kind. If no coverup, whats the harm in releasing a video or camera picture of Tom leaving the residential hall? Unless, of course, his backpack wasn't his normal backpack but a strange one that one would use if they were on some sort of undercover mission. Or something along those lines. Just sayin'

You get a half a dozen eggs for this. Everytime I'm focusing in the direction of the fight/drug deal gone bad I'm again pulled back to this video thing.
You get a half a dozen eggs for this. Everytime I'm focusing in the direction of the fight/drug deal gone bad I'm again pulled back to this video thing.

Was there an altercation with campus security? <------------(That right there is a real possibility).

Has that question been posed yet?
Please embellish, I'm a little slow on the uptake this morning (haven't had my full quota of coffee intake quite yet).
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