NE NE - Jason Jolkowski, 19, Omaha, 13 Jun 2001 - #3

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You bring up a valid about Jason's abilities. My son is HFA, and I have to remind myself not to have preconceived notions about what he can and can't do, or how he will behave in a situation, based on what I've observed of him in the past. He's surprised me a few times. One that stands out is my belief he'd never wander off, as he never did as a small child. But in high school, I found out he sometimes took walks in the woods behind our house without telling us, while we were at work. He never said anything. I found out by accident one time he didn't answer the house phone. If he'd gotten lost, it never would have occurred to me to even look in the woods for him. Instead, I'd be adamant he'd never wander off, that it would have had to be an abduction. And I would've been wrong. Lesson learned there. If he takes a walk now, he knows to leave a note now, and why.
I been studying this case for 5 years now and I don't think a neighbour lured him in as most people in this forum assume, let's just assume a perverted neighbour who was familiar with Jason saw him randomly and quickly got out his door to lure him in with "I need help with something can you come in" and Jason enters how would this neighbour tackle a 6 foot tall guy? and would the neighbour really have a gun readily with him in that moment? what if his gun is hidden somewhere? let's just assume he hit Jason with a big object wouldn't someone see a strange guy carry something massive? I'm just not convinced the more I read about his case. I just don't think it was a random opportunist I feel like it was planned due to his circimstance and I honestly have a feeling the restaurant Jason worked at is not being honest. What are the odds on that specific day his timetable changes he vanishes without a single trace? just because the staff members where cleared does not mean they're completely innocent. I just wish we knew how Jason was in that restaurant maybe he saw something? I also think he could have met with someone he trusted hence why Jason may have told his colleague to meet him at school, that's ofcourse if it was Jason idea. This is just my personal opinion ofcourse anything could have happened to Jason.
I honestly have a feeling the restaurant Jason worked at is not being honest. What are the odds on that specific day his timetable changes he vanishes without a single trace? just because the staff members where cleared does not mean they're completely innocent. I just wish we knew how Jason was in that restaurant maybe he saw something? I also think he could have met with someone he trusted hence why Jason may have told his colleague to meet him at school, that's ofcourse if it was Jason idea. This is just my personal opinion ofcourse anything could have happened to Jason.

I'm mixed about Fazoli's involvement. On the one hand it is a huge coincidence as you say, but on the other it just seems strange that they would make it so obvious that they were the ones who lured him out.It's pretty believable that they did need him to come in and cover, because that's just the nature of the food industry. I know the identities of 2 people who worked with Jason there- the girl who was supposed to pick him up, and another guy who was a couple years younger. Judging by that, it seems that most people there might have been teenagers; they hardly seem like criminal masterminds. Not sure how old the manager was at the time, or even who he was, but I find it hard to believe that he would conspire with a teenager to kill one of his employees, and definitely find it hard to believe that at least one person wouldn't talk. If someone(s) at Fazoli's did come up with this plan, they would have had to be certain that 1) Jason didn't have his car and 2) Jason's parents weren't around to give him a lift- either of those things would have ruined it. And if it was a plan of interception, why even bother with a meeting point. Jason was willing to walk the whole way, so why not just go out and pick him up at any point on the route.
I'm mixed about Fazoli's involvement. On the one hand it is a huge coincidence as you say, but on the other it just seems strange that they would make it so obvious that they were the ones who lured him out.It's pretty believable that they did need him to come in and cover, because that's just the nature of the food industry. I know the identities of 2 people who worked with Jason there- the girl who was supposed to pick him up, and another guy who was a couple years younger. Judging by that, it seems that most people there might have been teenagers; they hardly seem like criminal masterminds. Not sure how old the manager was at the time, or even who he was, but I find it hard to believe that he would conspire with a teenager to kill one of his employees, and definitely find it hard to believe that at least one person wouldn't talk. If someone(s) at Fazoli's did come up with this plan, they would have had to be certain that 1) Jason didn't have his car and 2) Jason's parents weren't around to give him a lift- either of those things would have ruined it. And if it was a plan of interception, why even bother with a meeting point. Jason was willing to walk the whole way, so why not just go out and pick him up at any point on the route.
The only option in my opinion is him meeting up with someone along the way he knew personally which is why it was crucial to have checked his phone logs and what sort of websites he surfed on the net. This whole case screams planned.
Something that bothers me, besides poor Jason is still out there, is no one did anything for 10 days, not even a missing person flyer hung on a couple of telephone poles in the neighborhood. So what people saw or didn't see that day had plenty of time to fade into the background and become a vague, possibly inaccurate, memory.
It still doesn't beat the theory that Jason was mauled to death by a neighbour's dog, so the neighbour hid the body to protect his pooch. That was unironically posted on here. :eek:

Crazy to think it could be something as simple (though mind you, horrific) as a dog attack.

I truly hope he's found someday.
Out of curiosity - does anyone know why ProjectJason seems to be gone? The website expired awhile ago, and the Twitter has been dormant since 2016.
Kelly moved to Washington and seems to have a new husband (or bf?) and a new life. Best guess is that she just has too much going on now to invest time into it anymore.
Out of curiosity - does anyone know why ProjectJason seems to be gone? The website expired awhile ago, and the Twitter has been dormant since 2016.

Per one of the 20th anniversary articles, Kelly retired from Project Jason a couple of years ago, which must have resulted in its dissolution. I found no announcements of it being disbanded. It was just simply gone.
Kelly moved to Washington and seems to have a new husband (or bf?) and a new life. Best guess is that she just has too much going on now to invest time into it anymore.

I would say add to that that it is also probably too painful and too non-productive to continue with having to go over the same few clues over and over with people on the internet IMO.
I been studying this case for 5 years now and I don't think a neighbour lured him in as most people in this forum assume, let's just assume a perverted neighbour who was familiar with Jason saw him randomly and quickly got out his door to lure him in with "I need help with something can you come in" and Jason enters how would this neighbour tackle a 6 foot tall guy? and would the neighbour really have a gun readily with him in that moment? what if his gun is hidden somewhere? let's just assume he hit Jason with a big object wouldn't someone see a strange guy carry something massive? I'm just not convinced the more I read about his case. I just don't think it was a random opportunist I feel like it was planned due to his circimstance and I honestly have a feeling the restaurant Jason worked at is not being honest. What are the odds on that specific day his timetable changes he vanishes without a single trace? just because the staff members where cleared does not mean they're completely innocent. I just wish we knew how Jason was in that restaurant maybe he saw something? I also think he could have met with someone he trusted hence why Jason may have told his colleague to meet him at school, that's ofcourse if it was Jason idea. This is just my personal opinion ofcourse anything could have happened to Jason.

I don't think most people on this forum necessarily assume the perverted neighbour angle, it is more of one theory that comes and goes as we try to figure out what happened to JJ. And as another poster mentioned, JJ's long walks could be key, although I don't know that they were a more recent thing for Jason to do or if he had that habit for many years. It would certainly be interesting to see all the LE files on this case, if the parents were so inclined to try and do what Jennifer Kesse's parents did and take over the case of their missing daughter. I don't know if cold case investigators or a PI would have any kind of leeway to view police files. I know that here in Canada it would be a no-go.
Forgive my cynicism, but so much time has passed, and so much potential ground lost in that crucial first week, that I doubt how much investigators could uncover. If Jason had any internet history of talking to someone that will be long gone. Same with phone records, I would imagine. The only way I could see this being cracked is through a confession or remains found on someone's property.

@MatthewTyler pointed out the absence of friends who turned up for Jason's memorial. And from what I've learned, it doesn't appear that he had a large circle of friends or a particular best pal who he would've confided in. There was never any mention of girlfriends either. It is not exactly unheard of for boys to be groomed by older men, particularly within sports clubs, local churches etc. My gut instinct is pointing me in this direction.
@MatthewTyler pointed out the absence of friends who turned up for Jason's memorial. And from what I've learned, it doesn't appear that he had a large circle of friends or a particular best pal who he would've confided in. There was never any mention of girlfriends either. It is not exactly unheard of for boys to be groomed by older men, particularly within sports clubs, local churches etc. My gut instinct is pointing me in this direction.
I'd still like to know more about the pastor at Holy Name who knew Jason- Fr. Edward Vella. Not sure of the actual date he left Omaha, but it was around late 2001 or early 2002. If someone who attended the church, or even worked at the church was involved, could he have known? I'm not sure if "priest/client confidentiality" is a real thing or if it's out of Law and Order, but if someone were to confess something to him, would he be obligated to report it, or would he face ex-communication? Maybe the solution was to get a transfer. I don't think he was involved himself, because he lived on the church grounds in a dorm style building with other clergy members, so there isn't really many places to commit crimes and hide bodies. I did reach out to the current church he's at in Tuscon, AZ last year asking if there was a way I could get in touch with Fr. Vella (no mention of anything about Omaha or Jason) , but they never responded.
I'd still like to know more about the pastor at Holy Name who knew Jason- Fr. Edward Vella. Not sure of the actual date he left Omaha, but it was around late 2001 or early 2002. If someone who attended the church, or even worked at the church was involved, could he have known? I'm not sure if "priest/client confidentiality" is a real thing or if it's out of Law and Order, but if someone were to confess something to him, would he be obligated to report it, or would he face ex-communication? Maybe the solution was to get a transfer. I don't think he was involved himself, because he lived on the church grounds in a dorm style building with other clergy members, so there isn't really many places to commit crimes and hide bodies. I did reach out to the current church he's at in Tuscon, AZ last year asking if there was a way I could get in touch with Fr. Vella (no mention of anything about Omaha or Jason) , but they never responded.
So Fr. Vella was the priest at Jason’s church? I hadn’t heard of him before. If someone confesses a crime to a priest the priest is not obligated to report it. They are supposed to keep all confessions confidential or “sealed”.
However I think there have been priests who have reported crimes and there may be some gray area there now as opposed to 20 years ago.
Forgive my cynicism, but so much time has passed, and so much potential ground lost in that crucial first week, that I doubt how much investigators could uncover. If Jason had any internet history of talking to someone that will be long gone. Same with phone records, I would imagine. The only way I could see this being cracked is through a confession or remains found on someone's property.

@MatthewTyler pointed out the absence of friends who turned up for Jason's memorial. And from what I've learned, it doesn't appear that he had a large circle of friends or a particular best pal who he would've confided in. There was never any mention of girlfriends either. It is not exactly unheard of for boys to be groomed by older men, particularly within sports clubs, local churches etc. My gut instinct is pointing me in this direction.

I don't know about retrieving internet usage information or cell phone records from 2001, but I do know that the landline phone records *might* be able to be retrieved, even from 20 years ago. I say might, because it would depend on if the local phone company kept their legacy billing system and if they have someone who knows how to retrieve the data. It would also require a subpoena.
When my company updated our billing system, the old electronic tapes storing call data were run in error, resulting in long time customers getting billed for calls from as far back as 1967. So, the information is stored somewhere, but retrieving it is another matter.
I'm thinking Omaha PD would have requested those records in the beginning, including local usage detail if they didn't have measured service, though.
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I'm mixed about Fazoli's involvement. On the one hand it is a huge coincidence as you say, but on the other it just seems strange that they would make it so obvious that they were the ones who lured him out.It's pretty believable that they did need him to come in and cover, because that's just the nature of the food industry. I know the identities of 2 people who worked with Jason there- the girl who was supposed to pick him up, and another guy who was a couple years younger. Judging by that, it seems that most people there might have been teenagers; they hardly seem like criminal masterminds. Not sure how old the manager was at the time, or even who he was, but I find it hard to believe that he would conspire with a teenager to kill one of his employees, and definitely find it hard to believe that at least one person wouldn't talk. If someone(s) at Fazoli's did come up with this plan, they would have had to be certain that 1) Jason didn't have his car and 2) Jason's parents weren't around to give him a lift- either of those things would have ruined it. And if it was a plan of interception, why even bother with a meeting point. Jason was willing to walk the whole way, so why not just go out and pick him up at any point on the route.

Sorry, new here, but this case has bothered me for a long time. I'm from Omaha...actually about the same age Jason would be now. I think about this case from time to time. <modsnip>
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Sorry, new here, but this case has bothered me for a long time. I'm from Omaha...actually about the same age Jason would be now. I think about this case from time to time. <modsnip>

All we know is what Jason's mother said about his coworkers, that they were interviewed several times and ruled out as having anything to do with Jason's disappearance. She didn't say why anyone in particular was, only that they were.
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@Discogomerx Please contact law enforcement with this. We can't discuss particular people like this until they have been named as POIs or suspects by law enforcement. But I think what you are saying is a tip they would want to review carefully. IMO.
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